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META-INF.resources.primefaces.core.core.dialog.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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if (!PrimeFaces.dialog) {

     * The object with functionality related to working with dialogs and the dialog framework.
     * @namespace
     * @interface {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfg} DialogHandlerCfg Interface of the configuration object for a
     * dialog of the dialog framework. Used by `PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.openDialog`.
     * @prop {Partial} DialogHandlerCfg.options The options for the dialog.
     * @prop {string} DialogHandlerCfg.pfdlgcid PrimeFaces dialog client ID.
     * @prop {string} DialogHandlerCfg.sourceComponentId ID of the dialog.
     * @prop {string} DialogHandlerCfg.sourceWidgetVar Widget variable of the dialog.
     * @prop {string} DialogHandlerCfg.url Source URL for the IFRAME element with the dialog.
     * @interface {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfgOptions} DialogHandlerCfgOptions Interface of the dialog
     * configuration object for a dialog of the dialog framework. Used by `PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfg`. This is
     * mainly just the `PrimeFaces.widget.DialogCfg`, but adds a few more properties.
     * @extends {PrimeFaces.widget.DialogCfg} DialogHandlerCfgOptions
     * @prop {number} DialogHandlerCfgOptions.contentHeight Height of the IFRAME in pixels.
     * @prop {number} DialogHandlerCfgOptions.contentWidth Width of the IFRAME in pixels.
     * @prop {string} DialogHandlerCfgOptions.headerElement ID of the header element of the dialog.
     * @interface {PrimeFaces.dialog.ExtendedConfirmDialogMessage} ExtendedConfirmDialogMessage An extended confirmation
     * message with an additional `source` attribute for specifying the source component or form.
     * @extends {PrimeFaces.widget.ConfirmDialog.ConfirmDialogMessage} ExtendedConfirmDialogMessage
     * @prop {string | HTMLElement | JQuery} ExtendedConfirmDialogMessage.source The source component (command button,
     * AJAX callback etc) that triggered the confirmation. When a string, it is interpreted as the client ID of the
     * component. Otherwise, it must be the main DOM element of the source component.
    PrimeFaces.dialog = {};

     * The interface of the object with all methods for working with dialogs and the dialog framework.
     * @interface {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerObject}
     * @constant {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler} . The object with all methods for dialogs and the dialog framework.
     * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog} messageDialog . Dialog used for showing messages, such as confirmation messages.
    PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler = {

         * Opens the dialog as specified by the given configuration. When the dialog is dynamic, loads the content from
         * the server.
         * @param {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfg} cfg Configuration of the dialog.
        openDialog: function(cfg) {
            var rootWindow = this.findRootWindow(),
            dialogId = cfg.sourceComponentId + '_dlg';

            if(rootWindow.document.getElementById(dialogId)) {

            // The widget that opens a dialog can be nested inside of a frame which might be nested again.
            // The dialog is put in the outermost frame to be able to fill the whole browser tab,
            // so we traverse upwards to find the root window and put the dialog DOM in there.
            // When a dialog is closed, we need to clean up the global variables and notify the source widget for the dialog return feature.
            // Accessing a component nested within frames requires recursive resolving of frames.
            // Every frame has it's own contentWindow and thus also it's own document object.
            // To be able to access a DOM element from an outer frame, one needs to first resolve the containing frame,
            // and then resolve the element from the contentWindow. With nested frames, nested frame resolving has to be done.
            // In order to do this, we traverse up the window frameElement until we reach the top window.
            // While traversing up, we construct a selector for finding the frameElement from within the parent window.
            // We build up the selectors backwards as we traverse up. Imagine the example
            // --------------------------------------------------
            // | Frame 1                                        |
            // |           -------------------------------      |
            // |           | Frame 1_1                   |      |
            // |           |                             |      |
            // |           |  ------------               |      |
            // |           |  | Button 1 |               |      |
            // |           |  ------------               |      |
            // |           |                             |      |
            // |           -------------------------------      |
            // |------------------------------------------------|
            // | Frame 2                                        |
            // |                                                |
            // |                                                |
            // |                                                |
            // --------------------------------------------------
            // Here "Button 1" is our source widget that opened the dialog.
            // The root window contains two frames "Frame 1" and "Frame 2".
            // The "Frame 1" contains another frame "Frame 1_1" within which the widget lives.
            // Since we have to install the dialog in the root window, we need to be able to get access
            // to the source widget when closing the dialog.
            // The only way to find the DOM node, is by traversing into "Frame 1" then into "Frame 1_1" and look it up there.
            // So from the root window we do e.g. `$(rootWindow.document).find("#frame1").contentWindow` to get into "Frame 1".
            // We do the same to get into "Frame 1_1" e.g. `$(frame1Window.document).find("#frame1_1").contentWindow`.
            // Finally, we can look up the source widget `$(frame1_1Window.document).find("#sourceWidgetId")`.

            var sourceFrames = function() {
                var w = window;
                var sourceFrames = [];
                // Traverse up frameElement i.e. while we are in frames
                while(w.frameElement) {
                    var parent = w.parent;
                    if (parent.PF === undefined) {

                    // Since we traverse DOM elements upwards, we build the selector backwards i.e. from target to source.
                    // This is why we use `unshift` which is like an `addAtIndex(0, object)`.
                    // If an element has an id, we can use that to uniquely identify the DOM element and can jump to the next parent window.
                    // If we can't find an id, we collect class names and the tag name of an element.
                    // If that doesn't uniquely identify an element within it's parent, we also append the node index via the `:eq(index)` selector.
                    // We connect selectors for each DOM element with the `>` operator.
                    var e = w.frameElement;
                    var pieces = [];

                    // Traverse up tags from the frameElement to generate an identifying selector
                    for (; e && e.tagName !== undefined; e = e.parentNode) {
                        if ( && !/\s/.test( {
                            // If we find a parent with an id, we can use that as basis and stop there
                            pieces.unshift(' > ');
                        } else if (e.className) {
                            // Without an id, we try to use a combination of :eq, class names and tag name and hope a parent has an id
                            var classes = e.className.split(' ');
                            var classSelectorPieces = [];
                            for (var i in classes) {
                                if (classes.hasOwnProperty(i) && classes[i]) {

                            var classSelector = classSelectorPieces.join('');
                            var elems = $(e.parentNode).find(classSelector);
                            if (elems.length > 1) {
                                pieces.unshift(":eq(" + elems.index(e) + ")");
                        } else {
                            // Without classes, we try to work with :eq and the tag name
                            var elems = $(e.parentNode).find(e.tagName);
                            if (elems.length > 1) {
                                pieces.unshift(":eq(" + elems.index(e) + ")");
                        pieces.unshift(' > ');

                    var s = pieces.slice(1).join('');

                    w = parent;

                return sourceFrames;

            var dialogWidgetVar = cfg.options.widgetVar;
            if (!dialogWidgetVar) {
                dialogWidgetVar = cfg.sourceComponentId.replace(/:/g, '_') + '_dlgwidget';

            var styleClass = cfg.options.styleClass||'',
            dialogDOM = $('
') .append('
'); var titlebar = dialogDOM.children('.ui-dialog-titlebar'); if(cfg.options.closable !== false) { titlebar.append(''); } if(cfg.options.minimizable) { titlebar.append(''); } if(cfg.options.maximizable) { titlebar.append(''); } var iframeStyleClass = cfg.options.iframeStyleClass||''; dialogDOM.append('
' + '' + '
'); dialogDOM.appendTo(rootWindow.document.body); var dialogFrame = dialogDOM.find('iframe'), symbol = cfg.url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&', frameURL = cfg.url.indexOf('pfdlgcid') === -1 ? cfg.url + symbol + 'pfdlgcid=' + cfg.pfdlgcid: cfg.url, frameWidth = cfg.options.contentWidth||640; dialogFrame.width(frameWidth); if(cfg.options.iframeTitle) { dialogFrame.attr('title', cfg.options.iframeTitle); } dialogFrame.on('load', function() { var $frame = $(this), headerElement = $frame.contents().find('title'), isCustomHeader = false; if(cfg.options.headerElement) { var customHeaderId = PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(cfg.options.headerElement), customHeaderElement = dialogFrame.contents().find(customHeaderId); if(customHeaderElement.length) { headerElement = customHeaderElement; isCustomHeader = true; } } if(!$'initialized')) {, 'DynamicDialog', dialogWidgetVar, { id: dialogId, position: cfg.options.position||'center', sourceFrames: sourceFrames, sourceComponentId: cfg.sourceComponentId, sourceWidgetVar: cfg.sourceWidgetVar, onShow: function() { if (cfg.options.onShow) { var onShowFunction = '(function(ext){' + cfg.options.onShow + '})'; var onShowCallback = rootWindow.PrimeFaces.csp.NONCE_VALUE ? PrimeFaces.csp.evalResult(onShowFunction, rootWindow.PrimeFaces.csp.NONCE_VALUE, rootWindow) : rootWindow.eval(onShowFunction); if (onShowCallback) {; } } }, onHide: function() { if (cfg.options.onHide) { var onHideFunction = '(function(ext){' + cfg.options.onHide + '})'; var onHideCallback = rootWindow.PrimeFaces.csp.NONCE_VALUE ? PrimeFaces.csp.evalResult(onHideFunction, rootWindow.PrimeFaces.csp.NONCE_VALUE, rootWindow) : rootWindow.eval(onHideFunction); if (onHideCallback) {; } } var $dialogWidget = this, dialogFrame = this.content.children('iframe'); if(dialogFrame.get(0).contentWindow.PrimeFaces) { this.destroyIntervalId = setInterval(function() { if(dialogFrame.get(0).contentWindow.PrimeFaces.ajax.Queue.isEmpty()) { clearInterval($dialogWidget.destroyIntervalId); dialogFrame.attr('src','about:blank'); $dialogWidget.jq.remove(); } }, 10); } else { dialogFrame.attr('src','about:blank'); $dialogWidget.jq.remove(); } rootWindow.PrimeFaces.widgets[dialogWidgetVar] = undefined; }, modal: cfg.options.modal, blockScroll: cfg.options.blockScroll, resizable: cfg.options.resizable, hasIframe: true, draggable: cfg.options.draggable, width: cfg.options.width, height: cfg.options.height, minimizable: cfg.options.minimizable, maximizable: cfg.options.maximizable, headerElement: cfg.options.headerElement, responsive: cfg.options.responsive, closeOnEscape: cfg.options.closeOnEscape, focus: cfg.options.focus, fitViewport: cfg.options.fitViewport, resizeObserver: cfg.options.resizeObserver, resizeObserverCenter: cfg.options.resizeObserverCenter }); } var title = rootWindow.PF(dialogWidgetVar).titlebar.children('span.ui-dialog-title'); if(headerElement.length > 0) { if(isCustomHeader) { title.append(headerElement);; } else { title.text(headerElement.text()); } dialogFrame.attr('title', title.text()); } //adjust height var frameHeight = null; if(cfg.options.contentHeight) { frameHeight = cfg.options.contentHeight; } else { var frameBody = $frame.get(0).contentWindow.document.body; var frameBodyStyle = window.getComputedStyle(frameBody); frameHeight = frameBody.scrollHeight + parseFloat(frameBodyStyle.marginTop) + parseFloat(frameBodyStyle.marginBottom); } $frame.css('height', String(frameHeight)); // fix #1290 - dialogs are not centered vertically'initialized', true); rootWindow.PF(dialogWidgetVar).show(); }) .attr('src', frameURL); }, /** * Closes the dialog as specified by the given configuration. * @param {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfg} cfg Configuration of the dialog. */ closeDialog: function(cfg) { var rootWindow = this.findRootWindow(), dlgs = $(rootWindow.document.body).children('div.ui-dialog[data-pfdlgcid="' + $.escapeSelector(cfg.pfdlgcid) +'"]').not('[data-queuedforremoval]'), dlgsLength = dlgs.length, dlg = dlgs.eq(dlgsLength - 1), parentDlg = dlgsLength > 1 ? dlgs.eq(dlgsLength - 2) : null, dialogReturnBehavior = null, windowContext = null; var dlgWidget = rootWindow.PF('widget')); if(!dlgWidget) { // GitHub #2039 dialog may already be closed on slow internet PrimeFaces.error('Dialog widget was not found to close.'); return; } var sourceWidgetVar = dlgWidget.cfg.sourceWidgetVar, sourceComponentId = dlgWidget.cfg.sourceComponentId; dlg.attr('data-queuedforremoval', true); if(parentDlg) { var parentDlgFrame = parentDlg.find('> .ui-dialog-content > iframe').get(0), windowContext = parentDlgFrame.contentWindow||parentDlgFrame; sourceWidget = windowContext.PF(sourceWidgetVar); } else { // We have to resolve the frames from the root window to the source widget to invoke the dialog return behavior // Each source frame element is a selector. We step into every nested frame until we are in the source widget frame. windowContext = rootWindow; var frames = dlgWidget.cfg.sourceFrames; for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { windowContext = $(windowContext.document).find(frames[i]).get(0).contentWindow; } } if(sourceWidgetVar) { var sourceWidget = windowContext.PF(sourceWidgetVar); dialogReturnBehavior = sourceWidget.cfg.behaviors ? sourceWidget.cfg.behaviors['dialogReturn']: null; } else if(sourceComponentId) { var dialogReturnBehaviorStr = $(windowContext.document.getElementById(sourceComponentId)).data('dialogreturn'); if(dialogReturnBehaviorStr) { var dialogFunction = '(function(ext){this.' + dialogReturnBehaviorStr + '})'; if (windowContext.PrimeFaces.csp.NONCE_VALUE) { dialogReturnBehavior = PrimeFaces.csp.evalResult(dialogFunction, windowContext.PrimeFaces.csp.NONCE_VALUE, windowContext); } else { dialogReturnBehavior = windowContext.eval(dialogFunction); } } } if(dialogReturnBehavior) { var ext = { params: [ {name: sourceComponentId + '_pfdlgcid', value: cfg.pfdlgcid} ] };, ext); } dlgWidget.hide(); }, /** * Displays a message in the messages dialog. * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.ConfirmDialog.ConfirmDialogMessage} msg Details of the message to show. */ showMessageInDialog: function(msg) { if(!this.messageDialog) { $('
') .append('
' + '
' + '
') .appendTo(document.body);'Dialog', 'primefacesmessagedialog', { id: 'primefacesmessagedlg', modal:true, draggable: false, resizable: false, showEffect: 'fade', hideEffect: 'fade' }); this.messageDialog = PF('primefacesmessagedialog'); this.messageDialog.titleContainer = this.messageDialog.titlebar.children('span.ui-dialog-title'); } var escape = msg.escape !== false; var summaryHtml = msg.summary ? msg.summary.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/g).map(function(line) { return escape ? PrimeFaces.escapeHTML(line) : line; }).join("
") : ""; this.messageDialog.titleContainer.html(summaryHtml); var detailHtml = msg.detail ? msg.detail.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/g).map(function(line) { return escape ? PrimeFaces.escapeHTML(line) : line; }).join("
") : ""; this.messageDialog.content.html('').append('') .append('` to be available on the current page. * @param {PrimeFaces.dialog.ExtendedConfirmDialogMessage} msg Message to show in the confirmation dialog. */ confirm: function(msg) { if (PrimeFaces.confirmDialog) { PrimeFaces.confirmSource = (typeof(msg.source) === 'string') ? $(PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(msg.source)) : $(msg.source); PrimeFaces.confirmDialog.showMessage(msg); } else { PrimeFaces.warn('No global confirmation dialog available.'); } }, /** * Returns the current window instance. When inside an iframe, returns the window instance of the topmost * document. * @return {Window} The root window instance. */ findRootWindow: function() { // Note that the determination of the sourceFrames is tightly coupled to the same traversing logic, so keep both in sync var w = window; while(w.frameElement) { var parent = w.parent; if (parent.PF === undefined) { break; } w = parent; }; return w; } }; }

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