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META-INF.resources.primefaces.organigram.organigram.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 14.0.0
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 * __PrimeFaces Organigram Widget__
 * Organigram is a data component to display an organizational hierarchy.
 * @implements {PrimeFaces.widget.ContextMenu.ContextMenuProvider}
 * @prop {boolean} redraw Whether the organigram requires redrawing.
 * @prop {JQuery} source The DOM elements for the source nodes when drawing the lines connecting two nodes.
 * @prop {JQuery} target The DOM elements for the target nodes when drawing the lines connecting two nodes.
 * @prop {number} zoomFactor The current zoom factor of the organigram.
 * @interface {PrimeFaces.widget.OrganigramCfg} cfg The configuration for the {@link  Organigram| Organigram widget}.
 * You can access this configuration via {@link PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.cfg|BaseWidget.cfg}. Please note that this
 * configuration is usually meant to be read-only and should not be modified.
 * @extends {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidgetCfg} cfg
 * @prop {string} cfg.event Base namespace for the events triggered by this widget.
 * @prop {number} cfg.leafNodeConnectorHeight The height of the connector line for leaf nodes.
 * @prop {boolean} cfg.zoom Whether zooming is enabled.
PrimeFaces.widget.Organigram = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({

     * @override
     * @inheritdoc
     * @param {PrimeFaces.PartialWidgetCfg} cfg
    init: function(cfg) {


     * Draws (renders) the organigram with the current nodes.
     * @private
    draw : function() {
        this.source = this.jq.children('ul'); = this.jq.children('div');;

        this.drawNode(this.source.find('li:first').data("rowkey"), this.source.find('li:first'),, 0, 0);


     * Sets up the event listeners for when a node is selected.
     * @private
    setupSelection : function() {
        var widget = this;

        var selectableNodes =".ui-organigram-node.selectable");
        selectableNodes.on("click", function() {
            widget.selectNode(widget, $(this), "select");

        if (this.cfg.autoScrollToSelection === true) {

     * Selects the given organigram node.
     * @private
     * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.Organigram} widget This widget instance. 
     * @param {JQuery} node The node to select, with the class `.ui-organigram-node`. 
     * @param {string} event Name of the event that triggered the selection, usually `select` or `contextmenu`. 
    selectNode : function(widget, node, event) {
        if (!node.hasClass("selected")) {

            if (widget.hasBehavior(event)) {
                var options = {
                    params: [
                                { name: + "_selectNode", value:"rowkey") }
                widget.cfg.behaviors[event].call(widget, options);

     * Sets up the event listeners for dragging and dropping nodes.
     * @private
    setupDragAndDrop : function() {
        var widget = this;

        var nodes =".ui-organigram-node");
        var draggableNodes = nodes.filter(".draggable");
        var droppableNodes = nodes.filter(".droppable");

        var initialDragPosition = {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
            zIndex: 100,
            opacity: 0.7,
            cursor: "move",
            helper: "clone",
            distance: 60,
            revert: "invalid",
            revertDuration: 200,
            snapMode: "inner",
            // overwrite start/drag to support browser scaling/zooming
            start: function(event) {
                initialDragPosition.x = event.clientX;
                initialDragPosition.y = event.clientY;
            drag: function(event, ui) {
                var original = ui.originalPosition;
                var zoomFactor = 1.0;
                if (widget.zoomFactor) {
                    zoomFactor = widget.zoomFactor;
                ui.position = {
                    left: (event.clientX - initialDragPosition.x + original.left) / zoomFactor,
                    top:  (event.clientY - initialDragPosition.y + ) / zoomFactor

            accept: ".ui-organigram-node.draggable",
            activeClass: "drag-active",
            hoverClass: "drop-hover"

        // drop & drop happens in the target dom
        // but moving the actual nodes happens in the source li/ul dom
        // after dropping, we redraw the organigram from the source
        droppableNodes.on("drop", function (event, ui) {

            // lookup target node in source DOM
            var targetId = $(this).data("rowkey");
            var targetLi = widget.source.find("li").filter(function () {
                return $(this).data("rowkey") === targetId;
            var targetUl = targetLi.children("ul");

            // lookup source node in source DOM
            var sourceId ="rowkey");
            var sourceLi = widget.source.find("li").filter(function () {
                return $(this).data("rowkey") === sourceId;
            var sourceUl = sourceLi.parent("ul");

            // ignore the current drop?
            var ignore = false;

            // ignore moving to the current parent
            if ("parent-rowkey") === targetId)
                ignore = true;

            // ignore moving to the direct child
            if ("parent-rowkey") === sourceId)
                ignore = true;

            // ignore moving to childs
            targetLi.parents().each(function() {
                if ($(this).data("parent-rowkey") === sourceId) {
                    ignore = true;
                    return false;

            if (ignore) {
                return false;

            // add new children
            if (targetUl.length > 0) {
            else {
    "); targetLi.children("ul").append(sourceLi); } // remove children if empty if (sourceUl.children().length === 0) { sourceUl.remove(); } // add "leaf" class if the last item was removed from the parent var oldParent = widget.source.find("li").filter(function () { return $(this).data("rowkey") ==="parent-rowkey"); }); if (oldParent.children("ul").length === 0) { oldParent.addClass("leaf"); } // remove leave class if a node was added to a leaf node targetLi.removeClass("leaf"); // update parent"parent-rowkey", targetId); sourceLi.attr("data-parent-rowkey", targetId); // call behavior if (widget.hasBehavior("dragdrop")) { var options = { params: [ { name: + "_dragNode", value: sourceId }, { name: + "_dropNode", value: targetId } ] }; widget.cfg.behaviors["dragdrop"].call(widget, options); } widget.redraw = true; }); // redraw from source after drop draggableNodes.on("dragstop", function (event, ui) { // redraw only if the item was dropped successfully if (widget.redraw) { widget.draw(); widget.redraw = false; } }); }, /** * Sets up the buttons for the global controls, such as the buttons for zooming in and out. * @private */ setupControls : function() { var widget = this; if (this.cfg.zoom) { this.jq.children(".controls").remove(); var controls = $("
    ").appendTo(this.jq); var controlsTable = $("
    ").appendTo(controls); if (!this.zoomFactor) { this.zoomFactor = 1.0; } else { this.zoom(this.zoomFactor); } var zoomIn = $("
    ").appendTo(controlsTable); zoomIn.on("click", function() { widget.zoomFactor += 0.1; widget.zoom(widget.zoomFactor); }); var zoomOut = $("
    ").appendTo(controlsTable); zoomOut.on("click", function() { widget.zoomFactor -= 0.1; widget.zoom(widget.zoomFactor); }); } }, /** * Applies the given zoom factor (scaling) to the organigram. * * @param {number} zoom The zoom factor. Must be a positive number. `1.0` means no zoom, `2.0` means zoomed-in, * `0.5` means zoomed-out. */ zoom : function(zoom) { var element =">:first-child"); element.css("-moz-transform", "scale(" + zoom + ")"); element.css("-moz-transform-origin", "0 0"); element.css("-o-transform", "scale(" + zoom + ")"); element.css("-o-transform-origin", "0 0"); element.css("-webkit-transform", "scale(" + zoom + ")"); element.css("-webkit-transform-origin", "0 0"); element.css("transform", "scale(" + zoom + ")"); element.css("transform-origin", "0 0"); }, /** * Draws the given organigram node. * @private * @param {string} parentRowKey Row key of the node to draw. * @param {JQuery} nodeSource Element of the node to draw. * @param {JQuery} appendTo Element to which the node is appended. * @param {number} level Nesting level of the node. */ drawNode : function(parentRowKey, nodeSource, appendTo, level) { var childNodes = nodeSource.children("ul:first").children("li"); var isLastLevel = childNodes.length === 0; // clone node content - ignore subnodes var nodeContent = nodeSource.clone() .children("ul,li") .remove() .end() .html(); var node = $("
    "); // copy class and style from source node.attr("class", nodeSource.attr("class")); node.attr("style", nodeSource.attr("style")); // styling node.addClass("ui-organigram-node"); node.addClass("level-" + level); // set metadata node.attr("data-level", level); node.attr("data-rowkey","rowkey")); node.attr("data-parent-rowkey", parentRowKey); // top icons var topIconContainer = $("
    ").appendTo(node); if ("icon")) { var icon = $("
    ").appendTo(topIconContainer); icon.addClass("icon")); var iconPos ="icon-pos"); if (iconPos && (iconPos === "left" || iconPos === "right")) { icon.addClass("icon-pos")); } } // content node.append(nodeContent); // bottom icons var bottomIconContainer = $("
    ").appendTo(node); // we don't need to render a table in the last level as it can't have further childs if (isLastLevel) { appendTo.append(node); } else if (childNodes.length > 0) { var table = $("
    ").appendTo(appendTo); var row = $("").appendTo(table); var leafChildNodes = childNodes.filter(".leaf:not(.skip-leaf)"); var nonLeafChildNodes = childNodes.filter(":not(.leaf),.skip-leaf"); var childNodeCount = nonLeafChildNodes.length; if (leafChildNodes && leafChildNodes.length > 0) { childNodeCount += 1; } var cell = $("").appendTo(row); cell.append(node); this.addExpander(nodeSource, node, bottomIconContainer); this.drawLines(childNodeCount, table); this.drawChildNodes("rowkey"), leafChildNodes, nonLeafChildNodes, table, level); // handle initial collapsed state if (nodeSource.hasClass("collapsed")) { var collapsedIcon = "ui-icon-plusthick"; if ("collapsed-icon")) { collapsedIcon ="collapsed-icon"); } var expandedIcon = "ui-icon-minusthick"; if ("expanded-icon")) { expandedIcon ="expanded-icon"); } // hide childs row.nextAll("tr").hide(); // switch expander icons node.find(".expander").removeClass(expandedIcon).addClass(collapsedIcon); } else { if (!nodeSource.hasClass("expanded")) { node.addClass("expanded"); } } } }, /** * Adds an expander button for expanding or collapsing the given node. * @private * @param {JQuery} nodeSource Node to use as a source. * @param {JQuery} node Node to collapse and expand. * @param {JQuery} bottomIconContainer Container element to which the expander button is added. */ addExpander : function(nodeSource, node, bottomIconContainer) { if (node.hasClass("collapsible")) { var collapsedIcon ="collapsed-icon") ?"collapsed-icon") : "ui-icon-plusthick"; var expandedIcon ="expanded-icon") ?"expanded-icon") : "ui-icon-minusthick"; var initialIcon = node.hasClass("collapsed") ? collapsedIcon : expandedIcon; var widget = this; var expander = $("
    ").appendTo(bottomIconContainer); expander.on("click", function (e) { // reinit dom references - they are lost sometimes var expander = $(this); var node = expander.closest(".ui-organigram-node"); var row = node.closest("tr"); if (node.hasClass("collapsed")) { node.removeClass("collapsed").addClass("expanded"); expander.removeClass(collapsedIcon).addClass(expandedIcon); row.nextAll("tr").show(); // maintain state in source nodeSource.removeClass("collapsed"); // call behavior if (widget.hasBehavior("expand")) { var options = { params: [ { name: + "_expandNode", value:"rowkey") } ] }; widget.cfg.behaviors["expand"].call(widget, options); } } else { node.removeClass("expanded").addClass("collapsed"); expander.removeClass(expandedIcon).addClass(collapsedIcon); row.nextAll("tr").hide(); // maintain state in source nodeSource.addClass("collapsed"); // call behavior if (widget.hasBehavior("collapse")) { var options = { params: [ { name: + '_collapseNode', value:"rowkey") } ] }; widget.cfg.behaviors["collapse"].call(widget, options); } } // avoid bubbling to the parent select click handler e.stopPropagation(); }); } }, /** * Draws the lines connecting the nodes. * @private * @param {number} childNodeCount Number of children in the sub table. * @param {JQuery} table The DOM element for the sub table for which to draw the children. */ drawLines : function(childNodeCount, table) { // draw vertical row var verticalColspan = childNodeCount * 2; var verticalRow = $("").appendTo(table); var verticalCell = $("").appendTo(verticalRow); verticalCell.append($("
    ")); // draw horizontal row/cells var horizontalRow = $("").appendTo(table); for (var i = 0; i < childNodeCount; i++) { horizontalRow.append($("")); horizontalRow.append($("")); } // remove the line from the first and last cell horizontalRow.find("td:first").removeClass("top"); horizontalRow.find("td:last").removeClass("top"); }, /** * Draws the child nodes of the given parent node. * @private * @param {string} parentRowKey Row key of the parent node with children to draw. * @param {JQuery} leafChildNodes Children of the parent that are leaf nodes, i.e. do no have any children. * @param {JQuery} nonLeafChildNodes Children of the parent that are not leaf nodes, i.e. do have at least one * child. * @param {JQuery} table The DOM element for the sub table for which to draw the children. * @param {number} level The nesting level of the parent node. */ drawChildNodes : function(parentRowKey, leafChildNodes, nonLeafChildNodes, table, level) { var row = $("").appendTo(table); // draw leaf nodes in a different way if (leafChildNodes && leafChildNodes.length > 0) { var cell = $("").appendTo(row); var leafTable = $("
    ").appendTo(cell); for (var j = 0; j < leafChildNodes.length; j++) { // add connector line if (j !== 0 && this.cfg.leafNodeConnectorHeight > 0) { leafTable.append($("
    ")); } var leafRow = $("<").appendTo(leafTable); var leafCell = $("").appendTo(leafRow); var childNode = $(leafChildNodes[j]); this.drawNode(parentRowKey, childNode, leafCell, level + 1); } } // draw normal nodes for (var i = 0; i < nonLeafChildNodes.length; i++) { var cell = $("").appendTo(row); var childNode = $(nonLeafChildNodes[i]); this.drawNode(parentRowKey, childNode, cell, level + 1); } }, /** * @override * @inheritdoc * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.ContextMenu} menuWidget * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.Organigram} targetWidget * @param {string} targetId * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.ContextMenuCfg} cfg */ bindContextMenu : function(menuWidget, targetWidget, targetId, cfg) { var selector = targetId + " .ui-organigram-node.selectable", event = cfg.event + ".organigram"; if (cfg.nodeType) { selector += "." + cfg.nodeType; } $(document).off(event, selector).on(event, selector, null, function(e) { targetWidget.selectNode(targetWidget, $(this), "contextmenu");; }); }, /** * Scrolls the organigram to the currently selected node, so that the node is in view. */ scrollToSelection : function() { var selection =".ui-organigram-node.selected"); if (selection.length > 0) { var offset = selection.offset();{ scrollTop: , scrollLeft: offset.left },{ easing: 'easeInCirc' },1000); } } });

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