Download jaicore-ea JAR file with all dependencies
jaicore-ea from group ai.libs (version 0.1.3)
A basic project providing basic implementations to use evolutionary algorithms for optimization tasks.
Artifact jaicore-ea
Group ai.libs
Version 0.1.3
Last update 13. June 2019
Tags: project basic evolutionary implementations optimization providing algorithms tasks
Organization not specified
License GPLv3
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies owner-java8, guava, slf4j-api, jaicore-basic, jaicore-components, moeaframework,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group ai.libs
Version 0.1.3
Last update 13. June 2019
Tags: project basic evolutionary implementations optimization providing algorithms tasks
Organization not specified
License GPLv3
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies owner-java8, guava, slf4j-api, jaicore-basic, jaicore-components, moeaframework,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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