gapt.expr.preExpr.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package gapt.expr
import cats.Monad
import cats.instances.either._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import gapt.expr
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.AndC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.EqC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.ExistsC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.ForallC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.ImpC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.MonomorphicLogicalC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.NegC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.OrC
import gapt.expr.ty.{->:, TArr, TBase, TVar, Ty}
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.formats.babel.BabelSignature
import gapt.formats.babel.Notation
import gapt.utils.NameGenerator
import gapt.{expr => real}
import scala.collection.mutable
* Intermediate representation for expressions without explicit types.
* The main application is during parsing: the [[gapt.formats.babel.BabelParser]]
* produces pre-expressions.
* This representation is intended to be as simple as possible, all
* higher-level constructs (such as <-> or ∀) are already desugared
* into simply-typed lambda terms.
* It differs from the "real" lambda calculus in [[gapt.expr]]
* in three major ways:
* 1. There are type meta-variables.
* 1. There are type annotations.
* 1. Free variables, bound variables, and constants are not
* distinguished; they are all stored as "identifiers".
object preExpr {
class MetaTypeIdx {
override def toString = Integer toHexString hashCode() take 3
sealed trait Type
case class BaseType(name: String, params: List[Type]) extends Type
case class ArrType(a: Type, b: Type) extends Type
case class VarType(name: String) extends Type
case class MetaType(idx: MetaTypeIdx) extends Type
def freshMetaType() = MetaType(new MetaTypeIdx)
case class Location(begin: Int, end: Int)
sealed trait Expr
case class LocAnnotation(expr: Expr, loc: Location) extends Expr
case class TypeAnnotation(expr: Expr, ty: Type) extends Expr
case class Ident(name: String, ty: Type, params: Option[List[Type]]) extends Expr
case class Abs(v: Ident, sub: Expr) extends Expr
case class App(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
case class Quoted(e: real.Expr, ty: Type, fvs: Map[String, Type]) extends Expr
type FlatOpsChild = Either[(String, Location), Expr]
case class FlatOps(children: List[FlatOpsChild]) extends Expr
class ReadablePrinter(assg: Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type], sig: BabelSignature) {
private val printMetaTypeIdx: MetaTypeIdx => String = {
val names = LazyList.from(1).map(i => s"_$i").iterator
val cache = mutable.Map[MetaTypeIdx, String]()
idx => cache.getOrElseUpdate(idx,
def apply(t: Type): String = t match {
case BaseType(name, params) => s"$name${ => " " + apply(x)).mkString}"
case VarType(name) => s"?$name"
case ArrType(a, b) => s"(${apply(a)}>${apply(b)})"
case MetaType(idx) =>
def apply(e: Expr): String = e match {
case LocAnnotation(expr, _) => apply(expr)
case TypeAnnotation(expr, ty) => s"(${apply(expr)}:${apply(ty)})"
case Ident(name, ty, None) => s"($name:${apply(ty)})"
case Ident(name, ty, Some(ps)) => s"($name{${" ")}:${apply(ty)})"
case Abs(v, sub) => s"(^${apply(v)} ${apply(sub)})"
case App(a, b) => s"(${apply(a)} ${apply(b)})"
case Quoted(e, ty, fvs) => s"#quote(${e.toSigRelativeString(sig)}, ${apply(ty)}${fvs map { case (n, t) => s", $n -> ${apply(t)}" } mkString})"
case FlatOps(children) => {
case Left((op, _)) => op
case Right(a) => apply(a)
}.mkString(" ")
def Bool = BaseType("o", List())
def Eq(a: Expr, b: Expr) = {
val argType = freshMetaType()
val eqType = ArrType(argType, ArrType(argType, Bool))
App(App(Ident(, eqType, Some(List(argType))), a), b)
def Top = QuoteBlackbox(formula.Top())
def Bottom = QuoteBlackbox(formula.Bottom())
def UnaryConn(c: MonomorphicLogicalC): Expr => Expr = a => App(QuoteBlackbox(c()), a)
def Neg = UnaryConn(NegC)
def BinaryConn(c: MonomorphicLogicalC): (Expr, Expr) => Expr = (a, b) =>
App(App(QuoteBlackbox(c()), a), b)
def And = BinaryConn(AndC)
def Or = BinaryConn(OrC)
def Iff(a: Expr, b: Expr) = And(Imp(a, b), Imp(b, a))
def Imp = BinaryConn(ImpC)
def Quant(name: String): (Ident, Expr) => Expr = (v, sub) => {
val quantTy = freshMetaType()
App(Ident(name, ArrType(ArrType(quantTy, Bool), Bool), Some(List(quantTy))), Abs(v, sub))
def Ex = Quant(
def All = Quant(
def liftTypePoly(t: Ty, ps: List[Ty]) = {
val vars = mutable.Map[TVar, Type]()
def lift(t: Ty): Type = t match {
case t: TVar => vars.getOrElseUpdate(t, freshMetaType())
case real.ty.TBase(name, params) => BaseType(name,
case TArr(in, out) => ArrType(lift(in), lift(out))
val res = (lift(t),
def liftTypeMono(t: Ty): Type = t match {
case real.ty.TVar(name) => VarType(name)
case real.ty.TBase(name, params) => BaseType(name,
case TArr(in, out) => ArrType(liftTypeMono(in), liftTypeMono(out))
def QuoteBlackbox(e: real.Expr) =
Quoted(e, liftTypeMono(e.ty), Map())
def QuoteWhitebox(e: real.Expr) =
Quoted(e, liftTypeMono(e.ty), freeVariables(e).map { case real.Var(name, ty) => name -> liftTypeMono(ty) }.toMap)
def freeMetas(t: Type): Set[MetaTypeIdx] = t match {
case BaseType(_, params) => params.view.flatMap(freeMetas).toSet
case VarType(_) => Set()
case ArrType(a, b) => freeMetas(a) union freeMetas(b)
case MetaType(idx) => Set(idx)
def typeVars(t: Type): Set[String] = t match {
case BaseType(_, params) => params.view.flatMap(typeVars).toSet
case VarType(n) => Set(n)
case ArrType(a, b) => typeVars(a) union typeVars(b)
case MetaType(_) => Set()
def subst(t: Type, assg: Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type]): Type = t match {
case BaseType(n, ps) => BaseType(n,, assg)))
case VarType(_) => t
case ArrType(a, b) => ArrType(subst(a, assg), subst(b, assg))
case MetaType(idx) => assg.get(idx).fold(t)(subst(_, assg))
type Assg = Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type]
sealed trait UnificationError { def assg: Assg }
case class OccursCheck(t1: MetaType, t2: Type, assg: Assg) extends UnificationError
case class Mismatch(t1: Type, t2: Type, assg: Assg) extends UnificationError
def solve(eqs: List[(Type, Type)], assg: Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type]): Either[UnificationError, Assg] = eqs match {
case Nil => Right(assg)
case (first :: rest) => first match {
case (ArrType(a1, b1), ArrType(a2, b2)) =>
solve((a1 -> a2) :: (b1 -> b2) :: rest, assg)
case (BaseType(n1, ps1), BaseType(n2, ps2)) if n1 == n2 =>
solve(ps1.lazyZip(ps2).toList ::: rest, assg)
case (VarType(n1), VarType(n2)) if n1 == n2 => solve(rest, assg)
case (MetaType(i1), t2) if assg contains i1 =>
solve((assg(i1) -> t2) :: rest, assg)
case (t1 @ MetaType(i1), t2) =>
val t2_ = subst(t2, assg)
if (t1 == t2_)
solve(rest, assg)
else if (freeMetas(t2_) contains i1)
Left(OccursCheck(t1, t2_, assg))
solve(rest, assg + (i1 -> t2_))
case (t1, t2: MetaType) => solve((t2 -> t1) :: rest, assg)
case (t1, t2) => Left(Mismatch(t1, t2, assg))
def locsOf(exprs: Seq[Expr]): Option[Location] =
exprs.flatMap(locOf) match {
case locs if locs.nonEmpty =>
case _ => None
def locOf(expr: Expr): Option[Location] =
expr match {
case LocAnnotation(_, loc) => Some(loc)
case TypeAnnotation(_, _) => None
case Ident(_, _, _) => None
case Abs(_, sub) => locOf(sub)
case App(a, b) => locsOf(Seq(a, b))
case Quoted(_, _, _) => None
case FlatOps(children) => locsOf( {
case Right(e) => e
case Left((_, loc)) => LocAnnotation(Top, loc)
type ElabState = Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type]
case class ElabError(loc: Option[Location], msg: String, expected: Option[Type], actual: Option[Type], assg: ElabState)
object ElabError {
def apply(loc: Option[Location], msg: String, expected: Option[Type], actual: Type, assg: ElabState): ElabError =
ElabError(loc, msg, expected, Some(actual), assg)
type ElabResult[X] = Either[ElabError, X]
type Elab[X] = StateT[ElabResult, ElabState, X]
type Env = Map[String, Type]
def infers(exprs: Seq[Expr], env: Env)(implicit loc: Option[Location], sig: BabelSignature): Elab[List[(Expr, Type)]] =
exprs.toList.traverse(infer(_, env))
def unify(a: Type, b: Type, mkErr: UnificationError => ElabError): Elab[Unit] =
StateT.modifyF[ElabResult, ElabState](solve(List(a -> b), _).leftMap(mkErr))
def unifys(as: List[Type], bs: List[Type], mkErr: UnificationError => ElabError): Elab[Unit] =
if (as.size != bs.size) StateT.inspectF(assg_ => Left(mkErr(new UnificationError { override def assg: Assg = assg_ })))
(as zip bs).traverse { case (a, b) => unify(a, b, mkErr) }.map(_ => ())
def infer(expr: Expr, env: Env)(implicit loc: Option[Location], sig: BabelSignature): Elab[(Expr, Type)] =
expr match {
case LocAnnotation(e, loc_) =>
infer(e, env)(Some(loc_), sig)
case TypeAnnotation(e, t) =>
for {
ei <- infer(e, env); (_, et) = ei
_ <- unify(et, t, err => ElabError(loc, s"mismatched annotated type", Some(t), et, err.assg))
} yield ei
case Ident(n, t, ps) =>
if (ps.isEmpty && env.contains(n)) {
val tyInEnv = env(n)
for {
_ <- unify(tyInEnv, t, err => ElabError(loc, "mismatched identifier type", Some(t), tyInEnv, err.assg))
} yield (Ident(n, t, None), t)
} else sig.signatureLookup(n) match {
case BabelSignature.IsConst(c) =>
val (tyInSig, params) = liftTypePoly(c.ty, c.params)
for {
_ <- unifys(
err =>
s"mismatched constant type parameters: expected ${params.size}, actual ${ps.size}",
_ <- unify(tyInSig, t, err => ElabError(loc, "mismatched identifier type", Some(t), tyInSig, err.assg))
} yield (Ident(n, t, Some(params)), t)
case BabelSignature.IsUnknownConst | BabelSignature.IsVar =>
Monad[Elab].pure((Ident(n, t, ps), t))
case Abs(v @ Ident(vn, vt, _), t) =>
for {
ti <- infer(t, env + (vn -> vt)); (sube, subt) = ti
} yield (Abs(v, sube), ArrType(vt, subt): Type)
case App(a, b) =>
val resType = freshMetaType()
val argType = freshMetaType()
for {
ai <- infer(a, env); (a_, at) = ai
_ <- unify(at, ArrType(argType, resType), err => ElabError(locOf(a).orElse(loc), "not a function", None, at, err.assg))
bi <- infer(b, env); (b_, bt) = bi
_ <- unify(
err =>
s"incorrect type for argument",
} yield (App(a_, b_), resType: Type)
case Quoted(e, ty, fvs) =>
fvs.toList.traverse {
case (name, fvTy) =>
val tyInEnv = env(name) // params don't matter since we only look at free vars
err =>
ElabError(loc, s"mismatched type for free variable $name in quote $e", Some(tyInEnv), fvTy, err.assg)
}.map(_ => (expr, ty))
case FlatOps(children) =>
for {
deflattened <- parseFlatOpFirst(children, env, minPrec = 0)
_ = require(deflattened._2.isEmpty)
inferred <- infer(deflattened._1, env)
} yield inferred
def elabError[T](msg: String, atExpr: Expr)(implicit loc: Option[Location]): Elab[T] =
def elabError[T](msg: String)(implicit loc: Option[Location]): Elab[T] =
StateT.apply[ElabResult, ElabState, T](assg => Left(ElabError(loc, msg, None, None, assg)))
def elabIdent(e: Expr)(implicit loc: Option[Location]): Elab[Ident] =
e match {
case LocAnnotation(e2, loc_) => elabIdent(e2)(Some(loc_))
case TypeAnnotation(e2, ty) =>
for {
res <- elabIdent(e2)
_ <- unify(res.ty, ty, err => ElabError(loc, s"mismatched annotated type", Some(ty), res.ty, err.assg))
} yield res
case vn @ Ident(_, _, _) => Monad[Elab].pure(vn)
case FlatOps(List(ch)) => elabIdent(ch)
case Quoted(Var(vNew, _), ty, _) =>
Monad[Elab].pure(Ident(vNew, ty, None))
case _ =>
elabError("not an identifier", e)
def elabIdent(ch: FlatOpsChild)(implicit loc: Option[Location]): Elab[Ident] =
ch match {
case Left((n, _)) => Monad[Elab].pure(Ident(n, freshMetaType(), None))
case Right(e) => elabIdent(e)
def parseFlatOpFirst(flatOpsChildren: List[FlatOpsChild], env: Env, minPrec: Int)(implicit loc: Option[Location], sig: BabelSignature): Elab[(Expr, List[FlatOpsChild])] =
flatOpsChildren match {
case Nil => elabError("empty expression")
case (Left((n, idLoc)) :: children_) =>
val expr = LocAnnotation(Ident(n, freshMetaType(), None), idLoc)
sig.notationsForToken(Notation.Token(n)) match {
case Some(not) if not.precedence < minPrec => elabError("missing expression before", expr)
case Some(not) =>
val fn = not.const match {
case Notation.RealConst(c) =>
Some(LocAnnotation(Ident(c, freshMetaType(), None), idLoc))
case _ => None
not match {
case _ if children_.isEmpty => Monad[Elab].pure(fn.get -> Nil)
case Notation.Alias(_, _) =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, fn.get, env, minPrec)
case Notation.Prefix(_, _, prec) =>
if (children_.isEmpty) Monad[Elab].pure(fn.get -> Nil)
else for {
res <- parseFlatOpFirst(children_, env, math.max(prec, minPrec))
(arg, children__) = res
res2 <- parseFlatOpRest(children__, App(fn.get, arg), env, minPrec)
} yield res2
case Notation.Quantifier(_, _, prec) =>
for {
v <- elabIdent(children_.head)
env1 = env + ( -> v.ty)
res <- parseFlatOpFirst(children_.tail, env1, math.max(prec, minPrec))
(body, children__) = res
res2 <- parseFlatOpRest(children__, App(fn.get, Abs(v, body)), env, minPrec)
} yield res2
case _ if fn.isEmpty =>
elabError(s"${not.token} needs argument on the left", expr)
case _ =>
for {
res <- parseFlatOpFirst(children_, env, not.precedence)
(arg, children__) = res
res2 <- parseFlatOpRest(children__, App(fn.get, arg), env, minPrec)
} yield res2
case None =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, expr, env, minPrec)
case Right(expr) :: children_ =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, expr, env, minPrec)
def mkBinOp(c: Notation.ConstName, fn: Option[Expr], arg1: Expr, arg2: Expr): Expr =
c match {
case Notation.fakeIffConst => Iff(arg1, arg2)
case Notation.fakeNeqConst => Neg(Eq(arg1, arg2))
case _ => App(App(fn.get, arg1), arg2)
def parseFlatOpRest(flatOpsChildren: List[FlatOpsChild], lhsExpr: Expr, env: Env, minPrec: Int)(implicit loc: Option[Location], sig: BabelSignature): Elab[(Expr, List[FlatOpsChild])] =
flatOpsChildren match {
case Nil => Monad[Elab].pure(lhsExpr -> Nil)
case (Left((n, idLoc)) :: children_) =>
val expr = LocAnnotation(Ident(n, freshMetaType(), None), idLoc)
sig.notationsForToken(Notation.Token(n)) match {
case Some(not) if not.precedence < minPrec =>
Monad[Elab].pure(lhsExpr -> flatOpsChildren)
case Some(not) =>
val fn = not.const match {
case Notation.RealConst(c) =>
Some(LocAnnotation(Ident(c, freshMetaType(), None), idLoc))
case _ => None
not match {
case Notation.Infix(_, _, prec, leftAssoc) =>
if (children_.nonEmpty)
for {
res <- parseFlatOpFirst(children_, env, math.max(minPrec, if (leftAssoc) prec + 1 else prec))
(arg2, children__) = res
res2 <- parseFlatOpRest(children__, mkBinOp(not.const, fn, lhsExpr, arg2), env, minPrec)
} yield res2
else if (Notation.isFakeConst(not.const))
elabError(s"${not.token} needs argument on the right", expr)
Monad[Elab].pure(App(fn.get, lhsExpr) -> Nil)
case Notation.Prefix(_, _, prec) =>
for {
res <- parseFlatOpFirst(children_, env, prec)
(arg, children__) = res
res2 <- parseFlatOpRest(children__, App(lhsExpr, App(fn.get, arg)), env, minPrec)
} yield res2
case Notation.Postfix(_, _, _) =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, App(fn.get, lhsExpr), env, minPrec)
case Notation.Alias(_, _) =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, App(lhsExpr, fn.get), env, minPrec)
case _ =>
for {
res <- parseFlatOpFirst(flatOpsChildren, env, minPrec)
(arg, children__) = res
res2 <- parseFlatOpRest(children__, App(lhsExpr, arg), env, minPrec)
} yield res2
case None =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, App(lhsExpr, expr), env, minPrec)
case (Right(expr) :: children_) =>
parseFlatOpRest(children_, App(lhsExpr, expr), env, minPrec)
def freeIdentifers(expr: Expr): Set[String] = expr match {
case LocAnnotation(e, _) => freeIdentifers(e)
case TypeAnnotation(e, _) => freeIdentifers(e)
case Ident(name, _, _) => Set(name)
case Abs(v, sub) => freeIdentifers(sub) -
case App(a, b) => freeIdentifers(a) union freeIdentifers(b)
case Quoted(_, _, fvs) => fvs.keySet
case FlatOps(children) => children.view.flatMap {
case Left((id, _)) => Set(id)
case Right(ex) => freeIdentifers(ex)
def types(expr: Expr): Set[Type] = expr match {
case LocAnnotation(e, _) => types(e)
case TypeAnnotation(e, _) => types(e)
case Ident(_, ty, ps) => Set(ty) ++ ps.getOrElse(Nil)
case Abs(v, sub) => types(v) ++ types(sub)
case App(a, b) => types(a) ++ types(b)
case Quoted(_, _, fvs) => fvs.values.toSet
case FlatOps(children) => children.view.flatMap {
case Left(_) => Set[Type]()
case Right(ch) => types(ch)
def toRealType(ty: Type, assg: Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type]): Ty = ty match {
case BaseType(name, params) => TBase(name,, assg)))
case VarType(name) => expr.ty.TVar(name)
case ArrType(a, b) => toRealType(a, assg) ->: toRealType(b, assg)
case MetaType(idx) => toRealType(assg(idx), assg)
def toRealExpr(expr: Expr, assg: Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type], bound: Set[String]): real.Expr = expr match {
case LocAnnotation(e, _) => toRealExpr(e, assg, bound)
case TypeAnnotation(e, _) => toRealExpr(e, assg, bound)
case Ident(name, ty, None) =>
if (bound(name)) real.Var(name, toRealType(ty, assg))
else real.Const(name, toRealType(ty, assg))
case Ident(name, ty, Some(ps)) =>
real.Const(name, toRealType(ty, assg),, assg)))
case Abs(v @ Ident(vn, _, _), sub) =>
val bound_ = bound + vn
real.Abs(toRealExpr(v, assg, bound_).asInstanceOf[real.Var], toRealExpr(sub, assg, bound_))
case App(a, b) =>
real.App(toRealExpr(a, assg, bound), toRealExpr(b, assg, bound))
case Quoted(e, _, _) => e
case FlatOps(_) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(expr.toString)
def toRealExprs(expr: Seq[Expr], sig: BabelSignature): Either[ElabError, Seq[real.Expr]] = {
val fi = expr.view.flatMap(freeIdentifers).toSet
val freeVars = fi.filter(sig.signatureLookup(_).isVar)
val startingEnv: Env = Map() ++ fi.flatMap { i =>
sig.signatureLookup(i) match {
case BabelSignature.IsConst(_) => None
case BabelSignature.IsUnknownConst | BabelSignature.IsVar =>
Some(i -> freshMetaType())
infers(expr, startingEnv)(None, sig).run(Map()).map {
case (assg, expr_) =>
val exprs =
val nameGen = new NameGenerator((exprs.view.flatMap(types) ++ assg.values).flatMap(typeVars))
val cache = mutable.Map[MetaTypeIdx, Type]()
val assg_ = assg.withDefault(m =>
if (sig.defaultTypeToI) BaseType("i", Nil) else VarType(nameGen.fresh("a"))
), assg_, freeVars))
def toRealExpr(expr: Expr, sig: BabelSignature): Either[ElabError, real.Expr] =
toRealExprs(Seq(expr), sig).map(_.head)