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gapt.formats.leancop.LeanCoPParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.formats.leancop

import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Ex
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLAtom
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLConst
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLFormula
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLFunction
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLTerm
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLVar
import gapt.expr.formula.hol._
import gapt.expr.subst.FOLSubstitution
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.formats.InputFile
import gapt.logic.Polarity
import gapt.logic.clauseSubsumption
import gapt.logic.hol.CNFn
import gapt.logic.hol.DNFp
import gapt.logic.hol.toNNF
import gapt.proofs.RichFOLSequent
import gapt.proofs.expansion.ExpansionSequent
import gapt.proofs.expansion.formulaToExpansionTree

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.PackratParsers
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers

class LeanCoPParserException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg: String)
class LeanCoPNoMatchException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg: String)
class LeanCoPNoLeanPredException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg: String)
class LeanCoPLeanPredWrongArityException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg: String)

object LeanCoPParser extends RegexParsers with PackratParsers {

  override def skipWhitespace: Boolean = true

  private val nLine = sys.props("line.separator")

  def getExpansionProof(file: InputFile): Option[ExpansionSequent] = {
    getExpansionProof(new StringReader(

  def getExpansionProof(reader: Reader): Option[ExpansionSequent] = {
    parseAll(expansionSequent, reader) match {
      case Success(r, _) => r
      case Failure(msg, next) =>
        throw new LeanCoPParserException(
          "leanCoP parsing: syntax failure " + msg + nLine +
            "at line " + next.pos.line + " and column " + next.pos.column
      case Error(msg, next) =>
        throw new LeanCoPParserException("leanCoP parsing: syntax error " + msg + nLine +
          "at line " + next.pos.line + " and column " + next.pos.column)

  object FOLLiteral {
    def unapply(f: FOLFormula): Option[(Polarity, FOLAtom)] =
      f match {
        case a @ FOLAtom(_, _)      => Some(Polarity.Positive, a)
        case Neg(a @ FOLAtom(_, _)) => Some(Polarity.Negative, a)
        case _                      => None

  type LeanPredicate = (String, Int)
  type Name = String
  type Role = String
  type ClauseIndex = Int

  case class InputFormula(name: Name, role: Role, formula: FOLFormula)
  case class Clause(index: ClauseIndex, cls: FOLFormula, origin: Name)

  def constructExpansionSequent(
      inputs: List[InputFormula],
      clauses: List[Clause],
      bindings: List[(ClauseIndex, FOLSubstitution)]
  ): ExpansionSequent = {

    val initialFormula: Map[Name, InputFormula] =
      (inputs ++
        clauses.collect {
          case Clause(i, f, n @ "lean_eq_theory") => InputFormula(n + "_" + i, "axiom", f)
        }).map { i => -> i } toMap

    val derivedClauses: List[Clause] =
      clauses.filter { _.origin != "lean_eq_theory" }

    val children: Map[Name, Iterable[Clause]] =

    val substitutions: Map[ClauseIndex, List[FOLSubstitution]] =

    // Instances of the original formula of the given name.
    val instances: Map[Name, List[FOLSubstitution]] =
      children map {
        case (name, lst_int) =>
          val leanClauses =
          // New predicates used in the def clausal translation and arity
          val leanPredicates = leanClauses.flatMap(c => getLeanPreds(c)).distinct
          val f_clausified = clausifyInitialFormula(initialFormula(name), leanPredicates)
          val subs = matchClauses(f_clausified, leanClauses) match {
            case Some(s) => s
            case None => throw new LeanCoPNoMatchException("leanCoP parsing: formula " + f_clausified +
                " and clauses " + leanClauses + " do not match.")
          val sublst = lst_int.flatMap(i =>
            substitutions.get(i.index) match {
              case Some(cs) => => s.compose(subs))
              case None     => List(subs)
          name -> sublst
    val polarizedETs = {
      case (name, sublst) =>
        val f = initialFormula(name)
        val p = polarityByRole(f.role)
        formulaToExpansionTree(f.formula, sublst, p) -> p


  // Collects all n ^ [...] predicates used and their arities
  def getLeanPreds(cls: FOLFormula): List[(String, Int)] = cls match {
    case FOLAtom(n, args) if n.startsWith("leanP") => List((n, args.length))
    case FOLAtom(_, _)                             => List()
    case Neg(f)                                    => getLeanPreds(f)
    case And(f1, f2)                               => getLeanPreds(f1) ++ getLeanPreds(f2)
    case Or(f1, f2)                                => getLeanPreds(f1) ++ getLeanPreds(f2)
    case _                                         => throw new Exception("Unsupported format for getLeanPreds: " + cls)

   * Clausifies the given formula.
   * The clausification makes use of the predicate symbols introduced by LeanCoP.
  def clausifyInitialFormula(f: InputFormula, leanPredicates: List[LeanPredicate]): List[FOLFormula] = {
    val InputFormula(_, role, f_original) = f
    val f_right_pol =
      if (role == "conjecture") f_original
      else Neg(f_original)
    val f_in_nnf = toNNF(f_right_pol)
    val f_no_quant = removeAllQuantifiers(f_in_nnf)
    // If there are not lean predicate symbols, use regular DNF transformation
    leanPredicates match {
      case Seq() => toMagicalDNF(f_no_quant)
      case _     => toDefinitionalClausalForm(f_no_quant, leanPredicates)

  def toMagicalDNF(f: FOLFormula): List[FOLFormula] = {
    val normal_dnf = DNFp(f)

   * Computes the definitional clausal form of a given formula.
   * @param f The formula in NNF whose DCF is to be constructed.
   * @param leanPredicates The predicates available for the DCF construction.
   * @return A list list of clauses in DNF (possibly with introduced definitions) corresponding to the
   *         definitional clausal form of the input formula
  def toDefinitionalClausalForm(f: FOLFormula, leanPredicates: List[LeanPredicate]): List[FOLFormula] = {

    type DefinitionalTuple = (FOLFormula, List[FOLFormula])

    var unusedPredicates: mutable.Set[LeanPredicate] = mutable.Set(leanPredicates: _*)

    def definitionalTuple(f: FOLFormula, insideConjunction: Boolean): DefinitionalTuple =
      f match {
        case FOLLiteral(_, _) => (f, List())
        case Or(f1, f2) if insideConjunction => {
          val xs = freeVariables(f)
          getUnusedPredicate(xs.size) match {
            case Some(p) =>
              // Trusting that we have the same order as leanCoP
              val pxs = FOLAtom(p._1, xs.toList)
              unusedPredicates -= p
              val (f1d, d1) = definitionalTuple(f1, insideConjunction)
              val (f2d, d2) = definitionalTuple(f2, insideConjunction)
              (pxs, (-pxs & f1d) :: (-pxs & f2d) :: d1 ++ d2)
            case _ => throw new LeanCoPLeanPredWrongArityException(
                "Formula: " + f + " Candidates: " + unusedPredicates + " Arity: " + xs.size
        case And(f1, f2) =>
          val (f1d, d1) = definitionalTuple(f1, true)
          val (f2d, d2) = definitionalTuple(f2, true)
          (And(f1d, f2d), d1 ++ d2)
        case Or(f1, f2) =>
          val (f1d, d1) = definitionalTuple(f1, insideConjunction)
          val (f2d, d2) = definitionalTuple(f2, insideConjunction)
          (Or(f1d, f2d), d1 ++ d2)
        case _ => throw new Exception("Unsupported format for definitional clausal transformation: " + f)

     * Retrieves a currently unused predicate of the given arity.
     * @param n The arity of the predicate.
    def getUnusedPredicate(n: Int): Option[LeanPredicate] =
      unusedPredicates.collectFirst { case p @ (_, `n`) => p }

    val (fd, defs) = definitionalTuple(f, false)
    fd :: defs.flatMap(d => DNFp(d).map(_.toConjunction))

  def matchClauses(my_clauses: List[FOLFormula], lean_clauses: List[FOLFormula]): Option[FOLSubstitution] = {
    val num_clauses = lean_clauses.length
    val goal = Or.rightAssociative(lean_clauses: _*)

    // Get all sub-lists of my_clauses of size num_clauses
    val set_same_size = my_clauses.combinations(num_clauses)
    val candidates = set_same_size.flatMap(s => => Or.rightAssociative(p: _*)))

    def findSubstitution(lst: List[FOLFormula], goal: FOLFormula): Option[FOLSubstitution] = lst match {
      case Nil => None
      case hd :: tl => clauseSubsumption(CNFn(hd).head, CNFn(goal).head) match {
          case None      => findSubstitution(tl, goal)
          case Some(sub) => Some(sub.asFOLSubstitution)

    findSubstitution(candidates.toList, goal)

  def expansionSequent: Parser[Option[ExpansionSequent]] =
    rep(comment) ~>
      rep(input) ~ rep(comment) ~ rep(clauses) ~ rep(comment) ~ rep(inferences) <~
      rep(comment) ^^ {
        case Seq() ~ _ ~ Seq() ~ _ ~ Seq() =>
        case input ~ _ ~ clauses_lst ~ _ ~ bindings_opt =>
          val inputs = { case (n, r, f) => InputFormula(n, r, f) }
          val clauses = { case (i, f, n) => Clause(i, f, n) }
          val bindings = { case (i, vs, ts) => i -> FOLSubstitution( }
          Some(constructExpansionSequent(inputs, clauses, bindings))

  def polarityByRole(r: Role): Polarity =
    r match {
      case "axiom" => Polarity.InAntecedent
      case _       => Polarity.InSuccedent

  def input: Parser[(String, String, FOLFormula)] =
    language ~ "(" ~>
      name ~ "," ~ role ~ "," ~ formula <~
      "," ~ "file" ~ "(" ~ "[^()]*".r ~ ")" ~ ")" ~ "." ^^ {
        case n ~ _ ~ r ~ _ ~ f => (n, r, f)

  def clauses: Parser[(Int, FOLFormula, String)] =
    language ~ "(" ~>
      integer ~ "," ~ "plain" ~ "," ~ clause ~ "," ~ "clausify" ~ "(" ~ name <~
      ")" ~ ")" ~ "." ^^ {
        case i ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ f ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ n =>
          assert(n != "lean_eq_theory")
          (i, f, n)
      } | language ~ "(" ~>
      integer ~ "," ~ "plain" ~ "," ~ clause <~
      "," ~ "theory" ~ "(" ~ "equality" ~ ")" ~ ")" ~ "." ^^ {
        // Equality theory added by leanCoP
        case i ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ f => (i, f, "lean_eq_theory")

  def inferences: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    language ~ "(" ~ name ~ "," ~ "plain" ~ "," ~ clause ~ "," ~> info <~ ")" ~ "." ^^ {
      case bindings => bindings

  def language: Parser[String] = "fof" | "cnf"

  def role: Parser[String] = "axiom" | "conjecture" | "lemma" | "hypothesis"

  def info: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    start | start_bind | reduction | extension | ext_w_bind

  def start: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    "start(" ~> integer <~ ")" ^^ { case _ => None }

  def start_bind: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    "start(" ~> integer ~ "," ~ "bind" ~ "(" ~ list_subs <~ ")" ~ ")" ^^ {
      case n ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ls => Some((n, ls._1, ls._2))
  def reduction: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    "reduction" ~ "(" ~ "'" ~> integer <~ "'" ~ ")" ^^ { case _ => None }

  def extension: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    "extension" ~ "(" ~> integer <~ ")" ^^ { case _ => None }

  def ext_w_bind: Parser[Option[(Int, List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])]] =
    "extension" ~ "(" ~> integer ~ "," ~ "bind" ~ "(" ~ list_subs <~ ")" ~ ")" ^^ {
      case n ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ls => Some((n, ls._1, ls._2))

  def list_subs: Parser[(List[FOLVar], List[FOLTerm])] =
    "[" ~ "[" ~> repsep(variable, ",") ~ "]" ~ "," ~ "[" ~ repsep(term, ",") <~ "]" ~ "]" ^^ {
      case t ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ v => (t, v)

  def clause: Parser[FOLFormula] =
    "[" ~> repsep(formula, ",") <~ "]" ^^ {
      case formulas => And(formulas)

  lazy val formula: PackratParser[FOLFormula] = dbl_impl

  lazy val dbl_impl: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
      impl ~ "<=>" ~ dbl_impl ^^ {
        case f1 ~ _ ~ f2 =>
          And(Or(Neg(f1), f2), Or(f1, Neg(f2)))
        | impl

  lazy val impl: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
      and ~ "=>" ~ impl ^^ { case f1 ~ _ ~ f2 => Imp(f1, f2) }
        | and

  lazy val and: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
      or ~ "&" ~ and ^^ { case f1 ~ _ ~ f2 => And(f1, f2) }
        | or

  lazy val or: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
      neg ~ "|" ~ or ^^ { case f1 ~ _ ~ f2 => Or(f1, f2) }
        | neg

  lazy val neg: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
      ("-" | "~") ~> neg ^^ { case f => Neg(f) }
        | quantified

  lazy val quantified: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
      "!" ~ "[" ~> repsep(variable, ",") ~ "]" ~ ":" ~ quantified ^^ {
        case vs ~ _ ~ _ ~ f => All.Block(vs, f)
        | "?" ~ "[" ~> repsep(variable, ",") ~ "]" ~ ":" ~ quantified ^^ {
          case vs ~ _ ~ _ ~ f => Ex.Block(vs, f)
        | neg | atom

  lazy val atom: PackratParser[FOLFormula] =
    not_eq | eq | lean_atom | real_atom | quantified | "(" ~> formula <~ ")"

  // These are introduced by leanCoP's (restricted) definitional clausal form translation
  lazy val lean_atom: PackratParser[FOLFormula] = lean_var ^^ {
    case (i, terms) =>
      FOLAtom("leanP" + i, terms)

  lazy val real_atom: PackratParser[FOLFormula] = name ~ opt("(" ~> repsep(term, ",") <~ ")") ^^ {
    case pred ~ Some(args) => FOLAtom(pred, args)
    case pred ~ None       => FOLAtom(pred)

  lazy val eq: PackratParser[FOLFormula] = term ~ "=" ~ term ^^ {
    case t1 ~ _ ~ t2 => FOLAtom("=", List(t1, t2))

  lazy val not_eq: PackratParser[FOLFormula] = "(" ~ "!" ~> term ~ ")" ~ "=" ~ term ^^ {
    case t1 ~ _ ~ _ ~ t2 => Neg(FOLAtom("=", List(t1, t2)))

  def term: Parser[FOLTerm] =
    skolem_term | variable | function | constant

  def function: Parser[FOLTerm] =
    name ~ "(" ~ repsep(term, ",") <~ ")" ^^ {
      case f ~ _ ~ args => FOLFunction(f, args)

  def constant: Parser[FOLConst] = name ^^ { case n => FOLConst(n) }

  def variable: Parser[FOLVar] = """_[A-Z0-9]+""".r ^^ { case n => FOLVar(n) }

  def skolem_term: Parser[FOLTerm] = lean_var ^^ {
    case (i, _) =>
      // Pretend it's an eigenvariable.
      FOLVar("leanSk" + i)

  def lean_var: Parser[(Int, List[FOLTerm])] =
    """\d+""".r ~ "^" ~ "[" ~ repsep(term, ",") ~ "]" ^^ {
      case i ~ _ ~ _ ~ terms ~ _ => (i.toInt, terms)

  def name: Parser[String] = lower_word_or_integer | single_quoted

  def lower_word_or_integer: Parser[String] = """[a-z0-9_-][A-Za-z0-9_-]*""".r

  def single_quoted: Parser[String] = "'" ~> """[^']*""".r <~ "'"

  def integer: Parser[Int] = """\d+""".r ^^ { _.toInt }

  def comment: Parser[String] = """[%](.*)\n""".r ^^ { case s => "" }

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