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gapt.formats.tptp.TptpHOLExporter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.formats.tptp

import os._
import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Bottom
import gapt.expr.formula.Eq
import gapt.expr.formula.Ex
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.NonLogicalConstant
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.expr.formula.Top
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.EqC
import gapt.expr.formula.constants.LogicalConstant
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.Hol2FolDefinitions
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.replaceAbstractions
import gapt.expr.formula.hol._
import gapt.expr.ty.->:
import gapt.expr.ty.TBase
import gapt.expr.ty.Ti
import gapt.expr.ty.To
import gapt.expr.ty.Ty
import gapt.expr.ty.baseTypes
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.subTerms
import gapt.logic.hol.simplifyPropositional
import gapt.proofs.{HOLSequent, Sequent, RichFormulaSequent}
import gapt.proofs.expansion.{ETAnd, ETAtom, ETTop, ExpansionProof, ExpansionSequent, ExpansionTree, RichExpansionSequent}
import gapt.provers.groundFreeVariables

sealed class TptpFormulaRole
case object TptpAxiom extends TptpFormulaRole { override def toString = "axiom" }
case object TptpDefinition extends TptpFormulaRole { override def toString = "definition" }
case object TptpConjecture extends TptpFormulaRole { override def toString = "conjecture" }
case object TptpNegatedConjecture extends TptpFormulaRole { override def toString = "negated_conjecture" }

object TptpHOLExporter extends TptpHOLExporter

class TptpHOLExporter {

   * Exports the given FSequent list to the THF fragment of TPTP. The default behavior of the exporter
   * expects a sequent list in a negative context, i.e. it will encode the refutation of the arguments.
   * @note In contrast to prover9, for multiple conjectures, each of them has to be proved.
  private val nLine = sys.props("line.separator")

   * Exports a sequent set as TPTP thf problem to prove unsatisfiability
   * @param ls the list of sequents to export
   * @param filename the filename
  def apply(ls: List[HOLSequent], filename: String): Unit =
    write(Path(filename, pwd), export_negative(ls))

   * Exports a sequent as TPTP thf problem to prove validity
   * @param seq the sequent to export
   * @param filename the filename
  def apply(seq: HOLSequent, filename: String, separate_axioms: Boolean = false): Unit =
    write(Path(filename, pwd), export_positive(seq, separate_axioms))

   * Exports an expansion proof as TPTP thf problem to prove validity
   * @param seq the sequent to export
   * @param filename the filename
   * @param maximize_axiom_declarations if true, all conjunctions
   * @param lambda_lifting apply lambda lifting to deep formula and add the definitions into to the antecedent of the formula
  def apply(seq: ExpansionSequent, filename: String, maximize_axiom_declarations: Boolean, lambda_lifting: Boolean): Unit =
    write(Path(filename, pwd), `export`(seq, maximize_axiom_declarations, lambda_lifting))

   * Exports an expansion proof as TPTP thf problem. The antedent of the
   * @param ep the expansion proof to export
   * @param maximize_axiom_declarations if true, all conjunctions
   * @param lambda_lifting apply lambda lifting to deep formula and add the definitions into to the antecedent of the formula
  def `export`(ep: ExpansionSequent, maximize_axiom_declarations: Boolean = true, lambda_lifting: Boolean = false): String = {
    val ep1 = if (maximize_axiom_declarations) simplify_antecedent(ep) else ep
    val es1: HOLSequent = if (lambda_lifting) lambda_lift_and_add_definitions(ep1.deep) else ep1.deep
    val (es2, _) = groundFreeVariables(es1)
    val es3 = if (maximize_axiom_declarations) simplify_antecedent2(es2) else es2 // the deep conversion in the antecedent also introduces conjunctions
    val es4 = // remove top / bottom if possible
    export_positive(es4, maximize_axiom_declarations)

   * Exports a sequent set as TPTP thf problem to prove unsatisfiability
   * @param ls the list of sequents to export
  def export_negative(ls: List[HOLSequent]): String = {
    require(ls.nonEmpty, "Cannot export an empty sequent list!")
    val (vs, vnames, cs, cnames) = createNamesFromSequent(ls)

    var index = 0

    val types = for (seq <- ls; f <- seq.elements; st <- subTerms(f); t <- baseTypes(st.ty)) yield t
    val tdecls = for (t <- types.distinct if t != Ti && t != To) yield { index += 1; s"thf($index, type, $t: $$tType).$nLine" }

    val cdecs_ = for (c <- cs if != "=") yield {
      index = index + 1
      thf_type_dec(index, c, cnames) + nLine
    val cdecs = cdecs_.mkString

    val sdecs = {
      val negClauses = Neg(And(
      index = index + 1
      // since in thf conjectures are seen as conjunction. the negated cnf is one big formula
      List(thf_formula_dec(index, negClauses, TptpConjecture, vnames, cnames))

    s"% type declarations$nLine" + tdecls.mkString +
      // "% variable type declarations" + nLine + vdecs +
      "% constant type declarations" + nLine + cdecs +
      "% sequents" + nLine + sdecs.foldLeft("")((s, x) => s + x + nLine)


   * Exports a sequent as TPTP thf problem to prove validity
   * @param seq the sequent to be proved valid
  def export_positive(seq: HOLSequent, separate_axioms: Boolean = false): String = {
    require(freeVariables(seq).isEmpty, "Can only export ground positive sequent sets!")
    val (vs, vnames, cs, cnames) = createNamesFromSequent(seq :: Nil)

    var index = 0

    val types = for (f <- seq.elements; st <- subTerms(f); t <- baseTypes(st.ty)) yield t
    val tdecls = for (t <- types.distinct if t != Ti && t != To) yield {
      index += 1; s"thf($index, type, $t: $$tType).$nLine"

    val cdecs_ = for (c <- cs if != "=") yield {
      index = index + 1
      thf_type_dec(index, c, cnames) + nLine
    val cdecs = cdecs_.mkString

    val sdecs = if (separate_axioms) {
      val axioms = seq.antecedent
      val goal = Or(seq.succedent) // work around different ATP's interpretations of multiple conclusions
      val axiom_decs =
        for (fs <- axioms) yield {
          index = index + 1
          thf_formula_dec(index, fs, TptpAxiom, vnames, cnames)
      (axiom_decs.foldLeft("")((s, x) => s + x + nLine)
        + thf_formula_dec(index + 1, goal, TptpConjecture, vnames, cnames))
    } else {
      thf_formula_dec(index + 1, seq.toImplication, TptpConjecture, vnames, cnames)

    "% type declarations" + nLine + tdecls.mkString +
      "% constant type declarations" + nLine + cdecs +
      "% sequents" + nLine + sdecs

  def printStatistics(vnames: NameMap, cnames: CNameMap): Unit = {
    if (cnames.isEmpty && vnames.isEmpty) {
      println("% No symbol translation necessary!")
      return ()
    println("% Symbol translation table for THF export:")
    val csyms ={ case Const(s, _, _) => s })
    val vsyms ={ case Var(s, _) => s })

    val width = (vsyms ++ csyms).sortWith((x, y) => y.length < x.length).head.length

    for ((c, s) <- cnames) {
      val sym =
      if (sym != s) {
        print("%   ")
        for (i <- sym.length to (width + 1)) print(" ")
        print(" -> ")

    val cunchanged = for ((c, s) <- cnames; if == s) yield { s }
    if (cunchanged.nonEmpty) println("% Unchanged constants: " + cunchanged.mkString(","))

    println("% ")

    for ((c, s) <- vnames) {
      val sym =
      if (sym != s) {
        print("%   ")
        for (i <- sym.length to (width + 1)) print(" ")
        print(" -> ")

    val vunchanged = for ((c, s) <- vnames; if == s) yield { s }
    if (vunchanged.nonEmpty) println("% Unchanged variables: " + vunchanged.mkString(","))


  type NameMap = Map[Var, String]
  val emptyNameMap: Map[Var, String] = Map[Var, String]()
  type CNameMap = Map[Const, String]
  val emptyCNameMap: Map[Const, String] = Map[Const, String]()

  def createFormula(f: Expr, map: Map[Var, String]): String = f match {
    case Var(_, _) => map(f.asInstanceOf[Var])

  def createNamesFromSequent(l: List[HOLSequent]): (List[Var], NameMap, List[Const], CNameMap) = {
    val vs = l.foldLeft(Set[Var]())((set, fs) => getVars(fs.toDisjunction, set)).toList
    val cs = l.foldLeft(Set[Const]())((set, fs) => getConsts(fs.toDisjunction, set)).toList
    (vs, createNamesFromVar(vs), cs, createNamesFromConst(cs))

  def createNamesFromVar(l: List[Var]): NameMap = l.foldLeft(emptyNameMap)((map, v) => {
    if (map contains v)
    else {
      val name = mkVarName(, map)
      map + ((v, name))

  def closedFormula(fs: HOLSequent): Formula = universalClosure(fs.toDisjunction)

  def createNamesFromConst(l: List[Const]): CNameMap = l.foldLeft(emptyCNameMap)((map, v) => {
    if (map contains v)
    else {
      val name = mkConstName(, map)
      map + ((v, name))

  def thf_formula_dec(i: Int, f: Formula, role: TptpFormulaRole, vmap: NameMap, cmap: CNameMap): String = {
    val f_str = thf_formula(f, vmap, cmap, outermost = true)
    val internal_str = f.toString.flatMap({ case '\n' => "\n% "; case x => s"$x" }) // add comment after newline
    s"$nLine% formula: $internal_str ${nLine}thf($i, $role, $f_str )."

  private def addparens(str: String, cond: Boolean) = if (cond) "(" + str + ")" else str
  def thf_formula(f: Expr, vmap: NameMap, cmap: CNameMap, outermost: Boolean = false): String = {
    f match {
      case Top()                       => "$true"
      case Bottom()                    => "$false"
      case Neg(x)                      => addparens(" ~(" + thf_formula(x, vmap, cmap) + ")", outermost) // negation of atoms needs parenthesis!
      case And(x, y)                   => addparens(thf_formula(x, vmap, cmap) + " & " + thf_formula(y, vmap, cmap), !outermost)
      case Or(x, y)                    => addparens(thf_formula(x, vmap, cmap) + " | " + thf_formula(y, vmap, cmap), !outermost)
      case Imp(x, y)                   => addparens(thf_formula(x, vmap, cmap) + " => " + thf_formula(y, vmap, cmap), !outermost)
      case All(x, t)                   => addparens("![" + vmap(x) + " : " + getTypeString(x.ty) + "] : (" + thf_formula(t, vmap, cmap) + ")", !outermost)
      case Ex(x, t)                    => addparens("?[" + vmap(x) + " : " + getTypeString(x.ty) + "] : (" + thf_formula(t, vmap, cmap) + ")", !outermost)
      case Eq(x, y)                    => addparens(thf_formula(x, vmap, cmap) + " = " + thf_formula(y, vmap, cmap), !outermost)
      case Abs(x, t)                   => addparens("^[" + vmap(x) + " : " + getTypeString(x.ty) + "] : (" + thf_formula(t, vmap, cmap) + ")", !outermost)
      case App(s, t)                   => addparens(thf_formula(s, vmap, cmap) + " @ " + thf_formula(t, vmap, cmap), !outermost)
      case Var(_, _)                   => vmap(f.asInstanceOf[Var])
      case NonLogicalConstant(_, _, _) => cmap(f.asInstanceOf[Const])
      case _                           => throw new Exception("TPTP export does not support outermost connective of " + f)

  def thf_type_dec(i: Int, v: Var, vmap: NameMap): String = {
    require(vmap.contains(v), "Did not generate an export name for " + v + "!")
    "thf(" + i + ", type, " + vmap(v) + ": " + getTypeString(v.ty) + " )."

  def thf_type_dec(i: Int, c: Const, cmap: CNameMap): String = {
    require(cmap.contains(c), "Did not generate an export name for " + c + "!")
    "thf(" + i + ", type, " + cmap(c) + ": " + getTypeString(c.ty) + " )."

  def getTypeString(t: Ty): String = getTypeString(t, outer = true)
  def getTypeString(t: Ty, outer: Boolean): String = t match {
    case Ti                 => "$i"
    case To                 => "$o"
    case TBase(name, Nil)   => name
    case t1 ->: t2 if outer => getTypeString(t1, outer = false) + " > " + getTypeString(t2, outer = false)
    case t1 ->: t2          => "(" + getTypeString(t1, outer = false) + " > " + getTypeString(t2, outer = false) + ")"
    case _                  => throw new Exception("TPTP type export for " + t + " not implemented!")

  def mkVarName(str: String, map: Map[Var, String]): String = {
    val fstr_ = str.filter(_.toString.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9]"))
    val fstr = if (fstr_.isEmpty) {
      println("Warning: " + str + " needs to be completely replaced by a fresh variable!")
    } else fstr_
    val prefix = if (fstr.head.isDigit) "X" + fstr
    else s"${fstr.head.toUpper}" + fstr.tail
    val values =
    if (values contains prefix)
      appendPostfix(prefix, values)

  def mkConstName(str: String, map: CNameMap): String = {
    val fstr_ = str match {
      case "=" => "=" // equality is handled explicitly
      case "+" => "plus"
      case "-" => "minus"
      case "*" => "times"
      case "/" => "div"
      case "<" => "lt"
      case ">" => "gt"
      case _   => str.filter(_.toString.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9]"))
    val fstr = if (fstr_.isEmpty) {
      println("Warning: " + str + " needs to be completely replaced by a fresh constant!")
    } else fstr_
    val prefix = if (fstr.head.isDigit) "c" + fstr
    else fstr.head.toLower.toString + fstr.tail
    val values =
    if (values contains prefix)
      appendPostfix(prefix, values)

  def appendPostfix(str: String, l: List[String]): FormulaRole = {
    var i = 100
    while (l contains (str + i)) {
      i = i + 1
    str + i

  /** extract all variables, bound and free */
  def getVars(t: Expr, set: Set[Var]): Set[Var] = t match {
    case Const(_, _, _) => set
    case Var(_, _)      => set + t.asInstanceOf[Var]
    case App(s, t)      => getVars(s, getVars(t, set))
    case Abs(x, t)      => getVars(t, set + x)

  def getConsts(t: Expr, set: Set[Const]): Set[Const] = t match {
    case EqC(_)                          => set
    case _: LogicalConstant              => set
    case t @ NonLogicalConstant(_, _, _) => set + t
    case Var(_, _)                       => set
    case App(s, t)                       => getConsts(s, getConsts(t, set))
    case Abs(x, t)                       => getConsts(t, set)

  def simplify_antecedent(es: ExpansionSequent): ExpansionSequent = {
      case ETAnd(e1, e2) => List(e1, e2)
      case e             => List(e)
    }) match {
      case ant if ant == es.antecedent => es
      case ant /* ant !- es.antecedent */ =>
        val ant0 = ant.filterNot(_.deep == Top())
        val et = Sequent(ant0, es.succedent)

  def simplify_antecedent2(es: HOLSequent): HOLSequent = {
      case And(e1, e2) => List(e1, e2)
      case e           => List(e)
    }) match {
      case ant if ant == es.antecedent => es
      case ant /* ant !- es.antecedent */ =>
        val ant0 = ant.filterNot(_ == Top())
        val et = Sequent(ant0, es.succedent)

  def strip_lambdas(e: Expr, context: List[Var]): (Expr, List[Var]) =
    e match {
      case Abs(v, t) => strip_lambdas(t, v :: context)
      case t         => (t, context.reverse)

  def lambda_lift_and_add_definitions(seq: HOLSequent): HOLSequent = {
    implicit val cmap: Hol2FolDefinitions = new Hol2FolDefinitions()
    val seq0 = { replaceAbstractions(_) }
    val qaxioms: Seq[Formula] = {
      case (term_, name) =>
        // term_ should be closed, but to be sure we add the free variables the variables stripped from the outer-most
        // lambda-block in term_
        val fv = freeVariables(term_).toList
        val (term, all_vars) = strip_lambdas(term_, fv)
        // create the type of q
        val qtype = all_vars.foldRight(term.ty)({ case (v, t) => v.ty ->: t })
        // apply it to the arguments
        val q_function = Apps(Const(name, qtype), all_vars)
        // build the formula equating it to the stripped term
        val eq: Formula = Eq(q_function, term)
        // and close the formula universally
        val axiom = all_vars.foldRight(eq) { case (v, f) => All(v, f) }
    qaxioms ++: seq0


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