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gapt.formats.tptp.TptpProofParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.formats.tptp

import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Bottom
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLAtom
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLConst
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLFormula
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLVar
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.{containsStrongQuantifier, universalClosure}
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.formats.InputFile
import gapt.logic.Polarity
import gapt.logic.clauseSubsumption
import gapt.logic.hol.CNFn
import gapt.logic.hol.CNFp
import gapt.proofs.resolution.{AvatarDefinition, AvatarGroundComp, AvatarNonGroundComp, AvatarSplit}
import gapt.proofs.sketch._
import gapt.proofs.{FOLClause, HOLClause, HOLSequent, Sequent}

import scala.collection.mutable

 * Represents a malformed input file e.g. one that contains an unknown parent step
class MalformedInputFileException(s: String) extends IllegalArgumentException(s)

object TptpProofParser {
  def parse(out: InputFile, labelledCNF: Map[String, Seq[FOLClause]]): RefutationSketch =
    parseSteps(TptpImporter.loadWithoutIncludes(out), labelledCNF)

  def removeStrongQuants(tptpFile: TptpFile): TptpFile = {
    val stepsWithStrongQuants = tptpFile.inputs.filter {
      case AnnotatedFormula(_, _, _, _, TptpTerm("introduced", TptpTerm(sat_splitting), _) +: _) if sat_splitting.startsWith("sat_splitting") =>
      case AnnotatedFormula(_, _, _, _, TptpTerm("introduced", FOLVar(avatar), _) +: _) if avatar.startsWith("AVATAR") =>
      case AnnotatedFormula(_, _, _, _, TptpTerm("introduced", FOLConst(avatar), _) +: _) if avatar.startsWith("avatar") =>
      case AnnotatedFormula(_, label, "conjecture", formula, _) =>
        containsStrongQuantifier(formula, Polarity.InSuccedent)
      case AnnotatedFormula(_, label, _, formula, _) =>
        containsStrongQuantifier(formula, Polarity.InAntecedent)
      case _ => false
    }.collect { case f: AnnotatedFormula => }.toSet
    if (stepsWithStrongQuants.isEmpty)
      TptpFile(tptpFile.inputs.collect { case f: AnnotatedFormula if !stepsWithStrongQuants( => f }.map {
        case f @ AnnotatedFormula(_, _, _, _, just +: _) if getParents(just).toSet.intersect(stepsWithStrongQuants).isEmpty => f
        case f @ AnnotatedFormula(_, label, "conjecture", formula, _) =>
          AnnotatedFormula("fof", label, "conjecture", formula, Seq())
        case f => AnnotatedFormula("fof",, "axiom", f.formula, Seq())

  def parse(out: InputFile, ignoreStrongQuants: Boolean = false): (Sequent[FOLFormula], RefutationSketch) = {
    var tptpFile = TptpImporter.loadWithoutIncludes(out)
    if (ignoreStrongQuants) tptpFile = removeStrongQuants(tptpFile)
    tptpFile = inventSources(tptpFile)
    val (endSequent, labelledCNF) = extractEndSequentAndCNF(tptpFile)
    endSequent -> parseSteps(tptpFile, labelledCNF)

  def inventSources(stepList: TptpFile): TptpFile = TptpFile(stepList.inputs map {
    case af @ AnnotatedFormula(lang, label, role @ ("axiom" | "hypothesis" | "conjecture" | "negated_conjecture"), formula, Seq()) =>
      af.copy(annotations = Seq(TptpTerm("file", TptpTerm("unknown"), TptpTerm(s"source_$label"))))
    case af @ AnnotatedFormula(lang, label, role @ ("axiom" | "hypothesis" | "conjecture" | "negated_conjecture"), formula, Seq(TptpTerm("file", _, TptpTerm("unknown")), _*)) =>
      af.copy(annotations = Seq(TptpTerm("file", TptpTerm("unknown"), TptpTerm(s"source_$label"))))
    case other => other

  def extractEndSequentAndCNF(stepList: TptpFile): (Sequent[FOLFormula], Map[String, Seq[FOLClause]]) = {
    var endSequent = Sequent[FOLFormula]()
    val labelledCNF = mutable.Map[String, Seq[FOLClause]]().withDefaultValue(Seq())

    stepList.inputs foreach {
      case AnnotatedFormula("fof", _, "conjecture", formula: FOLFormula, Seq(TptpTerm("file", _, TptpTerm(label)))) =>
        endSequent :+= formula
        labelledCNF(label) ++= CNFn(formula).toSeq
      case AnnotatedFormula(lang, _, _, formula: FOLFormula, Seq(TptpTerm("file", _, TptpTerm(label)))) =>
        endSequent +:= (if (lang == "cnf") universalClosure(formula) else formula)
        labelledCNF(label) ++= CNFp(formula).toSeq
      case _ =>

    endSequent -> labelledCNF.toMap

  def getParents(justification: GeneralTerm): Seq[String] = justification match {
    case TptpTerm("file", _, _)                                 => Seq()
    case TptpTerm("inference", _, _, GeneralList(parents @ _*)) => parents flatMap getParents
    case TptpTerm("introduced", _, _)                           => Seq()
    case TptpTerm("theory", TptpTerm("equality", _*), _*)       => Seq()
    case GeneralColon(TptpTerm(label), _)                       => Seq(label)
    case TptpTerm(dagSource)                                    => Seq(dagSource)

  def findClauseRenaming(from: HOLSequent, to: HOLSequent): Option[Map[Var, Var]] =
    if (from.sizes != to.sizes)
    else for {
      subst <- clauseSubsumption(from, to)
      // FIXME: this would only be correct if we considered all subsumptions...
      if subst.isInjectiveRenaming
    } yield { case (l, r) => l -> r.asInstanceOf[Var] }

  def parseSteps(stepList: TptpFile, labelledCNF: Map[String, Seq[FOLClause]]): RefutationSketch = {
    val steps = (for (case input @ AnnotatedFormula(_, name, _, _, _) <- stepList.inputs)
      yield name -> input).toMap

    val memo = mutable.Map[String, Seq[RefutationSketch]]()
    val alreadyVisited = mutable.Set[String]()
    val splDefs = mutable.Map[(FOLAtom, Boolean), AvatarDefinition]()
    val splAtoms = mutable.Set[FOLAtom]()

    def filterVampireSplits(clause: FOLClause): FOLClause = clause.filterNot(splAtoms)

    def convertAvatarDefinition(defn: Formula, splAtom: FOLAtom): Seq[RefutationSketch] = {
      splAtoms += splAtom
      val comps = defn match {
        case splAtom @ FOLAtom(_, _) if freeVariables(splAtom).isEmpty =>
            AvatarGroundComp(splAtom, _)
        case Neg(splAtom @ FOLAtom(_, _)) if freeVariables(splAtom).isEmpty =>
            AvatarGroundComp(splAtom, _)
        case _ =>
          Seq(AvatarNonGroundComp(splAtom, AvatarNonGroundComp.DefinitionFormula.canonize(defn)))
      comps map { comp =>
        splDefs((splAtom, comp.assertion.succedent.nonEmpty)) = comp

    def haveAlreadyVisited(stepName: String): Boolean = {
      val res = alreadyVisited(stepName)
      alreadyVisited += stepName

    def convert(stepName: String): Seq[RefutationSketch] = {
      val step = steps.getOrElse(stepName, throw new MalformedInputFileException(s"unknown step $stepName"))

        (step: @unchecked) match {
          case _ if haveAlreadyVisited(stepName) =>
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cyclic inference: ${steps(stepName)}")
          case AnnotatedFormula("fof", _, "plain", And(Imp(defn, Neg(splAtom: FOLAtom)), _), TptpTerm("introduced", TptpTerm("sat_splitting_component"), _) +: _) =>
            convertAvatarDefinition(defn, splAtom)
          case AnnotatedFormula("fof", _, "plain", Bottom(), (justification @ TptpTerm("inference", TptpTerm("sat_splitting_refutation"), _, _)) +: _) =>
            val sketchParents = getParents(justification) flatMap convert
            val splitParents = sketchParents map { parent0 =>
              var parent = parent0
              for {
                clauseComponent <- AvatarSplit.getComponents(parent0.conclusion)
                comp <- splDefs.values
                renaming <- findClauseRenaming(comp.clause, clauseComponent)
              } parent = SketchComponentElim(
                comp match {
                  case comp @ AvatarNonGroundComp(_, _, vars) => comp.copy(vars =
                  case AvatarGroundComp(_, _)                 => comp
          case AnnotatedFormula("fof", _, "plain", And(Imp(splAtom: FOLAtom, defn), _), TptpTerm("introduced", FOLVar("AVATAR_definition") | FOLConst("avatar_definition"), _) +: _) =>
            convertAvatarDefinition(defn, splAtom)
          case AnnotatedFormula("fof", _, "plain", disj, (justification @ TptpTerm("inference", FOLVar("AVATAR_split_clause") | FOLConst("avatar_split_clause"), _, _)) +: _) =>
            val Seq(assertion) = CNFp(disj).toSeq
            val Seq(splittedClause, _*) = getParents(justification) flatMap convert: @unchecked

            var p = splittedClause
            for {
              clauseComponent <- AvatarSplit.getComponents(splittedClause.conclusion)
              case (splAtom: FOLAtom, i) <- assertion.zipWithIndex
              comp <- splDefs.get((splAtom, i.isSuc))
              renaming <- findClauseRenaming(comp.clause, clauseComponent)
            } p = SketchComponentElim(
              comp match {
                case comp @ AvatarNonGroundComp(_, _, vars) => comp.copy(vars =
                case AvatarGroundComp(_, _)                 => comp

            require(p.conclusion.isEmpty, s"$assertion\n$splittedClause\n$splDefs")
          case AnnotatedFormula(
                (justification @ TptpTerm(
                  FOLVar("AVATAR_sat_refutation") |
                  FOLConst("avatar_sat_refutation" | "avatar_smt_refutation"),
                )) +: _
              ) =>
          case AnnotatedFormula("fof", _, "conjecture", _, TptpTerm("file", _, TptpTerm(label)) +: _) =>
            labelledCNF(label) map SketchAxiom.apply
          case AnnotatedFormula(_, _, _, axiom: FOLFormula, TptpTerm("file", _, TptpTerm(label)) +: _) =>
            CNFp(axiom).toSeq match {
              case Seq(axiomClause) =>
                  labelledCNF(label) map SketchAxiom.apply
              case clauses => labelledCNF(label) map SketchAxiom.apply
          case AnnotatedFormula("cnf", _, "axiom", axiom: FOLFormula, Seq()) =>
            val label = stepName
            CNFp(axiom).toSeq match {
              case Seq(axiomClause) =>
                  labelledCNF(label) map SketchAxiom.apply
              case clauses => labelledCNF(label) map SketchAxiom.apply
          case AnnotatedFormula(_, _, _, conclusion: FOLFormula, justification +: _) =>
            CNFp(conclusion).toSeq match {
              case Seq(conclusionClause) =>
                val sketchParents = getParents(justification) flatMap convert
                val conclusionClause_ = filterVampireSplits(conclusionClause)
                val sketchParents_ = sketchParents.find(p => clauseSubsumption(p.conclusion, conclusionClause_).isDefined).fold(sketchParents)(Seq(_))
                Seq(SketchInference(conclusionClause_, sketchParents_))
              case clauses => getParents(justification) flatMap convert

    val emptyClauseLabel = stepList.inputs.collect {
      case AnnotatedFormula(_, label, _, Bottom(), _) => label


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