gapt.proofs.expansion.positions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package gapt.proofs.expansion
import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.expr.formula.Quant
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.{HOLPosition, instantiate}
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.expr.util.replacementContext
import gapt.expr.util.syntacticMGU
import gapt.expr.util.syntacticMatching
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
import gapt.proofs.context.update.Definition
private object getAtHOLPosition {
def apply(et: ExpansionTree, pos: HOLPosition): Set[ExpansionTree] = et(pos)
object replaceAtHOLPosition {
def apply(et: ExpansionTree, pos: HOLPosition, exp: Expr): ExpansionTree =
replaceWithContext(et, replacementContext(et.shallow(pos).ty, et.shallow, Some(pos)), exp)
* Replaces terms in an expansion tree according to a replacement context.
object replaceWithContext {
* @param et An expansion tree.
* @param replacementContext A replacement context, i.e. a lambda expression of the form λx.E.
* @param exp The term to insert for x.
* @return A new expansion tree where x has been replaced with exp in every node.
def apply(et: ExpansionTree, replacementContext: Abs, exp: Expr)(implicit ctx: Context = Context()): ExpansionTree = {
def newFormula = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(App(replacementContext, exp)).asInstanceOf[Formula]
(et, replacementContext) match {
case (ETDefinition(sh, sub), _) =>
val Some(matching) = syntacticMatching(replacementContext.term, et.shallow): @unchecked
val newCtx = commuteReplacementCtxWithDefEq(replacementContext, matching(replacementContext.variable), sub.shallow)
ETDefinition.ifNecessary(newFormula, apply(sub, newCtx, exp))
case (ETMerge(left, right), _) => ETMerge(apply(left, replacementContext, exp), apply(right, replacementContext, exp))
case (ETTop(_), _) | (ETBottom(_), _) => et
case (ETAtom(_, pol), _) => ETAtom(newFormula, pol)
case (ETWeakening(_, pol), _) => ETWeakening(newFormula, pol)
case (ETNeg(sub), Abs(v, Neg(f))) => ETNeg(apply(sub, Abs(v, f), exp))
case (ETAnd(left, right), Abs(v, And(l, r))) => ETAnd(apply(left, Abs(v, l), exp), apply(right, Abs(v, r), exp))
case (ETOr(left, right), Abs(v, Or(l, r))) => ETOr(apply(left, Abs(v, l), exp), apply(right, Abs(v, r), exp))
case (ETImp(left, right), Abs(v, Imp(l, r))) => ETImp(apply(left, Abs(v, l), exp), apply(right, Abs(v, r), exp))
case (ETStrongQuantifier(formula, x, sub), _) =>
ETStrongQuantifier(newFormula, x, apply(sub, instReplCtx(replacementContext, x), exp))
case (ETSkolemQuantifier(formula, skTerm @ Apps(skConst, skArgs), sub), _) =>
val boundVars = freeVariables(formula) ++ freeVariables(skTerm) ++ freeVariables(exp)
val nameGen = rename.awayFrom(boundVars)
val newSkArgs = => nameGen.fresh(Var("x", a.ty)))
val lhs = newFormula
val Some(skDef) = ctx.skolemDef(skConst.asInstanceOf[Const]): @unchecked // FIXME
val rhs = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(skDef(newSkArgs))
val subst = syntacticMGU(lhs, rhs, boundVars).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot unify $lhs =?= $rhs"))
val newSkTerm = subst(skConst(newSkArgs))
ETSkolemQuantifier(newFormula, newSkTerm, apply(sub, instReplCtx(replacementContext, newSkTerm), exp))
case (ETWeakQuantifier(formula, instances), _) =>
for ((term, instance) <- instances)
yield term -> apply(instance, instReplCtx(replacementContext, term), exp)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Tree $et and context $replacementContext could not be handled.")
object commuteReplacementCtxWithDefEq {
* Given c[x\t] =def a, tries to find c' such that c'[x\t] = a and c' =def c.
* Right now this only works if c[x\t] ~> a, and may fail even then.
def apply(x: Var, c: Expr, t: Expr, a: Expr)(implicit ctx: Context): Expr =
(c, a) match {
case _ if Substitution(x -> t)(c) == a => c
case (Apps(fn1, as1), Apps(fn2, as2)) if fn1 == fn2 && !freeVariables(fn1).contains(x) =>
fn1(for ((a1, a2) <- as1 zip as2) yield apply(x, a1, t, a2))
case (c @ Quant(y1, _, pol1), a @ Quant(y2, _, pol2)) if y1.ty == y2.ty && pol1 == pol2 =>
val y = rename(y1, freeVariables(c) ++ freeVariables(a) ++ freeVariables(t) + x)
Quant(y, apply(x, instantiate(c, y), t, instantiate(a, y)).asInstanceOf[Formula], pol1)
case _ =>
// imitate
a match {
case Apps(fn2: Const, as2) =>
val pat = fn2(for ((a, i) <- as2.zipWithIndex) yield Var(s"x$i", a.ty))
syntacticMatching(ctx.normalize(pat), ctx.normalize(c)) match {
case Some(subst) =>
return apply(x, subst(pat), t, a)
case _ =>
case _ =>
// reduce
ctx.normalizer.reduce1(c) match {
case Some(c_) => apply(x, BetaReduction.betaNormalize(c_), t, a)
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot solve c'[$x\\$t] = $a\n and c' =def $c")
def apply(replCtx: Abs, t: Expr, a: Expr)(implicit ctx: Context): Abs =
Abs(replCtx.variable, apply(replCtx.variable, replCtx.term, t, a))
* Inserts a definition into an expansion tree by either creating an ETDefinition node at the appropriate place or
* else just replacing terms.
object insertDefinition {
def apply(et: ExpansionTree, defn: Definition, replacementContext: Abs): ExpansionTree = {
val Abs(v, expr) = replacementContext
def definitionApplied = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(App(replacementContext, defn.what)).asInstanceOf[Formula]
(et, expr) match {
case (_, Apps(`v`, _)) => // ctx = λ v. v […]
ETDefinition(definitionApplied, et)
case (ETDefinition(_, child), _) =>
ETDefinition(definitionApplied, child)
case (ETNeg(s), Neg(f)) =>
ETNeg(insertDefinition(s, defn, Abs(v, f)))
case (ETAnd(l, r), And(f, g)) =>
ETAnd(insertDefinition(l, defn, Abs(v, f)), insertDefinition(r, defn, Abs(v, g)))
case (ETOr(l, r), Or(f, g)) =>
ETOr(insertDefinition(l, defn, Abs(v, f)), insertDefinition(r, defn, Abs(v, g)))
case (ETImp(l, r), Imp(f, g)) =>
ETImp(insertDefinition(l, defn, Abs(v, f)), insertDefinition(r, defn, Abs(v, g)))
case (ETStrongQuantifier(shallow, eigen, child), Quant(_, _, _)) =>
val shallowNew = definitionApplied
ETStrongQuantifier(shallowNew, eigen, insertDefinition(child, defn, instReplCtx(replacementContext, eigen)))
case (ETSkolemQuantifier(shallow, skolemTerm, child), Quant(x, f, _)) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Skolem nodes are not handled at this time.")
case (ETWeakQuantifier(shallow, instances), Quant(_, _, _)) =>
val shallowNew = definitionApplied
val instancesNew: Map[Expr, ExpansionTree] = (for {
(t, e) <- instances
ctxNew = instReplCtx(replacementContext, t)
treeNew = insertDefinition(e, defn, ctxNew)
} yield (t, treeNew)).toMap
ETWeakQuantifier(shallowNew, instancesNew)
case (ETMerge(l, r), _) =>
ETMerge(insertDefinition(l, defn, replacementContext), insertDefinition(r, defn, replacementContext))
case (ETWeakening(formula, pol), _) =>
ETWeakening(definitionApplied, pol)
case _ =>
replaceWithContext(et, replacementContext, defn.what)
object moveDefsUpward {
private def apply(tree: ExpansionTree, expectedSh: Formula)(implicit ctx: Context): ExpansionTree =
(tree, expectedSh) match {
case (ETDefinition(_, t), _) => apply(t, expectedSh)
case (ETWeakening(_, pol), _) => ETWeakening(expectedSh, pol)
case (ETMerge(t1, t2), _) => ETMerge(apply(t1, expectedSh), apply(t2, expectedSh))
case (ETAtom(_, _) | ETTop(_) | ETBottom(_), _) => ETDefinition.ifNecessary(expectedSh, tree)
case (ETNeg(t), Neg(f)) => ETNeg(apply(t, f))
case (ETAnd(t1, t2), And(f1, f2)) => ETAnd(apply(t1, f1), apply(t2, f2))
case (ETOr(t1, t2), Or(f1, f2)) => ETOr(apply(t1, f1), apply(t2, f2))
case (ETImp(t1, t2), Imp(f1, f2)) => ETImp(apply(t1, f1), apply(t2, f2))
case (ETStrongQuantifier(_, eig, t), Quant(_, _, _)) =>
ETStrongQuantifier(expectedSh, eig, apply(t, instantiate(expectedSh, eig)))
case (ETSkolemQuantifier(_, _, _), Quant(_, _, _)) =>
ETDefinition.ifNecessary(expectedSh, tree) // TODO
case (ETWeakQuantifier(_, insts), Quant(_, _, _)) =>
for ((term, ch) <- insts)
yield term -> apply(ch, BetaReduction.betaNormalize(instantiate(expectedSh, term)))
case (_, _) =>
val expectedShWhnf = ctx.normalizer.whnf(expectedSh).asInstanceOf[Formula]
if (expectedShWhnf == expectedSh) {
// We encountered a definition rule that was not valid in this context.
ETDefinition(expectedSh, apply(tree, tree.shallow))
} else {
ETDefinition(expectedSh, apply(tree, expectedShWhnf))
def apply(et: ExpansionTree)(implicit ctx: Context): ExpansionTree = apply(et, et.shallow)
def apply(es: ExpansionSequent)(implicit ctx: Context): ExpansionSequent =
def apply(ep: ExpansionProof)(implicit ctx: Context): ExpansionProof = ExpansionProof(apply(ep.expansionSequent))
* Instantiates the quantifier inside a replacement context.
* Given λx ∀y P(x,y) and f(c), it will return λx P(x,f(c)).
object instReplCtx {
def apply(ctx: Abs, term: Expr): Abs =
ctx match {
case Abs(x, quantFormula) if freeVariables(term) contains x =>
val newX = rename(x, freeVariables(term))
instReplCtx(Abs(newX, Substitution(x -> newX)(quantFormula)), term)
case Abs(x, quantFormula: Formula) =>
Abs(x, instantiate(quantFormula, term))
object generalizeET {
def apply(et: ExpansionTree, newShallow: Formula)(implicit ctx: Context): ExpansionTree =
HOLPosition.differingPositions(et.shallow, newShallow).groupBy(pos => (et.shallow(pos), newShallow(pos))).foldLeft(et) {
case (et_, ((what, by), poss)) =>
replaceWithContext(et_, replacementContext(what.ty, et_.shallow, poss), by)