gapt.proofs.expansion.trees.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package gapt.proofs.expansion
import gapt.expr.VarOrConst
import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.BinaryPropConnectiveHelper
import gapt.expr.formula.Bottom
import gapt.expr.formula.Ex
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.expr.formula.Quant
import gapt.expr.formula.Top
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.{HOLPosition, instantiate}
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.formats.babel.BabelSignature
import gapt.logic.Polarity
import gapt.logic.hol.SkolemFunctions
import gapt.proofs.{Checkable, DagProof, HOLSequent, Sequent}
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
import gapt.utils.{Doc, Maybe}
import scala.collection.mutable
* Expansion tree.
* A tree collecting instances of a formula. See, e.g., M. Baaz, S. Hetzl,
* D. Weller: On the complexity of proof deskolemization, Journal of Symbolic
* Logic, 77(2), 2012 for a formulation close to the one implemented here.
* [[ExpansionTree]] wraps an expansion tree term together with the intended
* shallow formula and polarity. The term may not be necessarily correct
* for this shallow formula (i.e., calling [[deep]] may produce an exception).
* Calling [[ExpansionTree.check]] validates the correctness of the expansion tree (also
* with respect to the given [[gapt.proofs.context.Context]]).
* The constructors [[ETAtom]], [[ETAnd]], etc. ensure that the produced
* expansion trees are correct.
case class ExpansionTree(term: ETt, polarity: Polarity, shallow: Formula) extends DagProof[ExpansionTree] {
def deep: Formula = term.deep(shallow, polarity)
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: AnyRef if this eq that => true
case _ if this.hashCode != that.hashCode() => false
case ExpansionTree(term2, polarity2, shallow2) =>
polarity == polarity2 && term == term2 && shallow == shallow2
case _ => false
def immediateSubProofs: Seq[ExpansionTree] = {
def seq[T](as: T*): Seq[T] = as
(this: @unchecked) match {
case ETAtom(_, _) | ETWeakening(_, _) | ETTop(_) | ETBottom(_) => Seq.empty
case ETMerge(a, b) => seq(a, b)
case ETNeg(a) => seq(a)
case ETAnd(a, b) => seq(a, b)
case ETOr(a, b) => seq(a, b)
case ETImp(a, b) => seq(a, b)
case ETWeakQuantifier(_, insts) => insts.values.toSeq
case ETStrongQuantifier(_, _, ch) => seq(ch)
case ETSkolemQuantifier(_, _, ch) => seq(ch)
case ETDefinition(_, ch) => seq(ch)
def isAtom: Boolean = this match {
case ETAtom(_, _) => true
case _ => false
def apply(pos: HOLPosition): Set[ExpansionTree] =
if (pos.isEmpty) Set(this)
else ((pos.head, this): @unchecked) match {
case (_, ETMerge(a, b)) => a.apply(pos) union b.apply(pos)
case (1, ETNeg(ch)) => ch.apply(pos.tail)
case (1, ETAnd(l, _)) => l.apply(pos.tail)
case (2, ETAnd(_, r)) => r.apply(pos.tail)
case (1, ETOr(l, _)) => l.apply(pos.tail)
case (2, ETOr(_, r)) => r.apply(pos.tail)
case (1, ETImp(l, _)) => l.apply(pos.tail)
case (2, ETImp(_, r)) => r.apply(pos.tail)
case (1, ETStrongQuantifier(_, _, ch)) => ch.apply(pos.tail)
case (1, ETSkolemQuantifier(_, _, ch)) => ch.apply(pos.tail)
case (1, ETWeakQuantifier(_, insts)) => insts.values.flatMap(_.apply(pos.tail)).toSet
case (_, ETWeakening(_, _)) => Set.empty
/** Checks whether this expansion tree is correct (in the given Context). */
def check()(implicit ctx: Maybe[Context]): Unit = {
def go: ExpansionTree => Unit = {
t =>
(t: @unchecked) match {
// assumes that the shallow formula is already checked
case ETAtom(_, _) | ETTop(_) | ETBottom(_) | ETWeakening(_, _) =>
case ETMerge(a, b) =>
go(a); go(b)
case ETNeg(child) => go(child)
case ETAnd(a, b) =>
go(a); go(b)
case ETOr(a, b) =>
go(a); go(b)
case ETImp(a, b) =>
go(a); go(b)
case ETWeakQuantifier(_, instances) =>
for ((inst, child) <- instances) {
case ETStrongQuantifier(_, eigenVar, child) =>
case ETSkolemQuantifier(sh, skT, child) =>
val Apps(skConst: Const, skArgs) = skT: @unchecked
ctx.foreach { ctx =>
val Some(skD) = ctx.skolemDef(skConst): @unchecked
Checkable.requireDefEq(skD(skArgs), sh)(ctx)
case ETDefinition(sh, child) =>
ctx.foreach(Checkable.requireDefEq(sh, child.shallow)(_))
def toDoc(implicit sig: BabelSignature): Doc = new ExpansionTreePrettyPrinter(sig).`export`(this)
def toSigRelativeString(implicit sig: BabelSignature): String = toDoc.render(80)
override def toString: String = toSigRelativeString
object ExpansionTree {
def apply(formula: Formula, polarity: Polarity, term: ETt): ExpansionTree =
ExpansionTree(term, polarity, formula)
implicit val closedUnderSubst: ClosedUnderSub[ExpansionTree] =
(sub, et) => ExpansionTree(sub(et.term), et.polarity, sub(et.shallow))
implicit object closedUnderReplacement extends ClosedUnderReplacement[ExpansionTree] {
def replace(et: ExpansionTree, p: PartialFunction[Expr, Expr]): ExpansionTree =
ExpansionTree(TermReplacement(et.term, p), et.polarity, TermReplacement(et.shallow, p))
def names(et: ExpansionTree): Set[VarOrConst] =
containedNames(et.term) union containedNames(et.shallow)
implicit object checkable extends Checkable[ExpansionTree] {
def check(et: ExpansionTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = et.check()(ctx)
/** Expansion tree for an atom. */
object ETAtom {
def apply(shallow: Formula, polarity: Polarity): ExpansionTree =
ExpansionTree(ETtAtom, polarity, shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, Polarity)] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtAtom, polarity, shallow) =>
Some((shallow, polarity))
case _ => None
/** Expansion tree representing a weakening inference. */
object ETWeakening {
def apply(shallow: Formula, polarity: Polarity): ExpansionTree =
ExpansionTree(ETtWeakening, polarity, shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, Polarity)] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtWeakening, polarity, shallow) => Some((shallow, polarity))
case _ => None
def apply(proof: ExpansionProof, newShallow: HOLSequent): ExpansionProof =
ExpansionProof(apply(proof.expansionSequent, newShallow))
def apply(sequent: ExpansionSequent, newShallow: HOLSequent): ExpansionSequent =
sequent ++ (for ((t, i) <- newShallow.diff(sequent.shallow).zipWithIndex)
yield ETWeakening(t, i.polarity))
/** Expansion tree merge node, representing a contraction inference. */
object ETMerge {
def apply(nonEmptyChildren: Iterable[ExpansionTree]): ExpansionTree =
nonEmptyChildren.reduce(ETMerge(_, _))
def apply(shallow: Formula, polarity: Polarity, children: Iterable[ExpansionTree]): ExpansionTree = {
for (ch <- children) {
require(ch.polarity == polarity)
require(ch.shallow == shallow)
if (children.nonEmpty) apply(children) else ETWeakening(shallow, polarity)
def byShallowFormula(trees: Iterable[ExpansionTree]): Vector[ExpansionTree] =
trees.groupBy(t => t.shallow -> t.polarity)
def apply(expansionSequent: ExpansionSequent): ExpansionSequent =
Sequent(byShallowFormula(expansionSequent.antecedent), byShallowFormula(expansionSequent.succedent))
def apply(expansionProof: ExpansionProof): ExpansionProof =
def apply(child1: ExpansionTree, child2: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree = {
require(child1.polarity == child2.polarity)
require(child1.shallow == child2.shallow)
ExpansionTree(ETtMerge(child1.term, child2.term), child1.polarity, child1.shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(ExpansionTree, ExpansionTree)] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtMerge(term1, term2), polarity, shallow) =>
Some((ExpansionTree(term1, polarity, shallow), ExpansionTree(term2, polarity, shallow)))
case _ => None
object ETMerges {
def unapply(tree: ExpansionTree): Some[Vector[ExpansionTree]] =
tree match {
case ETMerge(ETMerges(t), ETMerges(s)) => Some(t ++ s)
case _ => Some(Vector(tree))
private[expansion] class ETNullaryCompanion(conn: Formula) {
def apply(polarity: Polarity): ExpansionTree = ExpansionTree(ETtNullary, polarity, conn)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[Polarity] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtNullary, polarity, `conn`) => Some(polarity)
case _ => None
/** Expansion tree for ⊤. */
object ETTop extends ETNullaryCompanion(Top())
/** Expansion tree for ⊥. */
object ETBottom extends ETNullaryCompanion(Bottom())
/** Expansion tree for ¬. */
object ETNeg {
def apply(child: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree =
ExpansionTree(ETtUnary(child.term), !child.polarity, -child.shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[ExpansionTree] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtUnary(term), polarity, Neg(shallow)) =>
Some(ExpansionTree(term, !polarity, shallow))
case _ => None
private[expansion] class ETBinaryCompanion(conn: BinaryPropConnectiveHelper, isImp: Boolean) {
def apply(child1: ExpansionTree, child2: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree = {
if (isImp)
require(!child1.polarity == child2.polarity)
require(child1.polarity == child2.polarity)
ExpansionTree(ETtBinary(child1.term, child2.term), child2.polarity, conn(child1.shallow, child2.shallow))
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(ExpansionTree, ExpansionTree)] =
et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtBinary(ch1, ch2), pol, conn(sh1, sh2)) =>
ExpansionTree(ch1, if (isImp) !pol else pol, sh1),
ExpansionTree(ch2, pol, sh2)
case _ => None
/** Expansion tree for ∧. */
object ETAnd extends ETBinaryCompanion(And, isImp = false) {
object Flat {
def apply(expansionTree: ExpansionTree): Seq[ExpansionTree] =
expansionTree match {
case ETAnd(Flat(ls), Flat(rs)) => ls ++ rs
case _ => Seq(expansionTree)
def unapply(expansionTree: ExpansionTree): Option[Seq[ExpansionTree]] =
/** Expansion tree for ∨. */
object ETOr extends ETBinaryCompanion(Or, isImp = false)
/** Expansion tree for →. */
object ETImp extends ETBinaryCompanion(Imp, isImp = true)
* Expansion tree collecting the instances for a weak quantifier.
* It has the form Qx.A +^t,,1,,^ E,,1,, + … +^t,,n,,^ E,,n,,, where t,,1,,,…,t,,n,, are lambda terms of the same type
* as x and E,,i,, is an expansion tree of A[x\t,,i,,].
* Its deep formula is E,,1,,.deep ∨ … ∨ E,,n,,.deep (in the case of an existential) or E,,1,,.deep ∧ … ∧ E,,n,,.deep
* (in the case of a universal).
object ETWeakQuantifier {
import gapt.expr.subst.ExprSubstWithβ._
def apply(shallow: Formula, instances: Map[Expr, ExpansionTree]): ExpansionTree = {
val (polarity, boundVar, qfFormula) = shallow match {
case Ex(x, t) => (Polarity.InSuccedent, x, t)
case All(x, t) => (Polarity.InAntecedent, x, t)
for ((inst, child) <- instances) {
require(child.polarity == polarity)
val correctShallow = Substitution(boundVar -> inst)(qfFormula)
require(child.shallow == correctShallow, s"Incorrect shallow formula:\n${child.shallow} !=\n$correctShallow")
ExpansionTree(ETtWeak(Map() ++ instances.view.mapValues(_.term).toMap), polarity, shallow)
def withMerge(shallow: Formula, instances: Iterable[(Expr, ExpansionTree)]): ExpansionTree =
ETWeakQuantifier(shallow, Map() ++ instances.groupBy(_._1).view.mapValues(children => ETMerge(
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, Map[Expr, ExpansionTree])] =
et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtWeak(instances), polarity, shallow @ Quant(bv, sh, isAll)) if isAll == polarity.inAnt =>
for ((inst, ch) <- instances)
yield inst -> ExpansionTree(ch, polarity, Substitution(bv -> inst)(sh))
case _ => None
/** Represents nested weak quantifier nodes in an expansion tree, collecting the instances for a block of weak quantifiers. */
object ETWeakQuantifierBlock {
def apply(shallow: Formula, blockSize: Int, instances: Iterable[(Seq[Expr], ExpansionTree)]): ExpansionTree =
if (blockSize == 0) {
ETMerge(instances map { _._2 })
} else {
Map() ++ instances.groupBy(_._1.head).view.mapValues { children =>
apply(instantiate(shallow, children.head._1.head), blockSize - 1, children map { case (ts, et) => ts.tail -> et })
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Some[(Formula, Int, Map[Seq[Expr], ExpansionTree])] = {
val instances = mutable.Map[Seq[Expr], Set[ExpansionTree]]().withDefaultValue(Set())
def maxQuants: ETt => Int = {
case ETtWeakening => Int.MaxValue
case ETtWeak(insts) =>
if (insts.isEmpty) Int.MaxValue
else match {
case Int.MaxValue => Int.MaxValue
case d => d + 1
case ETtMerge(a, b) =>
math.min(maxQuants(a), maxQuants(b))
case _ => 0
val numberQuants0 = et.shallow match {
case Ex.Block(vs, _) if et.polarity.inSuc => vs.size
case All.Block(vs, _) if et.polarity.inAnt => vs.size
val numberQuants = math.min(maxQuants(et.term), numberQuants0)
def walk(et: ExpansionTree, terms: Seq[Expr], n: Int): Unit =
if (n == 0) instances(terms) += et
else et match {
case ETWeakQuantifier(_, insts) =>
for ((term, child) <- insts)
walk(child, terms :+ term, n - 1)
case ETMerge(a, b) =>
walk(a, terms, n)
walk(b, terms, n)
case ETWeakening(_, _) =>
case _ =>
throw new IllegalStateException
walk(et, Seq(), numberQuants)
Some((et.shallow, numberQuants, Map() ++ instances.view.mapValues(ETMerge(_)).toMap))
* Expansion tree for a strong quantifier, containing the eigenvariable.
* It has the form Qx.A +^α^ E, where α is a variable (called the eigenvariable) and E is an expansion tree of A[x\α].
object ETStrongQuantifier {
def apply(shallow: Formula, eigenVariable: Var, child: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree = {
val (polarity, boundVar, qfFormula) = shallow match {
case Ex(x, t) => (Polarity.InAntecedent, x, t)
case All(x, t) => (Polarity.InSuccedent, x, t)
require(child.polarity == polarity)
require(child.shallow == Substitution(boundVar -> eigenVariable)(qfFormula))
ExpansionTree(ETtStrong(eigenVariable, child.term), polarity, shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, Var, ExpansionTree)] =
et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtStrong(eigenVar, child), polarity, shallow @ Quant(bv, sh, isAll)) if isAll == polarity.inSuc =>
Some((shallow, eigenVar, ExpansionTree(child, polarity, Substitution(bv -> eigenVar)(sh))))
case _ => None
/** Represents nested strong quantifier nodes in an expansion tree, collecting the eigenvariables for a block of strong quantifiers. */
object ETStrongQuantifierBlock {
def apply(shallow: Formula, eigenVariables: Seq[Var], child: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree = eigenVariables match {
case ev +: evs =>
ETStrongQuantifier(shallow, ev, ETStrongQuantifierBlock(instantiate(shallow, ev), evs, child))
case Seq() => child
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Some[(Formula, Seq[Var], ExpansionTree)] = et match {
case ETStrongQuantifier(sh, ev, ETStrongQuantifierBlock(_, evs, child)) => Some((sh, ev +: evs, child))
case _ => Some((et.shallow, Seq(), et))
* Expansion tree for a strong quantifier, containing a Skolem term.
* As an example let us consider an expansion proof of ∀z P(c,z) :- ∃x ∀y P(x,y).
* For Skolemization we introduce the Skolem function `s_1` (for the single strong quantifier), this function
* has the Skolem definition `λx ∀y P(x,y)` (see [[gapt.logic.hol.SkolemFunctions]] for details).
* The natural expansion proof has the deep formula `P(c,s_1(c)) :- P(c,s_1(c))`, so we need a Skolem node with the
* shallow formula `∀y P(c,y)`, and deep formula `P(c,s_1(c))`. This Skolem node is constructed as
* `ETSkolemQuantifier(∀y P(c,y), s_1(c), λx ∀y P(x,y), ETAtom(P(c,s_1(c)), InSuc))`.
object ETSkolemQuantifier {
def apply(shallow: Formula, skolemTerm: Expr, child: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree = {
val (polarity, boundVar, qfFormula) = shallow match {
case Ex(x, t) => (Polarity.InAntecedent, x, t)
case All(x, t) => (Polarity.InSuccedent, x, t)
require(child.polarity == polarity)
require(child.shallow == Substitution(boundVar -> skolemTerm)(qfFormula))
ExpansionTree(ETtSkolem(skolemTerm, child.term), polarity, shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, Expr, ExpansionTree)] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtSkolem(skTerm, child), polarity, shallow @ Quant(bv, sh, isAll)) if isAll == polarity.inSuc =>
Some((shallow, skTerm, ExpansionTree(child, polarity, Substitution(bv -> skTerm)(sh))))
case _ => None
* Expansion tree for a definition node in an expansion tree.
* It has the form `φ +def E` where `φ` is the shallow formula of the definition node.
* The formula `φ` should be definitionally equal to the shallow formula of `E`
* (i.e., equal after unfolding all definitions).
object ETDefinition {
def apply(shallow: Formula, child: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree =
ExpansionTree(ETtDef(child.shallow, child.term), child.polarity, shallow)
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, ExpansionTree)] = et match {
case ExpansionTree(ETtDef(sh1, ch), pol, sh2) =>
Some((sh2, ExpansionTree(ch, pol, sh1)))
case _ => None
def ifNecessary(shallow: Formula, child: ExpansionTree): ExpansionTree =
if (child.shallow == shallow)
ETDefinition(shallow, child)
/** Matches [[ETMerge]], [[ETAnd]], [[ETOr]], or [[ETImp]]. */
object BinaryExpansionTree {
def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(ExpansionTree, ExpansionTree)] = et match {
case ETMerge(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case ETAnd(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case ETOr(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case ETImp(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case _ => None