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gapt.provers.viper.grammars.solveBUP.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.provers.viper.grammars

import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Atom
import gapt.expr.formula.Eq
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.hol._
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.util.expressionSize
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.expr.util.syntacticMGU
import gapt.expr.util.syntacticMatching
import gapt.grammars.{RecSchemTemplate, RecursionScheme, Rule}
import gapt.logic.hol.CNFp
import gapt.logic.hol.simplifyPropositional
import gapt.logic.hol.skolemize
import gapt.proofs._
import gapt.proofs.resolution.{forgetfulPropParam, forgetfulPropResolve}
import gapt.provers.Prover
import gapt.provers.escargot.impl.getFOPositions
import gapt.utils.quiet

import scala.collection.mutable

object hSolveQBUP {
  def findConseq(start: Formula, conds: Seq[(Set[Substitution], Formula)], prover: Prover, equations: Seq[Formula]): Set[Formula] = {
    val isSolution = mutable.Map[Set[HOLClause], Boolean]()
    def checkSol(cnf: Set[HOLClause]) = isSolution.getOrElseUpdate(
      cnf, {
        val cnfForm = And(
        val cond = And(for ((substs, f) <- conds) yield And( --> f)

    def normalize(clause: HOLClause): HOLClause =

    type Node = (Set[HOLClause], Seq[Formula])
    val didInferences = mutable.Set[Node]()
    def forgetfulInferences(node: Node): Unit = {
      if (!didInferences(node)) {
        val (cnf, equations) = node
        if (checkSol(cnf)) {
          for (cnf_ <- forgetfulPropResolve(cnf)) forgetfulInferences((cnf_, equations))
          for (cnf_ <- forgetfulPropParam(cnf)) forgetfulInferences((cnf_, equations))
          for {
            case (Eq(lhs0, rhs0), i) <- equations.zipWithIndex
            ltr <- Seq(true, false)
            (lhs, rhs) = if (ltr) (lhs0, rhs0) else (rhs0, lhs0)
            cls <- cnf
            (a, j) <- cls.zipWithIndex
            (e, ps) <- getFOPositions(a)
            subst <- syntacticMatching(lhs, e)
            rhs_ = subst(rhs)
            p <- ps
            a_ = a.replace(p, rhs_).asInstanceOf[Atom]
          } forgetfulInferences((cnf - cls + normalize(cls.replaceAt(j, a_)), for ((e, i_) <- equations.zipWithIndex if i_ != i) yield e))
        didInferences += node
    forgetfulInferences(CNFp(start).map(normalize) -> equations)

    val didForget = mutable.Set[Set[HOLClause]]()
    def forgetClauses(cnf: Set[HOLClause]): Unit =
      if (!didForget(cnf)) {
        if (checkSol(cnf)) for (c <- cnf) forgetClauses(cnf - c)
        didForget += cnf
    for (case (cnf, true) <- isSolution.toSeq) forgetClauses(cnf)

    isSolution collect { case (sol, true) => simplifyPropositional(And(sol map { _.toImplication })) } toSet

  def getSequents(qbupMatrix: Formula, x: Var): Seq[HOLSequent] = {
    val qbupSequents = And.nAry.unapply(qbupMatrix) { case All.Block(_, matrix) => formulaToSequent.pos(matrix) }
    for (seq <- qbupSequents; formula <- seq)
      formula match {
        case Apps(`x`, _) =>
        case other =>

  def canonicalSolution(qbupMatrix: Formula, xInst: Formula): Formula = {
    val Apps(x: Var, xInstArgs) = xInst: @unchecked
    val qbupSequents = getSequents(qbupMatrix, x)

    val posOccurs = for {
      seq <- qbupSequents
      case (occ @ Apps(`x`, _), idx) <- seq.zipWithIndex.succedent
    } yield occ -> seq.delete(idx)
    def mkCanSol(xInst: Formula): Formula =
      (for {
        (occ, seq) <- posOccurs.view
        subst <- syntacticMatching(occ, xInst)
      } yield subst(seq).map {
        case nextOcc @ Apps(`x`, _) => mkCanSol(nextOcc)
        case notX                   => notX
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot backchain $xInst in:\n\n${qbupSequents.mkString("\n\n")}")


  def apply(qbupMatrix: Formula, xInst: Formula, prover: Prover, equations: Seq[Formula] = Seq()): Option[Expr] = {
    val Apps(x: Var, xInstArgs) = xInst: @unchecked
    val qbupSequents = getSequents(qbupMatrix, x)

    val start = canonicalSolution(qbupMatrix, xInst)

    def mkSearchCond(substs0: Set[Substitution], seq0: HOLSequent): Option[(Set[Substitution], Formula)] = {
      val renaming = Substitution(rename(freeVariables(seq0) - x, freeVariables(xInst)))
      val seq = renaming(seq0)
      val substs =

      (seq.indicesWhere { case Apps(hd, _) => hd == x }: @unchecked) match {
        case occs if occs.exists(_.isSuc) => None
        case Seq()                        => Some(substs -> seq.toImplication)
        case Seq(occ, _*) =>
          syntacticMGU(xInst, seq(occ)).flatMap(subst =>
            mkSearchCond( + subst, subst(seq.delete(occ)))

    val searchConds = qbupSequents.flatMap(mkSearchCond(Set(), _))

    val conseqs = quiet(findConseq(start, searchConds, prover, equations))

    val xGenArgs = for ((a, i) <- xInstArgs.zipWithIndex) yield Var(s"x$i", a.ty)
    val xGen = x(xGenArgs: _*)
    val Some(matching) = syntacticMatching(xGen, xInst): @unchecked
    def checkSolutionMatrix(matrix: Formula) = {
      val sol = Abs(xGenArgs, matrix)
      if (prover.isValid(skolemize(BetaReduction.betaNormalize(Substitution(x -> sol)(qbupMatrix)))))
      else None
    // try uniform replacements first
    conseqs.toSeq.sortBy(expressionSize(_)).view.flatMap { conseq =>
      val genConseq = TermReplacement(conseq,
      // now try replacing each occurrence
    orElse(conseqs.toSeq.sortBy(c => { conseq =>
      def generalize(genConseq: Expr, poss: List[HOLPosition]): Option[Expr] = poss match {
        case Nil =>
        case pos :: poss_ =>
          genConseq.get(pos) match {
            case None =>
              generalize(genConseq, poss_)
            case Some(termToGen) =>
     == termToGen).keys.view.flatMap { repl =>
                generalize(genConseq.replace(pos, repl), poss_)
              }.headOption.orElse(generalize(genConseq, poss_))

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