biz.neumann.ocr.format.HOCR.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package biz.neumann.ocr.format
import biz.neumann.ocr._
import biz.neumann.HTMLParser
import xml.NodeSeq
* AN-iT
* User: Andreas Neumann
* Email: [email protected]
* Date: 25.09.12
* Time: 11:04
object HOCR {
val coordinatesExtractor = """bbox (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+).*""".r
val styleExtractor = """([^:]+):([^;]+);""".r
def extractOCRClass(html: NodeSeq) = Symbol( (html \ "@class" ).text)
def extractCoordinates(html: NodeSeq) : Coordinates = {
(html \ "@title").text match {
case coordinatesExtractor(x1,y1,x2,y2) => ( (x1.toInt, y1.toInt ),(x2.toInt, y2.toInt) )
case e => throw new Exception("No valid coordiantes string in" + e)
val pagePathNumberExtractor = """[^_]+_(?:0)*(\d+).*""".r
val pageNumberExtractor = """[^;]+;ppageno\s*(\d+)""".r
def fromFolder(path: String) = new Document(pagesFromFolder(path))
def fromFolderWithImage(path: String, imageFolder: String) =
docWithImages(new Document(pagesFromFolder(path)), imageFolder)
def docWithImages(doc: Document, imageFolder: String) = {
val imageFiles = new File(imageFolder).listFiles.filter(_.toString.endsWith(".jpg"))
imageFiles.par foreach { imageFile =>
val pageNumber = getPageNumberFromImagePath(imageFile.toString).toInt
try {
//doc.getPage( pageNumber ).imagePath = Some(imageFile.toString)
catch {
case e: Throwable => println("something went wrong while adding image to pageFromXML" + e )
def getPageNumberFromImagePath(imagePath : String) : Int = imagePath match {
case pagePathNumberExtractor(pageNumber) => pageNumber.toInt
case malformed => throw new Error("Konnte Bilddatei: " + malformed +" keine Seite zuordnen: ");
def pagesFromFolder(folderPath: String) : IndexedSeq[Page]= {
val files = new File(folderPath).listFiles
files map (pageFromFile(_))
def pageFromFile(file : File) : Page = pageFromHTML( new HTMLParser().fromFile(file) )
def pageFromHTML( html : NodeSeq ) : Page = {
val pageHTML = (html \ "body" \ "div" ).head
new Page( extractPageNumber(pageHTML), extractCoordinates(pageHTML), blocksFromHTML(pageHTML))
def extractPageNumber(html: xml.NodeSeq) : Int = (html \ "@title").text match {
case pageNumberExtractor(pageNumber) => pageNumber.toInt
case other => throw new Exception (other + " is no valid title string for a pageFromXML" )
def blocksFromHTML(html: NodeSeq) : Blocks = (html \ "div") map blockFromHTML toIndexedSeq
def blockFromHTML(html: NodeSeq) : Block = Block(
def linesFromHTML(html: NodeSeq) : Lines = (html \ "p" \ "span") map lineFromHTML toIndexedSeq
def lineFromHTML(html : NodeSeq) = Line(
def isOCRWord(html : NodeSeq) = extractOCRClass(html) == 'ocrx_word
def buildWordSeq(html: NodeSeq) : Words =
(html \ "span") filter isOCRWord map {w => new Word(extractCoordinates(w),w text) } toIndexedSeq
def wordfromHTML( html : xml.Node, enclosingPageNumber: Int = 0) =
new Word(extractCoordinates(html), html.text, Some(enclosingPageNumber))