ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.segment.PV2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This class is an auto-generated source file for a HAPI
* HL7 v2.x standard structure class.
* For more information, visit:
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is "[file_name]". Description:
* "[one_line_description]"
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University Health Network. Copyright (C)
* 2012. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this
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package ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.segment;
// import*;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.*;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.ModelClassFactory;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.DefaultModelClassFactory;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractMessage;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Group;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Type;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractSegment;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Varies;
*Represents an HL7 PV2 message segment (Patient Visit - Additional Information).
* This segment has the following fields:
* - PV2-1: Prior Pending Location (PL) optional
- PV2-2: Accommodation Code (CWE) optional
- PV2-3: Admit Reason (CWE) optional
- PV2-4: Transfer Reason (CWE) optional
- PV2-5: Patient Valuables (ST) optional repeating
- PV2-6: Patient Valuables Location (ST) optional
- PV2-7: Visit User Code (IS) optional repeating
- PV2-8: Expected Admit Date/Time (DTM) optional
- PV2-9: Expected Discharge Date/Time (DTM) optional
- PV2-10: Estimated Length of Inpatient Stay (NM) optional
- PV2-11: Actual Length of Inpatient Stay (NM) optional
- PV2-12: Visit Description (ST) optional
- PV2-13: Referral Source Code (XCN) optional repeating
- PV2-14: Previous Service Date (DT) optional
- PV2-15: Employment Illness Related Indicator (ID) optional
- PV2-16: Purge Status Code (IS) optional
- PV2-17: Purge Status Date (DT) optional
- PV2-18: Special Program Code (IS) optional
- PV2-19: Retention Indicator (ID) optional
- PV2-20: Expected Number of Insurance Plans (NM) optional
- PV2-21: Visit Publicity Code (IS) optional
- PV2-22: Visit Protection Indicator (ID) optional
- PV2-23: Clinic Organization Name (XON) optional repeating
- PV2-24: Patient Status Code (IS) optional
- PV2-25: Visit Priority Code (IS) optional
- PV2-26: Previous Treatment Date (DT) optional
- PV2-27: Expected Discharge Disposition (IS) optional
- PV2-28: Signature on File Date (DT) optional
- PV2-29: First Similar Illness Date (DT) optional
- PV2-30: Patient Charge Adjustment Code (CWE) optional
- PV2-31: Recurring Service Code (IS) optional
- PV2-32: Billing Media Code (ID) optional
- PV2-33: Expected Surgery Date and Time (DTM) optional
- PV2-34: Military Partnership Code (ID) optional
- PV2-35: Military Non-Availability Code (ID) optional
- PV2-36: Newborn Baby Indicator (ID) optional
- PV2-37: Baby Detained Indicator (ID) optional
- PV2-38: Mode of Arrival Code (CWE) optional
- PV2-39: Recreational Drug Use Code (CWE) optional repeating
- PV2-40: Admission Level of Care Code (CWE) optional
- PV2-41: Precaution Code (CWE) optional repeating
- PV2-42: Patient Condition Code (CWE) optional
- PV2-43: Living Will Code (IS) optional
- PV2-44: Organ Donor Code (IS) optional
- PV2-45: Advance Directive Code (CWE) optional repeating
- PV2-46: Patient Status Effective Date (DT) optional
- PV2-47: Expected LOA Return Date/Time (DTM) optional
- PV2-48: Expected Pre-admission Testing Date/Time (DTM) optional
- PV2-49: Notify Clergy Code (IS) optional repeating
- PV2-50: Advance Directive Last Verified Date (DT) optional
public class PV2 extends AbstractSegment {
* Creates a new PV2 segment
public PV2(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory) {
super(parent, factory);
private void init(ModelClassFactory factory) {
try {
this.add(PL.class, false, 1, 80, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Prior Pending Location");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Accommodation Code");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Admit Reason");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Transfer Reason");
this.add(ST.class, false, 0, 25, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Patient Valuables");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 25, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Patient Valuables Location");
this.add(IS.class, false, 0, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(130) }, "Visit User Code");
this.add(DTM.class, false, 1, 24, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Expected Admit Date/Time");
this.add(DTM.class, false, 1, 24, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Expected Discharge Date/Time");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 3, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Estimated Length of Inpatient Stay");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 3, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Actual Length of Inpatient Stay");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 50, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Visit Description");
this.add(XCN.class, false, 0, 250, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Referral Source Code");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Previous Service Date");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Employment Illness Related Indicator");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(213) }, "Purge Status Code");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Purge Status Date");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(214) }, "Special Program Code");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Retention Indicator");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Expected Number of Insurance Plans");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(215) }, "Visit Publicity Code");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 0, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Visit Protection Indicator");
this.add(XON.class, false, 0, 250, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Clinic Organization Name");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(216) }, "Patient Status Code");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(217) }, "Visit Priority Code");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Previous Treatment Date");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(112) }, "Expected Discharge Disposition");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Signature on File Date");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "First Similar Illness Date");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Patient Charge Adjustment Code");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(219) }, "Recurring Service Code");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Billing Media Code");
this.add(DTM.class, false, 1, 24, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Expected Surgery Date and Time");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Military Partnership Code");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Military Non-Availability Code");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Newborn Baby Indicator");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Baby Detained Indicator");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Mode of Arrival Code");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 0, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Recreational Drug Use Code");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Admission Level of Care Code");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 0, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Precaution Code");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 1, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Patient Condition Code");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(315) }, "Living Will Code");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(316) }, "Organ Donor Code");
this.add(CWE.class, false, 0, 705, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Advance Directive Code");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Patient Status Effective Date");
this.add(DTM.class, false, 1, 24, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Expected LOA Return Date/Time");
this.add(DTM.class, false, 1, 24, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Expected Pre-admission Testing Date/Time");
this.add(IS.class, false, 0, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(534) }, "Notify Clergy Code");
this.add(DT.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Advance Directive Last Verified Date");
} catch(HL7Exception e) {
log.error("Unexpected error creating PV2 - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e);
* Returns
* PV2-1: "Prior Pending Location" - creates it if necessary
public PL getPriorPendingLocation() {
PL retVal = this.getTypedField(1, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-1: "Prior Pending Location" - creates it if necessary
public PL getPv21_PriorPendingLocation() {
PL retVal = this.getTypedField(1, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-2: "Accommodation Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getAccommodationCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(2, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-2: "Accommodation Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv22_AccommodationCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(2, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-3: "Admit Reason" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getAdmitReason() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(3, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-3: "Admit Reason" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv23_AdmitReason() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(3, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-4: "Transfer Reason" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getTransferReason() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(4, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-4: "Transfer Reason" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv24_TransferReason() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(4, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Patient Valuables (PV2-5).
public ST[] getPatientValuables() {
ST[] retVal = this.getTypedField(5, new ST[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Patient Valuables (PV2-5).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPatientValuablesReps() {
return this.getReps(5);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-5: "Patient Valuables" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ST getPatientValuables(int rep) {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(5, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-5: "Patient Valuables" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ST getPv25_PatientValuables(int rep) {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(5, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Patient Valuables (PV2-5).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv25_PatientValuablesReps() {
return this.getReps(5);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-5: "Patient Valuables" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST insertPatientValuables(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.insertRepetition(5, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-5: "Patient Valuables" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST insertPv25_PatientValuables(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.insertRepetition(5, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-5: "Patient Valuables" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST removePatientValuables(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.removeRepetition(5, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-5: "Patient Valuables" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST removePv25_PatientValuables(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.removeRepetition(5, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-6: "Patient Valuables Location" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPatientValuablesLocation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(6, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-6: "Patient Valuables Location" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPv26_PatientValuablesLocation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(6, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Visit User Code (PV2-7).
public IS[] getVisitUserCode() {
IS[] retVal = this.getTypedField(7, new IS[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Visit User Code (PV2-7).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getVisitUserCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(7);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-7: "Visit User Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public IS getVisitUserCode(int rep) {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(7, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-7: "Visit User Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public IS getPv27_VisitUserCode(int rep) {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(7, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Visit User Code (PV2-7).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv27_VisitUserCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(7);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-7: "Visit User Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS insertVisitUserCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.insertRepetition(7, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-7: "Visit User Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS insertPv27_VisitUserCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.insertRepetition(7, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-7: "Visit User Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS removeVisitUserCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.removeRepetition(7, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-7: "Visit User Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS removePv27_VisitUserCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.removeRepetition(7, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-8: "Expected Admit Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getExpectedAdmitDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(8, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-8: "Expected Admit Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getPv28_ExpectedAdmitDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(8, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-9: "Expected Discharge Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getExpectedDischargeDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(9, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-9: "Expected Discharge Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getPv29_ExpectedDischargeDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(9, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-10: "Estimated Length of Inpatient Stay" - creates it if necessary
public NM getEstimatedLengthOfInpatientStay() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(10, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-10: "Estimated Length of Inpatient Stay" - creates it if necessary
public NM getPv210_EstimatedLengthOfInpatientStay() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(10, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-11: "Actual Length of Inpatient Stay" - creates it if necessary
public NM getActualLengthOfInpatientStay() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(11, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-11: "Actual Length of Inpatient Stay" - creates it if necessary
public NM getPv211_ActualLengthOfInpatientStay() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(11, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-12: "Visit Description" - creates it if necessary
public ST getVisitDescription() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(12, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-12: "Visit Description" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPv212_VisitDescription() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(12, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Referral Source Code (PV2-13).
public XCN[] getReferralSourceCode() {
XCN[] retVal = this.getTypedField(13, new XCN[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Referral Source Code (PV2-13).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getReferralSourceCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(13);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-13: "Referral Source Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XCN getReferralSourceCode(int rep) {
XCN retVal = this.getTypedField(13, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-13: "Referral Source Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XCN getPv213_ReferralSourceCode(int rep) {
XCN retVal = this.getTypedField(13, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Referral Source Code (PV2-13).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv213_ReferralSourceCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(13);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-13: "Referral Source Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN insertReferralSourceCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.insertRepetition(13, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-13: "Referral Source Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN insertPv213_ReferralSourceCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.insertRepetition(13, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-13: "Referral Source Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN removeReferralSourceCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.removeRepetition(13, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-13: "Referral Source Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN removePv213_ReferralSourceCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.removeRepetition(13, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-14: "Previous Service Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPreviousServiceDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(14, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-14: "Previous Service Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv214_PreviousServiceDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(14, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-15: "Employment Illness Related Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getEmploymentIllnessRelatedIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(15, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-15: "Employment Illness Related Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv215_EmploymentIllnessRelatedIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(15, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-16: "Purge Status Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPurgeStatusCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(16, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-16: "Purge Status Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv216_PurgeStatusCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(16, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-17: "Purge Status Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPurgeStatusDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(17, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-17: "Purge Status Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv217_PurgeStatusDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(17, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-18: "Special Program Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getSpecialProgramCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(18, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-18: "Special Program Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv218_SpecialProgramCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(18, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-19: "Retention Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getRetentionIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(19, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-19: "Retention Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv219_RetentionIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(19, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-20: "Expected Number of Insurance Plans" - creates it if necessary
public NM getExpectedNumberOfInsurancePlans() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(20, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-20: "Expected Number of Insurance Plans" - creates it if necessary
public NM getPv220_ExpectedNumberOfInsurancePlans() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(20, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-21: "Visit Publicity Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getVisitPublicityCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(21, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-21: "Visit Publicity Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv221_VisitPublicityCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(21, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-22: "Visit Protection Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getVisitProtectionIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(22, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-22: "Visit Protection Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv222_VisitProtectionIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(22, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Clinic Organization Name (PV2-23).
public XON[] getClinicOrganizationName() {
XON[] retVal = this.getTypedField(23, new XON[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Clinic Organization Name (PV2-23).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getClinicOrganizationNameReps() {
return this.getReps(23);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-23: "Clinic Organization Name" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XON getClinicOrganizationName(int rep) {
XON retVal = this.getTypedField(23, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-23: "Clinic Organization Name" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XON getPv223_ClinicOrganizationName(int rep) {
XON retVal = this.getTypedField(23, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Clinic Organization Name (PV2-23).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv223_ClinicOrganizationNameReps() {
return this.getReps(23);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-23: "Clinic Organization Name" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XON insertClinicOrganizationName(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XON) super.insertRepetition(23, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-23: "Clinic Organization Name" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XON insertPv223_ClinicOrganizationName(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XON) super.insertRepetition(23, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-23: "Clinic Organization Name" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XON removeClinicOrganizationName(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XON) super.removeRepetition(23, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-23: "Clinic Organization Name" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XON removePv223_ClinicOrganizationName(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XON) super.removeRepetition(23, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-24: "Patient Status Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPatientStatusCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(24, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-24: "Patient Status Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv224_PatientStatusCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(24, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-25: "Visit Priority Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getVisitPriorityCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(25, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-25: "Visit Priority Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv225_VisitPriorityCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(25, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-26: "Previous Treatment Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPreviousTreatmentDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(26, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-26: "Previous Treatment Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv226_PreviousTreatmentDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(26, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-27: "Expected Discharge Disposition" - creates it if necessary
public IS getExpectedDischargeDisposition() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(27, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-27: "Expected Discharge Disposition" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv227_ExpectedDischargeDisposition() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(27, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-28: "Signature on File Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getSignatureOnFileDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(28, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-28: "Signature on File Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv228_SignatureOnFileDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(28, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-29: "First Similar Illness Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getFirstSimilarIllnessDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(29, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-29: "First Similar Illness Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv229_FirstSimilarIllnessDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(29, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-30: "Patient Charge Adjustment Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPatientChargeAdjustmentCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(30, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-30: "Patient Charge Adjustment Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv230_PatientChargeAdjustmentCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(30, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-31: "Recurring Service Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getRecurringServiceCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(31, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-31: "Recurring Service Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv231_RecurringServiceCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(31, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-32: "Billing Media Code" - creates it if necessary
public ID getBillingMediaCode() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(32, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-32: "Billing Media Code" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv232_BillingMediaCode() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(32, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-33: "Expected Surgery Date and Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getExpectedSurgeryDateAndTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(33, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-33: "Expected Surgery Date and Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getPv233_ExpectedSurgeryDateAndTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(33, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-34: "Military Partnership Code" - creates it if necessary
public ID getMilitaryPartnershipCode() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(34, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-34: "Military Partnership Code" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv234_MilitaryPartnershipCode() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(34, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-35: "Military Non-Availability Code" - creates it if necessary
public ID getMilitaryNonAvailabilityCode() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(35, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-35: "Military Non-Availability Code" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv235_MilitaryNonAvailabilityCode() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(35, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-36: "Newborn Baby Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getNewbornBabyIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(36, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-36: "Newborn Baby Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv236_NewbornBabyIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(36, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-37: "Baby Detained Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getBabyDetainedIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(37, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-37: "Baby Detained Indicator" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPv237_BabyDetainedIndicator() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(37, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-38: "Mode of Arrival Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getModeOfArrivalCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(38, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-38: "Mode of Arrival Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv238_ModeOfArrivalCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(38, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Recreational Drug Use Code (PV2-39).
public CWE[] getRecreationalDrugUseCode() {
CWE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(39, new CWE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Recreational Drug Use Code (PV2-39).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getRecreationalDrugUseCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(39);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-39: "Recreational Drug Use Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CWE getRecreationalDrugUseCode(int rep) {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(39, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-39: "Recreational Drug Use Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CWE getPv239_RecreationalDrugUseCode(int rep) {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(39, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Recreational Drug Use Code (PV2-39).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv239_RecreationalDrugUseCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(39);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-39: "Recreational Drug Use Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE insertRecreationalDrugUseCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.insertRepetition(39, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-39: "Recreational Drug Use Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE insertPv239_RecreationalDrugUseCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.insertRepetition(39, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-39: "Recreational Drug Use Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE removeRecreationalDrugUseCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.removeRepetition(39, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-39: "Recreational Drug Use Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE removePv239_RecreationalDrugUseCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.removeRepetition(39, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-40: "Admission Level of Care Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getAdmissionLevelOfCareCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(40, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-40: "Admission Level of Care Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv240_AdmissionLevelOfCareCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(40, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Precaution Code (PV2-41).
public CWE[] getPrecautionCode() {
CWE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(41, new CWE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Precaution Code (PV2-41).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPrecautionCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(41);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-41: "Precaution Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CWE getPrecautionCode(int rep) {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(41, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-41: "Precaution Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CWE getPv241_PrecautionCode(int rep) {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(41, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Precaution Code (PV2-41).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv241_PrecautionCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(41);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-41: "Precaution Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE insertPrecautionCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.insertRepetition(41, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-41: "Precaution Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE insertPv241_PrecautionCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.insertRepetition(41, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-41: "Precaution Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE removePrecautionCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.removeRepetition(41, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-41: "Precaution Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE removePv241_PrecautionCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.removeRepetition(41, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-42: "Patient Condition Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPatientConditionCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(42, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-42: "Patient Condition Code" - creates it if necessary
public CWE getPv242_PatientConditionCode() {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(42, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-43: "Living Will Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getLivingWillCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(43, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-43: "Living Will Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv243_LivingWillCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(43, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-44: "Organ Donor Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getOrganDonorCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(44, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-44: "Organ Donor Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getPv244_OrganDonorCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(44, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Advance Directive Code (PV2-45).
public CWE[] getAdvanceDirectiveCode() {
CWE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(45, new CWE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Advance Directive Code (PV2-45).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getAdvanceDirectiveCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(45);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-45: "Advance Directive Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CWE getAdvanceDirectiveCode(int rep) {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(45, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-45: "Advance Directive Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CWE getPv245_AdvanceDirectiveCode(int rep) {
CWE retVal = this.getTypedField(45, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Advance Directive Code (PV2-45).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv245_AdvanceDirectiveCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(45);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-45: "Advance Directive Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE insertAdvanceDirectiveCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.insertRepetition(45, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-45: "Advance Directive Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE insertPv245_AdvanceDirectiveCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.insertRepetition(45, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-45: "Advance Directive Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE removeAdvanceDirectiveCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.removeRepetition(45, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-45: "Advance Directive Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CWE removePv245_AdvanceDirectiveCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CWE) super.removeRepetition(45, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-46: "Patient Status Effective Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPatientStatusEffectiveDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(46, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-46: "Patient Status Effective Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv246_PatientStatusEffectiveDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(46, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-47: "Expected LOA Return Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getExpectedLOAReturnDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(47, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-47: "Expected LOA Return Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getPv247_ExpectedLOAReturnDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(47, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-48: "Expected Pre-admission Testing Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getExpectedPreAdmissionTestingDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(48, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-48: "Expected Pre-admission Testing Date/Time" - creates it if necessary
public DTM getPv248_ExpectedPreAdmissionTestingDateTime() {
DTM retVal = this.getTypedField(48, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Notify Clergy Code (PV2-49).
public IS[] getNotifyClergyCode() {
IS[] retVal = this.getTypedField(49, new IS[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Notify Clergy Code (PV2-49).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getNotifyClergyCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(49);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-49: "Notify Clergy Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public IS getNotifyClergyCode(int rep) {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(49, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* PV2-49: "Notify Clergy Code" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public IS getPv249_NotifyClergyCode(int rep) {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(49, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Notify Clergy Code (PV2-49).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPv249_NotifyClergyCodeReps() {
return this.getReps(49);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-49: "Notify Clergy Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS insertNotifyClergyCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.insertRepetition(49, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* PV2-49: "Notify Clergy Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS insertPv249_NotifyClergyCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.insertRepetition(49, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-49: "Notify Clergy Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS removeNotifyClergyCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.removeRepetition(49, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* PV2-49: "Notify Clergy Code" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public IS removePv249_NotifyClergyCode(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (IS) super.removeRepetition(49, rep);
* Returns
* PV2-50: "Advance Directive Last Verified Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getAdvanceDirectiveLastVerifiedDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(50, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* PV2-50: "Advance Directive Last Verified Date" - creates it if necessary
public DT getPv250_AdvanceDirectiveLastVerifiedDate() {
DT retVal = this.getTypedField(50, 0);
return retVal;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Type createNewTypeWithoutReflection(int field) {
switch (field) {
case 0: return new PL(getMessage());
case 1: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 2: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 3: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 4: return new ST(getMessage());
case 5: return new ST(getMessage());
case 6: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 130 ));
case 7: return new DTM(getMessage());
case 8: return new DTM(getMessage());
case 9: return new NM(getMessage());
case 10: return new NM(getMessage());
case 11: return new ST(getMessage());
case 12: return new XCN(getMessage());
case 13: return new DT(getMessage());
case 14: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 15: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 213 ));
case 16: return new DT(getMessage());
case 17: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 214 ));
case 18: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 19: return new NM(getMessage());
case 20: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 215 ));
case 21: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 22: return new XON(getMessage());
case 23: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 216 ));
case 24: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 217 ));
case 25: return new DT(getMessage());
case 26: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 112 ));
case 27: return new DT(getMessage());
case 28: return new DT(getMessage());
case 29: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 30: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 219 ));
case 31: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 32: return new DTM(getMessage());
case 33: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 34: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 35: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 36: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 37: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 38: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 39: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 40: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 41: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 42: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 315 ));
case 43: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 316 ));
case 44: return new CWE(getMessage());
case 45: return new DT(getMessage());
case 46: return new DTM(getMessage());
case 47: return new DTM(getMessage());
case 48: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 534 ));
case 49: return new DT(getMessage());
default: return null;