iro.simul.ssj.3.1.0.source-code.RandUnuran.c Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Stochastic Simulation in Java
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran.h"
/* Native interface for UNURAN with Java
* UNURAN has been set up to use a custom generator represented
* by a data structure containing a function pointer and a parameter
* pointer. This setup is different from the two supported configuration.
* When using UNUR_URNG_POINTER, only a function pointer is used.
* When using UNUR_URNG_PRNG, a PRNG generator is used and an extra
* library (prng) is needed to compile UNURAN and RandUnuran.
* When a uniform must be generated, the function pointed to
* by the pointer getrand is called using the parameter pointer params.
* The function has to return a double, which will be the generated
* uniform. This structure has been defined in unuran.h so UNUR_URNG
* is a typedef of it. This structure, called UNUR_URNG_FUNCTION_POINTER
* is general and can solve other cases than the JNI.
* For our special case, we would like to be able to call a Java
* method of a RandomStream Java object to get the uniform numbers.
* The UNUR_URNG will act as a wrapper around the Java method.
* So we need a function to issue a JNI call. However, such a call
* requires some information: the JNI environment, the reference
* to the object and the ID of the method.
* We are using a struct GenParams as the parameter
* block. This block contains all the needed information to allow
* the function unif, which getrand will be assigned to, to call the JNI.
* We have one GenParams structure for each UNUR_URNG generator
* used and two UNUR_URNG's are used for each RandUnuran Java object,
* one for the main stream and one for the auxiliary stream.
* This uniform generator structure allows us to change the function
* dynamically. We can therefore perform optimization by executing
* as many RandomStream method calls as possible on the Java side
* instead of the native side. When generating a single variate,
* we cache one uniform and use the cons function to get it.
* When generating arrays of variate, the function arr is used.
* It gets elements from an array and can refill it with
* new random number if necessary.
* Additionally, we need another structure called NativeParams.
* One such structure is assigned to each RandUnuran Java object.
* It contains native-side specific parameters such as pointers
* to the UNUR_GEN structure and the two UNUR_URNG's.
* The life of a RandUnuran object
* When constructed, a RandUnuran object will always call
* the native method init. The Java call init will be
* translated to a C call to Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_init with
* the proper arguments. This method will allocate the
* NativeParams structure and assign its pointer to an integer
* instance field named nativeParams. This will allow us to attach the
* NativeParams structure to the Java object and get it back
* from calls to calls. Then UNURAN is called in order
* to create a generator object which will be stored in
* the NativeParams C structure. Two UNUR_URNG structures are then
* allocated to store information about main and auxiliary RandomStream
* objects. The newly-allocated uniform random number generators will
* be attached to the UNURAN generator by UNURAN function calls.
* When the user asks for a random number, a Java method uses
* the mainStream RandomStream object to get a first uniform from the
* main stream. This uniform u is passed to the native side by a call
* to getRandDisc or getRandCont and stored
* inside the GenParams structure stored in the UNUR_URNG structure
* for the main stream. The getrand pointer of the main generator is also
* changed to cons. Environment and object reference are also
* stored into the GenParams structure. UNURAN can then be called.
* During the computation process performed by UNURAN, at least
* one uniform random number will be needed. This will call the cons
* function with a void pointer. This pointer will be casted to
* the GenParams pointer assigned to the main stream. The cons
* function will set the function pointer of the UNUR_URNG structure
* assigned to the main stream to unif. If UNURAN requests
* extra numbers from the main stream during the same variate generation
* process, unif is called.
* It will issue a JNI call that will return to Java side in order
* to use the nextDouble method of the RandomStream object.
* When no references point to the RandUnuran object, the Java garbage
* collector will free it. Before releasing the memory, the finalize
* method is called, which will call the native close method. This method
* frees all memory allocated by the native part of the interface,
* including the UNURAN generator object.
/* cached data for efficiency
* These ids are needed to issue JNI calls for getting fields
* and calling methods.
/* fields for RandUnuran objects */
static jfieldID fidNativeParams = 0;
static jfieldID fidMainStream = 0;
static jfieldID fidAuxStream = 0;
/* methods for RandomStream objects */
static jmethodID midNextDouble = 0;
static jmethodID midNextArrayOfDouble;
struct UrngWithParams {
UNUR_URNG* urng;
struct GenParams* params;
/* We must keep a default uniform generator for the
* generators' setup phases (call to unur_str2gen).
* This generator does not creates any Java RandomStream objects. */
static struct UrngWithParams default_urng = { NULL, NULL };
struct GenParams {
/* Parameters block attached to one uniform random number generator
* This will be passed as a void pointer to the function pointed to by
* the urng. */
/* JNI information */
JNIEnv* env; /* the JNI environment */
jobject rsObj; /* the RandomStream object reference */
/* caching of one uniform */
double u; /* first random number obtained on the Java side */
UNUR_URNG* urng; /* needed to set back to unif after cons is called */
/* array of uniforms */
jdoubleArray junifArray; /* Reference to the Java array */
jdouble* unifArray; /* array of uniforms */
int n; /* number of generated values */
int nextIndex; /* index of the next uniform */
double (*unif)(struct GenParams* p);
static double unif_wrapper (void* p) {
/* Function used to generate uniforms using a Java RandomStream. */
struct GenParams* params = (struct GenParams*)p;
return params->unif (params);
static double unif (struct GenParams* params) {
/* Function used to generate uniforms using a Java RandomStream. */
return (*(params->env))->CallDoubleMethod (params->env, params->rsObj,
static double cons (struct GenParams* params) {
/* We can prevent some native Java calls by precomputing one
* uniform before entering the native side. If UNURAN asks for
* additional random numbers, this will call the unif function.
* This function avoids an if inside the unif function. */
params->unif = unif;
return params->u;
static double arr (void* p) {
/* Gets a uniform from a previously generated
* array of uniforms. If no more uniforms are available,
* the array is refilled. */
struct GenParams* params = (struct GenParams*)p;
if (params->nextIndex >= params->n) {
/* a refill is needed */
(*(params->env))->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (params->env,
params->unifArray, 0);
/* equivalent to
* mainStream.nextArrayOfDouble (unifArray, 0, n)
* or
* auxStream.nextArrayOfDouble (...)
(*(params->env))->CallVoidMethod (params->env, params->rsObj,
params->junifArray, 0, params->n);
params->unifArray =
(*(params->env))->GetDoubleArrayElements (params->env,
params->junifArray, 0);
params->nextIndex = 0;
/* gets a uniform */
return params->unifArray[params->nextIndex++];
/* Per-object parameters used in C */
struct NativeParams {
/* We store it in a single structure in order to limit
* the necessary calls to the JNI. Additionnally, some
* information cannot be directly stored in Java fields, like
* pointers.
* The objMainStream and objAuxStream fields are replicated inside
* the parameter block of the urng and urng_aux structures but
* it is more simple to free the references inside the
* NativeParams structure. */
UNUR_GEN* unurgen; /* non-uniform generator */
jobject objMainStream; /* uniform generator RandomStream */
jobject objAuxStream; /* uniform auxiliary generator RandomStream */
struct UrngWithParams urng; /* uniform generator structure */
struct UrngWithParams urng_aux; /* uniform auxiliary generator structure */
/* The dimension of the distribution is used for array size
* checking in case of multivariate distributions. */
int dim;
static void urng_jni_destroy (struct UrngWithParams* gen) {
/* This function frees the custom JNI generator. */
if (!gen)
if (gen->params) {
free (gen->params);
gen->params = NULL;
if (gen->urng) {
unur_urng_free (gen->urng);
gen->urng = NULL;
static void urng_jni_create (struct UrngWithParams* gen) {
/* Creates a new JNI generator structure. */
gen->params = malloc (sizeof (struct GenParams));
if (!gen->params) {
urng_jni_destroy (gen);
gen->params->unif = unif;
gen->urng = unur_urng_new (unif_wrapper, gen->params);
if (!gen->urng) {
urng_jni_destroy (gen);
static int initClass (JNIEnv* env) {
/* we perform some class initialization tasks.
* If this function returns 0, the initialization failed. */
jclass cls;
/* Create and set the default uniform random number generator. */
if (!default_urng.urng) {
urng_jni_create (&default_urng);
if (!default_urng.urng) {
cls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/UnuranException");
if (!cls)
return 0;
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, cls, "cannot create default uniform rng");
return 0;
unur_set_default_urng (default_urng.urng);
/* After this setup, UNURAN won't work properly
* until we set a valid parameter block for the unif
* function. This will be done in the init method only. */
cls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/RandUnuran");
if (!cls)
return 0;
if (!fidNativeParams &&
!(fidNativeParams = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, cls,
"nativeParams", "J")))
return 0;
if (!fidMainStream &&
!(fidMainStream = (*env)->GetFieldID
(env, cls, "mainStream", "Lumontreal/ssj/rng/RandomStream;")))
return 0;
if (!fidAuxStream &&
!(fidAuxStream = (*env)->GetFieldID
(env, cls, "auxStream", "Lumontreal/ssj/rng/RandomStream;")))
return 0;
cls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/rng/RandomStream");
if (!cls)
return 0;
if (!midNextDouble &&
!(midNextDouble = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, cls, "nextDouble", "()D")))
return 0;
if (!midNextArrayOfDouble &&
!(midNextArrayOfDouble = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, cls,
return 0;
return 1;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_init
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring genStr)
jclass expcls;
jobject ob;
const char* genStrUTF;
struct NativeParams* np;
struct GenParams *gp;
if (!initClass (env))
/* Allocate the object parameter block. */
np = (struct NativeParams*)malloc (sizeof (struct NativeParams));
if (!np) {
expcls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/UnuranException");
if (!expcls)
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, expcls, "cannot create UNURAN generator");
/* This will allow us to call close upon errors */
memset (np, 0, sizeof (struct NativeParams));
np->unurgen = 0;
np->objMainStream = 0;
np->objAuxStream = 0;
np->urng = 0;
np->urng_aux = 0; */
/* save the parameters with the Java object */
(*env)->SetLongField (env, obj, fidNativeParams, (jlong)np);
/* Set the parameter block for the default generator.
* This will allow setup-time random number generation
* by the Java RandomStream. The setup has to be made
* all the times because the env and obj vary from calls to calls. */
gp = default_urng.params;
gp->env = env;
gp->rsObj = (*env)->GetObjectField (env, obj, fidMainStream);
/* create the UNURAN generator */
genStrUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars (env, genStr, 0);
if (!genStrUTF) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
np->unurgen = unur_str2gen (genStrUTF);
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars (env, genStr, genStrUTF);
if (!np->unurgen) {
/* The creation of the generator has failed.
* Throws an exception that will report the error,
* including the UNURAN error message. */
const char* unurerr = unur_get_strerror (unur_errno);
const char* errmsg = "cannot create UNURAN generator: ";
char* errstr;
expcls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/UnuranException");
if (!expcls) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
errstr = (char*)malloc (strlen(errmsg) + strlen(unurerr) + 1);
if (!errstr) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, expcls, errmsg);
strcpy (errstr, errmsg);
strcat (errstr, unurerr);
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, expcls, errstr);
free (errstr);
np->dim = unur_get_dimension (np->unurgen);
/* now we must setup the uniform generator */
urng_jni_create (&np->urng);
if (!np->urng.urng) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
expcls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/UnuranException");
if (!expcls)
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, expcls, "cannot allocate uniform "
"random number generator");
gp = np->urng.params;
gp->urng = np->urng.urng;
unur_chg_urng (np->unurgen, np->urng.urng);
/* now we must setup the auxiliary uniform generator */
urng_jni_create (&np->urng_aux);
if (!np->urng_aux.urng) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
expcls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/UnuranException");
if (!expcls)
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, expcls, "cannot allocate uniform auxiliary "
"random number generator.");
unur_chg_urng_aux (np->unurgen, np->urng_aux.urng);
/* Get reference to the RandomStream mainStream.
* The references to the RandomStream objects have
* to be global because they are kept inside the NativeParams
* structure which is passed to other instance methods. */
ob = (*env)->GetObjectField (env, obj, fidMainStream);
if (!ob) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
np->objMainStream = (*env)->NewGlobalRef (env, ob);
if (!np->objMainStream) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
/* store a copy of the global reference inside the
* random number generator parameter block. */
gp = np->urng.params;
gp->rsObj = np->objMainStream;
/* Get reference to the RandomStream auxStream. */
ob = (*env)->GetObjectField (env, obj, fidAuxStream);
if (!ob) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
np->objAuxStream = (*env)->NewGlobalRef (env, ob);
if (!np->objAuxStream) {
Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close (env, obj);
gp = np->urng_aux.params;
gp->rsObj = np->objAuxStream;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_close
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
struct NativeParams* np;
jthrowable ex;
/* Since this method is also called upon errors inside init,
* we must ensure that no exception is pending before
* calling JNI. */
ex = (*env)->ExceptionOccurred (env);
(*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
np = (struct NativeParams*)((*env)->GetLongField
(env, obj, fidNativeParams));
/* We check whether the pointer is null to prevent segmentation
* fault that would result in a VM crash.
* Without this checking, a VM crash would occur every time
* the user calls this method manually because the finalizer
* would call it and get an invalid pointer. */
if (!np) {
if (ex)
(*env)->Throw (env, ex);
/* We free memory previously allocated */
urng_jni_destroy (&np->urng_aux);
urng_jni_destroy (&np->urng);
unur_free (np->unurgen);
if (np->objAuxStream)
(*env)->DeleteGlobalRef (env, np->objAuxStream);
if (np->objMainStream)
(*env)->DeleteGlobalRef (env, np->objMainStream);
free (np);
/* to avoid receiving an invalid pointer in a subsequent
* call to close. */
(*env)->SetLongField (env, obj, fidNativeParams, 0);
/* If an exception was pending at the beginning of this method,
* we can now throw it back. */
if (ex)
(*env)->Throw (env, ex);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_getRandDisc
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jdouble u, jlong _np)
struct NativeParams* np;
struct GenParams *gp;
np = (struct NativeParams*)_np;
gp = np->urng.params;
gp->env = env;
/* We put the pregenerated uniform into the u field
* and change the generation function. */
gp->u = u;
np->urng.params->unif = cons;
gp = np->urng_aux.params;
gp->env = env;
np->urng_aux.params->unif = unif;
return unur_sample_discr (np->unurgen);
JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_getRandCont
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jdouble u, jlong _np)
struct NativeParams* np;
struct GenParams *gp;
np = (struct NativeParams*)_np;
gp = np->urng.params;
gp->env = env;
/* We put the pregenerated uniform into the u field
* and change the generation function. */
gp->u = u;
np->urng.params->unif = cons;
gp = np->urng_aux.params;
gp->env = env;
np->urng_aux.params->unif = unif;
return unur_sample_cont (np->unurgen);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_getRandVec
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jdouble u, jlong _np, jdoubleArray jvec)
struct NativeParams* np;
struct GenParams *gp;
jdouble* vec;
np = (struct NativeParams*)_np;
gp = np->urng.params;
/* We put the pregenerated uniform into the u field
* and change the generation function. */
gp->u = u;
np->urng.params->unif = cons;
gp->env = env;
gp = np->urng_aux.params;
gp->env = env;
np->urng_aux.params->unif = unif;
/* size checking is required because a VM crash
* would occur if the array is too short. */
if ((*env)->GetArrayLength (env, jvec) < np->dim) {
jclass expcls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "umontreal/ssj/randvar/UnuranException");
if (!expcls)
(*env)->ThrowNew (env, expcls, "array too short");
vec = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements (env, jvec, 0);
if (!vec)
unur_sample_vec (np->unurgen, vec);
(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (env, jvec, vec, 0);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_getRandDiscArray
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong _np,
jdoubleArray ju, jdoubleArray juaux, jintArray jv,
jint start, jint n)
struct NativeParams* np;
struct GenParams *gp;
jdouble* u;
jdouble* uaux;
jint* v;
int i;
np = (struct NativeParams*)_np;
gp = np->urng.params;
gp->env = env;
gp->junifArray = ju;
u = gp->unifArray = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements (env, ju, 0);
gp->n = gp->nextIndex = n; /* schedule an array refill */
np->urng.params->unif = arr;
gp = np->urng_aux.params;
if (juaux) {
gp->env = env;
gp->junifArray = juaux;
uaux = gp->unifArray = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements (env, juaux, 0);
gp->n = gp->nextIndex = n;
np->urng.params->unif = arr;
else {
/* If the main and auxiliary streams are the same,
* we use the same array for both, so the parameter
* blocks must be equal. */
np->urng_aux.params = np->urng.params;
uaux = 0;
v = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements (env, jv, 0);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
v[start+i] = unur_sample_discr (np->unurgen);
(*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements (env, jv, v, 0);
if (juaux) {
(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (env, juaux, uaux, 0);
else {
np->urng_aux.params = gp;
(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (env, ju, u, 0);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_getRandContArray
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong _np,
jdoubleArray ju, jdoubleArray juaux, jdoubleArray jv,
jint start, jint n)
struct NativeParams* np;
struct GenParams *gp;
jdouble* u;
jdouble* uaux;
jdouble* v;
int i;
np = (struct NativeParams*)_np;
gp = np->urng.params;
gp->env = env;
gp->junifArray = ju;
u = gp->unifArray = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements (env, ju, 0);
gp->n = gp->nextIndex = n;
np->urng.params->unif = arr;
gp = np->urng_aux.params;
if (juaux) {
gp->env = env;
gp->junifArray = juaux;
uaux = gp->unifArray = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements (env, juaux, 0);
gp->n = gp->nextIndex = n;
np->urng.params->unif = arr;
else {
np->urng_aux.params = np->urng.params;
uaux = 0;
v = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements (env, jv, 0);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
v[start+i] = unur_sample_cont (np->unurgen);
(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (env, jv, v, 0);
if (juaux) {
(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (env, juaux, uaux, 0);
else {
np->urng_aux.params = gp;
(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements (env, ju, u, 0);
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_isDiscrete
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
const UNUR_DISTR* distr;
struct NativeParams* np = (struct NativeParams*)(*env)->GetLongField
(env, obj, fidNativeParams);
if (!np)
return JNI_FALSE;
distr = unur_get_distr (np->unurgen);
return unur_distr_is_discr (distr) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_isContinuous
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
const UNUR_DISTR* distr;
struct NativeParams* np = (struct NativeParams*)(*env)->GetLongField
(env, obj, fidNativeParams);
if (!np)
return JNI_FALSE;
distr = unur_get_distr (np->unurgen);
return unur_distr_is_cont (distr) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_isContinuousMultivariate
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
const UNUR_DISTR* distr;
struct NativeParams* np = (struct NativeParams*)(*env)->GetLongField
(env, obj, fidNativeParams);
if (!np)
return JNI_FALSE;
distr = unur_get_distr (np->unurgen);
return unur_distr_is_cvec (distr) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_isEmpirical
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
const UNUR_DISTR* distr;
struct NativeParams* np = (struct NativeParams*)(*env)->GetLongField
(env, obj, fidNativeParams);
if (!np)
return JNI_FALSE;
distr = unur_get_distr (np->unurgen);
return unur_distr_is_cemp (distr) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_umontreal_ssj_randvar_RandUnuran_isEmpiricalMultivariate
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
const UNUR_DISTR* distr;
struct NativeParams* np = (struct NativeParams*)(*env)->GetLongField
(env, obj, fidNativeParams);
if (!np)
return JNI_FALSE;
distr = unur_get_distr (np->unurgen);
return unur_distr_is_cvemp (distr) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;