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FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.

The newest version!
/* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 University of Massachusetts Amherst.
   This file is part of "FACTORIE" (Factor graphs, Imperative, Extensible),
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License. */

import cc.factorie.variable._

import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.util.matching.Regex

/** Evaluate in terms of correct entire segments.
    The field start and end boundaries must be perfect to count as correct.  No partial credit.
    For example, this is the standard for results on CoNLL 2003. */
class PerSegmentEvaluation(val labelName:String, val labelValueStart: Regex, val labelValueContinue: Regex) {
  //println("PerSegmentEvaluation "); println(labelName); println(labelValueStart); println(labelValueContinue); println
  //if (labelValueContinue == null) labelValueContinue = labelValueStart // Waiting for Scala 2.8 default parameters

  var targetCount, predictedCount, correctCount = 0 // per segment

  def ++=(tokenseqs:Seq[IndexedSeq[{def label:LabeledMutableCategoricalVar[String]}]]): Unit = tokenseqs.foreach(ts => this.+=(  // TODO this triggers reflection

  /* Find out if we are at the beginning of a segment.
   * This complicated conditional is necessary to make the start pattern "(B|I)-" work
   * for both BIO and IOB formats. We are at a start if either (a) only labelValueStart
   * matches, or (b) labelValueContinue matches and the previous label doesn't match
   * The (b) case makes it work for IOB notation, in which "B-*" is only used at the
   * boundary between two like-categoried mentions. */
  protected def isSegmentStart(x:String, prev:String) =
    (isStart(x) && !isContinue(x)) || (isContinue(x) && (prev == null || isBackground(prev)))
  protected def isBackground(x:String) = !isStart(x) && !isContinue(x)
  protected def isStart(x:String) = labelValueStart.pattern.matcher(x).matches
  protected def isContinue(x:String) = labelValueContinue.pattern.matcher(x).matches

  /** Add the given sequence of labels to the statistics for this evalution.

      Note: Putting all Label instances across all sentences in a single Seq[]
      may result in slightly incorrect results at document boundaries: when one
      document ends in a mention and the next document begins with the same
      mention type, they will be counted as only one mention, when they should
      have been counted as two. */
  def +=(labels: IndexedSeq[LabeledMutableCategoricalVar[String]]): Unit = {
    //println("PerSegmentEvaluation += "+labels.size)
    var predictedStart, targetStart = false
    for (position <- 0 until labels.length) {
      val label = labels(position)
      val labelPrevValue: String = if (position > 0) labels(position - 1).categoryValue else null
      val labelPrevTargetValue: String = if (position > 0) labels(position - 1).target.categoryValue else null

      //print("\n"+label.token.word+"="+label.trueValue+"/"+label.value+" ")
      predictedStart = false; targetStart = false

      // Find out if we are at the beginning of a segment.
      if (isSegmentStart(label.categoryValue, labelPrevValue)) {
        predictedCount += 1
        predictedStart = true
        //print("ps ")

      if (isSegmentStart(, labelPrevTargetValue)) {
        targetCount += 1
        targetStart = true
        //print("ts ")

      // Truth and prediction both agree that a segment is starting here, let's see if they end in the same place
      if (predictedStart && targetStart) {
        if(position == labels.length-1)
          correctCount += 1 // Both sequences ended at the same position: correct
        else { //Otherwise lets be sure they end at the same place
        	var predictedContinue, targetContinue = false
        	var j = position + 1
        	var stopSearchForSegmentEnd = false
        	while (j < labels.length && !stopSearchForSegmentEnd) {
          		val label2 = labels(j)
          		predictedContinue = isContinue(label2.categoryValue)
          		targetContinue = isContinue(
          		// if true or predicted segment ends (i.e. is not a continue) or we reach the end of our label sequence.
          		if (!predictedContinue || !targetContinue || j == labels.length - 1) {
            		if (predictedContinue == targetContinue) {
              			correctCount += 1 // Both sequences ended at the same position: correct
            		stopSearchForSegmentEnd = true
          		j += 1
  def precision = if (predictedCount == 0) 1.0 else correctCount.toDouble / predictedCount
  def recall = if (targetCount == 0) 1.0 else correctCount.toDouble / targetCount
  def f1 = if (recall+precision == 0.0) 0.0 else (2.0 * recall * precision) / (recall + precision)
  def alarmCount = predictedCount - correctCount
  def missCount = targetCount - correctCount
  def tp = correctCount
  def fn = missCount
  def fp = alarmCount
  override def toString = "%-8s f1=%-6f p=%-6f r=%-6f (tp=%d fp=%d fn=%d true=%d pred=%d)".format(labelName, f1, precision, recall, tp, fp, fn, targetCount, predictedCount)

// Some utilities for automatically filling in values
object SegmentEvaluation {
  // Assume that the first two characters of each label are the "B-" or "I-" prefix.  Skip the label "O" because it is less than 3 chars long
  def labelStringsToBase(labelVals:Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
    val result = new HashSet[String]
    labelVals.foreach(s => if (s.length > 2) result += s.substring(2))

// For defaultStartPrefix = "(B|I)-" Although just "B-" would be enough for BIO, "(B|I)-" is needed for IOB
// For BILOU you should use startPrefix = "(B|U)-" and continuePrefix = "(I|L)-"
class SegmentEvaluation[L<:LabeledMutableCategoricalVar[String]](baseLabelStrings: Seq[String], startPrefix:String = "(B|I)-", continuePrefix:String = "I-") {
  def this(startPrefix:String, continuePrefix:String, labelDomain:CategoricalDomain[String]) = this(SegmentEvaluation.labelStringsToBase(, startPrefix, continuePrefix)
  def this(startPrefix:String, continuePrefix:String, labelDomain:CategoricalDomain[String], labels:IndexedSeq[L]) = {
    this(SegmentEvaluation.labelStringsToBase(, startPrefix, continuePrefix)
    this += labels
  def this(labelDomain:CategoricalDomain[String]) = this(SegmentEvaluation.labelStringsToBase(
  // Grab the domain from the first label in the Seq; assume all the domains are the same
  def this(labels:IndexedSeq[L]) = { this(labels.head.domain); this.+=(labels) }
  private val evals = new HashMap[String,PerSegmentEvaluation]
  private var labelCount = 0
  private var labelCorrectCount = 0
  evals ++= => (s, new PerSegmentEvaluation(s, (startPrefix+s).r, (continuePrefix+s).r)))
  /** Return the LabelEvaluation specific to labelString. */
  def apply(labelString:String) = evals(labelString)
  def +=(labels: IndexedSeq[L]): Unit = {
    evals.values.foreach(eval => eval += labels)
    labelCount += labels.length
    labels.foreach(label => if (label.valueIsTarget) labelCorrectCount += 1)

  // This is a per-label measure
  def tokenAccuracy = labelCorrectCount.toDouble / labelCount
  // The rest are per-segment
  def correctCount = evals.values.foldLeft(0)(_+_.correctCount)
  def predictedCount = evals.values.foldLeft(0)(_+_.predictedCount)

  def targetCount = evals.values.foldLeft(0)(_+_.targetCount)
  def precision = if (predictedCount == 0) 1.0 else correctCount.toDouble / predictedCount
  def recall = if (targetCount == 0) 1.0 else correctCount.toDouble / targetCount
  def f1: Double = if (precision + recall == 0.0) 0.0 else 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
  def alarmCount = predictedCount - correctCount
  def missCount = targetCount - correctCount
  def tp = correctCount
  def fn = missCount
  def fp = alarmCount
  def summaryString = "%-8s f1=%-6f p=%-6f r=%-6f (tp=%d fp=%d fn=%d true=%d pred=%d) acc=%-5f (%d/%d)\n".format("OVERALL", f1, precision, recall, tp, fp, fn, tp+fn, tp+fp, tokenAccuracy, labelCorrectCount, labelCount)
  override def toString = {
    val sb = new StringBuffer
    //sb.append("ACCURACY "+tokenAccuracy+" ("+labelCorrectCount+"/"+labelCount+")")
    evals.keys.toList.sortWith(_<_).foreach(l => {

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