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FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.

The newest version!
/* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 University of Massachusetts Amherst.
   This file is part of "FACTORIE" (Factor graphs, Imperative, Extensible),
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License. */

import{File, PrintWriter}

import cc.factorie._
import cc.factorie.directed._
import cc.factorie.maths.digamma
import cc.factorie.variable._

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.matching.Regex

/* Implementation for Sparse Stochastic inference by Mimno */
class SparseOnlineLDA(val wordDomain: CategoricalDomain[String],
                      val numDocs: Int,
                      val numTopics: Int = 10,
                      val alpha: Double = 0.1,
                      val beta: Double = 0.1,
                      val batchSize: Int = 100,
                      val numSamples: Int = 5,
                      val burninSamples: Int = 2,
                      val initLearningRate: Double = 100.0,
                      val kappa: Double = 0.6,
                      val maxIterations: Int=2000,
                      val printTopicInterval: Int=10,
                      val topicsFileName: String = "lda.topics")(implicit val random:scala.util.Random)
  implicit val model = DirectedModel()

  val numTypes = wordDomain.length

  val betas = MassesVariable.growableUniform(wordDomain, beta)
  val phis = Mixture(numTopics)(ProportionsVariable.growableDense(wordDomain) ~ Dirichlet(betas))

  val typeWeights = Array.tabulate(numTypes)(t => new Array[Double](numTopics))
  val typeTopics = Array.tabulate(numTypes)(t => new Array[Int](numTopics))

  val Nk = new Array[Double](numTopics) // n_t
  val infoMsg = "numTopics: %d numTypes: %d numDocs: %d maxIterations: %d"
  println(infoMsg.format(numTopics, numTypes, numDocs, maxIterations))

  var wordGradientSize = 500000
  var maxTokens = 50000

  //Store the constants
  val expDiGammaBeta:Double = Math.exp(digamma(beta)) // exp(digamma(beta))
  val betaSum = beta * numTypes // (V * beta)
  val wordWeightConstant = numDocs / (batchSize * numSamples) // D / (S * B)

  val topicNormalizers = new Array[Double](numTopics)  // represent expDiGamma(beta * V + Nk)
  val topicCoefficients = new Array[Double](numTopics) // represent alpha + Ndk * topicNormalizer

  val samplingWeights = new Array[Double](numTopics)  // represent Part 1 of Eq15

  //Arrays to note what we sampled for the current batch
  var wordGradientQueueTopics = new Array[Int](wordGradientSize)
  var wordGradientQueueTypes = new Array[Int](wordGradientSize)
  var wordGradientLimit = 0 //Current pointer, reset after each batch

  var zs = new Array[Int](maxTokens) // z assignment for the tokens
  val Ndk = new Array[Int](numTopics) //Ndk, local to the document

  var docsProcessed = 0
  //Don't measure time for first 10 iterations
  val skipIterations = 10
  var scale = 1.0

  var currSamples = 0
  var currChanges = 0

  def approximateExpDigamma(x: Double) = {
    var correction = 0.0
    var y = x

    while (y < 5.0) {
      correction += 1.0 / y
      y += 1.0

    (y - 0.5) * Math.exp(-correction)

  def export(): Unit = {
    for (wi <- 0 until wordDomain.size) {
      val weights = typeWeights(wi)
      val topics = typeTopics(wi)

      var index = 0
      while(index < numTopics && weights(index) > 0.0) {
        val topic = topics(index)
        phis(topic).value.masses.+=(wi, weights(index))
        index += 1

  def train(ws:CategoricalSeqVariable[String]) {
    val numTokens = ws.length

    //Do we have enough space in docTopics?
    if (numTokens > maxTokens) {
      maxTokens *= 2
      zs = new Array[Int](maxTokens)
      println("resize docTopics: "+ numTokens + " "+ maxTokens)
    } else {
      java.util.Arrays.fill(zs, 0)

    if (wordGradientLimit + numTokens > wordGradientSize) {
      wordGradientSize *= 2
      val newWordGradientQueueTopics = new Array[Int](wordGradientSize)
      val newWordGradientQueueTypes = new Array[Int](wordGradientSize)
      System.arraycopy(wordGradientQueueTopics, 0, newWordGradientQueueTopics, 0, wordGradientQueueTopics.length)
      System.arraycopy(wordGradientQueueTypes, 0, newWordGradientQueueTypes, 0, wordGradientQueueTypes.length)
      println("resize wordGradQueue: "+ wordGradientSize + " "+ wordGradientLimit)

    java.util.Arrays.fill(Ndk, 0)

    var coefficientSum = 0.0
    var currTopic = 0
    while (currTopic < numTopics) {
      topicCoefficients(currTopic) = (alpha + Ndk(currTopic)) * topicNormalizers(currTopic)
      coefficientSum += topicCoefficients(currTopic)
      currTopic += 1

    for (sweep <- 0 until numSamples) {
      var currentTokenIndex = 0
      while (currentTokenIndex < ws.length) {
        val word = ws.intValue(currentTokenIndex)
        val oldTopic = zs(currentTokenIndex)

        // We only get Ndk after the first sweep
        if (sweep > 0) {
          Ndk(oldTopic) -= 1
          coefficientSum -= topicCoefficients(oldTopic)
          topicCoefficients(oldTopic) = (alpha + Ndk(oldTopic)) * topicNormalizers(oldTopic)
          coefficientSum += topicCoefficients(oldTopic)

        // typeWeights is sparse, almost-sorted list
        val currentTypeWeights = typeWeights(word)
        val currentTypeTopics = typeTopics(word)

        var samplingLimit = 0
        var sparseSamplingSum = 0.0
        while(samplingLimit < currentTypeWeights.length && currentTypeWeights(samplingLimit) > 0.0) {
          val topic = currentTypeTopics(samplingLimit)
          //We have a big value, approximate exp(digamma(x)) by x - 0.5
          if (scale * currentTypeWeights(samplingLimit) > 5.0) {
            samplingWeights(samplingLimit) = (beta + scale * currentTypeWeights(samplingLimit) - 0.5 - expDiGammaBeta) * topicCoefficients(topic)
          else {
            val appx = approximateExpDigamma(beta + scale * currentTypeWeights(samplingLimit))
            samplingWeights(samplingLimit) = (appx - expDiGammaBeta) * topicCoefficients(topic)
          sparseSamplingSum += samplingWeights(samplingLimit)
          samplingLimit += 1

        val Z = sparseSamplingSum + coefficientSum * expDiGammaBeta
        val origSample = Z * random.nextDouble()
        var sample = origSample
        var newTopic = 0

        if (sample < sparseSamplingSum) {
          var index = 0

          while (sample > samplingWeights(index)) {
            sample -= samplingWeights(index)
            index += 1

          newTopic = currentTypeTopics(index)
        else {
          sample = (sample - sparseSamplingSum) / expDiGammaBeta

          newTopic = 0
          while (sample > topicCoefficients(newTopic)) {
            sample -= topicCoefficients(newTopic)
            newTopic += 1

        //Keeps track of how many changes are happening per samples
        if (sweep >= burninSamples) {
          currSamples += 1
          if (oldTopic != newTopic) currChanges += 1

        //We already decremented for oldTopic, thus update here no matter what
        Ndk(newTopic) +=1
        coefficientSum -= topicCoefficients(newTopic)
        topicCoefficients(newTopic) = (alpha + Ndk(newTopic)) * topicNormalizers(newTopic)
        coefficientSum += topicCoefficients(newTopic)

        zs(currentTokenIndex) = newTopic
        wordGradientQueueTopics(wordGradientLimit) = newTopic
        wordGradientQueueTypes(wordGradientLimit) = word
        wordGradientLimit +=1

        currentTokenIndex += 1

  def train(batchDocs:Array[CategoricalSeqVariable[String]], iteration:Int) {
    wordGradientLimit = 0
    currSamples = 0
    currChanges = 0

    var currTopic = 0
    while (currTopic < numTopics) {
      topicNormalizers(currTopic) = 1.0 / (betaSum + scale * Nk(currTopic) - 0.5)
      currTopic += 1

    var doc = 0
    while(doc < batchSize) {
      doc += 1

    val learningRate: Double = math.pow(initLearningRate + iteration, -kappa)
    scale *=  (1.0 - learningRate)
    val wordWeight:Double = (learningRate * wordWeightConstant) / scale // Nkw += (p_t * D) / (B * pi_t * numSamples) Nkw^s

    //Update word weights, go through all the samples.
    var sampleNum = 0
    while (sampleNum < wordGradientLimit) {
      val word = wordGradientQueueTypes(sampleNum)
      val topic = wordGradientQueueTopics(sampleNum)

      val weights = typeWeights(word)
      val topics = typeTopics(word)

      var index = 0
      while (topics(index) != topic && weights(index) > 0.0) index += 1

      topics(index) = topic
      weights(index) += wordWeight
      Nk(topic) += wordWeight

      sampleNum += 1

  def train(docs: Stream[CategoricalSeqVariable[String]]) {
    var iteration = 0
    var startTime:Long = 0

    val batchDocs = new Array[CategoricalSeqVariable[String]](batchSize)
    var docNum = 0

    while (iteration < maxIterations) {
      if (iteration == skipIterations) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()

      var batchIndex = 0
      while (batchIndex < batchSize) {
        batchDocs(batchIndex) = docs(docNum)
        docNum += 1
        batchIndex += 1

      train(batchDocs, iteration)

      if (scale < 0.01) {
        println("Rescale: "+ iteration)
        scale = 1.0

      if (iteration % printTopicInterval == 1) {
        val iterationMsg = "Changes/Samples: %d/%d Rate:%f scale: "
        println(iterationMsg.format(currChanges, currSamples, (currChanges + 0.0)/currSamples) + scale)

      iteration += 1
      docsProcessed += batchSize

    val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val timeMsg = "Total time for %d iterations:%d s Docs Processed: %d\n"
    println(timeMsg.format(maxIterations - skipIterations, (endTime - startTime)/1000, docsProcessed))

    val topicsWriter = new PrintWriter(topicsFileName)

  def topicWords(topicIndex:Int, numWords:Int = 10): Seq[String] = phis(topicIndex) => wordDomain.category(dp.index))
  def topicWordsArray(topicIndex:Int, numWords:Int): Array[String] = topicWords(topicIndex, numWords).toArray
  def topicSummary(topicIndex:Int, numWords:Int = 10): String = "Topic %3d %s  %d".format(topicIndex, topicWords(topicIndex, numWords).mkString(" "), phis(topicIndex).value.massTotal.toInt)
  def topicsSummary(numWords:Int = 10): String = Range(0, numTopics).map(topicSummary(_, numWords)).mkString("\n")

  def sortAndPrune(cutoff: Double) {
    var currWord = 0

    while (currWord < numTypes) {
      val weights = typeWeights(currWord)
      val topics = typeTopics(currWord)

      var sortedLimit = 0

      while (sortedLimit < numTopics && weights(sortedLimit) > 0.0) {
        if (weights(sortedLimit) < cutoff) {
          weights(sortedLimit) = 0.0
          topics(sortedLimit) = 0
        else {
          var i = sortedLimit - 1
          while (i >= 0 && weights(i+1) > weights(i)) {
            val tempTopic = topics(i)
            val tempWeight = weights(i)

            weights(i) = weights(i+1)
            topics(i) = topics(i+1)

            weights(i+1) = tempWeight
            topics(i+1) = tempTopic
            i = i - 1
        sortedLimit += 1
      currWord += 1

  //This is to prevent underflow,
  def rescale(scale: Double) {
    var currWord = 0
    while (currWord < numTypes) {
      val weights = typeWeights(currWord)

      var currTopic = 0
      while (weights(currTopic) > 0.0 && currTopic < numTopics) {
        weights(currTopic) *= scale
        currTopic +=1
      currWord +=1

    var currTopic = 0
    while (currTopic < numTopics)  {
      Nk(currTopic) *= scale
      currTopic += 1

object SparseOnlineLDA {
  val docBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Doc]
  val minDocLength = 3
  var numDocs = 0

  object WordSeqDomain extends CategoricalSeqDomain[String]
  val tokenRegex = new Regex("\\p{Alpha}+")
  val mySegmenter = new

  def nextDocument(): Stream[CategoricalSeqVariable[String]] = {
    Stream.cons(getRandomDocument(), nextDocument())

  //Adds documents and returns the word domain
  def initializeDocuments(fileName:String): Stream[CategoricalSeqVariable[String]] = {
    val source = File(fileName))
    var count = 0
    for (line <- source.getLines()) {
      val text: String = line
      val doc = Document.fromString(WordSeqDomain, fileName +":"+count, text, segmenter = mySegmenter)
      if (doc.length >= minDocLength) docBuffer += doc
      count += 1
      if (count % 1000 == 0) { print(" "+count); Console.flush() }; if (count % 10000 == 0) println()
    numDocs = docBuffer.length

  def getRandomDocument(): CategoricalSeqVariable[String] = {
    val docIndex = random.nextInt(numDocs)

  def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = {
    object opts extends cc.factorie.util.DefaultCmdOptions {
      val numTopics =     new CmdOption("num-topics", 10, "N", "Number of topics.", false, 't')
      val batchSize =     new CmdOption("batch-size", 100, "N", "Number of documents to be process in one go", false, 'b')
      val alpha =         new CmdOption("alpha", 0.1, "N", "Dirichlet parameter for per-document topic proportions.")
      val beta =          new CmdOption("beta", 0.1, "N", "Dirichlet parameter for per-topic word proportions.")
      val numSamples =    new CmdOption("num-samples", 5, "N", "Number of sweeps.", false, 'i')
      val readLines =     new CmdOption("read-lines", "", "FILENAME", "File containing lines of text, one for each document.")
      val maxNumDocs =    new CmdOption("max-num-docs", Int.MaxValue, "N", "The maximum number of documents to read.")
      val numBatches =    new CmdOption("num-batches", 5000, "N", "Num batches to process")
      val burninSamples = new CmdOption("burn-in-samples", 2, "N", "Burn in samples")
      val initLearningRate =  new CmdOption("init-learning-rate", 100.0, "N", "initial learning Rate: 1.0 / [this value] + iteration")
      val kappa =         new CmdOption("kappa", 0.6, "N", "learning rate exponent: exp(rowT, kappa)")

    val numTopics     = opts.numTopics.value
    val alpha         = opts.alpha.value
    val beta          = opts.beta.value
    val batchSize     = opts.batchSize.value
    val numSamples    = opts.numSamples.value
    val burninSamples = opts.burninSamples.value
    val learningRate  = opts.initLearningRate.value
    val kappa         = opts.kappa.value

    implicit val random = new scala.util.Random(1)

    val docs:Stream[CategoricalSeqVariable[String]] = initializeDocuments(opts.readLines.value)
    val wordDomain = WordSeqDomain.elementDomain

    val lda = new SparseOnlineLDA(wordDomain, numDocs, numTopics, alpha, beta, batchSize, numSamples, burninSamples, learningRate, kappa, opts.numBatches.value)

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