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cc.factorie.tutorial.HierCorefDemo.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.

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/* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 University of Massachusetts Amherst.
   This file is part of "FACTORIE" (Factor graphs, Imperative, Extensible),
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License. */
package cc.factorie.tutorial

import cc.factorie._
import cc.factorie.util.EvaluatableClustering
import cc.factorie.variable.{NoopDiff, BagOfWordsVariable, Var}
import com.mongodb.{DB, MongoClient}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random

 * @author John Sullivan
object HierCorefDemo {
  class WikiCorefVars(val names:BagOfWordsVariable, val context:BagOfWordsVariable, val mentions:BagOfWordsVariable, val truth:BagOfWordsVariable) extends NodeVariables[WikiCorefVars] with Canopy with GroundTruth {

    //println("created Node with tbag: %s".format(truth.members.asHashMap))

    assert(truth.size <= 1, "created Node with tbag: %s".format(truth.members.asHashMap))

    def canopies =

    def this(n:Map[String, Double], c:Map[String, Double], m:Map[String, Double], t:String) = this(new BagOfWordsVariable(Nil, n), new BagOfWordsVariable(Nil, c), new BagOfWordsVariable(Nil, m), new BagOfWordsVariable(Seq(t)))
    def this()(implicit d:DiffList) = {this(new BagOfWordsVariable(), new BagOfWordsVariable(), new BagOfWordsVariable(), new BagOfWordsVariable()); if(d!=null) d += new NoopDiff(this)}

    def ++(other: WikiCorefVars)(implicit d: DiffList): WikiCorefVars = new WikiCorefVars(this.names ++ other.names,this.context ++ other.context, this.mentions ++ other.mentions, this.truth ++ other.truth)

    def --(other: WikiCorefVars)(implicit d: DiffList): WikiCorefVars = new WikiCorefVars(this.names -- other.names, this.context -- other.context, this.mentions -- other.mentions, this.truth -- other.truth)

    def ++=(other: WikiCorefVars)(implicit d: DiffList) {
      d += new NoopDiff(this) // this is needed to trigger unrolling on SingleBagTemplates like Entropy

    def --=(other: WikiCorefVars)(implicit d: DiffList) {
      //println("removing tbag: %s of %s from %s of %s".format(this.truth.value.asHashMap,, other.truth.value.asHashMap,
      d += new NoopDiff(this)

    def getVariables: Seq[Var] = Seq(names, context, mentions)

  object WikiCorefVars {
    def fromNodeCubbieVars[V <: Var](truth:String, vars: Seq[V]):WikiCorefVars = {
      val context = vars(0).asInstanceOf[BagOfWordsVariable]
      val names = vars(1).asInstanceOf[BagOfWordsVariable]
      val mentions = vars(2).asInstanceOf[BagOfWordsVariable]
      if(truth == ""){
        new WikiCorefVars(names, context, mentions, new BagOfWordsVariable())
      } else {
        new WikiCorefVars(names, context, mentions, new BagOfWordsVariable(Seq(truth)))

  class WikiCorefModel(namesWeight:Double, namesShift: Double, contextWeight:Double, contextShift: Double, mentionsWeight:Double, mentionsShift: Double, distanceWeight:Double, distanceShift:Double)
    extends CorefModel[WikiCorefVars]
    with DirectScoringModel[WikiCorefVars] {
    this += new ChildParentCosineDistance(namesWeight, namesShift, {w:WikiCorefVars => w.names}, "names") {this.debugOff()}
    this += new ChildParentCosineDistance(contextWeight, contextShift, {w:WikiCorefVars => w.context}, "context") {this.debugOff()}
    this += new ChildParentCosineDistance(mentionsWeight, mentionsShift, {w:WikiCorefVars => w.mentions}, "mentions") {this.debugOff()}
    this += new ChildParentStringDistance(distanceWeight, distanceShift, {w:WikiCorefVars => w.names}, "names")
    this += new BagOfWordsEntropy(0.25, {w:WikiCorefVars => w.names})

  val deletedEntries = mutable.HashSet[String]()
  class HcorefNodeCubbie extends NodeCubbie[WikiCorefVars] {

    val wikiUrl = StringSlot("wurl")
    val moveable = BooleanSlot("mv")

    val deletionSet: mutable.HashSet[String] = deletedEntries
    def newNodeCubbie: HcorefNodeCubbie = new HcorefNodeCubbie()

  class HcorefCubbieCollection(names: Seq[String], mongoDB: DB)
    extends MongoNodeCollection[WikiCorefVars, HcorefNodeCubbie](names, Seq.empty[String], mongoDB) {

    val WikiTitleExtractor1 = """.+?/wiki/(.+)""".r
    val WikiTitleExtractor2 = """.+?/\.\.\./(.+)""".r
    val WikiTitleExtractor3 = """.+?/(.+)""".r

    def getTitleFromWikiURL(wikiUrl: String): String = {
      val name = wikiUrl match {
        case WikiTitleExtractor1(name) => name
        case WikiTitleExtractor2(name) => name
        case WikiTitleExtractor3(name) => name
        case "" => ""
        case _ => throw new Error("cannot extract wikititle from " + wikiUrl)
      name.replaceAll("_", " ")

    def getTruth(nc: HcorefNodeCubbie) = getTitleFromWikiURL(nc.wikiUrl.value)

    protected def newNodeVars[V <: Var](truth: String, vars: V*) = WikiCorefVars.fromNodeCubbieVars(truth, vars)
    protected def newNodeCubbie: HcorefNodeCubbie = new HcorefNodeCubbie

  def main(args: Array[String]) = {

    implicit val random = new scala.util.Random()

    val mongoConn = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
    val mongoDb = mongoConn.getDB("wikicoref")
    val corefCollection = new HcorefCubbieCollection(Seq("mentions", "cbag", "nbag", "mbag"), mongoDb)
    val allMentions = corefCollection.loadAll.filterNot(_.variables.truth.size == 0)//.filterNot(_.source == "wp")
    println("Done loading")

    val model = new WikiCorefModel(2.0, -0.25, 2.0, -0.25, 2.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0)

    val numSamples = 200000
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()

    val sampler = new CorefSampler[WikiCorefVars](model, allMentions, numSamples)
      with AutoStoppingAcceptSampler[WikiCorefVars]
      with CanopyPairGenerator[WikiCorefVars]
      with NoSplitMoveGenerator[WikiCorefVars]
      with DebugCoref[WikiCorefVars]
      with PostSampler[WikiCorefVars, WikiCorefModel]
      with PrintlnLogger {
      def autoStopAcceptThreshold = 10000

      def newInstance(implicit d: DiffList): Node[WikiCorefVars] = new Node[WikiCorefVars](new WikiCorefVars/*, nextId*/) {
        def canopyIds: Set[String] = Set.empty[String]


    println(EvaluatableClustering.evaluationString(allMentions.predictedClustering, allMentions.trueClustering))

    Example system to perform coreference and return a map of mention id -> entity id
  def doCoreference:Iterable[(String, String)] = {

    val mongoConn = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
    val mongoDb = mongoConn.getDB("wikicoref-bos")
    val corefCollection = new HcorefCubbieCollection(Seq("mentions", "cbag", "nbag", "mbag"), mongoDb)

    implicit val random = new Random()
    val mentions = corefCollection.loadAll

    val model = new WikiCorefModel(2.0, -0.25, 2.0, -0.25, 2.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0)
    val numSamples = 20000

    val sampler = new HierarchicalCorefSampler[WikiCorefVars](model, mentions, numSamples) {
      override def newInstance(implicit d: DiffList): Node[WikiCorefVars] = new Node[WikiCorefVars](new WikiCorefVars)


    mentions.filter{  e => e.isMention && e.getParent.isDefined}.map{m => m.uniqueId -> m.root.uniqueId}

  def doCoreference(mentions:Iterable[Node[WikiCorefVars]], iterations:Int, model:WikiCorefModel):Iterable[(Node[WikiCorefVars], Node[WikiCorefVars])] = {

    implicit val random = new Random()

    val sampler = new HierarchicalCorefSampler[WikiCorefVars](model, mentions, iterations) with DebugCoref[WikiCorefVars] with PrintlnLogger {
      override def newInstance(implicit d: DiffList): Node[WikiCorefVars] = new Node[WikiCorefVars](new WikiCorefVars)

    mentions.filter{  e => e.isMention && e.getParent.isDefined}.map{m => m -> m.root}


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