scalismo.common.PointSet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scalismo.common
import scalismo.geometry._
final case class PointId(id: Int) extends AnyVal
final case class PointWithId[D](point: Point[D], id: PointId)
trait Cell {
def pointIds: IndexedSeq[PointId]
trait PointGenerator[D] extends Function0[Point[D]]
trait PointSet[D] extends Equals {
self =>
def numberOfPoints: Int
def points: Iterator[Point[D]]
* *
* Returns the domain points in n chunks. Each chunk of the points is given as an iterator
* The main idea behind this method is to be able to easily parallelize on the domain points, as parallel operations
* on a single iterator in Scala end up more costly than sequential access in our case. Using this method, one would parallelize on the
* Seq of iterators instead.
def pointsInChunks(nChunks: Int): Seq[Iterator[Point[D]]]
def pointIds: Iterator[PointId] = Iterator.range(0, numberOfPoints).map(id => PointId(id))
def isDefinedAt(pt: Point[D]): Boolean
def pointId(pt: Point[D]): Option[PointId]
def pointsWithId: Iterator[(Point[D], PointId)] = { case (pt, id) => (pt, PointId(id)) }
def point(id: PointId): Point[D]
* *
* Returns the point belonging to the domain that is closest to the indicated position. The point identifier
* within th e domain is also returned.
def findClosestPoint(pt: Point[D]): PointWithId[D]
def findNClosestPoints(pt: Point[D], n: Int): Seq[PointWithId[D]]
def transform(t: Point[D] => Point[D]): PointSet[D]
* Returns the smallest continuous box domain that fully contains all the domain points.
* The bounding box is always oriented along the dimensions of the space (i.e. this method does not return rotated boxes)
def boundingBox: BoxDomain[D]
* Computes the center of moss of the points in this pointSet
def centerOfMass(implicit ndSpace: NDSpace[D]): Point[D] = {
val normFactor = 1.0 / numberOfPoints
val origin = Point.origin[D]
points.foldLeft(origin)((sum, point) => sum + (point - origin) * normFactor)
override def equals(that: Any) = {
that match {
case d: PointSet[D @unchecked] => d.canEqual(this) && points.toSeq == d.points.toSeq
case _ => false
override def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[PointSet[D @unchecked]]
override def hashCode() = points.toSeq.hashCode()