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scalismo.common.interpolation.BSplineImageInterpolator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalismo.common.interpolation
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import scalismo.common._
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.image.DiscreteImageDomain
import scalismo.numerics.BSpline
trait BSplineImageInterpolator[D, A]
extends DifferentiableFieldInterpolator[D, DiscreteImageDomain, A, EuclideanVector[D]] {
implicit protected val scalar: Scalar[A]
private[scalismo] def applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(k: Int, numCoefficients: Int) = {
if (k < 0) -k
else if (k >= numCoefficients) numCoefficients - (k - numCoefficients) - 2
else k
object BSplineImageInterpolator {
trait Create[D] {
def createBSplineInterpolator[A: Scalar](degree: Int): BSplineImageInterpolator[D, A]
implicit object create1D extends Create[_1D] {
override def createBSplineInterpolator[A: Scalar](degree: Int): BSplineImageInterpolator[_1D, A] =
new BSplineImageInterpolator1D[A](degree)
implicit object create2D extends Create[_2D] {
override def createBSplineInterpolator[A: Scalar](degree: Int): BSplineImageInterpolator[_2D, A] =
new BSplineImageInterpolator2D[A](degree)
implicit object create3D extends Create[_3D] {
override def createBSplineInterpolator[A: Scalar](degree: Int): BSplineImageInterpolator[_3D, A] =
new BSplineImageInterpolator3D[A](degree)
def apply[D: NDSpace, A: Scalar](degree: Int)(implicit creator: Create[D]): BSplineImageInterpolator[D, A] = {
case class BSplineImageInterpolator1D[A: Scalar](degree: Int) extends BSplineImageInterpolator[_1D, A] {
override protected val scalar: Scalar[A] = Scalar[A]
override def interpolate(
discreteField: DiscreteField[_1D, DiscreteImageDomain, A]
): DifferentiableField[_1D, A] = {
val domain = discreteField.domain
val ck = determineCoefficients1D(degree, discreteField)
* Computes values at given point with corresponding coefficients and spline basis
* */
def iterateOnPoints(x: Point[_1D], splineBasis: ((Double) => Double)): Double = {
val xUnit = (x(0) - domain.origin(0)) / domain.spacing(0)
val k1 = scala.math.ceil(xUnit - 0.5f * (degree + 1)).toInt
val K = degree + 1
var result = 0.0
var k = k1
while (k <= k1 + K - 1) {
val kBC = applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(k, domain.size(0))
result = result + splineBasis(xUnit.toDouble - k) * ck(kBC)
k = k + 1
// the continuous interpolation function
def f(x: Point[_1D]) = {
val splineBasis: (Double => Double) = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree)
scalar.fromDouble(iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasis))
// the derivative
def df(x: Point[_1D]) = {
val splineBasisD1: (Double => Double) = { x =>
(BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree - 1)(x + 0.5f) - BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree - 1)(x - 0.5f)) * (1 / domain
EuclideanVector(iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasisD1))
DifferentiableField[_1D, A](domain.boundingBox, f, df)
/* determine the b-spline coefficients for a 1D image */
private def determineCoefficients1D(degree: Int, img: DiscreteField[_1D, DiscreteImageDomain, A]): Array[Float] = {
// floats is an input-output argument here
val floats = new Array[Float]( A) => scalar.toFloat(v)).copyToArray(floats)
BSplineCoefficients.getSplineInterpolationCoefficients(degree, floats)
case class BSplineImageInterpolator2D[A: Scalar](degree: Int) extends BSplineImageInterpolator[_2D, A] {
override protected val scalar = Scalar[A]
override def interpolate(
discreteField: DiscreteField[_2D, DiscreteImageDomain, A]
): DifferentiableField[_2D, A] = {
val domain = discreteField.domain
val pointSet = domain.pointSet
val ck = determineCoefficients2D(degree, discreteField)
def iterateOnPoints(x: Point[_2D], splineBasis: ((Double, Double) => Double)): Double = {
val xUnit = (x(0) - domain.origin(0)) / domain.spacing(0)
val yUnit = (x(1) - domain.origin(1)) / domain.spacing(1)
val k1 = scala.math.ceil(xUnit - 0.5f * (degree + 1)).toInt
val l1 = scala.math.ceil(yUnit - 0.5f * (degree + 1)).toInt
val K = degree + 1
var result = 0.0
var l = l1
while (l <= l1 + K - 1) {
val lBC = applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(l, domain.size(1))
var k = k1
while (k <= k1 + K - 1) {
val kBC = applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(k, domain.size(0))
val pointId = pointSet.pointId(IntVector(kBC, lBC))
result = result + ck( * splineBasis(xUnit - k, yUnit - l)
k = k + 1
l = l + 1
val bSplineNthOrder = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree) _
val bSplineNmin1thOrder = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree - 1) _
def f(x: Point[_2D]) = {
val splineBasis = (x: Double, y: Double) => bSplineNthOrder(x) * bSplineNthOrder(y) // apply function
scalar.fromDouble(iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasis))
def df(x: Point[_2D]) = {
val splineBasisD1 = (x: Double, y: Double) =>
(bSplineNmin1thOrder(x + 0.5f) - bSplineNmin1thOrder(x - 0.5f)) * bSplineNthOrder(y)
val splineBasisD2 = (x: Double, y: Double) =>
bSplineNthOrder(x) * (bSplineNmin1thOrder(y + 0.5f) - bSplineNmin1thOrder(y - 0.5f))
val dfx = (iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasisD1) * (1 / discreteField.domain.spacing(0))).toFloat
val dfy = (iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasisD2) * (1 / discreteField.domain.spacing(1))).toFloat
EuclideanVector(dfx, dfy)
DifferentiableField[_2D, A](discreteField.domain.boundingBox, f, df)
/* determine the b-spline coefficients for a 2D image. The coefficients are returned
* as a DenseVector, i.e. the rows are written one after another */
private def determineCoefficients2D(degree: Int, img: DiscreteField[_2D, DiscreteImageDomain, A]): Array[Float] = {
val pointSet = img.domain.pointSet
val numeric = implicitly[Scalar[A]]
val coeffs = DenseVector.zeros[Float](img.values.size)
var y = 0
while (y < img.domain.size(1)) {
val rowValues = (0 until img.domain.size(0)).map(x => img(pointSet.pointId(IntVector(x, y))))
// the c is an input-output argument here
val c =
BSplineCoefficients.getSplineInterpolationCoefficients(degree, c)
val idxInCoeffs = pointSet.pointId(IntVector(0, y)).id
coeffs(idxInCoeffs until idxInCoeffs + img.domain.size(0)) := DenseVector(c)
y = y + 1
case class BSplineImageInterpolator3D[A: Scalar](degree: Int) extends BSplineImageInterpolator[_3D, A] {
override protected val scalar = Scalar[A]
override def interpolate(
discreteField: DiscreteField[_3D, DiscreteImageDomain, A]
): DifferentiableField[_3D, A] = {
val domain = discreteField.domain
val pointSet = domain.pointSet
val ck = determineCoefficients3D(degree, discreteField)
val pointToIdx = pointSet.pointToContinuousIndex _
def iterateOnPoints(x: Point[_3D], splineBasis: ((Double, Double, Double) => Double)): Double = {
val unitCoords = pointToIdx(x)
val xUnit = unitCoords(0)
val yUnit = unitCoords(1)
val zUnit = unitCoords(2)
val k1 = scala.math.ceil(xUnit - 0.5f * (degree + 1)).toInt
val l1 = scala.math.ceil(yUnit - 0.5f * (degree + 1)).toInt
val m1 = scala.math.ceil(zUnit - 0.5f * (degree + 1)).toInt
val K = degree + 1
var result = 0.0
var k = k1
var l = l1
var m = m1
while (m <= m1 + K - 1) {
val mBC = applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(m, domain.size(2))
l = l1
while (l <= l1 + K - 1) {
val lBC = applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(l, domain.size(1))
k = k1
while (k <= k1 + K - 1) {
val kBC = applyMirrorBoundaryCondition(k, domain.size(0))
val pointId = pointSet.pointId(IntVector(kBC, lBC, mBC))
result = result + ck( * splineBasis(xUnit - k, yUnit - l, zUnit - m)
k = k + 1
l = l + 1
m = m + 1
val bSplineNthOrder = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree) _
val bSplineNmin1thOrder = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(degree - 1) _
def f(x: Point[_3D]): A = {
val splineBasis = (x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) =>
bSplineNthOrder(x) * bSplineNthOrder(y) * bSplineNthOrder(z)
scalar.fromDouble(iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasis))
def df(x: Point[_3D]) = {
val splineBasisD1 = (x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) =>
(bSplineNmin1thOrder(x + 0.5f) - bSplineNmin1thOrder(x - 0.5f)) * bSplineNthOrder(y) * bSplineNthOrder(z)
val splineBasisD2 = (x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) =>
bSplineNthOrder(x) * (bSplineNmin1thOrder(y + 0.5f) - bSplineNmin1thOrder(y - 0.5f)) * bSplineNthOrder(z)
val splineBasisD3 = (x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) =>
bSplineNthOrder(x) * bSplineNthOrder(y) * (bSplineNmin1thOrder(z + 0.5f) - bSplineNmin1thOrder(z - 0.5f))
val dfx = (iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasisD1) * (1 / domain.spacing(0))).toFloat
val dfy = (iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasisD2) * (1 / domain.spacing(1))).toFloat
val dfz = (iterateOnPoints(x, splineBasisD3) * (1 / domain.spacing(2))).toFloat
EuclideanVector(dfx, dfy, dfz)
val bbox = domain.boundingBox
DifferentiableField(BoxDomain3D(bbox.origin, bbox.oppositeCorner), f, df)
private def determineCoefficients3D(degree: Int,
discreteField: DiscreteField[_3D, DiscreteImageDomain, A]): Array[Float] = {
val pointSet = discreteField.domain.pointSet
val coeffs = DenseVector.zeros[Float](discreteField.values.size)
var z = 0
var y = 0
while (z < discreteField.domain.size(2)) {
y = 0
while (y < discreteField.domain.size(1)) {
val rowValues = (0 until discreteField.domain.size(0))
.map(x => discreteField.apply(pointSet.pointId(IntVector(x, y, z))))
// the c is an input-output argument here
val c =
BSplineCoefficients.getSplineInterpolationCoefficients(degree, c)
val idxInCoeffs = pointSet.pointId(IntVector(0, y, z)).id
coeffs(idxInCoeffs until idxInCoeffs + discreteField.domain.size(0)) := DenseVector(c)
y = y + 1
z = z + 1