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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import breeze.linalg
import breeze.linalg.{diag, DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import niftijio.NiftiVolume
import scalismo.common.Scalar
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.image.{DiscreteImage, DiscreteImageDomain, StructuredPoints, StructuredPoints3D}
import scalismo.utils.ImageConversion.{VtkAutomaticInterpolatorSelection, VtkInterpolationMode}
import scalismo.utils.{CanConvertToVtk, ImageConversion}
import spire.math.{UByte, UInt, UShort}
import vtk._
import{File, IOException}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Implements methods for reading and writing D-dimensional images
* VTK file format does not indicate the orientation of the image.
* Therefore, when reading from VTK, we assume that it is in RAI orientation.
* Hence, no magic is done, the same information (coordinates) present in the
* VTK file header are directly mapped to our coordinate system.
* This is also the case when writing VTK. Our image domain information (origin, spacing ..) is mapped
* directly into the written VTK file header.
* This is however not the case for Nifti files! Nifti file headers contain an affine transform from the ijk
* image coordinates to an RAS World Coordinate System (therefore supporting different image orientations).
* In order to read Nifti files coherently, we need to adapt the obtained RAS coordinates to our LPS system :
* This is done by mirroring the first two dimensions of each point after applying the affine transform
* The same mirroring is done again when writing an image to the Nifti format.
* '''Note on Nifti's qform and sform :'''
* As mentioned above, the Nifti header contains a transform from the unit ijk grid to the RAS world coordinates of the grid.
* This transform can be encoded in 2 entries of the Nifti header, the qform and the sform. In some files, these 2 entries can both be present,
* and in some cases could even indicate different transforms. In Scalismo, when such a case happens, we favour the sform entry by default.
* If you wish instead to favour the qform transform, you can do so by setting a flag appropriately in the [[]] method.
* ''' Documentation on orientation :'''
object ImageIO {
trait WriteNifti[D] {
def write[A: Scalar: ClassTag](img: DiscreteImage[D, A], f: File): Try[Unit]
implicit object DiscreteScalarImage3DNifti extends WriteNifti[_3D] {
def write[A: Scalar: ClassTag](img: DiscreteImage[_3D, A], f: File): Try[Unit] = {
writeNifti[A](img, f)
private lazy val RAStoLPSMatrix = DenseMatrix((-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
private lazy val LPStoRASMatrix = linalg.inv(RAStoLPSMatrix)
* Read a 3D Scalar Image
* @param file image file to be read
* @tparam S Voxel type of the image
def read3DScalarImage[S: Scalar: ClassTag](
file: File
): Try[DiscreteImage[_3D, S]] = {
file match {
case f if f.getAbsolutePath.endsWith(".vtk") =>
val reader = new vtkStructuredPointsReader()
val errCode = reader.GetErrorCode()
if (errCode != 0) {
return Failure(
new IOException(
s"Failed to read vtk file ${f.getAbsolutePath}. " +
s"(error code from vtkReader = $errCode)"
val sp = reader.GetOutput()
val img = ImageConversion.vtkStructuredPointsToScalarImage[_3D, S](sp)
// unfortunately, there may still be VTK leftovers, so run garbage collection
case f if f.getAbsolutePath.endsWith(".nii") || f.getAbsolutePath.endsWith(".nia") =>
readNifti[S](f, favourQform = false)
case _ => Failure(new Exception("Unknown file type received" + file.getAbsolutePath))
* Read a 3D Scalar Image, and possibly convert it to the requested voxel type.
* This method is similar to the [[read3DScalarImage]] method, except that it will convert the image to the requested voxel type if
* the type in the file is different, whereas [[read3DScalarImage]] will throw an exception in that case.
* @param file image file to be read
* @tparam S Voxel type of the image
def read3DScalarImageAsType[S: Scalar: ClassTag](
file: File
): Try[DiscreteImage[_3D, S]] = {
def loadAs[T: Scalar: ClassTag]: Try[DiscreteImage[_3D, T]] = {
val result = (for {
fileScalarType <- ScalarDataType.ofFile(file)
} yield {
val expectedScalarType = ScalarDataType.fromType[S]
if (expectedScalarType == fileScalarType) {
} else {
val s = implicitly[Scalar[S]]
fileScalarType match {
case ScalarDataType.Byte => loadAs[Byte].map(
case ScalarDataType.Short => loadAs[Short].map(
case ScalarDataType.Int => loadAs[Int].map(
case ScalarDataType.Float => loadAs[Float].map(
case ScalarDataType.Double => loadAs[Double].map(
case ScalarDataType.UByte => loadAs[UByte].map( => s.fromShort(u.toShort)))
case ScalarDataType.UShort => loadAs[UShort].map( => s.fromInt(u.toInt)))
case ScalarDataType.UInt => loadAs[UInt].map( => s.fromLong(u.toLong)))
case _ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"unknown scalar type $fileScalarType"))
* Read a 2D Scalar Image
* @param file image file to be read
* @tparam S Voxel type of the image
def read2DScalarImage[S: Scalar: ClassTag](file: File): Try[DiscreteImage[_2D, S]] = {
file match {
case f if f.getAbsolutePath.endsWith(".vtk") =>
val reader = new vtkStructuredPointsReader()
val errCode = reader.GetErrorCode()
if (errCode != 0) {
return Failure(
new IOException(
s"Failed to read vtk file ${file.getAbsolutePath}. " +
s"(error code from vtkReader = $errCode"
val sp = reader.GetOutput()
val img = ImageConversion.vtkStructuredPointsToScalarImage[_2D, S](sp)
// unfortunately, there may still be VTK leftovers, so run garbage collection
case _ => Failure(new Exception("Unknown file type received" + file.getAbsolutePath))
* Read a 2D Scalar Image, and possibly convert it to the requested voxel type.
* This method is similar to the [[read2DScalarImage]] method, except that it will convert the image to the requested voxel type if
* the type in the file is different, whereas [[read2DScalarImage]] will throw an exception in that case.
* @param file image file to be read
* @tparam S Voxel type of the image
def read2DScalarImageAsType[S: Scalar: ClassTag](file: File): Try[DiscreteImage[_2D, S]] = {
def loadAs[T: Scalar: ClassTag]: Try[DiscreteImage[_2D, T]] = {
val result = (for {
fileScalarType <- ScalarDataType.ofFile(file)
} yield {
val expectedScalarType = ScalarDataType.fromType[S]
if (expectedScalarType == fileScalarType) {
} else {
val s = implicitly[Scalar[S]]
fileScalarType match {
case ScalarDataType.Byte => loadAs[Byte].map(
case ScalarDataType.Short => loadAs[Short].map(
case ScalarDataType.Int => loadAs[Int].map(
case ScalarDataType.Float => loadAs[Float].map(
case ScalarDataType.Double => loadAs[Double].map(
case ScalarDataType.UByte => loadAs[UByte].map( => s.fromShort(u.toShort)))
case ScalarDataType.UShort => loadAs[UShort].map( => s.fromInt(u.toInt)))
case ScalarDataType.UInt => loadAs[UInt].map( => s.fromLong(u.toLong)))
case _ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"unknown scalar type $fileScalarType"))
def readNifti[S: Scalar: ClassTag](file: File, favourQform: Boolean): Try[DiscreteImage[_3D, S]] = {
for {
volume <-
voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform <- computeVoxelToLPSCoordinateTransform(volume, favourQform)
image <- createImageWithRightOrientation(volume, voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform)
} yield {
private def createImageWithRightOrientation[S: Scalar: ClassTag](
volume: FastReadOnlyNiftiVolume,
voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform: IntVector[_3D] => Point[_3D]
): Try[DiscreteImage[_3D, S]] = {
val expectedScalarType = ScalarDataType.fromType[S]
// If a volume has a transform, we always treat it as a float image and convert accordingly.
// Otherwise we take the type that is found in the nifty header
val foundScalarType =
if (volume.hasTransform) ScalarDataType.fromType[Float]
else ScalarDataType.fromNiftiId(volume.header.datatype)
if (expectedScalarType != foundScalarType) {
new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Invalid scalar type (expected $expectedScalarType, found $foundScalarType)"
} else {
// First we compute origin, spacing and size
val origin = voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform(IntVector3D(0, 0, 0))
val nx = volume.header.dim(1)
val ny = volume.header.dim(2)
val nz = volume.header.dim(3)
val dim = if (volume.header.dim(4) == 0) 1 else volume.header.dim(4)
val spacing = EuclideanVector3D(volume.header.pixdim(1), volume.header.pixdim(2), volume.header.pixdim(3))
val size = IntVector(nx, ny, nz)
def toUnitVec(v: EuclideanVector[_3D]): EuclideanVector[_3D] = {
v * (1.0 / v.norm)
// By transforming the standard coordinate vectors to LPS space we can figure
// out what the direction matrix should be
val iVec = toUnitVec(voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform(IntVector3D(1, 0, 0)) - origin)
val jVec = toUnitVec(voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform(IntVector3D(0, 1, 0)) - origin)
val kVec = toUnitVec(voxelToLPSCoordinateTransform(IntVector3D(0, 0, 1)) - origin)
// now we assemble everything
val newDomain = DiscreteImageDomain(
StructuredPoints3D(origin, EuclideanVector(spacing(0), spacing(1), spacing(2)), size, iVec, jVec, kVec)
val im = DiscreteImage(newDomain, volume.dataAsScalarArray)
/* Returns the augmented matrix of the affine transform from ijk to xyz_RAS
* The logic is based on:
* (section "Orientation information").
private[this] def transformMatrixFromNifti(volume: FastReadOnlyNiftiVolume,
favourQform: Boolean): Try[DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
(volume.header.qform_code, volume.header.sform_code) match {
case (0, 0) => // Method 1
val data = Array.fill(16)(0.0d)
// using homogeneous coordinates: set the last matrix element to 1
data(15) = 1
// diagonal matrix, with the diagonal values initialized to pixdim[i+1]
for (i <- 0 until 3) {
// shortcut for n*i + i, since we know that n==4
data(i * 5) = volume.header.pixdim(i + 1)
Success(DenseMatrix.create(4, 4, data))
case (q, 0) if q != 0 => // Method 2
Success(DenseMatrix.create(4, 4, volume.header.qform_to_mat44.flatten).t)
case (q, s) if s != 0 => // Method 3
//Attention: we're by default ignoring the q value here, and solely basing the decision on s != 0, unless the user says so
if (favourQform)
Success(DenseMatrix.create(4, 4, volume.header.qform_to_mat44.flatten).t)
Success(DenseMatrix.create(4, 4, volume.header.sformArray).t)
* constructs a transformation that takes an index and transforms it to LPS coordinates
private[this] def computeVoxelToLPSCoordinateTransform(
volume: FastReadOnlyNiftiVolume,
favourQform: Boolean
): Try[IntVector[_3D] => Point[_3D]] = {
var dim = volume.header.dim(4)
if (dim == 0)
dim = 1
// check this page
// for details about the nifti format
transformMatrixFromNifti(volume, favourQform).map { affineTransMatrix =>
// the affine matrix is in homogeneous coordinates. We extract the individual components
// and apply them individually
val rotationAndScalingMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double] = affineTransMatrix(0 to 2, 0 to 2)
val translationVector = DenseVector(affineTransMatrix(0, 3), affineTransMatrix(1, 3), affineTransMatrix(2, 3))
(x: IntVector[_3D]) => {
val pointInRas = (rotationAndScalingMatrix * DenseVector(x(0).toDouble, x(1).toDouble, x(2).toDouble) + translationVector)
val pointInLPS = RAStoLPSMatrix * pointInRas
Point(pointInLPS(0), pointInLPS(1), pointInLPS(2))
def writeNifti[S: Scalar: ClassTag](img: DiscreteImage[_3D, S], file: File): Try[Unit] = {
val scalarConv = implicitly[Scalar[S]]
val domain = img.domain
val size = domain.pointSet.size
val dim = 1
Try {
val volume = new NiftiVolume(size(0), size(1), size(2), dim)
// the data
for (d <- 0 until dim; k <- 0 until size(2); j <- 0 until size(1); i <- 0 until size(0)) {, j, k, d, scalarConv.toDouble(img(IntVector(i, j, k))))
def computeInnerAffineMatrix(domain: StructuredPoints[_3D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val scalingParams = DenseVector[Double](domain.spacing(0), domain.spacing(1), domain.spacing(2))
val scalingMatrix = diag(scalingParams)
LPStoRASMatrix * domain.directions.toBreezeMatrix * scalingMatrix
val originInRAS = LPStoRASMatrix * domain.pointSet.origin.toBreezeVector
val innerAffineMatrix = computeInnerAffineMatrix(img.domain.pointSet)
val M = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](4, 4)
M(0, 0) = innerAffineMatrix(0, 0)
M(0, 1) = innerAffineMatrix(0, 1)
M(0, 2) = innerAffineMatrix(0, 2)
M(0, 3) = originInRAS(0)
M(1, 0) = innerAffineMatrix(1, 0)
M(1, 1) = innerAffineMatrix(1, 1)
M(1, 2) = innerAffineMatrix(1, 2)
M(1, 3) = originInRAS(1)
M(2, 0) = innerAffineMatrix(2, 0)
M(2, 1) = innerAffineMatrix(2, 1)
M(2, 2) = innerAffineMatrix(2, 2)
M(2, 3) = originInRAS(2)
M(3, 3) = 1
// the header
volume.header.qform_code = 0
volume.header.sform_code = 2 // TODO check me that this is right
val data =
volume.header.srow_x = data.take(4)
volume.header.srow_y = data.slice(4, 8)
volume.header.srow_z = data.slice(8, 12)
volume.header.pixdim(1) = domain.pointSet.spacing(0).toFloat
volume.header.pixdim(2) = domain.pointSet.spacing(1).toFloat
volume.header.pixdim(3) = domain.pointSet.spacing(2).toFloat
def writeVTK[D: NDSpace: CanConvertToVtk, S: Scalar: ClassTag](img: DiscreteImage[D, S],
file: File,
interpolationMode: VtkInterpolationMode =
VtkAutomaticInterpolatorSelection): Try[Unit] = {
val imgVtk = ImageConversion.imageToVtkStructuredPoints(img, interpolationMode)
val writer = new vtkStructuredPointsWriter()
val errorCode = writer.GetErrorCode()
// unfortunately, there will probably still be VTK leftovers from objects allocated
// outside of our control, so run garbage collection
if (errorCode != 0) {
Failure(new IOException(s"Error writing vtk file ${file.getAbsolutePath} (error code $errorCode"))
} else {