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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.kernels
import breeze.linalg.{diag, pinv, DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import scalismo.common._
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.numerics.PivotedCholesky.RelativeTolerance
import scalismo.numerics.{PivotedCholesky, Sampler}
import scalismo.statisticalmodel.LowRankGaussianProcess.{Eigenpair, KLBasis}
import scalismo.utils.Memoize
abstract class PDKernel[D] {
self =>
protected def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): Double
def apply(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): Double = {
if (this.domain.isDefinedAt(x) && this.domain.isDefinedAt(y))
k(x, y)
else {
if (!this.domain.isDefinedAt(x)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException((s"$x is outside of the domain"))
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException((s"$y is outside of the domain"))
def domain: Domain[D]
def +(that: PDKernel[D]): PDKernel[D] = new PDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(x, y) + that.k(x, y)
override def domain = Domain.intersection(self.domain, that.domain)
def *(that: PDKernel[D]): PDKernel[D] = new PDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(x, y) * that.k(x, y)
override def domain = Domain.intersection(self.domain, that.domain)
def *(s: Double): PDKernel[D] = new PDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(x, y) * s
override def domain = self.domain
// TODO this could be made more generic by allowing the input of phi to be any type A
def compose(phi: Point[D] => Point[D]) = new PDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(phi(x), phi(y))
override def domain = self.domain
abstract class MatrixValuedPDKernel[D: NDSpace] {
self =>
def apply(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
if (this.domain.isDefinedAt(x) && this.domain.isDefinedAt(y))
k(x, y)
else {
if (!this.domain.isDefinedAt(x)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException((s"$x is outside of the domain"))
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException((s"$y is outside of the domain"))
protected def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double]
def outputDim: Int
def domain: Domain[D]
def +(that: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]): MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] = {
assert(this.outputDim == that.outputDim)
new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(x, y) + that.k(x, y)
override def domain = Domain.intersection(self.domain, that.domain)
override def outputDim = self.outputDim
def *(that: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]): MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] = {
assert(this.outputDim == that.outputDim)
new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(x, y) *:* that.k(x, y)
override def domain = Domain.intersection(self.domain, that.domain)
override def outputDim = self.outputDim
def *(s: Double): MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] = new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(x, y) * s
override def domain = self.domain
override def outputDim = self.outputDim
// TODO this could be made more generic by allowing the input of phi to be any type A
def compose(phi: Point[D] => Point[D]) = new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = self.k(phi(x), phi(y))
override def domain = self.domain
override def outputDim = self.outputDim
* discretize the kernel at the given points
def discretize(domain: DiscreteDomain[D]): DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel[D] = {
val pointSet = domain.pointSet
def k(i: PointId, j: PointId): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
self.k(pointSet.point(i), pointSet.point(j))
DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel[D](domain, k, outputDim)
trait DiagonalKernel[D] extends MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]
private[kernels] case class IsotropicDiagonalKernel[D: NDSpace](kernel: PDKernel[D], override val outputDim: Int)
extends DiagonalKernel[D] {
val I = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](outputDim)
def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = I * kernel(x, y)
// k is scalar valued
override def domain = kernel.domain
private[kernels] case class AnisotropicDiagonalKernel[D: NDSpace](kernels: Seq[PDKernel[D]]) extends DiagonalKernel[D] {
def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]) = diag(DenseVector[Double]( => k(x, y)).toArray))
override def domain =, _))
override def outputDim = kernels.length
object DiagonalKernel {
def apply[D: NDSpace](kernel: PDKernel[D], outputDim: Int): DiagonalKernel[D] =
IsotropicDiagonalKernel(kernel, outputDim)
def apply[D: NDSpace](kernels: PDKernel[D]*): DiagonalKernel[D] =
object DiagonalKernel1D {
def apply(kernel: PDKernel[_1D], outputDim: Int): DiagonalKernel[_1D] =
IsotropicDiagonalKernel(kernel, outputDim)
object DiagonalKernel2D {
def apply(kernel: PDKernel[_2D], outputDim: Int): DiagonalKernel[_2D] =
IsotropicDiagonalKernel(kernel, outputDim)
def apply(kernels: PDKernel[_2D]*): DiagonalKernel[_2D] =
object DiagonalKernel3D {
def apply(kernel: PDKernel[_3D], outputDim: Int): DiagonalKernel[_3D] =
IsotropicDiagonalKernel(kernel, outputDim)
def apply(kernels: PDKernel[_3D]*): DiagonalKernel[_3D] =
case class MultiScaleKernel[D: NDSpace](kernel: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D],
min: Int,
max: Int,
scale: Int => Double = i => scala.math.pow(2.0, -2.0 * i))
extends MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override def outputDim = kernel.outputDim
def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val sum = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](outputDim, outputDim)
for (i <- min until max) {
val kxy: DenseMatrix[Double] =
kernel((x.toVector * Math.pow(2, i)).toPoint, (y.toVector * Math.pow(2, i)).toPoint)
val kxys: DenseMatrix[Double] = kxy * scale(i) // to help the scala 3 compiler, we introduce here explicit type annotations
sum += kxys
// TODO check that the domain is correct
override def domain = kernel.domain
object Kernel {
def computeKernelMatrix[D](xs: Seq[Point[D]], k: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val d = k.outputDim
val K = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](xs.size * d, xs.size * d)
var i = 0
while (i < xs.size) {
var j = i
while (j < xs.size) {
val kxixj = k(xs(i), xs(j))
var di = 0
while (di < d) {
var dj = 0
while (dj < d) {
K(i * d + di, j * d + dj) = kxixj(di, dj)
K(j * d + dj, i * d + di) = kxixj(di, dj)
dj += 1
di += 1
j += 1
i += 1
* for every domain point x in the list, we compute the kernel vector
* kx = (k(x, x1), ... k(x, xm))
* since the kernel is matrix valued, kx is actually a matrix
* !! Hack - We currently return a double matrix, with the only reason that matrix multiplication (further down) is
* faster (breeze implementation detail). This should be replaced at some point
def computeKernelVectorFor[D](x: Point[D],
xs: IndexedSeq[Point[D]],
k: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val d = k.outputDim
val kxs = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](d, xs.size * d)
var j = 0
while (j < xs.size) {
var di = 0
val kxxj = k(x, xs(j))
while (di < d) {
var dj = 0
while (dj < d) {
kxs(di, j * d + dj) = kxxj(di, dj)
dj += 1
di += 1
j += 1
* Computes the leading eigenvalues / eigenfunctions of the integral operator corresponding
* to kernel k. The number of leading eigenfunctions is at most n, where n is the number of points sampled.
* If the eigenvalues are decaying quickly, it can be much smaller than n.
* @param k (matrix-valued) kernel
* @param sampler A point sampler, which determines the points that are used to compute the approximation.
* @return The leading eigenvalue / eigenfunction pairs
def computeNystromApproximation[D: NDSpace, Value](k: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D], sampler: Sampler[D])(
vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
): KLBasis[D, Value] = {
// procedure for the nystrom approximation as described in
// Gaussian Processes for machine Learning (Rasmussen and Williamson), Chapter 4, Page 99
val (ptsForNystrom, _) = sampler.sample().unzip
// depending on the sampler, it may happen that we did not sample all the points we wanted
val effectiveNumberOfPointsSampled = ptsForNystrom.size
// we compute the eigenvectors only approximately, to a tolerance of 1e-5. As the nystrom approximation is
// anyway not exact, this should be sufficient for all practical cases.
val (uMat, lambdaMat) = PivotedCholesky.computeApproximateEig(k, ptsForNystrom, RelativeTolerance(1e-5))
val lambda = => (lmbda / effectiveNumberOfPointsSampled.toDouble))
val numParams = (for (i <- (0 until lambda.size) if lambda(i) >= 1e-8) yield 1).size
val W: DenseMatrix[Double] = {
// z is an intermediate variable to help the scala 3 compiler figure out the types.
val z: DenseMatrix[Double] = uMat(::, 0 until numParams) * math.sqrt(effectiveNumberOfPointsSampled)
z * pinv(diag(lambdaMat(0 until numParams)))
def computePhis(x: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = computeKernelVectorFor(x, ptsForNystrom, k) * W
val computePhisMemoized = Memoize(computePhis, 1000)
def phi(i: Int)(x: Point[D]) = {
val value = computePhisMemoized(x)
// extract the right entry for the i-th phi function
vectorizer.unvectorize(value(::, i).toDenseVector)
for (i <- 0 until numParams) yield {
Eigenpair(lambda(i), Field(k.domain, phi(i) _))