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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.mesh
import scalismo.geometry.{_2D, _3D, EuclideanVector, Point}
import scalismo.numerics.ValueInterpolator
import scalismo.utils.Random
import scala.annotation.switch
/** barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles */
case class BarycentricCoordinates(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double) {
def normalized: BarycentricCoordinates = {
val s = a + b + c
new BarycentricCoordinates(a / s, b / s, c / s)
/** perform bcc interpolation: interpolate vertex values within triangle, needs Interpolation[T] */
def interpolateProperty[@specialized(Float, Double) A](v1: A, v2: A, v3: A)(
implicit blender: ValueInterpolator[A]
): A = {
blender.barycentricInterpolation(v1, a, v2, b, v3, c)
/** barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles */
object BarycentricCoordinates {
/** coordinates of first vertex */
val v0 = new BarycentricCoordinates(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
/** coordinates of second vertex */
val v1 = new BarycentricCoordinates(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
/** coordinates of third vertex */
val v2 = new BarycentricCoordinates(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
/** coordinates of center point in triangle */
val center = BarycentricCoordinates(1.0, 1.0, 1.0).normalized
/** get vertex coordinates, vertexIndex must be 0, 1 or 2 */
def canonical(vertexIndex: Int): BarycentricCoordinates = (vertexIndex: @switch) match {
case 0 => v0
case 1 => v1
case 2 => v2
case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("BCC can only handle 3 vertices: 0-2")
/** find barycentric coordinates for a point within the given triangle */
def pointInTriangle(point: Point[_2D], v1: Point[_2D], v2: Point[_2D], v3: Point[_2D]): BarycentricCoordinates = {
val x: Double = point.x
val y: Double = point.y
val x1: Double = v1.x
val y1: Double = v1.y
val x2: Double = v2.x
val y2: Double = v2.y
val x3: Double = v3.x
val y3: Double = v3.y
val A1 = y2 - y3
val A2 = y3 - y1
val A3 = y1 - y2
val B1 = x3 - x2
val B2 = x1 - x3
val B3 = x2 - x1
val C1 = x2 * y3 - x3 * y2
val C2 = x3 * y1 - x1 * y3
val C3 = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
new BarycentricCoordinates(A1 * x + B1 * y + C1, A2 * x + B2 * y + C2, A3 * x + B3 * y + C3).normalized
def pointInTriangle3D(point: Point[_3D], v1: Point[_3D], v2: Point[_3D], v3: Point[_3D]): BarycentricCoordinates = {
val a = v2 - v1
val b = v3 - v1
val c = point - v1
val d00 = a dot a
val d01 = a dot b
val d11 = b dot b
val d20 = c dot a
val d21 = c dot b
val d = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01
val t = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / d
val s = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / d
new BarycentricCoordinates(1f - t - s, t, s)
/** Generate random barycentric coordinates, guaranteed to lie within the triangle, uniform distribution */
def randomUniform(implicit random: Random): BarycentricCoordinates = {
val s = random.scalaRandom.nextDouble()
val t = random.scalaRandom.nextDouble()
if (s + t < 1.0)
new BarycentricCoordinates(s, t, 1.0 - s - t)
new BarycentricCoordinates(1.0 - s, 1.0 - t, s + t - 1.0)
/** barycentric coordinates for localization within a tetrahedron */
case class BarycentricCoordinates4(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double, d: Double) {
def normalized: BarycentricCoordinates4 = {
val s = a + b + c + d
new BarycentricCoordinates4(a / s, b / s, c / s, d / s)
/** perform bcc interpolation: interpolate vertex values within triangle, needs Interpolation[T] */
def interpolateProperty[@specialized(Float, Double) A](v1: A, v2: A, v3: A, v4: A)(
implicit blender: ValueInterpolator[A]
): A = {
blender.barycentricInterpolation(v1, a, v2, b, v3, c, v4, d)
def toArray = Array(a, b, c, d)
/** barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles */
object BarycentricCoordinates4 {
/** coordinates of first vertex */
val v0 = new BarycentricCoordinates4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
/** coordinates of second vertex */
val v1 = new BarycentricCoordinates4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
/** coordinates of third vertex */
val v2 = new BarycentricCoordinates4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
/** coordinates of forth vertex */
val v3 = new BarycentricCoordinates4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
/** coordinates of center point in triangle */
val center = BarycentricCoordinates4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).normalized
/** get vertex coordinates, vertexIndex must be 0, 1, 2, or 3 */
def canonical(vertexIndex: Int): BarycentricCoordinates4 = (vertexIndex: @switch) match {
case 0 => v0
case 1 => v1
case 2 => v2
case 3 => v3
case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("BarycentricCoordinates4 can only handle 4 vertices: 0-3")
def pointInTetrahedron(pt: Point[_3D],
a: Point[_3D],
b: Point[_3D],
c: Point[_3D],
d: Point[_3D]): BarycentricCoordinates4 = {
// following
val vap = pt - a
val vbp = pt - b
val vab = b - a
val vac = c - a
val vad = d - a
val vbc = c - b
val vbd = d - b
def scalarTripleProduct(v1: EuclideanVector[_3D], v2: EuclideanVector[_3D], v3: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
val va6 = scalarTripleProduct(vbp, vbd, vbc)
val vb6 = scalarTripleProduct(vap, vac, vad)
val vc6 = scalarTripleProduct(vap, vad, vab)
val vd6 = scalarTripleProduct(vap, vab, vac)
val v6 = 1.0 / scalarTripleProduct(vab, vac, vad)
BarycentricCoordinates4(va6 * v6, vb6 * v6, vc6 * v6, vd6 * v6)
/** Generate random barycentric coordinates, guaranteed to lie within the tetrahedron, uniformly distributed */
def randomUniform(implicit rng: Random): BarycentricCoordinates4 = {
var s = rng.scalaRandom.nextDouble()
var t = rng.scalaRandom.nextDouble()
var u = rng.scalaRandom.nextDouble()
if (s + t > 1) {
s = 1.0 - s
t = 1.0 - t
if (s + t + u > 1) {
val tu = u
if (t + u > 1) {
u = 1.0 - s - t
t = 1.0 - tu
} else {
u = s + t + u - 1.0
s = 1.0 - t - tu
BarycentricCoordinates4(1.0 - s - t - u, s, t, u)