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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package scalismo.mesh
import scalismo.common.UnstructuredPoints.Create.{CreateUnstructuredPoints2D, CreateUnstructuredPoints3D}
import scalismo.common.{BoxDomain, Cell, DiscreteDomain, DiscreteField, DomainWarp, PointId, UnstructuredPoints}
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.transformations.Transformation
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Represents a line segment defined by two points.
case class LineCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId) extends Cell {
/** Identifiers of the points belonging to the cell*/
val pointIds = IndexedSeq(ptId1, ptId2)
/** Returns true if the given point identifier is part of the line cell*/
def containsPoint(ptId: PointId): Boolean = ptId1 == ptId || ptId2 == ptId
trait LineMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D] { //(val pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[D], val topology: LineList) {
val topology: LineList
val pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[D]
val position: ContourPointProperty[Point[D]] = ContourPointProperty(topology, pointSet.pointSequence)
val lines: IndexedSeq[LineCell] = topology.lines
val cells: IndexedSeq[LineCell] = lines
lazy val boundingBox: BoxDomain[D] = pointSet.boundingBox
* Length of the line contour.
* The computed area is the sum of all the line cell areas.
lazy val length: Double = => computeLineLength(line)).sum
* Returns a line mesh that is the image of this mesh by the given transform.
* This method maps all mesh points to their images by the given transform while maintaining the same line cell relations.
* @param transform A function that maps a given point to a new position. All instances of [[scalismo.registration.transformation.Transformation]] being descendants of Function1[Point[_3D], Point[_3D] ] are valid arguments.
def transform(transform: Point[D] => Point[D])(implicit creator: LineMesh.Create[D]): LineMesh[D] = {
creator.createLineMesh(pointSet.transform(transform), topology)
def computeLineLength(t: LineCell): Double = {
val A = pointSet.point(t.ptId1)
val B = pointSet.point(t.ptId2)
(B - A).norm
object LineMesh {
def apply[D](points: UnstructuredPoints[D], topology: LineList)(implicit creator: Create[D]): LineMesh[D] = {
creator.createLineMesh(points, topology)
/** Typeclass for creating domains of arbitrary dimensionality */
trait Create[D] {
def createLineMesh(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[D], topology: LineList): LineMesh[D]
implicit object Create2D extends Create[_2D] {
override def createLineMesh(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_2D], topology: LineList): LineMesh[_2D] = {
LineMesh2D(pointSet, topology)
implicit object Create3D extends Create[_3D] {
override def createLineMesh(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], topology: LineList): LineMesh[_3D] = {
LineMesh3D(pointSet, topology)
implicit def parametricToConcreteType2D(polyLine: LineMesh[_2D]): LineMesh2D = {
implicit def parametricToConcreteType3D(polyLine: LineMesh[_3D]): LineMesh3D = {
def enforceConsistentCellDirections[D](lineMesh: LineMesh[D])(implicit creator: LineMesh.Create[D]): LineMesh[D] = {
def reorientRecursive(curLine: LineCell, reorientedLines: IndexedSeq[LineCell]): IndexedSeq[LineCell] = {
if (reorientedLines.contains(curLine)) {
} else {
val adjLines = lineMesh.topology.adjacentLinesForPoint(curLine.ptId2).map(id => lineMesh.topology.lines(
require(adjLines.size <= 2)
val adjLine =
if (adjLines.head == curLine || adjLines.head == LineCell(curLine.ptId2, curLine.ptId1)) adjLines.last
else adjLines.head
val newAdjLine = if (adjLine.ptId1 == curLine.ptId2) {
} else {
LineCell(adjLine.ptId2, adjLine.ptId1)
reorientRecursive(newAdjLine, reorientedLines :+ curLine)
val consistentLineList = LineList(reorientRecursive(lineMesh.lines.head, IndexedSeq[LineCell]()))
creator.createLineMesh(lineMesh.pointSet, consistentLineList)
implicit object domainWarp2D extends DomainWarp[_2D, LineMesh] {
* Warp the points of the domain of the discrete field and turn it into the
* warped domain
override def transformWithField(
domain: LineMesh[_2D],
warpField: DiscreteField[_2D, LineMesh, EuclideanVector[_2D]]
): LineMesh[_2D] = {
require(domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints == warpField.domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints)
val newPoints = for ((p, v) <- warpField.pointsWithValues) yield { p + v }
LineMesh2D(CreateUnstructuredPoints2D.create(newPoints.toIndexedSeq), domain.topology)
override def transform(mesh: LineMesh[_2D], transformation: Transformation[_2D]): LineMesh[_2D] = {
implicit object domainWarp3D extends DomainWarp[_3D, LineMesh] {
* Warp the points of the domain of the discrete field and turn it into the
* warped domain
override def transformWithField(
domain: LineMesh[_3D],
warpField: DiscreteField[_3D, LineMesh, EuclideanVector[_3D]]
): LineMesh[_3D] = {
require(domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints == warpField.domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints)
val newPoints = for ((p, v) <- warpField.pointsWithValues) yield { p + v }
LineMesh3D(CreateUnstructuredPoints3D.create(newPoints.toIndexedSeq), domain.topology)
override def transform(mesh: LineMesh[_3D], transformation: Transformation[_3D]): LineMesh[_3D] = {
case class LineMesh2D(override val pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_2D], override val topology: LineList)
extends LineMesh[_2D] {
/** Get all cell normals as a surface property */
lazy val cellNormals: LineProperty[EuclideanVector[_2D]] = {
/** Get all vertex normals as a surface property */
lazy val vertexNormals: ContourPointProperty[EuclideanVector[_2D]] = {
ContourPointProperty.averagedPointProperty(topology, cellNormals)
private def computeCellNormal(cell: LineCell): EuclideanVector[_2D] = {
val pt1 = pointSet.point(cell.ptId1)
val pt2 = pointSet.point(cell.ptId2)
val d = pt2 - pt1
val n = EuclideanVector(-d.y, d.x) / EuclideanVector(-d.y, d.x).norm
n / n.norm
case class LineMesh3D(override val pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], override val topology: LineList)
extends LineMesh[_3D] {}
/** property constant per line */
case class LineProperty[A](topology: LineList, lineData: IndexedSeq[A]) extends LineContourProperty[A] {
require(lineData.size == topology.lines.size)
override def onContour(lineId: LineId, bcc: LineCoordinates): A = lineData(