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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scalismo.mesh
import breeze.linalg
import breeze.linalg.CSCMatrix
import scalismo.common.PointId
* MeshBoundary is a property to test if points or an edge between two points is on the boundary of the mesh.
trait MeshBoundaryPredicates {
* Check if the point with given index is on the boundary of the underlying mesh.
* @return True if point is part of the boundary.
def pointIsOnBoundary(id: PointId): Boolean
* Check if the edge between the two points with given indices is on the boundary of the underlying mesh.
* @note This method does not check weather there exists an edge between the two points. You will get false for all
* edges not in the mesh.
* @return True if the edge is part of the boundary.
def edgeIsOnBoundary(id1: PointId, id2: PointId): Boolean
* The TriangularMeshBoundary can be queried if a triangle has one side in common with the mesh boundary.
trait TriangularMeshBoundaryPredicates extends MeshBoundaryPredicates {
* Check if the triangle with given index is on the boundary of the underlying mesh.
* @return True if the triangle has at least one border in common with the boundary.
def triangleIsOnBoundary(id: TriangleId): Boolean
* The TetrahedralMeshBoundary can be queried if a tetrahedron has one side in common with the mesh surface.
trait TetrahedralMeshBoundaryPredicates extends MeshBoundaryPredicates {
* Check if the tetrahedron with given index is on the boundary of the underlying mesh.
* @return True if the tetrahedron has at least one face in common with the boundary.
def tetrahedronIsOnBoundary(id: TetrahedronId): Boolean
def triangleIsOnBoundary(tc: TriangleCell): Boolean
* Implementation of a TriangularMeshBoundary
* @note the implementation with a Map instead of a CSCMatrix was three times slower using our test mesh.
private class BoundaryOfATriangleMeshPredicates(private val vertexIsOnBorder: IndexedSeq[Boolean],
private val edgeIsOnBorder: CSCMatrix[Boolean],
private val triangleIsOnBorder: IndexedSeq[Boolean])
extends TriangularMeshBoundaryPredicates {
override def pointIsOnBoundary(id: PointId): Boolean = {
override def edgeIsOnBoundary(id1: PointId, id2: PointId): Boolean = {
override def triangleIsOnBoundary(id: TriangleId): Boolean = {
* Implementation of a TetrahedralMeshBoundary
private class BoundaryOfATetrahedralMeshPredicates(private val vertexIsOnBorder: IndexedSeq[Boolean],
private val edgeIsOnBorder: CSCMatrix[Boolean],
private val triangleIsOnBorder: Map[TriangleCell, Boolean],
private val tetrahedronIsOnBorder: IndexedSeq[Boolean])
extends TetrahedralMeshBoundaryPredicates {
override def pointIsOnBoundary(id: PointId): Boolean = {
override def edgeIsOnBoundary(id1: PointId, id2: PointId): Boolean = {
override def triangleIsOnBoundary(tc: TriangleCell): Boolean = {
override def tetrahedronIsOnBoundary(id: TetrahedronId): Boolean = {
* Factory for mesh boundaries.
object MeshBoundaryPredicates {
// get triangles on outside
private[mesh] class TriangleSortedPointIds(a: PointId, b: PointId, c: PointId)
private[mesh] object TriangleSortedPointIds {
def apply(pids: Seq[PointId]) = {
require(pids.size == 3, "To create a triangle, three values are required.")
val sorted =
(sorted(0), sorted(1), sorted(2))
* Build boundary index for triangle mesh.
* @param mesh Incoming triangle mesh.
* @return Boundary that can be queried for by index for points, edges, and triangles.
def apply[D](mesh: TriangleMesh[D]): TriangularMeshBoundaryPredicates = {
val points = mesh.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
val nPts = points.length
val triangles = mesh.triangulation.triangles
val nTriangles = triangles.length
val edgesOfATriangle = Seq((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0))
val pointOnBorder = new Array[Boolean](nPts)
val triangleOnBorder = new Array[Boolean](nTriangles)
val edgeOnBorderBuilder = new CSCMatrix.Builder[Boolean](nPts, nPts)
triangles.foreach { triangle =>
edgesOfATriangle.foreach { edge =>
val v1 = triangle.pointIds(edge._1).id
val v2 = triangle.pointIds(edge._2).id
edgeOnBorderBuilder.add(v1, v2, false)
edgeOnBorderBuilder.add(v2, v1, false)
val edgeOnBorderTmp = edgeOnBorderBuilder.result()
// edges from only a single triangle lie on the border,
// edges contained in two triangles are not on a border
triangles.foreach { triangle =>
edgesOfATriangle.foreach { edge =>
val v1 = triangle.pointIds(edge._1).id
val v2 = triangle.pointIds(edge._2).id
edgeOnBorderTmp(v1, v2) = !edgeOnBorderTmp(v1, v2)
edgeOnBorderTmp(v2, v1) = !edgeOnBorderTmp(v2, v1)
// optimization : we do not need values corresponding to false in the sparse representation
val edgeOnBorder = reduceCSCMatrixBooleansToTrueEntries(edgeOnBorderTmp)
// points at one end of a border edge are also on the border,
// triangles with one side on the border are also on the border
triangles.zipWithIndex.foreach { t =>
val triangle = t._1
val tIdx = t._2
edgesOfATriangle.foreach { edge =>
val v1 = triangle.pointIds(edge._1).id
val v2 = triangle.pointIds(edge._2).id
if (edgeOnBorder(v1, v2)) {
pointOnBorder(v1) = true
pointOnBorder(v2) = true
triangleOnBorder(tIdx) = true
new BoundaryOfATriangleMeshPredicates(pointOnBorder.toIndexedSeq, edgeOnBorder, triangleOnBorder.toIndexedSeq)
* Build boundary index for triangle mesh.
* @param mesh Incoming triangle mesh.
* @return Boundary that can be queried for by index for points, edges, and triangles.
def apply[D](mesh: TetrahedralMesh[D]): TetrahedralMeshBoundaryPredicates = {
val tetrahedrons = mesh.tetrahedralization.tetrahedrons
val triangleOnBorder = fillTriangleOnBorderMap(tetrahedrons)
// calculate points, lines, and tetrahedrons on outside
val edgesOfATriangle = Seq((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0))
val tetrahedronsOnBoundary = new Array[Boolean](tetrahedrons.size)
val pointsOnBoundary = new Array[Boolean](mesh.pointSet.numberOfPoints)
val edgeOnBoundaryBuilder =
new linalg.CSCMatrix.Builder[Boolean](mesh.pointSet.numberOfPoints, mesh.pointSet.numberOfPoints)
val trianglesOnBoundaryMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[TriangleCell, Boolean]()
tetrahedrons.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (tet, idx) =>
val trianglesOnBoundary =
tet.triangles.filter(tri => triangleOnBorder.contains(TriangleSortedPointIds(tri.pointIds)))
if (trianglesOnBoundary.nonEmpty) {
tetrahedronsOnBoundary(idx) = true
trianglesOnBoundary.foreach { tri =>
trianglesOnBoundaryMap(tri) = true
tri.pointIds.foreach(pid => pointsOnBoundary( = true) { e =>
val v1 = tri.pointIds(e._1).id
val v2 = tri.pointIds(e._2).id
edgeOnBoundaryBuilder.add(v1, v2, true)
edgeOnBoundaryBuilder.add(v2, v1, true)
val edgeOnBorder = reduceCSCMatrixBooleansToTrueEntries(edgeOnBoundaryBuilder.result)
new BoundaryOfATetrahedralMeshPredicates(pointsOnBoundary.toIndexedSeq,
private[mesh] def fillTriangleOnBorderMap[D](
tetrahedrons: IndexedSeq[TetrahedralCell]
) = {
val triangleOnBorder = scala.collection.mutable.Map[(Int, Int, Int), Boolean]()
val uniqueTriangles = tetrahedrons.flatMap { tet => { tri =>
// find triangles on border
uniqueTriangles.foreach(tri => triangleOnBorder(tri) = false)
tetrahedrons.foreach { tet =>
tet.triangles.foreach { tri =>
val triangle = TriangleSortedPointIds(tri.pointIds)
triangleOnBorder(triangle) = !triangleOnBorder(triangle)
* Reduces a boolean CSCMatrix so that only the true entries are contained. Everything else is false anyway.
private def reduceCSCMatrixBooleansToTrueEntries(m: CSCMatrix[Boolean]): CSCMatrix[Boolean] = {
val reduced = new CSCMatrix.Builder[Boolean](m.cols, m.rows)
val it = m.activeIterator
it.foreach { e =>
val value = e._2
val idx = e._1
if (value)
reduced.add(idx._1, idx._2, value)