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* Copyright 2016 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scalismo.mesh
import scalismo.common.{DifferentiableField, EuclideanSpace, Field, PointId}
import scalismo.geometry.{_3D, EuclideanVector, Point}
import scalismo.mesh.MeshBoundaryPredicates.{fillTriangleOnBorderMap, TriangleSortedPointIds}
import scalismo.mesh.boundingSpheres.{
import scalismo.utils.MeshConversion
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
object MeshOperations {
def apply(mesh: TriangleMesh[_3D]) = new TriangleMesh3DOperations(mesh)
def apply(mesh: TetrahedralMesh[_3D]) = new TetrahedralMesh3DOperations(mesh)
class TriangleMesh3DOperations(private val mesh: TriangleMesh[_3D]) {
* Calculated data from mesh
private lazy val meshPoints = mesh.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
* Bounding spheres based mesh operations
private lazy val triangles = BoundingSpheres.triangleListFromTriangleMesh3D(mesh)
private lazy val boundingSpheres = BoundingSpheres.createForTriangles(triangles)
private lazy val intersect: TriangulatedSurfaceIntersectionIndex[_3D] =
new LineTriangleMesh3DIntersectionIndex(boundingSpheres, mesh, triangles)
def hasIntersection(point: Point[_3D], direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Boolean =
intersect.hasIntersection(point, direction)
def getIntersectionPoints(point: Point[_3D], direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Seq[Point[_3D]] =
intersect.getIntersectionPoints(point, direction)
def getIntersectionPointsOnSurface(point: Point[_3D],
direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Seq[(TriangleId, BarycentricCoordinates)] =
intersect.getSurfaceIntersectionPoints(point, direction)
private lazy val closestPointOnSurface: SurfaceSpatialIndex[_3D] =
new TriangleMesh3DSpatialIndex(boundingSpheres, mesh, triangles)
def shortestDistanceToSurfaceSquared(point: Point[_3D]): Double =
closestPointOnSurface.getSquaredShortestDistance(point: Point[_3D])
def closestPoint(point: Point[_3D]): ClosestPoint = closestPointOnSurface.getClosestPoint(point)
def closestPointOnSurface(point: Point[_3D]): ClosestPointWithType =
* Boundary predicates
private lazy val boundary: TriangularMeshBoundaryPredicates = MeshBoundaryPredicates(mesh)
def pointIsOnBoundary(pid: PointId): Boolean = boundary.pointIsOnBoundary(pid)
def edgeIsOnBoundary(pid1: PointId, pid2: PointId): Boolean = boundary.edgeIsOnBoundary(pid1, pid2)
def triangleIsOnBoundary(tid: TriangleId): Boolean = boundary.triangleIsOnBoundary(tid: TriangleId)
* Returns a new [[TriangleMesh]] where all points satisfying the given predicate are removed.
* All cells containing deleted points are also deleted.
* @todo use MeshCompactifier to express this functionality. But first verify and test that it remains the same.
def clip(clipPointPredicate: Point[_3D] => Boolean): TriangleMesh[_3D] = {
// predicate tested at the beginning, once.
val remainingPoints = new ParVector(meshPoints.toVector).filter { !clipPointPredicate(_) }.zipWithIndex.toMap
val remainingPointTriplet = new ParVector(mesh.cells.toVector)
.map { cell =>
val points = => meshPoints(
(points, => remainingPoints.get(p).isDefined).reduce(_ && _))
val points = remainingPointTriplet.flatten.distinct
val pt2Id = points.zipWithIndex.toMap
val cells = {
case vec => TriangleCell(PointId(pt2Id(vec(0))), PointId(pt2Id(vec(1))), PointId(pt2Id(vec(2))))
TriangleMesh3D(points.toIndexedSeq, TriangleList(cells.toIndexedSeq))
* Returns a new continuous [[DifferentiableScalarImage]] defined on 3-dimensional [[RealSpace]] which is the distance transform of the mesh
def toDistanceImage: DifferentiableField[_3D, Float] = {
def dist(pt: Point[_3D]): Float = Math.sqrt(shortestDistanceToSurfaceSquared(pt)).toFloat
def grad(pt: Point[_3D]) = {
val closestPt = closestPoint(pt).point
val grad = pt - closestPt
val gradNorm = grad.norm
if (gradNorm < 1e-10) EuclideanVector.zeros[_3D] else grad * (1.0 / gradNorm)
DifferentiableField(EuclideanSpace[_3D], (pt: Point[_3D]) => dist(pt), (pt: Point[_3D]) => grad(pt))
* Returns a new continuous binary [[ScalarImage]] defined on 3-dimensional [[EuclideanSpace]] , where the mesh surface is used to split the image domain.
* Points lying on the space side pointed towards by the surface normals will have value 0. Points lying on the other side have
* value 1. Hence if the mesh is a closed surface, points inside the surface have value 1 and points outside 0.
def toBinaryImage: Field[_3D, Short] = {
val meshOps = mesh.operations
def inside(pt: Point[_3D]): Short = {
val (closestPoint, normalAtClosestPoint) = meshOps.closestPointOnSurface(pt) match {
case ClosestPointInTriangle(closestPoint, dist, triangleId, bcc) => {
(closestPoint, mesh.vertexNormals.onSurface(triangleId, bcc))
case ClosestPointOnLine(closestPoint, _, (id1, id2), bc) => {
val normalPt1 = mesh.vertexNormals(id1)
val normalPt2 = mesh.vertexNormals(id2)
val averagedNormal = (normalPt1 * bc) + (normalPt2 * (1.0 - bc))
(closestPoint, averagedNormal / averagedNormal.norm)
case _ => {
val closestMeshPt = mesh.pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt)
(closestMeshPt.point, mesh.vertexNormals(
val dotprod = normalAtClosestPoint dot (closestPoint - pt)
if (dotprod > 0.0) 1 else 0
Field(EuclideanSpace[_3D], (pt: Point[_3D]) => inside(pt))
* mask points behind clipping plane
* @param point point in clipping plane
* @param normal normal vector of clipping plane
def maskWithPlane(point: Point[_3D], normal: EuclideanVector[_3D]): MeshCompactifier = {
val n = normal.normalize
maskPoints((pid: PointId) => (mesh.pointSet.point(pid) - point).dot(n) >= 0.0)
* Mask reduces the pointSet and triangulation of a mesh to keep only those parts
* that evaluate to true for the passed in predicate.
* @param pointFilter predicate that maps 3d locations to boolean ('true' = keep location).
def maskSpatially(pointFilter: (Point[_3D]) => Boolean): MeshCompactifier = {
mask((pid: PointId) => pointFilter(mesh.pointSet.point(pid)), _ => true)
* Mask reduces the pointSet and triangulation of a mesh to keep only those parts
* that evaluate to true for the passed in predicate.
* @param pointFilter Predicate that maps PointId to boolean ('true' = keep location).
def maskPoints(pointFilter: (PointId) => Boolean): MeshCompactifier = {
mask(pointFilter, _ => true)
* Mask a mesh to a subset of the triangles.
* @param triangleFilter Predicate that maps TriangleId to boolean ('true' = keep triangle).
def maskTriangles(triangleFilter: (TriangleId) => Boolean): MeshCompactifier = {
mask(_ => true, triangleFilter)
* Mask a mesh to a subset of points and triangles.
* @param pointFilter Predicate that maps PointId to boolean ('true' = keep location).
* @param triangleFilter Predicate that maps TriangleId to boolean ('true' = keep triangle).
def mask(pointFilter: (PointId) => Boolean, triangleFilter: (TriangleId) => Boolean): MeshCompactifier = {
MeshCompactifier(mesh, pointFilter, triangleFilter)
* Reduces the triangle and points so that only used and valid locations and triangles remain.
def compact: MeshCompactifier = {
mask(_ => true, _ => true)
* Attempts to reduce the number of vertices of a mesh to the given number of vertices.
* @param targetedNumberOfVertices The targeted number of vertices. Note that it is not guaranteed
* that this number is reached exactly
* @return The decimated mesh
def decimate(targetedNumberOfVertices: Int): TriangleMesh[_3D] = {
val refVtk = MeshConversion.meshToVtkPolyData(mesh)
val decimate = new vtk.vtkQuadricDecimation()
val reductionRate = 1.0 - (targetedNumberOfVertices / mesh.pointSet.numberOfPoints.toDouble)
val decimatedRefVTK = decimate.GetOutput()
class TetrahedralMesh3DOperations(private val mesh: TetrahedralMesh[_3D]) {
* Calculated data from mesh
private lazy val meshPoints = mesh.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
* Bounding spheres based mesh operations
private lazy val tetrahedrons = BoundingSpheres.tetrahedronListFromTetrahedralMesh3D(mesh)
private lazy val boundingSpheres = BoundingSpheres.createForTetrahedrons(tetrahedrons)
private lazy val closestPointIndex: VolumeSpatialIndex[_3D] =
new TetrahedralMesh3DSpatialIndex(boundingSpheres, mesh, tetrahedrons)
def shortestDistanceToVolumeSquared(point: Point[_3D]): Double =
closestPointIndex.getSquaredShortestDistance(point: Point[_3D])
def closestPoint(point: Point[_3D]): ClosestPoint = closestPointIndex.getClosestPoint(point)
def closestPointToVolume(point: Point[_3D]): ClosestPointWithType =
private lazy val intersect: TetrahedralizedVolumeIntersectionIndex[_3D] =
new LineTetrahedralMesh3DIntersectionIndex(boundingSpheres, mesh, tetrahedrons)
def hasIntersection(point: Point[_3D], direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Boolean =
intersect.hasIntersection(point, direction)
def getIntersectionPoints(point: Point[_3D], direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Seq[Point[_3D]] =
intersect.getIntersectionPoints(point, direction)
def getIntersectionPointsOnSurface(point: Point[_3D],
direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Seq[(TetrahedronId, BarycentricCoordinates4)] =
intersect.getVolumeIntersectionPoints(point, direction)
* Boundary predicates
private lazy val boundary: TetrahedralMeshBoundaryPredicates = MeshBoundaryPredicates(mesh)
def pointIsOnBoundary(pid: PointId): Boolean = boundary.pointIsOnBoundary(pid)
def edgeIsOnBoundary(pid1: PointId, pid2: PointId): Boolean = boundary.edgeIsOnBoundary(pid1, pid2)
def tetrahedronIsOnBoundary(tid: TetrahedronId): Boolean = boundary.tetrahedronIsOnBoundary(tid)
def getOuterSurface: TriangleMesh[_3D] = {
val tetrahedrons = mesh.tetrahedralization.tetrahedrons
val triangleOnBorder = fillTriangleOnBorderMap(tetrahedrons)
val extractedSurface = TriangleMesh3D(
.filter(tc => triangleOnBorder.contains(MeshBoundaryPredicates.TriangleSortedPointIds(tc.pointIds)))
// fix normals of triangular mesh pointing outwards:
// We assume that all tetrahedrons are consistently orientated,
// i.e. all have positive or all have a negative volume.
val firstNonZeroSignedVolume = tetrahedrons.iterator
.map(tet =>
.filter(d => d > 1e-8 || d < -1e-8)
if (firstNonZeroSignedVolume > 0) {
triangulation = TriangleList( { tri =>
TriangleCell(tri.ptId1, tri.ptId3, tri.ptId2)
} else {
* Returns a new [[TriangleMesh]] where all points satisfying the given predicate are removed.
* All cells containing deleted points are also deleted.
* @todo use MeshCompactifier to express this functionality. But first verify and test that it remains the same.
def clip(clipPointPredicate: Point[_3D] => Boolean): TetrahedralMesh[_3D] = {
// predicate tested at the beginning, once.
val remainingPoints = new ParVector(meshPoints.toVector)
.filter { !clipPointPredicate(_) }
val remainingPointQuatriplet = new ParVector(mesh.cells.toVector)
.map { cell =>
val points = => meshPoints(
(points, => remainingPoints.get(p).isDefined).reduce(_ && _))
val points = remainingPointQuatriplet.flatten.distinct
val pt2Id = points.zipWithIndex.toMap
val cells = {
case vec =>
TetrahedralCell(PointId(pt2Id(vec(0))), PointId(pt2Id(vec(1))), PointId(pt2Id(vec(2))), PointId(pt2Id(vec(3))))
TetrahedralMesh3D(points.toIndexedSeq, TetrahedralList(cells.toIndexedSeq))