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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.mesh
import scalismo.common.PointId
import scalismo.numerics.ValueInterpolator
* general property defined on the surface of a mesh
* accessible through the parameterization given by the triangulation of the mesh: TriangleId and BarycentricCoordinates inside the triangle
trait MeshSurfaceProperty[A] {
/** access property value on surface, via coordinates in triangle */
def onSurface(triangleId: TriangleId, bcc: BarycentricCoordinates): A
/** access property value on surface, via coordinates in triangle */
def apply(triangleId: TriangleId, bcc: BarycentricCoordinates): A = onSurface(triangleId, bcc)
/** apply function f to the surface property values */
def map[B](f: A => B): MeshSurfaceProperty[B] = MappedSurfaceProperty(this, f)
/** triangulation: domain of surface property (parameterization of surface) */
def triangulation: TriangleList
/** constant property value on complete surface */
case class ConstantProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, value: A) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] {
override def onSurface(triangleId: TriangleId, bcc: BarycentricCoordinates): A = value
override def map[B](f: A => B): ConstantProperty[B] = ConstantProperty(triangulation, f(value))
/** property defined per vertex, with interpolation */
case class SurfacePointProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, pointData: IndexedSeq[A])(
val interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]
) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] {
/** access surface property at vertex point */
def atPoint(pointId: PointId): A = pointData(
def apply(pointId: PointId): A = pointData(
override def onSurface(triangleId: TriangleId, bcc: BarycentricCoordinates): A = {
val t = triangulation.triangles(
val v1 = pointData(
val v2 = pointData(
val v3 = pointData(
bcc.interpolateProperty(v1, v2, v3)
def mapPoints[B](f: A => B)(implicit interpolator: ValueInterpolator[B]) =
object SurfacePointProperty {
/** average an arbitrary surface property at each vertex point */
def averagedPointProperty[A](
property: MeshSurfaceProperty[A]
)(implicit interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]): SurfacePointProperty[A] = {
def averager(data: IndexedSeq[A]): A = {
data.size match {
case 0 => throw new Exception("averaging over empty set")
case _ =>
interpolator.average(data.head, data.tail: _*)
sampleSurfaceProperty(property, averager)
* sample an arbitrary surface property at each point
* @param property property to sample
* @param reducer reduces multiple values at a single vertex to a single value
* @param interpolator interpolator
* @return surface property which is backed by the sampled and reduced values at each vertex
def sampleSurfaceProperty[A](property: MeshSurfaceProperty[A], reducer: IndexedSeq[A] => A)(
interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]
): SurfacePointProperty[A] = {
val triangulation = property.triangulation
// get all data for a single vertex:
def getVertex(pointId: PointId): A = {
val triangles = triangulation.adjacentTrianglesForPoint(pointId)
val vdata =
for (t <- triangles) yield {
val localTriangleIndex = triangulation.triangles(
property.onSurface(t, BarycentricCoordinates.canonical(localTriangleIndex))
reducer(vdata) // reduce to a single value
// do for each vertex
val data = for (v <- triangulation.pointIds) yield getVertex(v)
SurfacePointProperty(triangulation, data)
/** property constant per triangle, no interpolation */
case class TriangleProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, triangleData: IndexedSeq[A])
extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] {
def apply(triangleId: TriangleId): A = onTriangle(triangleId)
override def onSurface(triangleId: TriangleId, bcc: BarycentricCoordinates): A = triangleData(
/** access property value at given triangle */
def onTriangle(triangleId: TriangleId): A = triangleData(
override def map[B](f: A => B): TriangleProperty[B] = TriangleProperty(triangulation,
object TriangleProperty {
/** extract TriangleProperty from the average value of the vertices around each triangle */
def fromAveragedPoints[A](
property: MeshSurfaceProperty[A]
)(implicit blender: ValueInterpolator[A]): TriangleProperty[A] = {
val triangleData = for (t <- property.triangulation.triangleIds) yield {
val v1 = property(t, BarycentricCoordinates.v0)
val v2 = property(t, BarycentricCoordinates.v1)
val v3 = property(t, BarycentricCoordinates.v2)
blender.convexCombination((v1, 1f), (v2, 1f), (v3, 1f))
TriangleProperty(property.triangulation, triangleData)
/** extract TriangleProperty from values at the triangle centers */
def fromTriangleCenters[A](triangulation: TriangleList, property: MeshSurfaceProperty[A]) = {
val triangleData = for (t <- triangulation.triangleIds) yield property(t,
TriangleProperty(triangulation, triangleData)
/** function indirection for surface access */
case class MappedSurfaceProperty[A, B](values: MeshSurfaceProperty[A], f: A => B) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[B] {
override def onSurface(triangleId: TriangleId, bcc: BarycentricCoordinates): B = f(values.onSurface(triangleId, bcc))
override def triangulation: TriangleList = values.triangulation
override def map[C](g: B => C): MappedSurfaceProperty[A, C] = MappedSurfaceProperty(values, g compose f)