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scalismo.mesh.kdtree.KDTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012 Nadav Samet
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scalismo.mesh.kdtree
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{Builder}
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
private[scalismo] class KDTree[A] private (root: KDTreeNode[A, Boolean])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A])
extends Iterable[A] {
override def seq = this
override def size: Int = root.size
override def iterator: Iterator[A] = root.toStream.iterator map (_._1)
def contains(x: A): Boolean = root.get(x).isDefined
def findNearest[R](x: A, n: Int)(implicit metric: Metric[A, R], numeric: Numeric[R]): Seq[A] =
root.findNearest(x, n) map (_._1)
def regionQuery(region: Region[A]): Seq[A] = root.regionQuery(region) map (_._1)
def newBuilder: Builder[A, KDTree[A]] = KDTree.newBuilder
private[scalismo] class KDTreeMap[A, B] private (root: KDTreeNode[A, B])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A])
extends Map[A, B] {
override def empty: KDTreeMap[A, B] = KDTreeMap.empty[A, B](ord)
override def size: Int = root.size
override def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)] = root.toStream.iterator
def get(x: A): Option[B] = root.get(x)
def findNearest[R](x: A, n: Int)(implicit metric: Metric[A, R], numeric: Numeric[R]): Seq[(A, B)] =
root.findNearest(x, n)
def regionQuery(region: Region[A]): Seq[(A, B)] = root.regionQuery(region)
override def +[B1 >: B](kv: (A, B1)): KDTreeMap[A, B1] = KDTreeMap.fromSeq(toSeq ++ Seq(kv))
override def removed(key: A): Map[A, B] = {
KDTreeMap.fromSeq(toSeq.filter(_._1 != key))
override def updated[V1 >: B](key: A, value: V1): Map[A, V1] = {
this + ((key, value))
sealed private[scalismo] trait KDTreeNode[A, B] {
override def toString = toStringSeq(0) mkString "\n"
def toStringSeq(indent: Int): Seq[String]
def size: Int
def isEmpty: Boolean
def findNearest0[R](x: A, n: Int, skipParent: KDTreeNode[A, B], values: Seq[((A, B), R)])(
implicit metric: Metric[A, R],
ord: Ordering[R]
): Seq[((A, B), R)]
def findNearest[R](x: A, n: Int)(implicit metric: Metric[A, R], ord: Ordering[R]): Seq[(A, B)]
def toStream: LazyList[(A, B)]
def toSeq: Seq[(A, B)]
def regionQuery(region: Region[A])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): Seq[(A, B)]
final def get(x: A): Option[B] = this match {
case n @ KDTreeInnerNode(dim, k, v, below, above) =>
if (k == x) Some(v)
else (if (n.isAbove(x)) above else below).get(x)
case n @ KDTreeEmpty() => None
private[scalismo] case class KDTreeInnerNode[A, B](dim: Int,
key: A,
value: B,
below: KDTreeNode[A, B],
above: KDTreeNode[A, B])(ordering: Ordering[A])
extends KDTreeNode[A, B] {
def toStringSeq(indent: Int) = {
val i = " " * indent
Seq(i + "size=%d dim=%d key=%s ".format(size, dim, key), i + "Below:") ++ below.toStringSeq(indent + 1) ++ Seq(
i + "Above:"
) ++
above.toStringSeq(indent + 1)
val size = below.size + above.size + 1
def isEmpty = false
def isBelow(x: A) =, key)
def isAbove(x: A) =, key)
def isEquiv(x: A) = ordering.equiv(x, key)
def findNearest[R](x: A, n: Int)(implicit metric: Metric[A, R], ord: Ordering[R]): Seq[(A, B)] = {
// Build initial set of candidates from the smallest subtree containing x with at least n
// points.
val minParent = KDTreeNode.findMinimalParent(this, x, withSize = n)
val values = (minParent.toSeq
.map { p =>
(p, metric.distance(x, p._1))
findNearest0(x, n, minParent, values) map { _._1 }
def findNearest0[R](x: A, n: Int, skipParent: KDTreeNode[A, B], values: Seq[((A, B), R)])(
implicit metric: Metric[A, R],
ord: Ordering[R]
): Seq[((A, B), R)] = {
if (skipParent eq this) values
else {
val myDist = metric.distance(key, x)
val currentBest = values.last._2
val newValues = if (myDist < currentBest) {
(values :+ (((key, value), myDist))) sortBy (_._2) take (n)
} else values
val newCurrentBest = values.last._2
val dp = metric.planarDistance(dim)(x, key)
if (dp <= newCurrentBest) {
val values2 = above.findNearest0(x, n, skipParent, newValues)
below.findNearest0(x, n, skipParent, values2)
} else if (isAbove(x)) {
above.findNearest0(x, n, skipParent, newValues)
} else if (isBelow(x)) {
below.findNearest0(x, n, skipParent, newValues)
} else {
sys.error("Unexpected value!")
def regionQuery(region: Region[A])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): Seq[(A, B)] = {
(if (region.overlapsWith(BelowHyperplane(key, dim)))
else Nil) ++
(if (region.contains(key))
Seq((key, value))
else Nil) ++
(if (region.overlapsWith(AboveHyperplane(key, dim)))
else Nil)
def toStream: LazyList[(A, B)] = below.toStream ++ LazyList((key, value)) ++ above.toStream
def toSeq: Seq[(A, B)] = below.toSeq ++ Seq((key, value)) ++ above.toSeq
private[scalismo] case class KDTreeEmpty[A, B]() extends KDTreeNode[A, B] {
def toStringSeq(indent: Int) = Seq((" " * indent) + "[Empty]")
def size = 0
def isEmpty = true
def findNearest[R](x: A, n: Int)(implicit metric: Metric[A, R], ord: Ordering[R]): Seq[(A, B)] =
def findNearest0[R](x: A, n: Int, skipParent: KDTreeNode[A, B], values: Seq[((A, B), R)])(
implicit metric: Metric[A, R],
ord: Ordering[R]
): Seq[((A, B), R)] = values
def toSeq: Seq[(A, B)] = Seq.empty
def toStream: LazyList[(A, B)] = LazyList.empty
def regionQuery(region: Region[A])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): Seq[(A, B)] = Seq.empty
object KDTreeNode {
def buildTreeNode[A, B](depth: Int, points: Seq[(A, B)])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): KDTreeNode[A, B] = {
def findSplit(points: Seq[(A, B)], i: Int): ((A, B), Seq[(A, B)], Seq[(A, B)]) = {
val sp = points.sortBy(_._1)(ord.orderingBy(i))
val medIndex = sp.length / 2
(sp(medIndex), sp.take(medIndex), sp.drop(medIndex + 1))
if (points.isEmpty) KDTreeEmpty[A, B]()
else {
val i = depth % ord.dimensions
val ((key, value), below, above) = findSplit(points, i)
KDTreeInnerNode(i, key, value, buildTreeNode(depth + 1, below), buildTreeNode(depth + 1, above))(
def findMinimalParent[A, B](node: KDTreeInnerNode[A, B], x: A, withSize: Int): KDTreeInnerNode[A, B] =
if (node.key == x) node
else {
val next = if (node.isBelow(x)) node.below else node.above
if (next.size < withSize) node
else findMinimalParent(next.asInstanceOf[KDTreeInnerNode[A, B]], x, withSize)
private[scalismo] object KDTree {
def apply[A](points: A*)(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]) = fromSeq(points)
def fromSeq[A](points: Seq[A])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): KDTree[A] = {
assert(ord.dimensions >= 1)
new KDTree(KDTreeNode.buildTreeNode(0, points map { (_, true) }))
def newBuilder[A](implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): Builder[A, KDTree[A]] = {
new Builder[A, KDTree[A]] {
val arrayBuilder = mutable.ArrayBuffer[A]()
override def clear(): Unit = arrayBuilder.clear()
override def result(): KDTree[A] = KDTree.fromSeq(arrayBuilder.toSeq)
override def addOne(elem: A): this.type = {
private[scalismo] object KDTreeMap {
def empty[A, B](implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]): KDTreeMap[A, B] = KDTreeMap()
def apply[A, B](points: (A, B)*)(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]) = fromSeq(points)
def fromSeq[A, B](points: Seq[(A, B)])(implicit ord: DimensionalOrdering[A]) =
new KDTreeMap(KDTreeNode.buildTreeNode(0, points))