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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.numerics
import breeze.linalg
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import breeze.optimize.{DiffFunction, LBFGS}
import scalismo.transformations.TransformationSpace.ParameterVector
import scala.collection.Iterator
trait CostFunction extends (ParameterVector => (Double, DenseVector[Double])) {
def onlyValue(p: ParameterVector): Double
trait Optimizer {
case class State(iteration: Int,
value: Double,
gradient: DenseVector[Double],
parameters: ParameterVector,
stepLength: Double)
def iterations(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): Iterator[State]
def minimize(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): ParameterVector
case class LBFGSOptimizer(maxNumberOfIterations: Int, m: Int = 10, tolerance: Double = 1e-5) extends Optimizer {
def iterations(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): Iterator[State] = {
optimize(x0, c)
def minimize(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): ParameterVector = {
val it = iterations(x0, c)
def optimize(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): Iterator[State] = {
val f = new DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]] {
def calculate(x: DenseVector[Double]): (Double, DenseVector[Double]) = {
val lbfgs = new LBFGS[DenseVector[Double]](maxIter = maxNumberOfIterations, m = m, tolerance = tolerance)
for (it <- lbfgs.iterations(f,
yield State(it.iter, it.value, it.grad, it.x, 0)
case class GradientDescentOptimizer(maxNumberOfIterations: Int,
stepLength: Double,
withLineSearch: Boolean = false,
robinsMonroe: Boolean = false,
stepDecreaseCoeff: Double = 0.0)
extends Optimizer {
private def goldenSectionLineSearch(nbPoints: Int,
xk: ParameterVector,
lowerLimit: Double,
upperLimit: Double,
normalizedGradient: DenseVector[Double],
f: CostFunction): Double = {
val r = 0.618
var ll = lowerLimit
var ul = upperLimit
var b = ll + (1 - r) * (ul - ll)
var c = ll + r * (ul - ll)
val xs = new Array[Double](nbPoints)
val fs = new Array[Double](nbPoints)
var fb = f.onlyValue(xk + normalizedGradient * b)
var fc = f.onlyValue(xk + normalizedGradient * c)
xs(0) = b
xs(1) = c
fs(0) = fb
fs(1) = fc
for (i <- 2 until nbPoints) {
if (fb > fc) {
ll = b
b = c
fb = fc
c = ll + r * (ul - ll)
fc = f.onlyValue(xk + normalizedGradient * c)
xs(i) = c
fs(i) = fc
} else {
ul = c
c = b
fc = fb
b = ll + (1 - r) * (ul - ll)
fb = f.onlyValue(xk + normalizedGradient * b)
xs(i) = b
fs(i) = fb
val insideVals = => f._2 != 0)
val ixs = => t._1)
val ifs = => t._2)
if (ifs.length > 0) {
val t = ifs.zipWithIndex.min
} else // all file values are 0, means we most probably mapped the image out ! then simply return the smallest step size
def iterations(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): Iterator[State] = {
optimize(x0, c, 0)
def minimize(x0: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction): ParameterVector = {
iterations(x0, c).toSeq.last.parameters
private def optimize(x: ParameterVector, c: CostFunction, it: Int): Iterator[State] = {
val (newValue, gradient) = c(x)
if (it >= maxNumberOfIterations) Iterator(State(it, newValue, gradient, x, stepLength))
else {
if (withLineSearch) {
val step = goldenSectionLineSearch(8, x, 0, stepLength, gradient, c)
val newParam = x - gradient * step
Iterator(State(it, newValue, gradient, newParam, step)) ++ optimize(newParam, c, it + 1)
} else if (robinsMonroe) {
val step = stepLength / Math.pow(it + (maxNumberOfIterations * 0.1), stepDecreaseCoeff)
val newParam = x - gradient * step
Iterator(State(it, newValue, gradient, newParam, stepLength)) ++ optimize(x - gradient * step, c, it + 1)
} else {
val newParam = x - gradient * stepLength
Iterator(State(it, newValue, gradient, newParam, stepLength)) ++ optimize(x - gradient * stepLength, c, it + 1)
object Optimizer {}