scalismo.sampling.proposals.GaussianRandomWalkProposal.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package scalismo.sampling.proposals
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import breeze.stats.stddev
import scalismo.common.Vectorizer
import scalismo.sampling.{MHProposalGenerator, MHSample, ProposalGenerator, SampleLens, TransitionProbability}
* Classical Random Walk proposal, where the current state is perturbed using a step, which is generated
* by an isotropic gaussian with the given standard deviation.
class GaussianRandomWalkProposal(stddev: Double, val tag: String)(implicit
rng: scalismo.utils.Random)
extends MHProposalGenerator[DenseVector[Double]] {
self =>
implicit val randBasis: breeze.stats.distributions.RandBasis = rng.breezeRandBasis
private val gaussianDist = breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian(0, stddev)
override def propose(sample: MHSample[DenseVector[Double]]): MHSample[DenseVector[Double]] = {
val partAsVec: DenseVector[Double] = sample.parameters
val perturbation: DenseVector[Double] = DenseVector.rand(partAsVec.length, gaussianDist)
sample.copy(parameters = partAsVec + perturbation, generatedBy = tag)
override def logTransitionProbability(from: MHSample[DenseVector[Double]],
to: MHSample[DenseVector[Double]]): Double = {
if (from.parameters.length != to.parameters.length) {
} else {
val dim = from.parameters.length
val logProbs = for (i <- 0 until dim) yield {
val residual = to.parameters(i) - from.parameters(i)
* Create a new GaussianRandomWalkProposal, which only updates the coefficients in an given range.
def partial(range: Range): GaussianRandomWalkProposal = {
new GaussianRandomWalkProposal(stddev, tag) {
override def propose(sample: MHSample[DenseVector[Double]]): MHSample[DenseVector[Double]] = {
val partialSample = sample.copy(parameters = sample.parameters(range).copy)
val partialNew = self.propose(partialSample).parameters
val newFull = sample.parameters.copy
newFull(range) := partialNew
sample.copy(parameters = newFull, generatedBy = tag)
override def logTransitionProbability(from: MHSample[DenseVector[Double]],
to: MHSample[DenseVector[Double]]): Double = {
// This proposal generator can only change proposal for the given parameter range
// If anything else should be changed, there is 0 probability to reach that state
// To check that, we patch the parameters in the to vector with those from the from vector.
// If they are the same after that copy things are fine. If they should be different, there
// is zero probability of transitioning there
val patchedToParameters = to.parameters.copy
patchedToParameters(range) := from.parameters(range)
if (patchedToParameters != from.parameters) {
} else {
val fromPartial = from.copy(parameters = from.parameters(range).copy)
val toPartial = to.copy(parameters = to.parameters(range).copy)
self.logTransitionProbability(fromPartial, toPartial)
object GaussianRandomWalkProposal {
def apply(stddev: Double, tag: String)(implicit rng: scalismo.utils.Random): GaussianRandomWalkProposal =
new GaussianRandomWalkProposal(stddev, tag)
class MHIdentityProposal[A]() extends MHProposalGenerator[A] {
/** rate of transition from to (log value) */
override def logTransitionProbability(from: MHSample[A], to: MHSample[A]): Double = 0
/** draw a sample from this proposal distribution, may depend on current state */
override def propose(current: MHSample[A]): MHSample[A] = current.copy(generatedBy = "ident")
object MHIdentityProposal {
def forType[A] = new MHIdentityProposal[A]()