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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.statisticalmodel
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import scalismo.common._
import scalismo.common.interpolation.{FieldInterpolator, NearestNeighborInterpolator}
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.kernels.{DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel, MatrixValuedPDKernel}
import scalismo.numerics.PivotedCholesky
import scalismo.numerics.PivotedCholesky.RelativeTolerance
import scalismo.utils.Random
import scala.language.higherKinds
* A representation of a gaussian process, which is only defined on a discrete domain.
* While this is technically similar to a MultivariateNormalDistribution, we highlight with this
* class that we represent (discrete) functions, defined on the given domain.
class DiscreteGaussianProcess[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value] private[scalismo] (
val mean: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value],
val cov: DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel[D]
)(implicit val vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]) {
self =>
require(mean.domain == cov.domain)
val domain = mean.domain
private val pointSet = mean.domain.pointSet
val outputDim = vectorizer.dim
def sample()(implicit rand: Random): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value] = {
// define the mean and kernel matrix for the given points and construct the
// corresponding MV Normal distribution, from which we then sample
val mu = DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](
val K = cov.asBreezeMatrix
val mvNormal = MultivariateNormalDistribution(mu, K)
val sampleVec = mvNormal.sample()
// The sample is a vector. We convert it back to a discreteVectorField.
DiscreteField.createFromDenseVector[D, DDomain, Value](domain, sampleVec)
* The marginal distribution at a given (single) point, specified by the pointId.
def marginal(pointId: PointId) = {
MultivariateNormalDistribution(vectorizer.vectorize(mean(pointId)), cov(pointId, pointId))
* The marginal distribution for the points specified by the given point ids.
* Note that this is again a DiscreteGaussianProcess.
def marginal(pointIds: Seq[PointId])(
domainCreator: UnstructuredPoints.Create[D]
): DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value] = {
val domainPts = pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
val newPts = => domainPts(
val newDomain = UnstructuredPointsDomain(domainCreator.create(newPts))
val newMean =
DiscreteField[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value](newDomain, => mean(id)))
val newCov = (i: PointId, j: PointId) => {
cov(pointIds(, pointIds(
val newDiscreteCov = DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel(newDomain, newCov, outputDim)
new DiscreteGaussianProcess(newMean, newDiscreteCov)
* calculates the log marginal likelihood given trainingData.
* @param trainingData Point/value pairs where that the sample should approximate, together with an error model (the uncertainty) at each point.
def marginalLikelihood(trainingData: IndexedSeq[(PointId, Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]): Double = {
require(trainingData.nonEmpty, "provide observations to calculate the marginal likelihood")
GaussianProcess.marginalLikelihoodCalculation[PointId, Value](cov.k, mean, trainingData, outputDim)
* Interpolates discrete Gaussian process to have a new, continuous representation as a [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess]],
* using nearest neighbor interpolation (for both mean and covariance function)
@deprecated("please use the [[interpolate]] method with a [[NearestNeighborInterpolator]] instead", "0.16")
def interpolateNearestNeighbor: GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val meanDiscreteGp = this.mean
val newDomain = RealSpace[D]
def meanFun(pt: Point[D]): Value = {
val closestPtId = pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt).id
val newCov = new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override val domain = newDomain
override def k(pt1: Point[D], pt2: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val closestPtId1 = self.pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt1).id
val closestPtId2 = self.pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt2).id
cov(closestPtId1, closestPtId2)
override def outputDim = self.outputDim
GaussianProcess(Field[D, Value](newDomain, meanFun), newCov)
def interpolate(interpolator: FieldInterpolator[D, DDomain, Value]): GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
// We know how to interpolate DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcesses, but
// not this more generic type of DiscreteGP. Since we are sure that our
// cov matrix is always relatively small (it has to fit in memory)
// we can do the trick and do a pivoted cholesky, create a
// DiscreteLowRankGP and interpolate that.
val (basis, scale) = PivotedCholesky.computeApproximateEig(cov.asBreezeMatrix, RelativeTolerance(0.0))
val nBasisFunctions = basis.cols
val klBasis: DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.KLBasis[D, DDomain, Value] = for (i <- 0 until nBasisFunctions) yield {
val discreteEV = DiscreteField.createFromDenseVector[D, DDomain, Value](domain, basis(::, i))
DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.Eigenpair(scale(i), discreteEV)
val dgp = DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](mean, klBasis)
* Discrete version of [[LowRankGaussianProcess.project(IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Vector[DO])], Double)]]
def project(s: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val sigma2 = 1e-5 // regularization weight to avoid numerical problems
val noiseDist =
MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector.zeros[Double](outputDim), DenseMatrix.eye[Double](outputDim) * sigma2)
val td = { case (v, id) => (id, v, noiseDist) }.toIndexedSeq
DiscreteGaussianProcess.regression(this, td).mean
* Returns the probability density of the given instance
def pdf(instance: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): Double = {
val mvnormal = MultivariateNormalDistribution(DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](, cov.asBreezeMatrix)
val instvec = DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](
* Returns the log of the probability density of the given instance
* If you are interested in ordinal comparisons of PDFs, use this as it is numerically more stable
def logpdf(instance: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): Double = {
val mvnormal = MultivariateNormalDistribution(DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](, cov.asBreezeMatrix)
val instvec = DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](
object DiscreteGaussianProcess {
def apply[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
mean: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value],
cov: DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel[D]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
new DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](mean, cov)
def apply[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](domain: DDomain[D], gp: GaussianProcess[D, Value])(
vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
): DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val domainPoints = domain.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
val discreteMean = DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value](domain, => gp.mean(pt)))
val k = (i: PointId, j: PointId) => gp.cov(domainPoints(, domainPoints(
val discreteCov = DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel(domain, k, gp.outputDim)
new DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](discreteMean, discreteCov)
def regression[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
discreteGp: DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value],
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Int, Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
// TODO, this is somehow a hack to reuse the code written for the general GP regression. We should think if that has disadvantages
// TODO We should think whether we can do it in a conceptually more clean way.
val domainPoints = discreteGp.domain.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
val gp = discreteGp.interpolate(NearestNeighborInterpolator())
val tdForGp ={ case (id, vec, error) => (domainPoints(id), vec, error) })
val posterior = GaussianProcess.regression(gp, tdForGp)
DiscreteGaussianProcess(discreteGp.domain, posterior)