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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.statisticalmodel
import breeze.linalg._
import scalismo.common._
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.kernels._
import scalismo.utils.Random
* A gaussian process from a D dimensional input space, whose input values are points,
* to a DO dimensional output space. The output space is a Euclidean vector space of dimensionality DO.
* @param mean The mean function
* @param cov The covariance function. Needs to be positive definite
* @tparam D The dimensionality of the input space
class GaussianProcess[D: NDSpace, Value](val mean: Field[D, Value], val cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D])(
val vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
) {
def outputDim = vectorizer.dim
def domain = Domain.intersection(mean.domain, cov.domain)
* Sample values of the Gaussian process evaluated at the given points.
def sampleAtPoints[DDomain[DD] <: DiscreteDomain[DD]](
domain: DDomain[D]
)(implicit rand: Random): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value] = {
* Compute the marginal distribution for the given points. The result is again a Gaussian process, whose domain
* is an unstructured points domain
def marginal(points: IndexedSeq[Point[D]])(
implicit domainCreator: UnstructuredPointsDomain.Create[D]
): DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value] = {
val domain = domainCreator.create(points)
* Compute the marginal distribution at a single point.
def marginal(pt: Point[D]) = MultivariateNormalDistribution(vectorizer.vectorize(mean(pt)), cov(pt, pt))
* Computes the marginal likelihood of the observed data.
* This can for example be used in a model selection setting, where the GP with the maximum marginal likelihood of the observed data would be selected.
* @param trainingData Point/value pairs where that the sample should approximate, together with an error model (the uncertainty) at each point.
def marginalLikelihood(trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]): Double = {
require(trainingData.nonEmpty, "provide observations to calculate the marginal likelihood")
.marginalLikelihoodCalculation[Point[D], Value](cov.apply, mean.f, trainingData, outputDim)
* Discretizes the Gaussian Process at the given domain points. The
* @param domain
* @tparam DDomain
* @return
def discretize[DDomain[DD] <: DiscreteDomain[DD]](domain: DDomain[D]): DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
require(domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints > 0)
val meanField = DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value](domain, => mean(pt)))
val pts = domain.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
def newCov(i: PointId, j: PointId): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
cov(pts(, pts(
val discreteCov = DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel[D](domain, newCov, outputDim)
new DiscreteGaussianProcess(meanField, discreteCov)
* The posterior distribution of the gaussian process, with respect to the given trainingData.
* It is computed using Gaussian process regression.
* We assume that the trainingData is subject to isotropic Gaussian noise with variance sigma2.
def posterior(trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Value)], sigma2: Double): GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val cov =
MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector.zeros[Double](outputDim), DenseMatrix.eye[Double](outputDim) * sigma2)
val fullTrainingData = { case (p, v) => (p, v, cov) }
GaussianProcess.regression(this, fullTrainingData)
* The posterior distribution of the gaussian process, with respect to the given trainingData.
* It is computed using Gaussian process regression.
def posterior(
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]
): GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
GaussianProcess.regression(this, trainingData)
* Factory methods for creating Gaussian processes
object GaussianProcess {
* Creates a new Gaussian process with given mean and covariance, which is defined on the given domain.
def apply[D: NDSpace, Value](mean: Field[D, Value], cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D])(
vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
): GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
new GaussianProcess[D, Value](mean, cov)
* Creates a new zero-mean Gaussian process with the given covariance function.
def apply[D: NDSpace, Value](
cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val zeroVec = vectorizer.unvectorize(DenseVector.zeros(vectorizer.dim))
val zeroField = Field[D, Value](EuclideanSpace[D], (p: Point[D]) => zeroVec)
GaussianProcess[D, Value](zeroField, cov)
* * Performs a Gaussian process regression, where we assume that each training point (vector) is subject to zero-mean noise with given variance.
* @param gp The gaussian process
* @param trainingData Point/value pairs where that the sample should approximate, together with an error model (the uncertainty) at each point.
def regression[D: NDSpace, Value](
gp: GaussianProcess[D, Value],
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): GaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val outputDim = vectorizer.dim
val (xs, ys, errorDists) = trainingData.unzip3
val mVec = DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](
val yVec = DiscreteField.vectorize[D, Value](ys)
val fVec = yVec - mVec
val K = Kernel.computeKernelMatrix(xs, gp.cov)
for ((errorDist, i) <- errorDists.zipWithIndex) {
K(i * outputDim until (i + 1) * outputDim, i * outputDim until (i + 1) * outputDim) += errorDist.cov
val K_inv = breeze.linalg.inv(K)
def xstar(x: Point[D]) = {
Kernel.computeKernelVectorFor[D](x, xs, gp.cov)
def posteriorMean(x: Point[D]): Value = {
vectorizer.unvectorize((xstar(x) * K_inv) * fVec + vectorizer.vectorize(gp.mean(x)))
val posteriorKernel = new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override def domain = gp.domain
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
gp.cov(x, y) - (xstar(x) * K_inv * xstar(y).t)
override def outputDim = gp.outputDim
new GaussianProcess[D, Value](Field(gp.domain, posteriorMean _), posteriorKernel)
* * Computes the marginal likelihood of the observed data, according to the given GP.
* This can for example be used in a model selection setting, where the GP with the maximum marginal likelihood of the observed data would be selected.
* @param gp The gaussian process
* @param trainingData Point/value pairs where that the sample should approximate, together with an error model (the uncertainty) at each point.
def marginalLikelihood[D: NDSpace, Value](
gp: GaussianProcess[D, Value],
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): Double = {
* @tparam A combines the interface for NDSpace for GaussianProcess as well as PointId in DiscreteGaussianProcess
* @todo The current implementation can be optimized as it inverts the data covariance matrix (that can be heavy for more than a few points). Instead an implementation
* with a Cholesky decomposition would be more efficient.
private[scalismo] def marginalLikelihoodCalculation[A, Value](
cov: (A, A) => DenseMatrix[Double],
mean: A => Value,
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(A, Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)],
outputDim: Int
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): Double = {
// below is the implementation according to Rassmussen Gaussian Processes, Chapter 5, page 113
val (xs, ys, errorDistributions) = trainingData.unzip3
val meanValues =
val mVec = DiscreteField.vectorize[A, Value](meanValues)
val yVec = DiscreteField.vectorize[A, Value](ys)
val yVecZeroMean = yVec - mVec
val Ky = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](trainingData.size * outputDim, trainingData.size * outputDim)
for ((xI, i) <- xs.zipWithIndex; (xJ, j) <- xs.zipWithIndex) {
val covBlock = cov(xI, xJ)
val Kyyp = if (i == j) {
// in this case add observation uncertainty
val noiseBlock = errorDistributions(i).cov
covBlock + noiseBlock
} else covBlock
// insert the block in the big covariance matrix
for (l <- 0 until outputDim; m <- 0 until outputDim) {
Ky(l + (i * outputDim), m + (j * outputDim)) = Kyyp(l, m)
val KyInv = inv(Ky)
val const = outputDim * trainingData.length * 0.5 * math.log(math.Pi * 2)
//det(KyInv) > 0, because Ky is PSD, therefore we can ignore the sign of logdet
val margLikehood = ((yVecZeroMean.t * KyInv * yVecZeroMean) * -0.5) - (0.5 * logdet(Ky)._2) - const
object GaussianProcess1D {
def apply[Value](mean: Field[_1D, Value], cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[_1D])(
vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
): GaussianProcess[_1D, Value] = {
new GaussianProcess[_1D, Value](mean, cov)
* Creates a new zero-mean Gaussian process with the given covariance function.
def apply[Value](
cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[_1D]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): GaussianProcess[_1D, Value] = {
val zeroVec = vectorizer.unvectorize(DenseVector.zeros(vectorizer.dim))
val zeroField = Field1D[Value](EuclideanSpace1D, (p: Point[_1D]) => zeroVec)
GaussianProcess[_1D, Value](zeroField, cov)
object GaussianProcess2D {
def apply[Value](mean: Field[_2D, Value], cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[_2D])(
vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
): GaussianProcess[_2D, Value] = {
new GaussianProcess[_2D, Value](mean, cov)
* Creates a new zero-mean Gaussian process with the given covariance function.
def apply[Value](
cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[_2D]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): GaussianProcess[_2D, Value] = {
val zeroVec = vectorizer.unvectorize(DenseVector.zeros(vectorizer.dim))
val zeroField = Field2D[Value](EuclideanSpace2D, (p: Point[_2D]) => zeroVec)
GaussianProcess[_2D, Value](zeroField, cov)
object GaussianProcess3D {
def apply[Value](mean: Field[_3D, Value], cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[_3D])(
vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]
): GaussianProcess[_3D, Value] = {
new GaussianProcess[_3D, Value](mean, cov)
* Creates a new zero-mean Gaussian process with the given covariance function.
def apply[Value](
cov: MatrixValuedPDKernel[_3D]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): GaussianProcess[_3D, Value] = {
val zeroVec = vectorizer.unvectorize(DenseVector.zeros(vectorizer.dim))
val zeroField = Field3D[Value](EuclideanSpace3D, (p: Point[_3D]) => zeroVec)
GaussianProcess[_3D, Value](zeroField, cov)