elastic.es6.api.Elastic.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package elastic.es6.api
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source}
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
* Api to access root operation on elasticsearch.
* @tparam JsonR a representation of json
trait Elastic[JsonR] {
* Référence to the index
* @param name of the index
* @param `type` of the index
* @return an Index référence.
def index(name: String, `type`: Option[String] = None): Index[JsonR]
* Référence to the index
* @param typeDefinition the definiton of the index
* @return an Index référence.
def index(typeDefinition: TypeDefinition): Index[JsonR]
* Verify if the index exists
* @param name of the index
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return Boolean
def verifyIndex(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean]
* Return the mapping of the index and type
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return the mapping as json object
def getMapping(index: String, `type`: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
def getMapping(typeDefinition: TypeDefinition)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] =
getMapping(typeDefinition.name, typeDefinition.`type`)(sReader, ec)
* Return the mappings definitions
* @param index a Seq of index names
* @param `type` a Seq of type names
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return the mappings as json object
def getMappings(index: Seq[String], `type`: Seq[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Get the index
* @param name of the index
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return index as json object
def getIndex(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Index creation
* @param name of the index
* @param settings of the index
* @param mWrites settings to string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam S settings type
* @return IndexOps
def createIndex[S](name: String, settings: Option[S])(implicit mWrites: Writer[S, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* Index creation
* @param name of the index
* @param settings of the index
* @param mWrites settings to string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam S settings type
* @return IndexOps
def createIndex[S](name: String, settings: S)(implicit mWrites: Writer[S, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] =
createIndex(name, Some(settings))(mWrites, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
* Index creation
* @param name of the index
* @param mWrites settings to string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam S settings type
* @return IndexOps
def createIndex[S](name: String)(implicit mWrites: Writer[S, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] =
createIndex(name, None)(mWrites, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
* Aliases creation
* @param settings of the aliases
* @param mWrites settings to string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam S alias settings type
* @return IndexOps
def createAliases[S](settings: S)(implicit mWrites: Writer[S, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* Delete index operation
* @param name name of the index
* @param `type` the name of the type
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return IndexOps
def deleteIndex(name: String, `type`: Option[String] = None)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* Mapping modification
* @param name name of the index
* @param `type` the name of the type
* @param mapping the mapping to update
* @param update_all_types to update all type if conflicts
* @param mWrites mapping to json string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam M mapping type
* @return IndexOps
def putMapping[M](name: String, `type`: String, mapping: M, update_all_types: Boolean)(implicit mWrites: Writer[M, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* Mapping modification
* @param name name of the index
* @param `type` the name of the type
* @param mapping the mapping to update
* @param mWrites mapping to json string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam M mapping type
* @return IndexOps
def putMapping[M](name: String, `type`: String, mapping: M)(implicit mWrites: Writer[M, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] =
putMapping(name, `type`, mapping, false)(mWrites, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
* @param typeDefinition
* @param mapping the mapping to update
* @param update_all_types to update all type if conflicts
* @param mWrites mapping to json string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam M mapping type
* @return IndexOps
def putMapping[M](typeDefinition: TypeDefinition, mapping: M, update_all_types: Boolean = false)(implicit mWrites: Writer[M, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] =
putMapping[M](typeDefinition.name, typeDefinition.`type`, mapping, update_all_types)(mWrites, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
* Analyse of query.
* @param query the query to analyse
* @param qWrites query to json string conversion
* @param jWrites Json object to json string conversion
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q query type
* @return Json object
def analyse[Q](index: Option[String] = None, query: Q)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, JsonR], jWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Add template with name
* @param name name of the template
* @param template template definition
* @param mWrites json to string conversion
* @param jWrites template to json object conversion
* @param sReader json object to string conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam T template definition type
* @return an IndexOps object
def putTemplate[T](name: String, template: T)(implicit mWrites: Writer[T, JsonR], jWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* get template
* @param name name of the template
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return Json representation of the template
def getTemplate(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Template deletion
* @param name name of the template to delete
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to IndexOps conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return an IndexOps object
def deleteTemplate(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* Verify if the template exists
* @param name name of the template
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return true if exists
def verifyTemplate(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean]
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-stats.html
* @param indices the names of the indices
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return
def stats(indices: Seq[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* read segments
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-segments.html
* @param indices the names of the indices
* @param verbose verbose response if true
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json representation of the segments
def segments(indices: Seq[String], verbose: Boolean = false)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-recovery.html
* @param indices name of the indices
* @param detailed detailed option
* @param active_only active_only option
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json representation of the response
def recovery(indices: Seq[String], detailed: Boolean = false, active_only: Boolean = false)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Shard stores operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-shards-stores.html
* @param indices the indices
* @param status the status : green, yellow, red
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json object of the response
def shardStores(indices: Seq[String], status: Option[String] = None)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-clearcache.html
* @param indices the names of the indices
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json object of the response
def clearCache(indices: Seq[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-refresh.html
* @param indices the names of the indices
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json object of the response
def refresh(indices: String*)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]]
* Flush operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-flush.html
* @param indices a [[scala.Seq]] of indices names
* @param wait_if_ongoing If set to true the flush operation will block until the flush can be executed if another flush operation is already executing.
* @param force Whether a flush should be forced even if it is not necessarily needed ie. if no changes will be committed to the index
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[IndexResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a [[IndexResponse]]
def flush(indices: Seq[String], wait_if_ongoing: Boolean = false, force: Boolean = false)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]]
* Force merge operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-forcemerge.html
* @param indices indices
* @param max_num_segments The number of segments to merge to
* @param only_expunge_deletes Should the merge process only expunge segments with deletes in it.
* @param flush Should a flush be performed after the forced merge
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[IndexResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a [[IndexResponse]] response
def forceMerge(indices: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String], max_num_segments: Option[Int] = None, only_expunge_deletes: Boolean = false, flush: Boolean = true)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]]
* Upgrade operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-upgrade.html
* @param index the name if the index
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json objet of the response
def upgrade(index: String, only_ancient_segments: Boolean = false)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Upgrade operation status
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-upgrade.html
* @param index the name if the index
* @param sReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a json objet of the response
def upgradeStatus(index: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Multiple get operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-multi-get.html
* @param index the name of the index
* @param `type` the name of the type
* @param request multiple get request : [[MGets]]
* @param sWriter json to string conversion
* @param jsonWriter [[MGets]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[MGetResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a [[MGetResponse]] response
def mget(index: Option[String] = None, `type`: Option[String] = None, request: MGets)(implicit sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], jsonWriter: Writer[MGets, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, MGetResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MGetResponse[JsonR]]
* Search operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-body.html
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param query the query to execute
* @param from The starting from index of the hits to return. Defaults to 0
* @param size The number of hits to return. Defaults to 10
* @param search_type The type of the search operation to perform
* @param request_cache Set to true or false to enable or disable the caching of search results for requests
* @param terminate_after The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early
* @param timeout A search timeout, bounding the search request to be executed within the specified time value and bail with the hits accumulated up to that point when expired. Defaults to no timeout.
* @param qWrites Query to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json conversion
* @param jsonReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q query object type
* @return a [[SearchResponse]]
def search[Q](index: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String], `type`: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String], query: Q, from: Int = 0, size: Int = 20, search_type: SearchType = QUERY_THEN_FETCH, request_cache: Boolean = false, terminate_after: Option[Int] = None, timeout: Option[Int] = None)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SearchResponse[JsonR]]
* Aggregation operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations.html
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param query the query to execute
* @param from The starting from index of the hits to return. Defaults to 0
* @param size The number of hits to return. Defaults to 10
* @param search_type The type of the search operation to perform
* @param request_cache Set to true or false to enable or disable the caching of search results for requests
* @param terminate_after The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early
* @param timeout A search timeout, bounding the search request to be executed within the specified time value and bail with the hits accumulated up to that point when expired. Defaults to no timeout.
* @param qWrites Query to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json conversion
* @param jsonReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q query object type
* @return a [[SearchResponse]]
def aggregation[Q](index: Seq[String], `type`: Seq[String], query: Q, from: Option[Int] = None, size: Option[Int] = None, search_type: Option[SearchType] = None, request_cache: Boolean = false, terminate_after: Option[Int] = None, timeout: Option[Int] = None)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonReader: Reader[String, SearchResponse[JsonR]], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SearchResponse[JsonR]]
* The scroll search return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactives streams) of result.
* All the result of the search are returned in an asynchronous stream.
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param query the query to execute
* @param qWrites Query to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json conversion
* @param jsonReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q the query object type
* @return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[SearchResponse]]
def scrollPublisher[Q](index: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, `type`: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, query: Q, scroll: String = "1m", size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[SearchResponse[JsonR]]
* The scroll search return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactives streams) of result.
* All the result of the search are returned in an asynchronous stream.
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param query the query to execute
* @param qWrites Query to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json conversion
* @param jsonReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q the query object type
* @return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[SearchResponse]]
def scroll[Q](index: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, `type`: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, query: Q, scroll: String = "1m", size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Source[SearchResponse[JsonR], NotUsed]
* Bulk operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param publisher a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[Bulk]]
* @param batchSize the size of the packet of bulk operations to send to elastic
* @param sWrites json to string conversion
* @param docWriter document to json object conversion
* @param bulkOpWriter [[Bulk]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param bReader json object to [[BulkResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[BulkResponse]]
def bulk[D](index: Option[String] = None, `type`: Option[String] = None, publisher: Publisher[Bulk[D]], batchSize: Int)(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[BulkResponse[JsonR]]
* A akka stream flow to bulk datas.
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param batchSize the size of the packet of bulk operations to send to elastic
* @param sWrites json to string conversion
* @param docWriter document to json object conversion
* @param bulkOpWriter [[Bulk]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param bReader json object to [[BulkResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow]] that ingest [[Bulk]] and out [[BulkResponse]]
def bulkFlow[D](index: Option[String] = None, `type`: Option[String] = None, batchSize: Int)(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[Bulk[D], BulkResponse[JsonR], NotUsed]
* A atomic bulk opération
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html
* @param index name of the index
* @param `type` name of the type
* @param bulk a Seq of [[Bulk]] to send in bulk
* @param sWrites json to string conversion
* @param docWriter document to json object conversion
* @param bulkOpWriter [[Bulk]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param bReader json object to [[BulkResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[BulkResponse]]
def oneBulk[D](index: Option[String] = None, `type`: Option[String] = None, bulk: Seq[Bulk[D]])(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BulkResponse[JsonR]]
* The health of the cluster
* https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cluster-health.html
* @param sReader
* @return
def clusterHealth()(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR]
* Api to access index level operation.
* @tparam JsonR a representation of json.
trait Index[JsonR] {
def / (`type`: String) : Index[JsonR]
* Index operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-index_.html
* @param data document to index
* @param id optional id of the document
* @param version current version of the document
* @param versionType type of the version
* @param create if true an excpetion is thrown if the document allready exists
* @param routing routing key
* @param parent parent id if there is a parent child relation
* @param refresh if true, the index will be refresh
* @param timeout a timeout
* @param consistency consistency level ALL, QUORUM, ONE
* @param detectNoop detect if the version should be increase
* @param writer document to json object conversion
* @param strWriter json object to string conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[IndexResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[IndexResponse]]
def index[D](data: D, id: Option[String] = None, version: Option[Int] = None, versionType: Option[VersionType] = None, create: Boolean = false, routing: Option[String] = None, parent: Option[String] = None, refresh: Boolean = false, timeout: Option[String] = None, consistency: Option[Consistency] = None, detectNoop: Boolean = false)(implicit writer: Writer[D, JsonR], strWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]]
* Update operation : index operation with create = false and id required.
* @param data document to index
* @param id id of the document
* @param version current version of the document
* @param versionType type of the version
* @param retry_on_conflict
* @param routing routing key
* @param parent parent id if there is a parent child relation
* @param timeout a timeout
* @param refresh if true, the index will be refresh
* @param wait_for_active_shards
* @param writer document to json object conversion
* @param strWriter json object to string conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[IndexResponse]] conversion
* @param ec
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[IndexResponse]]
def update[D](data: D, id: String, version: Option[Int] = None, versionType: Option[VersionType] = None, retry_on_conflict: Option[Int] = None, routing: Option[String] = None, parent: Option[String] = None, timeout: Option[String] = None, refresh: Boolean = false, wait_for_active_shards: Option[Boolean] = None)(implicit writer: Writer[D, JsonR], strWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]]
* Get a document by id
* @param id id of the document
* @param routing the routing key
* @param fields a [[scala.Seq]] of fields to filter the source
* @param _source if false, the source is ignored
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[GetResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a [[GetResponse]]
def get(id: String, routing: Option[String] = None, fields: Seq[String] = Seq(), _source: Boolean = true)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, GetResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[GetResponse[JsonR]]
* Delete index operation
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader a json object to [[IndexOps]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return
def delete(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps]
* Delete a document by its id.
* @param id of the document
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[IndexResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a [[IndexResponse]] object
def delete(id: String, refresh: Boolean = false, routing: Option[String] = None)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]]
* Multiple get operation
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-multi-get.html
* @param request multiple get request : [[MGets]]
* @param sWriter json to string conversion
* @param jsonWriter [[MGets]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[MGetResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @return a [[MGetResponse]] response
def mget(request: MGets)(implicit sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], jsonWriter: Writer[MGets, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, MGetResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MGetResponse[JsonR]]
* Search operation on this index.
* @param query the search query object
* @param qWrites query to json object conversion
* @param sReads string to json object conversion
* @param jsonReader json object to [[SearchResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q type of the query object
* @return a [[SearchResponse]]
def search[Q](query: Q)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], sReads: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SearchResponse[JsonR]]
* Bulk operation for the current index
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html
* @param publisher a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[Bulk]]
* @param batchSize the size of the packet of bulk operations to send to elastic
* @param sWrites json to string conversion
* @param docWriter document to json object conversion
* @param bulkOpWriter [[Bulk]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param bReader json object to [[BulkResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[BulkResponse]]
def bulk[D](publisher: Publisher[Bulk[D]], batchSize: Int)(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[BulkResponse[JsonR]]
* A akka stream flow to bulk datas.
* @param batchSize the size of the packet of bulk operations to send to elastic
* @param sWrites json to string conversion
* @param docWriter document to json object conversion
* @param bulkOpWriter [[Bulk]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param bReader json object to [[BulkResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow]] that ingest [[Bulk]] and out [[BulkResponse]]
def bulkFlow[D](batchSize: Int)(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[Bulk[D], BulkResponse[JsonR], NotUsed]
* A atomic bulk opération
* see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html
* @param bulk a Seq of [[Bulk]] to send in bulk
* @param sWrites json to string conversion
* @param docWriter document to json object conversion
* @param bulkOpWriter [[Bulk]] to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json object conversion
* @param bReader json object to [[BulkResponse]] conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam D the type of the document
* @return a [[BulkResponse]]
def oneBulk[D](bulk: Seq[Bulk[D]])(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BulkResponse[JsonR]]
* The scroll search return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactives streams) of result.
* All the result of the search are returned in an asynchronous stream.
* @param query the query to execute
* @param qWrites Query to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json conversion
* @param jsonReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q the query object type
* @return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[SearchResponse]]
def scrollPublisher[Q](query: Q, scroll: String = "1m", size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[SearchResponse[JsonR]]
* The scroll search return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactives streams) of result.
* All the result of the search are returned in an asynchronous stream.
* @param query the query to execute
* @param qWrites Query to json object conversion
* @param sReader string to json conversion
* @param jsonReader json string to json object conversion
* @param ec ExecutionContext for future execution
* @tparam Q the query object type
* @return a [[org.reactivestreams.Publisher]] (see reactive streams) of [[SearchResponse]]
def scroll[Q](query: Q, scroll: String = "1m", size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Source[SearchResponse[JsonR], NotUsed]
case class TypeDefinition(name: String, `type`: String)
sealed trait Consistency {
def value: String
case object ALL extends Consistency {
val value = "all"
case object ONE extends Consistency {
val value = "one"
case object QUORUM extends Consistency {
val value = "quorum"
sealed trait VersionType {
def value: String
case object INTERNAL extends VersionType {
val value = "internal"
case object EXTERNAL extends VersionType {
val value = "external"
case object EXTERNAL_GTE extends VersionType {
val value = "external_gte"
case object FORCE extends VersionType {
val value = "force"
sealed abstract class SearchType {
def value: String
case object DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH extends SearchType {
val value = "dfs_query_then_fetch"
case object QUERY_THEN_FETCH extends SearchType {
val value = "query_then_fetch"
* Conversion from In to Out
* @tparam In
* @tparam Out
trait Reader[In, Out] {
def read(source: In): Out
* Helper to create [[Reader]] from function
object Reader {
def apply[In, Out](fn: In => Out) = new Reader[In, Out] {
override def read(source: In): Out = fn(source)
* Conversion from In to Out
* @tparam In
* @tparam Out
trait Writer[In, Out] {
def write(source: In): Out
* Helper to create [[Writer]] from function
object Writer {
def apply[In, Out](fn: In => Out) = new Writer[In, Out] {
override def write(source: In): Out = fn(source)
* Elastic errors representation
* @param json the error as json object
* @param httpCode http code return by elastic.
* @param message raw json as string
* @tparam Json an json representation.
case class EsException[Json](json: Json, httpCode: Int, message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)
* trait for request
trait ESRequest
* Bulk operation. Params are optional depending the bulk operation needed.
* @param _index the name of the index
* @param _type the name of the type
* @param _id the id of the document
case class BulkOpDetail(_index: Option[String], _type: Option[String], _id: Option[String]) extends ESRequest
* Type of the bulk operation
* @param index for index operation
* @param delete for delete operation
* @param create for create operation
* @param update for update operation
case class BulkOpType(index: Option[BulkOpDetail] = None, delete: Option[BulkOpDetail] = None, create: Option[BulkOpDetail] = None, update: Option[BulkOpDetail] = None) extends ESRequest
* A bulk directive.
* @param operation the operation
* @param source the document to index if needed
* @tparam D the type of the document.
case class Bulk[D](operation: BulkOpType, source: Option[D]) extends ESRequest
object Bulk {
def index[D](index: String, `type`: String, id: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(index = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), Some(id)))), Some(source))
def index[D](index: String, `type`: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(index = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), None))), Some(source))
def index[D](id: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(index = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, Some(id)))), Some(source))
def index[D](source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(index = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, None))), Some(source))
def update[D](index: String, `type`: String, id: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(update = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), Some(id)))), Some(source))
def update[D](index: String, `type`: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(update = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), None))), Some(source))
def update[D](id: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(update = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, Some(id)))), Some(source))
def update[D](source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(update = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, None))), Some(source))
def create[D](index: String, `type`: String, id: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(create = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), Some(id)))), Some(source))
def create[D](index: String, `type`: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(create = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), None))), Some(source))
def create[D](id: String, source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(create = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, Some(id)))), Some(source))
def create[D](source: D) = Bulk(BulkOpType(create = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, None))), Some(source))
def delete(index: String, `type`: String, id: String) = Bulk(BulkOpType(delete = Some(BulkOpDetail(Some(index), Some(`type`), Some(id)))), None)
def delete(id: String) = Bulk(BulkOpType(delete = Some(BulkOpDetail(None, None, Some(id)))), None)
* An scroll request.
* @param scroll scroll context
* @param scroll_id scroll id
case class Scroll(scroll: String, scroll_id: String) extends ESRequest
* MGet request detail
* @param _index the name of the index
* @param _type the name of the type
* @param _id the id of the document
case class MGet(_index: Option[String], _type: Option[String], _id: String) extends ESRequest
* MGet request.
* @param docs
case class MGets(docs: MGet*) extends ESRequest
* trait for elastic responses
trait ESResponse
* Response for operations on the index
* @param acknowledged true if ok
case class IndexOps(acknowledged: Boolean) extends ESResponse
* A shards state.
* @param total total of shards
* @param failed total of failed shards
* @param successful total of successful shards
* @param failures a [[scala.Seq]] of errors as [[Json]] object representation
* @tparam Json the type of the json representation.
case class Shards[Json](total: Int, failed: Int, successful: Int, failures: Seq[Json]) extends ESResponse
* Document indexation response
* @param _shards state of the shards
* @param _index the index name
* @param _type the type name
* @param _id the id of the document
* @param _version the version of the document
* @param created true if created
* @param found true if found
* @tparam Json the type of the json representation
case class IndexResponse[Json](_shards: Shards[Json], _index: Option[String] = None, _type: Option[String] = None, _id: Option[String] = None, _version: Option[Int] = None, created: Option[Boolean] = None, found: Option[Boolean] = None) extends ESResponse
* Get response.
* @param _index the index name
* @param _type the type name
* @param _id the id of the document
* @param _version the version of the document
* @param found true if found
* @param _source the document as [[Json]]
* @tparam Json the type of the json representation
case class GetResponse[Json](_index: String, _type: String, _id: String, _version: Int, found: Boolean, _source: Json) extends ESResponse {
def as[Document](implicit reads: Reader[Json, Document]): Document = reads.read(_source)
* MGet response
* @param docs a [[scala.Seq]] of get response
* @tparam Json type of json representation
case class MGetResponse[Json](docs: Seq[GetResponse[Json]]) extends ESResponse {
def docsAs[D](implicit reader: Reader[Json, D]): Seq[D] = docs.map(_._source).map(reader.read)
* @param _index
* @param _type
* @param _id
* @param _score
* @param _source
* @tparam Json
case class Hit[Json](_index: String, _type: String, _id: String, _score: Option[Float], _source: Json) extends ESResponse {
def as[Document](implicit reads: Reader[Json, Document]): Document = reads.read(_source)
* @param total
* @param max_score
* @param hits
* @tparam Json
case class Hits[Json](total: Int, max_score: Option[Float], hits: Seq[Hit[Json]]) extends ESResponse
* @param took
* @param _shards
* @param timed_out
* @param hits
* @param scroll_id
* @param aggregations
* @tparam Json
case class SearchResponse[Json](took: Int, _shards: Shards[Json], timed_out: Boolean, hits: Hits[Json], scroll_id: Option[String], aggregations: Option[Json] = None) extends ESResponse {
def hitsAs[Document](implicit reads: Reader[Json, Document]) = hits.hits.map(h => h.as[Document](reads))
* @param _index
* @param _type
* @param _id
* @param _version
* @param _shards
* @tparam Json
case class BulkResult[Json](_index: String, _type: String, _id: String, _version: Option[Int], _shards: Option[Shards[Json]], status: Int, error: Option[Json]) extends ESResponse
* @param index
* @param delete
* @param update
* @param create
* @tparam Json
case class BulkItem[Json](index: Option[BulkResult[Json]], delete: Option[BulkResult[Json]], update: Option[BulkResult[Json]], create: Option[BulkResult[Json]]) extends ESResponse
* @param took
* @param errors
* @param items
* @tparam Json
case class BulkResponse[Json](took: Int, errors: Boolean, items: Seq[BulkItem[Json]]) extends ESResponse