com.adobe.internal.xmp.impl.XMPSerializerPlain Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// The Plain XMP format is disabled
// =================================================================================================
// Copyright 2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
// =================================================================================================
//package com.adobe.internal.xmp.impl;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.Arrays;
//import java.util.Collections;
//import java.util.Iterator;
//import java.util.List;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.XMPConst;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.XMPError;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.XMPException;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.XMPMetaFactory;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.options.PropertyOptions;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.options.SerializeOptions;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.utils.XMLStreamWriterFactory;
//import com.adobe.internal.xmp.utils.XMLStreamWriterImpl;
// * Serializes the XMPMeta
-object using the Plain RDF serialization format.
// * The output is written to an OutputStream
// * according to the SerializeOptions
// *
// * @author Stefan Makswit
// * @version $Revision$
// * @since 07.11.2006
// */
//public class XMPSerializerPlain
// /** default padding */
// private static final int DEFAULT_PAD = 2048;
// /** */
// private static final String PACKET_HEADER =
// "xpacket begin=\"\uFEFF\" id=\"W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d\"";
// /** The w/r is missing inbetween */
// private static final String PACKET_TRAILER = "xpacket end=\"";
// /** */
// private static final String PACKET_TRAILER2 = "\"";
// /** the XMLStreamWriter */
// private XMLStreamWriterImpl writer;
// /** the metadata object to be serialized. */
// private XMPMetaImpl xmp;
// /** the size of one unicode char, for UTF-8 set to 1
// * (Note: only valid for ASCII chars lower than 0x80),
// * set to 2 in case of UTF-16 */
// private int unicodeSize = 1; // UTF-8
// /** the padding in the XMP Packet, or the length of the complete packet in
// * case of option exactPacketLength. */
// private int padding;
// /** the stored serialisation options */
// private SerializeOptions options;
// /** the output stream to serialize to */
// private CountOutputStream outputStream;
// /**
// * The actual serialisation.
// *
// * @param xmp the metadata object to be serialized
// * @param out outputStream the output stream to serialize to
// * @param options the serialization options
// *
// * @throws XMPException If case of wrong options or any other serialisaton error.
// */
// public void serialize(XMPMetaImpl xmp, OutputStream out, SerializeOptions options)
// throws XMPException
// {
// try
// {
// this.xmp = xmp;
// this.options = options;
// this.padding = options.getPadding();
// outputStream = new CountOutputStream(out);
// // need to add serialize options
// writer = XMLStreamWriterFactory.create(outputStream, options);
// checkOptionsConsistence();
// // Write the packet header PI.
// if (!options.getOmitPacketWrapper())
// {
// writer.writeProcessingInstruction(PACKET_HEADER);
// }
// // serializes the whole packet without the ending PI
// serializeAsPlain();
// writer.flush();
// // Prepares the packet trailer PI.
// String tailStr = "";
// if (!options.getOmitPacketWrapper())
// {
// tailStr += PACKET_TRAILER;
// tailStr += options.getReadOnlyPacket() ? 'r' : 'w';
// tailStr += PACKET_TRAILER2;
// writer.setEscapeWhitespaces(false);
// // adds padding according to length of tail string (UTF-8, one byte per char)
// addPadding(tailStr.length() + 4 + // +4 for ... ?>
// options.getBaseIndent() * options.getIndent().length() +
// options.getNewline().length());
// // writes the tail
// writer.writeProcessingInstruction(tailStr);
// }
// writer.close();
// }
// catch (IOException e)
// {
// throw new XMPException(e.getMessage(), XMPError.INTERNALFAILURE);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Does the main serialisaton of the metadata object.
// * @throws IOException Forwards stream writer exceptions
// */
// private void serializeAsPlain() throws IOException
// {
// // Write the pxmp:XMP_Packet start tag, optitional name and version string.
// writer.writeStartElement("pxmp:XMP_Packet");
// writeNameAndVersion();
// declareUsedNamespaces (xmp.getRoot());
// // Write all of the properties.
// for (Iterator it = xmp.getRoot().iterateChildren(); it.hasNext(); )
// {
// XMPNode schema = (XMPNode);
// serializePlainXMPSchema(schema);
// }
// // Write the pxmp:XMP_Packet end tag.
// writer.writeEndElement();
// }
// /**
// * Writes the metadata object name, the toolkit version and the rdf namespace.
// * @throws IOException Forwards writer exceptions
// */
// private void writeNameAndVersion() throws IOException
// {
// if (xmp.getObjectName().length() > 0)
// {
// writer.writeAttribute("pxmp:about", xmp.getObjectName());
// }
// if (!options.getOmitVersionAttribute())
// {
// writer.writeAttribute("pxmp:xmptk", XMPMetaFactory.getVersionInfo().getMessage());
// }
// else
// {
// writer.writeAttribute("pxmp:xmptk", "");
// }
// writer.writeNamespace("pxmp", XMPConst.NS_PXMP); // pxmp-namespace first
// }
// /**
// * Serializes one xmp schema with all of its properties.
// * @param schema the schema to serialize
// * @throws IOException Forwards writer exceptions
// */
// private void serializePlainXMPSchema(XMPNode schema) throws IOException
// {
// // Write the pxmp:SchemaGroup start tag.
// writer.writeStartElement(schema.getValue() + "XMP_SchemaGroup");
// // Write each of the schema's actual properties.
// for (Iterator it = schema.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode propNode = (XMPNode);
// serializePlainXMPProperty(propNode, options.getBaseIndent() + 1);
// }
// // Write the pxmp:SchemaGroup end tag.
// writer.writeEndElement();
// }
// /**
// * Serialize any property or qualifier recursively in plain XMP format.
// *
// * @param propNode the current property node
// * @param indent the current indent
// * @throws IOException Forward output exceptions
// */
// private void serializePlainXMPProperty(XMPNode propNode, int indent) throws IOException
// {
// PropertyOptions propOpts = propNode.getOptions();
// boolean isSimple = propOpts.isSimple();
// boolean isCompact = propOpts.isCompact();
// String propName = propNode.getName();
// if (XMPConst.ARRAY_ITEM_NAME.equals(propName))
// {
// // rename "[]" to "item" for array items
// propName = "item";
// }
// // Write the property name as the beginning of an element start tag.
// writer.writeStartElement(propName);
// // Write kind attribute and simple qualifiers.
// writeKindAttribute(propNode);
// List remainingQuals = writeSimpleQualifier(propNode);
// // Write value or compact property as attribute or compound properties recursively.
// if (isSimple)
// {
// writer.writeAttribute("value", propNode.getValue());
// }
// else if (isCompact)
// {
// writeCompactProperty(propNode);
// }
// else
// {
// // Write the element children for struct fields and array items.
// for (Iterator it = propNode.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode child = (XMPNode);
// serializePlainXMPProperty(child, indent + 1);
// }
// }
// writeCompoundQualifier(remainingQuals, propOpts, indent);
// // Close the start tag or write an end tag, if needed.
// writer.writeEndElement();
// }
// /**
// * Write kind-attribute for tag if needed.
// *
// * @param propNode a property or qualifier node.
// * @throws IOException Forwards the writer exceptions.
// */
// private void writeKindAttribute(XMPNode propNode) throws IOException
// {
// PropertyOptions opts = propNode.getOptions();
// if (opts.isSimple() && opts.isQualifier())
// {
// writer.writeAttribute("kind", "qual");
// }
// else if (!opts.isSimple())
// {
// String kindStr = opts.isCompact() ? "c-" : "";
// if (opts.isStruct())
// {
// kindStr += "struct";
// }
// else
// {
// if (opts.isArrayAlternate())
// {
// kindStr += "alt";
// if (opts.isArrayAltText())
// {
// XMPNodeUtils.normalizeLangArray(propNode);
// }
// }
// else if (opts.isArrayOrdered())
// {
// kindStr += "seq";
// }
// else
// {
// kindStr += "bag";
// }
// }
// if (opts.isQualifier())
// {
// kindStr += "-qual";
// }
// // write the kind attribute
// writer.writeAttribute("kind", kindStr);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Writes a compact property as attribute(s)
// * @param propNode a property node
// * @throws IOException Forwards the writer exceptions.
// */
// private void writeCompactProperty(XMPNode propNode) throws IOException
// {
// if (propNode.getOptions().isStruct())
// {
// for (Iterator it = propNode.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode child = (XMPNode);
// assert !child.getOptions().isCompositeProperty() &&
// !child.getOptions().getHasQualifiers();
// writer.writeAttribute(child.getName(), child.getValue());
// }
// }
// else
// {
// assert propNode.getOptions().isArray();
// // Pick the separator. Defaults to " ", use "; " if any item
// // value is empty or has XML whitespace.
// String separator = " ";
// boolean whiteSpaceFound = false;
// for (Iterator it = propNode.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode child = (XMPNode);
// if (child.getValue() == null || child.getValue().length() == 0)
// {
// separator = "; ";
// break;
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < child.getValue().length(); i++)
// {
// char c = child.getValue().charAt(i);
// if (c <= ' ' && c != 0x09 && c != 0x0A && c != 0x0D)
// {
// whiteSpaceFound = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (whiteSpaceFound)
// {
// separator = "; ";
// break;
// }
// }
// // Catenate the item values and write the value attribute.
// StringBuffer arrayValue = new StringBuffer();
// if (!whiteSpaceFound)
// {
// for (Iterator it = propNode.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode child = (XMPNode);
// assert !child.getOptions().isCompositeProperty() &&
// !child.getOptions().getHasQualifiers();
// arrayValue.append(child.getValue());
// if (it.hasNext())
// {
// arrayValue.append(separator);
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// writer.writeAttribute("sep", "; ");
// for (Iterator it = propNode.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode child = (XMPNode);
// assert !child.getOptions().isCompositeProperty() &&
// !child.hasQualifier();
// String value = propNode.getValue();
// int colonPos = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++)
// {
// char ch = value.charAt(i);
// if (ch == ';')
// {
// arrayValue.append(value.substring(colonPos, i));
// arrayValue.append(';'); // append double semicolon
// colonPos = i;
// }
// }
// arrayValue.append(value.substring(colonPos, value.length()));
// if (it.hasNext())
// {
// arrayValue.append(separator);
// }
// }
// }
// writer.writeAttribute("value", arrayValue.toString());
// }
// }
// /**
// * Write the simple qualifiers.
// * Note: Simple qualifiers on a compact struct are contained elements, not attributes.
// *
// * @param propNode a property node
// * @return Returns the remaining, compound qualifier.
// * @throws IOException Forwards the writer exceptions.
// */
// private List writeSimpleQualifier(XMPNode propNode) throws IOException
// {
// PropertyOptions opts = propNode.getOptions();
// List remainingQuals = null;
// if (!opts.isCompact() && !opts.isStruct())
// {
// for (Iterator it = propNode.iterateQualifier(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode qualifier = (XMPNode);
// if (!qualifier.getOptions().isCompositeProperty() &&
// !qualifier.getOptions().getHasQualifiers())
// {
// writer.writeAttribute(qualifier.getName(), qualifier.getValue());
// }
// else
// {
// if (remainingQuals == null)
// {
// remainingQuals = new ArrayList();
// }
// remainingQuals.add(qualifier);
// }
// }
// }
// return remainingQuals;
// }
// /**
// * Write the compound qualifiers. Sort them if the property is a regular
// * (non-compact) array. It is OK to sort all of the qualifiers. We've
// * already output the simple ones, so their order is fixed.
// *
// * Note: Don't sort the real qualifier vector, sort a copy. Need
// * to keep "xml:lang" and "rdf:type" in front!
// *
// * Note: This includes the simple qualifiers for a compact
// * struct.
// *
// * @param remainingQuals a list of remaining qualifiers that could not be written as attribute.
// * @param propOpts the parent property options
// * @param indent the current indent
// * @throws IOException Forwards the writer exceptions.
// */
// private void writeCompoundQualifier(List remainingQuals, PropertyOptions propOpts, int indent)
// throws IOException
// {
// if (remainingQuals != null)
// {
// if (!propOpts.isArray() && !propOpts.isCompact())
// {
// Collections.sort(remainingQuals);
// }
// for (Iterator it = remainingQuals.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode qualifier = (XMPNode);
// serializePlainXMPProperty(qualifier, indent + 1);
//// <#AdobePrivate>
//// if ((isCompact && isStruct) ||
//// qualifier.getOptions().isCompositeProperty() ||
//// qualifier.getOptions().hasQualifiers())
//// #AdobePrivate>
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Checks if the supplied options are consistent.
// * @throws XMPException Thrown if options are conflicting
// */
// protected void checkOptionsConsistence() throws XMPException
// {
// if (options.getEncodeUTF16BE() | options.getEncodeUTF16LE())
// {
// unicodeSize = 2;
// }
// if (options.getExactPacketLength())
// {
// if (options.getOmitPacketWrapper() | options.getIncludeThumbnailPad())
// {
// throw new XMPException("Inconsistent options for exact size serialize",
// }
// if ((options.getPadding() & (unicodeSize - 1)) != 0)
// {
// throw new XMPException("Exact size must be a multiple of the Unicode element",
// }
// }
// else if (options.getReadOnlyPacket())
// {
// if (options.getOmitPacketWrapper() | options.getIncludeThumbnailPad())
// {
// throw new XMPException("Inconsistent options for read-only packet",
// }
// padding = 0;
// }
// else if (options.getOmitPacketWrapper())
// {
// if (options.getIncludeThumbnailPad())
// {
// throw new XMPException("Inconsistent options for non-packet serialize",
// }
// padding = 0;
// }
// else
// {
// if (padding == 0)
// {
// padding = DEFAULT_PAD * unicodeSize;
// }
// if (options.getIncludeThumbnailPad())
// {
// if (!xmp.doesPropertyExist(XMPConst.NS_XMP, "Thumbnails"))
// {
// padding += 10000 * unicodeSize;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Writes all used namespaces of the subtree in node to the output.
// * The subtree is recursivly traversed.
// * @param node the root node of the subtree
// * @throws IOException Forwards all writer exceptions.
// */
// private void declareUsedNamespaces(XMPNode node)
// throws IOException
// {
// if (node.getOptions().isSchemaNode())
// {
// // The schema node name is the URI, the value is the prefix.
// String prefix = node.getValue().substring(0, node.getValue().length() - 1);
// String namespace = node.getName();
//// writeIndent(1);
// writer.writeNamespace(prefix, namespace);
// }
// // not the root node and direct schema children
// else if (node.getParent() != null &&
// !node.getParent().getOptions().isSchemaNode())
// {
// QName qname = new QName(node.getName());
// String ns = XMPMetaFactory.getSchemaRegistry().getNamespaceURI(qname.getPrefix());
// writer.writeNamespace(qname.getPrefix(), ns);
// }
// // iterate children except array items
// if (!node.getOptions().isArray())
// {
// for (Iterator it = node.iterateChildren(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode child = (XMPNode);
// declareUsedNamespaces(child);
// }
// }
// for (Iterator it = node.iterateQualifier(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// XMPNode qualifier = (XMPNode);
// declareUsedNamespaces(qualifier);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Calulates the padding according to the options and write it to the stream.
// * @param tailLength the length of the tail string
// * @throws XMPException thrown if packet size is to small to fit the padding
// * @throws IOException forwards writer errors
// * @throws IOException
// */
// private void addPadding(int tailLength) throws XMPException, IOException
// {
// if (options.getExactPacketLength())
// {
// // the string length is equal to the length of the UTF-8 encoding
// int minSize = outputStream.getBytesWritten() + tailLength * unicodeSize;
// if (minSize > padding)
// {
// throw new XMPException("Can't fit into specified packet size",
// }
// padding -= minSize; // Now the actual amount of padding to add.
// }
// // fix rest of the padding according to Unicode unit size.
// padding /= unicodeSize;
// int newlineLen = options.getNewline().length();
// if (padding >= newlineLen)
// {
// padding -= newlineLen; // Write this newline last.
// while (padding >= (100 + newlineLen))
// {
// writeNewline();
// writeChars(100, ' ');
// padding -= (100 + newlineLen);
// }
// writeNewline();
// writeChars(padding, ' ');
// }
// else
// {
// writeChars(padding, ' ');
// }
// }
// /**
// * Writes a newline according to the options.
// * @throws IOException Forwards exception
// */
// private void writeNewline() throws IOException
// {
// writer.writeCharacters(options.getNewline());
// }
// /**
// * Writes an amount of chars, mostly spaces
// * @param number number of chars
// * @param c a char
// * @throws IOException
// */
// private void writeChars(int number, char c) throws IOException
// {
// char[] buf = new char[number];
// Arrays.fill(buf, c);
// writer.writeCharacters(buf, 0, number);
// }