munit.Http4sSuite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020-2024 Alejandro Hernández
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package munit
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.effect.SyncIO
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.circe.parser.parse
import org.http4s.HttpApp
import org.http4s.Request
import org.http4s.Response
import org.http4s.client.Client
/** Base class for all of the other suites using http4s' requests to test HTTP servers/routes.
* @author
* Alejandro Hernández
* @author
* José Gutiérrez
trait Http4sSuite extends CatsEffectSuite with Http4sMUnitSyntax {
/** Allows altering the name of the generated tests.
* By default it will generate test names like:
* {{{
* // GET -> users/42
* test(GET(uri"users" / 42))
* // GET -> users (All users)
* test(GET(uri"users")).alias("All users")
* // GET -> users as user-1
* test(GET(uri"users").as("user-1"))
* // GET -> users - executed 10 times with 2 in parallel
* test(GET(uri"users")).repeat(10).parallel(2)
* // GET -> users (retrieve the list of users and get the first user from the list)
* test(GET(uri"users"))
* .alias("retrieve the list of users")
* .andThen("get the first user from the list")([List[User]].flatMap {
* case Nil => fail("The list of users should not be empty")
* case (head: User) :: _ => GET(uri"users" /
* })
* }}}
* @param request
* the test's request
* @param followingRequests
* the following request' aliases
* @param testOptions
* the options for the current test
* @param config
* the configuration for this test
* @return
* the test's name
@deprecated(message = "Use `http4sMUnitTestNameCreator` instead", since = "0.16.0")
def http4sMUnitNameCreator(
request: Request[IO],
followingRequests: List[String],
testOptions: TestOptions,
config: Http4sMUnitConfig
): String = Http4sMUnitDefaults.http4sMUnitNameCreator(
request, followingRequests, testOptions, config, http4sMUnitNameCreatorReplacements()
/** List of replacements that will be applied to the result of `http4sMUnitNameCreator` using `String#replaceAll` */
message = "Override `http4sMUnitTestNameCreator` instead and provide replacements to `default` constructor",
since = "0.16.0"
def http4sMUnitNameCreatorReplacements(): Seq[(String, String)] = Nil
/** Allows altering the name of the generated tests.
* By default it will generate test names like:
* {{{
* // GET -> users/42
* test(GET(uri"users" / 42))
* // GET -> users (All users)
* test(GET(uri"users")).alias("All users")
* // GET -> users as user-1
* test(GET(uri"users").as("user-1"))
* // GET -> users - executed 10 times with 2 in parallel
* test(GET(uri"users")).repeat(10).parallel(2)
* // GET -> users (retrieve the list of users and get the first user from the list)
* test(GET(uri"users"))
* .alias("retrieve the list of users")
* .andThen("get the first user from the list")([List[User]].flatMap {
* case Nil => fail("The list of users should not be empty")
* case (head: User) :: _ => GET(uri"users" /
* })
* }}}
def http4sMUnitTestNameCreator: Http4sMUnitTestNameCreator = http4sMUnitNameCreator(_, _, _, _): @nowarn
/** Returns the response as suite clues.
* This method is then used by `response.clues` extension method.
* @param response
* the response to convert to `Clues`
* @return
* the clues extracted from the response
def http4sMUnitResponseClueCreator(response: Response[IO]): Clues =
/** Fixture to run a request against this suite */
@deprecated("Use `http4sMUnitClientFixture` instead", since = "0.16.0")
def http4sMUnitFunFixture: SyncIO[FunFixture[Request[IO] => Resource[IO, Response[IO]]]] = { fixture =>
setup = options => fixture.setup(options).map( _),
teardown = f => fixture.teardown(Client.apply(f))
/** Fixture that creates the client which will be used to execute this suite's requests. */
def http4sMUnitClientFixture: SyncIO[FunFixture[Client[IO]]]
implicit class ResponseCluesOps(private val response: Response[IO]) {
/** Transform a response into suite clues
* The output of this extension method can be controlled with `http4sMUnitResponseClueCreator`.
def clues: Clues = http4sMUnitResponseClueCreator(response)
/** Allows prettifing the response's body before outputting it to logs.
* By default it will try to parse it as JSON and apply a code highlight if `munitAnsiColors` is `true`.
* @param body
* the response's body to prettify
* @return
* the prettified version of the response's body
def http4sMUnitBodyPrettifier(body: String): String =
_ => body,
json =>
if (munitAnsiColors)
.replaceAll("""(\"\w+\") : """, Console.CYAN + "$1" + Console.RESET + " : ")
.replaceAll(""" : (\".*\")""", " : " + Console.YELLOW + "$1" + Console.RESET)
.replaceAll(""" : (-?\d+\.\d+)""", " : " + Console.GREEN + "$1" + Console.RESET)
.replaceAll(""" : (-?\d+)""", " : " + Console.GREEN + "$1" + Console.RESET)
.replaceAll(""" : true""", " : " + Console.MAGENTA + "true" + Console.RESET)
.replaceAll(""" : false""", " : " + Console.MAGENTA + "false" + Console.RESET)
.replaceAll(""" : null""", " : " + Console.MAGENTA + "null" + Console.RESET)
else json
implicit class Http4sMUnitTestCreatorOps(creator: Http4sMUnitTestCreator) {
/** Allows overriding the app used when running this test.
* When this method is called, the test ignores the fixture on `http4sMUnitClientFixture` and runs the request
* against the provided app.
def withHttpApp[A](httpApp: HttpApp[IO]): Http4sMUnitTestCreator = {
val client = Client[IO](
creator.copy(executor = options => body => test(options)(body(client)))
implicit final class ClientFunFixtureTestOps(fixture: SyncIO[FunFixture[Client[IO]]])
extends SyncIOFunFixtureOps(fixture) {
/** Declares a test for the provided request.
* @example
* {{{
* test(GET(uri"users" / 42)) { response =>
* // test body
* }
* }}}
* @example
* {{{
* test(POST(json, uri"users")).alias("Create a new user") { response =>
* // test body
* }
* }}}
* @example
* {{{
* test(GET(uri"users" / 42)).flaky { response =>
* // test body
* }
* }}}
def test(request: Request[IO]): Http4sMUnitTestCreator =
request = request,
executor = fixture.test,
nameCreator = http4sMUnitTestNameCreator,
bodyPrettifier = http4sMUnitBodyPrettifier
/** Declares a test for the provided request.
* @example
* {{{
* test(GET(uri"users" / 42)) { response =>
* // test body
* }
* }}}
* @example
* {{{
* test(POST(json, uri"users")).alias("Create a new user") { response =>
* // test body
* }
* }}}
* @example
* {{{
* test(GET(uri"users" / 42)).flaky { response =>
* // test body
* }
* }}}
def test(request: Request[IO]): Http4sMUnitTestCreator =
request = request,
executor = options => f => (http4sMUnitFunFixture: @nowarn).test(options)(client => f(Client[IO](client))),
nameCreator = http4sMUnitTestNameCreator,
bodyPrettifier = http4sMUnitBodyPrettifier