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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE Root PUBLIC "MessageData" "MessageData.dtd">
<ClassInfo author="JEAF Development Team" className="ErrorCodes" description="Class contains message constants for JEAF Generator." package="com.anaptecs.jeaf.generator" version="1.3" />
<MessageFolder name="Mesaage Constants Generator">
<Message defaultText="XSLT style sheet ''{0}'' can not be found within the applications class path." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if the style sheet that defines the transformation of the XML document containing error messages is not located within the applications class path." messageID="9000" name="STYLESHEET_NOT_AVAILABLE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to create directory ''{0}''." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if the generator can not create an output directory for a generated class." messageID="9001" name="UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DIR" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to generate Java class ''{0}'' out of message resource ''{1}''." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if an exception occurs during the generation of the Java class using XSLT." messageID="9002" name="UNABLE_TO_PERFORM_TRANSFORMATION" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to convert Excel workbook to message resource file. Class-Information is incomplete or invalid. Affected field ''{0}'' in file ''{1}''." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if an exception occurs during the generation of the Java class using XSLT." messageID="9003" name="INVALID_CLASS_INFO" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to open Excel workbook ''{0}''. {1}" description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown when an exception occurs when trying to open an Excel workbook." messageID="9004" name="UNABLE_TO_OPEN_EXCEL_WORKBOOK" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to close Excel workbook ''{0}''. {1}" description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown when an exception occurs when trying to close an Excel workbook." messageID="9005" name="UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_EXCEL_WORKBOOK" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Required sheet ''{0}'' inside Excel workbook ''{1}'' is missing. Please ensure that you use the right Excel template for message resources." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if class info is missing in the provided Excel workbook." messageID="9006" name="CLASS_INFO_SHEET_MISSING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to create new XML document." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if a new XML document could not be created." messageID="9007" name="UNABLE_TO_CREATE_XML_DOCUMENT" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Excel workbook ''{0}'' does not contain any message data. Please ensure that the excel file contains at least one sheet with message data." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if a new XML document could not be created." messageID="9008" name="NO_MESSAGE_DATA_IN_WORKBOOK" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Excel sheet ''{0}'' does not contain required column with name ''{1}''. Please ensure that you use the right Excel template for message resources." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if a required column in message data is missing." messageID="9009" name="INVALID_MESSAGE_DATA" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Ignoring row ''{1}'' in Excel sheet ''{0}'' as it does not contain values for all required columns. The following fields are missing: {2}" description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if values for one or more required fields are missing." messageID="9010" name="IGNORING_ROW" traceLevel="WARN" type="INFO" />
<Message defaultText="Message-ID ''{0}'' is not unique. Excel sheet ''{1}'' contains this message ID even though it was already used before. Please ensure that every message ID is globally only used once." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if a message ID is used multiple times." messageID="9011" name="MESSAGE_ID_NOT_UNIQUE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Message-Name ''{0}'' is not unique. Excel sheet ''{1}'' contains this name even though it was already used before. Please ensure that every message name is only used once per Excel file." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if a message name is used multiple times." messageID="9012" name="MESSAGE_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Ignoring empty sheet ''{0}'' within Excel workbook." description="Exceptions with this error code are thrown if a message name is used multiple times." messageID="9013" name="IGNORING_EMPTY_SHEET" traceLevel="WARN" type="INFO" />
<MessageFolder name="UML Generator">
<Message defaultText="JEAF Generator expects JEAF Meta Model (JMM) revision ''{0}'' or higher. Please update your UML project to a newer version of JMM. Your current revision is: {1}" description="JEAF Generator expects a specific version of the so called JEAF Meta Model (JMM). The JMM version that is used by your UML model seems to be outdated. Please upgrade to latest version of JMM." messageID="9100" name="INVALID_JMM" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' has parameter type(s) ''{1}'' that are not compatible with OpenAPI. For further details please refer to FAQ entry #2.2 on"" description="When working with OpenAPI and REST there are some restrictions concerning the data types that can be used in Java. This warning tells you that in a specific REST operation a incompatible parameter or return type is used. This will lead to an invalid request / response from an OpenAPI perspective." messageID="9101" name="INCOMPATIBLE_OPENAPI_TYPE" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="'{0}'' seems to use file system references. This might lead to portabilty issues with the exported XMI files. For further details please refer to FAQ entry #2.1 on"" description="Depending on how you export XMI files from your MagicDraw UML model, it might happen that the files contain information about file systems paths. This should not be an issue on the machine where you exported the files. However, it may lead to problems on other devices or your CI/CD infrastructure where file system paths might not be the same." messageID="9102" name="LOCAL_FILE_PATH_IN_XMI" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«BeanParam» ''{0}'' has propertie(s) ''{1}'' that are not comaptible with OpenAPI. For further details please refer to FAQ entry #2.2 on" description="When working with OpenAPI and REST there are some restrictions concerning the data types that can be used in Java. This warning tells you that in a defined «BeanParam» at least one property uses an incompatible type. This will lead to an invalid request / response from an OpenAPI perspective." messageID="9103" name="INCOMAPTIBLE_TYPE_IN_BEAN_PARAM" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Resource path of «RESTResource» ''{0}'' must either start with ''/'' or might be not set at all." description="When defining the path of a REST resource then the path that is defined on the «RESTResource» (not «RESTOperation») must start with a '/'" messageID="9104" name="INVALID_REST_RESOURCE_PATH" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Either «RESTResource» or «RESTOperation» must define a resource path for operation ''{0}(...)''" description="The resource path of an «RESTOperation» is the combination of the path of the «RESTResource» and the «RESTOperation». However at least one of them has to be defined." messageID="9105" name="NO_REST_RESOURCE_PATH" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' has an invalid path. Path of operation must not start with ''/''." description="The path of a «RESTOperation» must not start with '/'." messageID="9106" name="INVALID_REST_OPERSTION_PATH" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' must define at least one HTTP-Method. Please correct your UML model." description="Each «RESTOperation» must define at least one HTTP method. If this message occurs then you have to fix your UML model." messageID="9107" name="NO_HTTP_METHOD_DEFINED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» uses http status code ''{0}'' which is not compatible with JAX-RS." description="The «RESTOperation» uses a HTTP status code that is not compatible with JAX-RS standard." messageID="9108" name="INVALID_HTTP_STATUS_CODE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="For «RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' no consumed media type is defined. The information can be defined either on the «RESTResource» or «RESTOperation»." description="The supported consumed media types can either be defined on the «RESTResource» or on the «RESTOperation» but at least on one of them the information has to be defined." messageID="9109" name="NO_CONSUMED_MEDIA_TYPE_DEFINED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="For «RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' no produced media type is defined. The information can be defined either on the «RESTResource» or «RESTOperation»." description="The produced media types can either be defined on the «RESTResource» or on the «RESTOperation» but at least on one of them the information has to be defined." messageID="9110" name="NO_PRODUCED_MEDIA_TYPE_DEFINED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' has input parameters without name. Please ensure that all input parameters are named." description="All input parameters of a «RESTOperation» must have a name. Please fix the issue in your UML model." messageID="9111" name="REST_INPUT_PARAM_WITHOUT_NAME" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' has multiple request body parameters. Please ensure that there is not more than 1 request body for a REST operation. The following paramaters are treated as body parameters: {1}" description="All input parameters that are not explicitly marked as «HeaderParam», «PathParam», «BeanParam» etc. are treated as body. However REST only supports one body per request. So please ensure that there is not more than 1 body per request." messageID="9112" name="MULTIPLE_REQUEST_BODIES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» ''{0}(...)'' has request body parameter even though its http method(s) ''{1}'' do(es) not allow it." description="A «RESTOperation» defines a body parameter, however it's HTTP method does not allow to use a body." messageID="9113" name="REQUEST_BODY_NOT_ALLOWED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="UML model contains has more than one global default error response." description="It's not allowed to have more than 1 global error response for an OpenAPI specification in an UML model." messageID="9114" name="MORE_THAN_ONE_GLOBAL_ERROR_RESPONSE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«OpenAPIResponse» ''{0}'' needs to define exactly one reference to «OpenAPIType» that is used as response type." description="«OpenAPIResponse» types need to define exactly one response type" messageID="9115" name="TO_MANY_OPEN_API_RESPONSE_TYPES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«OpenAPIDataType» ''{0}'' must have excatly one property as long as they are not marked as composite data types." description="«OpenAPIDataType» must have 1 property as long as they are not modeled as composite data types." messageID="9116" name="OPEN_API_DATA_TYPE_TOO_MANY_PROPERTIES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«OpenAPIDataType» ''{0}'' has property that is not a primitive." description="«OpenAPIDataType» must only have primitive types of properties, as long as they are not modeled as composite data types." messageID="9117" name="OPEN_API_DATA_TYPE_ONLY_PRIMITIVES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«OpenAPIDataType» ''{0}'' must not have multivalued properties." description="«OpenAPIDataType» must not have multi valued properties, as long as they are not modeled as composite data types." messageID="9118" name="OPEN_API_DATA_TYPE_NO_MULTIVALUED_PROPERTIES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«OpenAPIDataType» ''{0}'' must not have a parent class." description="«OpenAPIDataType» must not have parent classes." messageID="9119" name="OPEN_API_DATA_TYPE_PARENT_NOT_SUPPORTED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«PathParam» ''{0}'' needs to be defined as required in the UML model." description="When defining a «PathParam» for a «RESTOperation» it is required that path parameters are required." messageID="9120" name="PATH_PARAM_MUST_BE_REQUIRED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«PathParam» ''{0}'' must not be defined as multivalued in the UML model." description="«PathParam» must not be defined as multi valued in the UML model." messageID="9121" name="PATH_PARAM_MUST_NOT_BE_MULTIVALUED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' should have a documentation in the UML model." description="It is strongly recommended that the elements of the UML model have a meaningful documentation ;-)" messageID="9122" name="DOCUMENTATION_MISSING" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' must not have a parent class as it is marked to be a composite data type." description="When working with so called composite data types then inheritance is not supported for them." messageID="9123" name="NO_PARENT_FOR_COMPOSITE_DATA_TYPES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' has attribute(s) without a type. Please define a type for every attribute in the UML model." description="When modeling attributes in UML it is important that they also have a type. If a type is not defined then code generation is not possible." messageID="9124" name="ATTRIBUTE_WITHOUT_TYPE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' has attribute(s) or navigable associaiton end(s) without a name. Please define a name for them in the UML model." description="When modeling attributes and associations then it is required that they also have a type. If it is not defined then code generation is not possible." messageID="9125" name="PROPERTY_WITHOUT_NAME" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«JEAFService» ''{0}'' has method(s) with unsupported return type. Please ensure that all methods have a real return type and that no arrays of primitive types returned." description="When modeling operations of services it is required that they also have a return type. Also case "void" has to be defined in UML model. In addition multi valued primitive types are not supported as return types." messageID="9126" name="INVALID_SERVICE_RETURN_TYPE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' has method(s) with input parameters without name. Please ensure that all input parameters in every method are named in the UML model." description="When modeling parameters of operations it is required that they also have a name. If there are input parameters without a name then code generation is not possible." messageID="9127" name="INPUT_PARAMS_WITHOUT_NAME" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' has method(s) without a return type. Please ensure that all methods have a return type." description="When modeling methods also a return type is required not only for methods that really return something but also in case of "void". If a method does not define a return type then code generation is not possible." messageID="9128" name="METHOD_WITHOUT_RETURN_TYPE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' has method(s) without a name. Please ensure that all methods have a name." description="When modeling method then they also have to have a name. Otherwise code generation is not possible." messageID="9129" name="METHOD_WITHOUT_NAME" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«{0}» ''{1}'' has method(s) where at least one parameter does not have a type. Please ensure that all parameters of all methods have a type." description="All parameters within the UML model need to have a type. Otherwise code generation is not possible." messageID="9130" name="PARAM_WITHOUT_TYPE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«JEAFActivity» ''{0}'' must define exactly one return parameter. Activity has {1} return parameters." description="When modeling activities you have to ensure that each «JEAFActivity» does not have more than one return parameter." messageID="9131" name="ONLY_ONE_RETURN_PARAM_PER_ACTIVITY" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«JEAFComponent» ''{0}'' must have defined a layer." description="When modeling «JEAFComponents» you have to ensure that each component has defined a layer." messageID="9132" name="NO_LAYER_DEFINED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«PersistentObject» ''{0}'' must have a class id > 0. Current value for class id is ''{1}''." description="Class that are modeled as «PersistentObject» must have a so called "class id" with a value greater zero." messageID="9133" name="NO_VALID_CLASS_ID" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Only association end ''{0}'' has applied sterotype «Role», but not on opposite end ''{1}''. Please ensure that stereotype «Role» is either applied on both ends or on none of them." description="When modeling persistent classes and their associations it is required that either both ends of an association have applied stereotype «Role» or none of them." messageID="9134" name="STEREOTYPE_ROLE_NOT_SET_ON_BOTH_ENDS" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Association ''{0} -> {1}'' must have a role name on the navigable association end." description="When modeling associations between classes then it is required that navigable associations ends have set a role name. Otherwise code generation is not possible." messageID="9135" name="NO_ROLE_NAME_FOR_ASSOCIATION" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«ObjectMapping» between properties ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' is invalid. {2}" description="«ObjectMapping» is invalid according to the error message" messageID="9136" name="INVALID_OBJECT_MAPPING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' does not define a minimum value even though it uses Java Bean Validation «DecimalMin»." description="Minimum value for for Java Bean Validation «DecimalMin» is missing." messageID="9137" name="DECIMAL_MIN_VALUE_MISSING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Wrong target type ''{0}'' for Java Bean Validation «{1}». CharcterSequence or number is expected." description="For a specific Java Bean Validation a string-based or numeric target type is expected." messageID="9138" name="WRONG_TARGET_TYPE_STRING_OR_NUMBER" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' does not define a maximum value even though it uses Java Bean Validation «DecimalMax»."" description="Maximum value for for Java Bean Validation «DecimalMax» is missing." messageID="9139" name="DECIMAL_MAX_VALUE_MISSING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Wrong target type ''{0}'' for Java Bean Validation «{1}». Number is expected." description="For a specific Java Bean Validation a numeric target type is expected." messageID="9140" name="WRONG_TARGET_TYPE_NUMBER" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has invalid number of integral digits for Java Bean Validation «Digits». Value must be zero or greater (integer = {1})." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Digit» then the integral and fractional digits have to be defined properly." messageID="9141" name="WRONG_INTEGER_DIGITS" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has invalid number of fractional digits for Java Bean Validation «Digits». Value must be zero or greater (fraction = {1})." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Digit» then the integral and fractional digits have to be defined properly." messageID="9142" name="WRONG_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has invalid value. Minimum size for Java Bean Validation «Size» must be zero or greater (min = {1})." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Size» then its minimal size has to be set properly." messageID="9143" name="INVALID_SIZE_MIN" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has invalid value. Maximum size for Java Bean Validation «Size» must be zero or greater (max = {1})." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Size» then its maximum size has to be set properly." messageID="9144" name="INVALID_SIZE_MAX" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has invalid value. Maximum size for Java Bean Validation «Size» must be greater or equal as minimum size (min = {1} max = {2})." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Size» maximum size has to be greater or equal to minimum size." messageID="9145" name="INVALID_MAX_MIN_SIZE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has invalid value. Either maximum or minimum size of Java Bean Validation «Size» must be set." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Size» then at least minimum or maximum size has to be set." messageID="9146" name="EITHER_MIN_OR_MAX_HAS_TO_BE_SET" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Wrong target type ''{0}'' for Java Bean Validation «{1}». CharcterSequence, Collection or Map is expected." description="For a specific Java Bean Validation a string, collection and map target type is expected." messageID="9147" name="WRONG_TYPE_CHAR_OR_CONTAINER" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' has defined Java Bean Validation «Pattern» but no regexp pattern is defined in UML model." description="When working with Java Bean Validation «Pattern» then a regexp pattern has to be set." messageID="9148" name="REGEXP_PATTERN_MISSING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Wrong target type ''{0}'' for Java Bean Validation «{1}». CharcterSequence is expected." description="For a specific Java Bean Validation a string target type is expected." messageID="9149" name="WRONG_TYPE_CHAR" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Wrong target type ''{0}'' for Java Bean Validation «{1}». Boolean is expected." description="For a specific Java Bean Validation a boolean target type is expected." messageID="9150" name="WRONG_TYPE_BOOLEAN" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Wrong target type ''{0}'' for Java Bean Validation «{1}». Date is expected." description="For a specific Java Bean Validation a date target type is expected." messageID="9151" name="WRONG_TYPE_DATE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Model element ''{0}'' is marked to be ignored. Please ensure that this is still fine. Stereotype «Ignore» is intended to be a short term solution to exclude model elements." description="Special stereotype «Ignore» can be used to explicitly exclude model elements from code generation. However this mechanism is intended to be a workaround / short term solution and not a permanent one ;-). Proper solution to this is to clean up your UML model. That's why a warning is shown during code generation." messageID="9152" name="IGNORED_ELEMENT" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» / «BeanParam» ''{0}'' defines a http header field ''{1}'' using parameter / property ''{2}''. According to '''' header fields with this name should not be added to an OpenAPI specification. This is not an issue. However the header field will not be present in the generated OpenAPI specification." description="OpenAPI standard defines that for whatever reason some header fields should not be mentioned in the OpenAPI specification e.g. ''Authorization'' header. However from an overall perspective it still might make sense to explicitly model them e.g. if these fields are still required in Java code. Putting it all together in very most cases this warning can be ignored and is only generated to emphasis that these headers did not get "forgotten" in generation of OpenAPI specification but are not added by intention. For further details please also refer to" messageID="9153" name="IGNOREABLE_OPEN_API_HEADER_FOUND" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' is marked as deprecated. However OpenAPI does not support to mark references to complex types as deprecated." description="JEAF Generator supports to mark various elements in the UML model as deprecated. This information is also added to the generated code and OpenAPI specification. However, there are cases where OpenAPI does not allow to mark an element as deprecated. Namely this is the case for single valued references to other complex types like a 0..1 association to another object. In this case the generated Java code will still contain the deprecation but the OpenAPI specification will not have "deprecation: true". Instead only as comment inside the file is created. Example: - # Property "xyz" is marked as deprecated. However OpenAPI does not support to mark references to complex types as deprecated." messageID="9154" name="DEPRECATION_MARKING_NOT_ALLOWED" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» / «BeanParam» ''{0}'' defines a java.util.Collection for http header field ''{1}'' using parameter / property ''{2}''. However, JAX-RS sepcification only allows java.util.List, java.util.Set or java.util.SortedSet for headers but not java.util.Collection. Please fix your UML model so that either List, Set or SortedSet is used for multi valued header fields." description="JAX-RS specification only allows to use java.util.List, java.util.Set or java.util.SortedSet for header params but not java.util.Collection. Please fix your UML model so that either List, Set or SortedSet is used for multi valued header fields." messageID="9155" name="COLLECTION_HEADER_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«RESTOperation» / «BeanParam» ''{0}'' defines a java.util.Collection for query param ''{1}'' using parameter / property ''{2}''. However, JAX-RS sepcification only allows java.util.List, java.util.Set or java.util.SortedSet for query params but not java.util.Collection. Please fix your UML model so that either List, Set or SortedSet is used for multi valued query params." description="JAX-RS specification only allows to use java.util.List, java.util.Set or java.util.SortedSet for query params but not java.util.Collection. Please fix your UML model so that either List, Set or SortedSet is used for multi valued query params." messageID="9156" name="COLLECTION_QUERY_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«CompositeDataTypePublicField» property ''{0}'' is not of type String even though this is required." description="JEAF Generator supports to also make the public representation of a composite data type visible internally. To do so, a property has to be marked with stereotype «CompositeDataTypePublicField». In addition it is required that the property is of type String." messageID="9157" name="COMPOSITE_DATA_TYPE_PUBLIC_FIELD_MUST_BE_STRING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' in your UML model makes use of soft links with custom generic types. Please make us of Maven Plugin configuration parameter ''customGenericSoftLinkType''" description="JEAF Generator supports so called soft links. They can be used to modularize your model without loosing information about real types. One possibility when using soft links is to use so called custom generic soft links. In this case you can define your own type that should be used to represent the soft link association. This type, however has to be configured in JEAF Generator Maven Plugin." messageID="9158" name="CUSTOM_GENERIC_TYPE_NOT_CONFIGURED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="«OpenAPIDataType» ''{0}'' is not immutable. At least one property is not marked as readonly in UML model." description="JEAF Generator supports so called OpenAPI Data Types. They can be used a strong type representation for basic types. For OpenAPI Data Types it is strongly recommended that they are immutable." messageID="9159" name="OPEN_API_DATA_TYPE_NOT_IMMUTABLE" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Model element ''{0}'' has applied stereotypes «POJO» and «ServiceObject». However both stereotypes can not be assigned to the same model element at the same time. Please fix your UML model." description="And model element can either be marked with stereotype «POJO» or «ServiceObject» but not both of them a the same time." messageID="9160" name="EITHER_POJO_OR_SERVICE_OBJECT" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Model element ''{0}'' is marked as deprecated. However at least one of the following information is not provided: "description, "since" or "removedWith"" description="If a model element is marked as deprecated also a description, a "since" flag and the planned removal date of the deprecation should be provided so that consumers of the classes, services etc. can prepare." messageID="9161" name="INCOMPLETE_DEPRECATION" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Composite data type ''{0}'' does not have a public field name configured. Please fix UML model." description="If a model element is marked as composite data type then a name for the public field representation is required to be set in the model." messageID="9162" name="NO_PUBLIC_FIELD_NAME_FOR_COMPOSITE_DATA_TYPE" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Unable to generate equals() and hashCode() for class ''{0}''. The class has at least one non-transient bidirectional association." description="In case that a class has one or more non-transient bidirectional associations it is not possible to generate equals() and hashCode() as it requires some business knowledge to do so. If equals() and hashCode() are required for such a class then it has to be implemented manually." messageID="9163" name="NO_EQUALS_FOR_BIDIRECTIONAL_ASSOCIATIONS" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' of class ''{1}'' is modeled to be a «SoftLink». However, it belongs to a bidirectional association. Soft links can not be used for bidirectional association as this contradicts to their underlying concept of decoupling." description="JEAF Generator supports so called soft links. They can be used to modularize and decouple your application. Due to that it does not make sense to use them in combination with bidirectional associations." messageID="9164" name="SOFTLINK_FOR_BIDIRECTIONAL_ASSOCIATION_NOT_SUPPORTED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Path param(s) ''{0}'' are defined in REST operation with path ''{1}'' but are not defined as parameters / bean parameters in the REST operation ''{2}''." description="A REST operation path defines one or more path params but not all of them are also present as parameters in the defined REST operation" messageID="9165" name="PATH_PARAMS_MISSING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="REST operation ''{0}'' with REST path ''{1}'' has at least one path parameter that is not defined in its REST path. Dead parameters: {2}" description="A REST operation defines path parameters that are not defined on the operations paths as parameters" messageID="9166" name="DEAD_PATH_PARAMS" traceLevel="WARN" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="No template binding parameter subsitution defined for class ''{0}''." description="JEAF Generator supports usage of so called Template Bindings in UML which are an equivalent to generics in Java. If a class makes usage of such a template binding then also a parameter substitution has to be defined in the UML model." messageID="9167" name="INVALID_TEMPLATE_BINDING_NO_SUBST" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Class ''{0}'' has more than one template bindung in UML model." description="JEAF Generator supports usage of so called Template Bindings in UML which are an equivalent to generics in Java. However in UML it is possible to define more than one template binding per class. This is currently not supported by JEAF Generator." messageID="9168" name="TOO_MANY_TEMPLATE_BINDINGS" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="The following mandatory slots / properties ''{0}'' are not defined for literal ''{1}'' of enumeration ''{2}''. Please make sure that you define values for all mandatory enum properties that do not have a default value." description="Enumerations might have mandatory properties without default values. If an enumeration literal is defined in the UML model and not all mandatory properties without default value are set, then this error message will be used." messageID="9169" name="MANDATORY_ENUM_PROPERTIES_NOT_SET" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Name ''{0}'' of {1} of ''{2}'' does not match to naming requirements of Java Language specification." description="Names of classes, enumerations, properties, parameters and operations must match to regular expression according to Java Language Specification." messageID="9170" name="INVALID_IDENTIFIER_NAME" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' uses type ''{2}'' from OpenAPI specification ''{4}''. However in the UML model there is no dependency defined between OpenAPI specification ''{3}'' to ''{4}''. Please fix your UML model." description="JEAF Generator supports to split a model into several OpenAPI specifications. If in such a case one OpenAPI specification refers to the types of another one, then a dependency between OpenAPI specs has to be defined in the UML model." messageID="9171" name="OPEN_API_SPEC_REFERENCE_MISSING" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Property ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' uses type ''{2}''. However ''{2}'' does not belong to any OpenAPI specification and thus can not be used." description="When working with OpenAPI specifications then all complex types that are used must belong to an OpenAPI specification. Please make sure that OpenAPI types only use basic types or other OpenAPI types that belong to an OpenAPI specification (same or referenced one)." messageID="9172" name="ORPHANED_OPEN_API_TYPE_USED" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Properties ''generateBackwardCompatibility'' and ''successorName'' must only be set if stereotype «JEAFDeprecated» is applied on a property. Please fix your UML model." description="JEAF Generator support developers with special code generation for backward compatibility for Java properties. Due to that tagged value ''generateBackwardCompatibility'' and ''successorName'' of stereotype «JEAFDeprecated» can only be used for properties." messageID="9173" name="BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY_ONLY_APPLICABLE_FOR_PROPERTIES" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Successor property with name ''{0}'' does not exist in class ''{1}'' nor any of ist parent classes. Please check the name of the successor property in tag ''successorName''. Available properties: {2}" description="JEAF Generator support developers with special code generation for backward compatibility for Java properties. Therefore it is possible to define the successor of an already existing property. The name of the successor must match to a real property of the same class." messageID="9174" name="SUCCESSOR_DOES_NOT_EXIST" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Successor name for property ''{0}'' is not set in class ''{1}'' even though it is required for code generation of backward compatible Java code." description="JEAF Generator support developers with special code generation for backward compatibility for Java properties. Therefore it is possible to define the successor of an already existing property. The name of the successor must be set." messageID="9175" name="SUCCESSOR_NOT_SET" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />
<Message defaultText="Name for ''{0}'' annotation not defined in Maven configuration even though it should be generated. Please fix your Maven configuration by providing value for configuration parameter ''{1}''." description="JEAF Generator supports to generate NotNull / NotEmpty annotations based on the UML model information for properties and parameters. However, in Java there is no really default which annotatrion to use. So, JEAF Generator explicitly expects that the name of the annotation that should be used is defined in the Maven configuration." messageID="9176" name="NOT_NULL_ANNOTATION_NAME_NOT_SET" traceLevel="ERROR" type="ERROR" />