Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright 2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
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package com.ashampoo.xmp.internal
import com.ashampoo.xmp.XMPConst
import com.ashampoo.xmp.XMPMeta
import com.ashampoo.xmp.internal.XMPNormalizer.normalize
import com.ashampoo.xmp.options.ParseOptions
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom.NodeConsts
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.Element
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.Node
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.ProcessingInstruction
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.childNodes
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.length
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.localName
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.namespaceURI
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.dom2.nodeType
* This class replaces the `ExpatAdapter.cpp` and does the XML-parsing and fixes the prefix.
* After the parsing several normalisations are applied to the XMPTree.
internal object XMPMetaParser {
private val XMP_RDF = Any()
* Parses the input source into an XMP metadata object, including
* de-aliasing and normalisation.
* @param input the XMP string
* @param options the parse options
* @return Returns the resulting XMP metadata object
fun parse(
input: String,
options: ParseOptions?
): XMPMeta {
val actualOptions = options ?: ParseOptions()
val document = DomParser.parseDocumentFromString(input)
val xmpmetaRequired = actualOptions.getRequireXMPMeta()
val result = findRootNode(document, xmpmetaRequired, arrayOfNulls(3))
return if (result != null && result[1] === XMP_RDF) {
val xmp = XMPRDFParser.parse(result[0] as Node, actualOptions)
xmp.setPacketHeader(result[2] as? String)
/* Check if the XMP object shall be normalized */
if (!actualOptions.getOmitNormalization())
normalize(xmp, actualOptions)
} else {
/* No appropriate root node found, return empty metadata object */
* Find the XML node that is the root of the XMP data tree. Generally this
* will be an outer node, but it could be anywhere if a general XML document
* is parsed (e.g. SVG). The XML parser counted all rdf:RDF and
* pxmp:XMP_Packet nodes, and kept a pointer to the last one. If there is
* more than one possible root use PickBestRoot to choose among them.
* If there is a root node, try to extract the version of the previous XMP
* toolkit.
* Pick the first x:xmpmeta among multiple root candidates. If there aren't
* any, pick the first bare rdf:RDF if that is allowed. The returned root is
* the rdf:RDF child if an x:xmpmeta element was chosen. The search is
* breadth first, so a higher level candiate is chosen over a lower level
* one that was textually earlier in the serialized XML.
* @param root the root of the xml document
* @param xmpmetaRequired flag if the xmpmeta-tag is still required, might be set
* initially to `true`, if the parse option "REQUIRE_XMP_META" is set
* @param result The result array that is filled during the recursive process.
* @return Returns an array that contains the result or `null`.
* The array contains:
* * [0] - the rdf:RDF-node
* * [1] - an object that is either XMP_RDF or XMP_PLAIN (the latter is decrecated)
* * [2] - the body text of the xpacket-instruction.
private fun findRootNode(root: Node, xmpmetaRequired: Boolean, result: Array): Array? {
* Look among this parent's content for x:xapmeta or x:xmpmeta.
* The recursion for x:xmpmeta is broader than the strictly
* defined choice, but gives us smaller code.
for (index in 0 until root.childNodes.length) {
val child = root.childNodes.item(index)
when {
child.nodeType == NodeConsts.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &&
XMPConst.XMP_PI == (child as ProcessingInstruction).getTarget() -> {
/* Store the processing instructions content */
result[2] = child.getData()
/* Ignore comments */
child.nodeType == NodeConsts.COMMENT_NODE -> continue
child.nodeType != NodeConsts.TEXT_NODE &&
child.nodeType != NodeConsts.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE -> {
val childElement = child as Element
val rootNS = childElement.namespaceURI
val rootLocal = childElement.localName
if (
(XMPConst.TAG_XMPMETA == rootLocal || XMPConst.TAG_XAPMETA == rootLocal) &&
XMPConst.NS_X == rootNS
) {
/* by not passing the RequireXMPMeta-option, the rdf-Node will be valid */
return findRootNode(child, false, result)
if (!xmpmetaRequired && "RDF" == rootLocal && XMPConst.NS_RDF == rootNS) {
result[0] = child
result[1] = XMP_RDF
return result
/* continue searching */
val newResult = findRootNode(child, xmpmetaRequired, result)
return newResult ?: continue
/* Return NULL if no appropriate node has been found. */
return null