scalax.collection.GraphDegree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
import language.{higherKinds, postfixOps}
import collection.{SortedSet, SortedMap}
import collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap}
import GraphPredef.{EdgeLikeIn, NodeParam, OuterNode, InnerNodeParam, InnerEdgeParam}
import GraphEdge.EdgeLike
* A trait for graph degree calculations.
* @tparam N the user type of the nodes (vertices) in this graph.
* @tparam E the kind of the edges (links) in this graph.
* @author Peter Empen
* @define DEGREEFUNCTION the degree function to apply
* to the nodes defaulting to `Degree`. Non-default predefined
* degree functions are `InDegree` and `OutDegree`.
* @define DEGREEFILTER selects nodes to be included by their degree.
trait GraphDegree[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]]
{ this: GraphBase[N,E] =>
* Decreasing ordering of nodes with respect to their degree.
final class DegreeOrdering(val f: DegreeFunction) extends Ordering[NodeT] {
def compare(n1: NodeT, n2: NodeT) = compare
object DegreeOrdering {
@inline final def apply(f: DegreeFunction) = new DegreeOrdering(f)
* Decreasing ordering of integers.
object IntReverseOrdering extends Ordering[Int] {
def compare(d1: Int, d2: Int) = d2 compare d1
trait DegreeFunction extends Function1[NodeT, Int]
object Degree extends DegreeFunction { def apply(n: NodeT) = }
object InDegree extends DegreeFunction { def apply(n: NodeT) = n.inDegree }
object OutDegree extends DegreeFunction { def apply(n: NodeT) = n.outDegree }
trait Filter[T] extends Function1[T, Boolean]
// trait NodeFilter extends Filter[NodeT]
// implicit object AnyNode extends NodeFilter { def apply = (n: NodeT) => true }
* The total degree of this graph equaling to the sum
* of the degrees over all nodes or `0` if this graph is empty.
* @param nodeDegree $DEGREEFUNCTION
* @param degreeFilter $DEGREEFILTER
def totalDegree (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree) =
if (edges.maxArity <= 2 && degreeFilter == AnyDegree) edges.size * 2
else { var deg = 0
nodes foreach { n =>
val nodeD = nodeDegree(n)
if (degreeFilter(nodeD)) deg += nodeD }
deg }
* The degree of the node having the least degree or `0` if
* this graph is empty.
def minDegree (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): Int =
if (order == 0) 0
else if(degreeFilter == AnyDegree)
nodeDegree(nodes min DegreeOrdering(nodeDegree))
nodes.toList.view map nodeDegree filter degreeFilter min
* The degree of the node having the highest degree or `0` if
* this graph is empty.
def maxDegree (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): Int =
if (order == 0) 0
else if(degreeFilter == AnyDegree)
nodeDegree(nodes max DegreeOrdering(nodeDegree))
nodes.toList.view map nodeDegree filter degreeFilter max
* The degree sequence of this graph, that is the non-increasing
* sequence of degrees over all nodes.
def degreeSeq (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): Seq[Int] =
val v = nodes.toList.view map nodeDegree sorted IntReverseOrdering
if(degreeFilter == AnyDegree) v
else v filter degreeFilter
* The degree set of this graph, that is the decreasing
* set of unique degrees over all nodes. Same as degreeSeq without duplicates.
def degreeSet (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): SortedSet[Int] =
SortedSet[Int]()(IntReverseOrdering) ++ (
if(degreeFilter == AnyDegree) nodes map nodeDegree
else nodes.view map nodeDegree filter degreeFilter)
* Type alias for entries in degree maps returned by `degreeSeqMap`.
type DegreeNodeSeqEntry = (Int, NodeT)
* The degree sequence of this graph projected onto a sequence of tuples.
* The first elements of the tuples are the degrees in non-increasing order
* while the second elements are the corresponding inner nodes.
def degreeNodeSeq (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): Seq[DegreeNodeSeqEntry] =
val r = (nodes.toList map (n => (nodeDegree(n), n))) sorted
(new Ordering[DegreeNodeSeqEntry] {
def compare(a: DegreeNodeSeqEntry, b: DegreeNodeSeqEntry) = b._1 compare a._1
if(degreeFilter == AnyDegree) r
else r filter (t => degreeFilter(t._1))
* The degree set of this graph projected onto a map.
* The keys of the map are the degrees in decreasing order
* while the values are sets of the corresponding inner nodes.
def degreeNodesMap (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): SortedMap[Int, AnySet[NodeT]] =
val r: SortedMap[Int, AnySet[NodeT]] =
SortedMap[Int, AnySet[NodeT]]()(IntReverseOrdering) ++ (nodes groupBy nodeDegree)
if(degreeFilter == AnyDegree) r
else r filter (t => degreeFilter(t._1))
* The degree set of this graph projected onto a map.
* The keys of the map are the degrees in decreasing order
* while the values are the number of inner nodes having
* the degree of the corresponding key.
def degreeCount (implicit nodeDegree : DegreeFunction = Degree,
degreeFilter: Int => Boolean = AnyDegree): SortedMap[Int, Int] =
SortedMap[Int, Int]()(IntReverseOrdering) ++
{ val m = MutableMap[Int, Int]()
nodes foreach { n =>
val degree = nodeDegree(n)
if (degreeFilter(degree))
m += degree -> (m.getOrElse(degree, 0) + 1)