scalax.collection.TraverserImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
import scala.collection.generic.{FilterMonadic, Growable}
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ArrayStack => Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue, Map => MMap}
import scala.math.abs
import scala.collection.FilterableSet
import scala.collection.FilteredSet
import scalax.collection.GraphPredef.{OuterNode, EdgeLikeIn}
import immutable.SortedArraySet
import mutable.{ArraySet, EqHashSet}
import scalax.collection.GraphEdge.DiEdge
/** Default implementation of the graph algorithms to maintain the functionality
* defined by [[GraphTraversal]].
* @author Peter Empen
trait TraverserImpl[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] {
thisGraph: GraphTraversalImpl[N,E] =>
import GraphTraversalImpl._
import GraphTraversal._
import Visitor._
import State._
protected[collection] trait Impl[A, +This <: Traverser[A,This] with Impl[A,This]]
extends Traverser[A,This] {
thisImpl: This =>
final protected def apply[U](pred: NodeFilter = noNode, visitor: A => U = empty): Option[NodeT] =
new Runner[U](pred, visitor)()
final def findCycle[U](implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Cycle] = {
withParameters(Parameters(direction = Successors)).Runner(noNode, visitor).dfsWGB(),
final def pathUntil[U](pred: NodeFilter)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Path] = {
val (target, path) =
withParameters(parameters.withDirection(Successors)).Runner[U](pred, visitor).dfsStack()
target map { _ =>
new AnyEdgeLazyPath(
new ReverseStackTraversable[DfsInformer.Element[NodeT], NodeT]
(path, (e: DfsInformer.Element[NodeT]) => e.node),
final def topologicalSort[U](ignorePredecessors: Boolean = false)
(implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = empty): CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder = {
val predecessors: MSet[NodeT] =
if (ignorePredecessors)
innerNodeTraverser(root, Parameters.Dfs(Predecessors)).to[MSet] -= root
else MSet.empty
def ignore(n: NodeT): Boolean = if (ignorePredecessors) predecessors contains n else false
val (startNodes, inDegrees) =
innerNodeTraverser(root, Parameters.Dfs(AnyConnected),
n => subgraphNodes(n), subgraphEdges),
includeInDegree = if (ignorePredecessors) ! ignore(_) else anyNode,
includeAnyway = if (ignorePredecessors) Some(root) else None
Runner(noNode, empty).topologicalSort(startNodes -- predecessors, inDegrees)
final def shortestPathTo[T:Numeric, U](potentialSuccessor: NodeT,
weight : EdgeT => T,
visitor : A => U): Option[Path] =
new Runner(noNode, visitor).shortestPathTo(potentialSuccessor, weight)
/** Contains algorithms and local values to be used by the algorithms.
* Last target reusability and best possible run-time performance.
* @param stopAt node predicate marking an end condition for the search
protected final class Runner[U](stopAt: NodeFilter, visitor: A => U) {
private[this] val addMethod = parameters.direction match {
case Successors => Node.addDiSuccessors _
case Predecessors => Node.addDiPredecessors _
case AnyConnected => Node.addNeighbors _
private[this] val doNodeFilter = isCustomNodeFilter(subgraphNodes)
private[this] val doEdgeFilter = isCustomEdgeFilter(subgraphEdges) || maxWeight.isDefined
private[this] val (doNodeSort, nodeOrdering, reverseNodeOrdering,
doEdgeSort, edgeOrdering, reverseEdgeOrdering) =
ordering match {
case nO: NodeOrdering => (true, nO, nO.reverse,
false, null, null)
case eO: EdgeOrdering => (false, null, null,
true, eO, eO.reverse)
case _ : NoOrdering.type => (false, null, null,
false, null, null)
/* doNodeVisitor: whether any node visitor is to be called
* nodeVisitor: the simple node visitor or empty
* extNodeVisitor: the extended node visitor or null
* edgeVisitor: the edge visitor or empty
private[this] val (doNodeVisitor, nodeVisitor, extNodeVisitor, edgeVisitor):
(Boolean, NodeT => U, ExtendedNodeVisitor[U], EdgeT => U) = {
val nodeVisitor = thisImpl.nodeVisitor(visitor)
val extNodeVisitor = visitor match {
case ext: ExtendedNodeVisitor[U] => ext
case _ => null
( isDefined(nodeVisitor),
if (extNodeVisitor eq null) nodeVisitor else empty[NodeT,U],
private[this] val filteredNodes = parameters.direction match {
case Successors => filteredSuccessors _
case Predecessors => filteredPredecessors _
case AnyConnected => filteredNeighbors _
private[this] def directionEdges(n: NodeT): NodeT => Set[EdgeT] with FilterableSet[EdgeT] = parameters.direction match {
case Successors => n outgoingTo _
case Predecessors => n incomingFrom _
case AnyConnected => n connectionsWith _
@inline protected[Impl] def apply(): Option[NodeT] =
if (parameters.kind.isBsf) bfs() else dfs()
@inline private[this] def estimatedNrOfNodes(node: NodeT) = {
val max = node.edges.size
if (thisGraph.isHyper) max * 4 else max
def maxDepth = if (parameters.maxDepth > 0) parameters.maxDepth
else java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE
private[this] def sorted[A <: InnerElem with B, B <: InnerElem: reflect.ClassTag](
set: FilterMonadic[A,AnySet[A]],
maxOrEst: Int, // maximum size of set or negative for an estimate
ordering: Ordering[A]): AnySet[A] =
set match {
case a: ArraySet[A] => a.sorted(ordering)
case t =>
@inline def newArray(len: Int): Array[A] = new Array[B](len).asInstanceOf[Array[A]]
val size = abs(maxOrEst)
var cnt = 0
val arr =
if (maxOrEst >= 0) {
val arr = newArray(maxOrEst)
t foreach { a => arr(cnt) = a; cnt += 1 }
if (maxOrEst > cnt) {
val shrinked = newArray(cnt)
Array.copy(arr, 0, shrinked, 0, cnt)
} else arr
} else {
val buf = new ArrayBuffer[A](maxOrEst)
t foreach { a => buf += a; cnt += 1 }
val arr = newArray(cnt)
buf copyToArray arr
new SortedArraySet[A](arr)(ordering)
@inline private[this] def sortedNodes(nodes: AnySet[NodeT], maxOrEst: Int, reverse: Boolean): AnySet[NodeT] =
nodes, maxOrEst, if (reverse) reverseNodeOrdering else nodeOrdering)
private[this] def filtered(
node: NodeT,
isVisited: NodeFilter,
_edges: FilterMonadic[EdgeT,AnySet[EdgeT]], // already filtered if adequate
reverse: Boolean): Traversable[NodeT] = {
val edges = {
if(doEdgeSort) {
val maxEdges = node.edges.size
if(reverse) sorted[EdgeT,InnerElem](_edges, maxEdges, reverseEdgeOrdering)
else sorted[EdgeT,InnerElem](_edges, maxEdges, edgeOrdering)
} else _edges
val filter = chooseFilter(isVisited)
val doEdgeVisitor = isDefined(edgeVisitor)
val estimatedNodes = estimatedNrOfNodes(node)
def withEdges(withNode: NodeT => Unit) =
edges foreach { e =>
addMethod(node, e, withNode)
if (doEdgeVisitor) edgeVisitor(e)
if (doEdgeSort) {
/* The node set to be returned must reflect edge ordering.
* doEdgeSort and doNodeSort are mutually exclusive.
val set = new EqHashSet[NodeT](estimatedNodes)
val succ = new ArrayBuffer[NodeT](estimatedNodes)
withEdges( n =>
if (filter(n) && set.add(n)) succ += n
} else {
val succ = new EqHashSet[NodeT](estimatedNodes)
withEdges( n =>
if (filter(n)) succ += n
if(doNodeSort) sortedNodes(succ, succ.size, reverse)
else succ
private[this] val withEdgeFiltering: Boolean =
doEdgeFilter || doEdgeSort || isDefined(edgeVisitor) || maxWeight.isDefined
@inline private[this] def chooseFilter(isVisited: NodeFilter): NodeFilter =
if (doNodeFilter) (n: NodeT) => ! isVisited(n) && subgraphNodes(n)
else (n: NodeT) => ! isVisited(n)
private[this] def filtered(
nodes: AnySet[NodeT],
maxNodes: Int,
isVisited: NodeFilter,
reverse: Boolean): AnySet[NodeT] = {
val filtered = new FilteredSet(nodes, chooseFilter(isVisited))
if(doNodeSort) sortedNodes(filtered, maxNodes, reverse)
else filtered
private[this] def edgeFilter(cumWeight: Double): EdgeFilter = maxWeight.fold(
ifEmpty = subgraphEdges)(
w => {
def weightFilter: EdgeFilter = e => cumWeight + w.edgeWeight(e) <= w.value
if (isCustomEdgeFilter(subgraphEdges)) e => subgraphEdges(e) && weightFilter(e)
else weightFilter
private[this] def minWeight(n: NodeT, neighbor: NodeT, cumWeight: Double): Double = maxWeight.fold[Double](
ifEmpty = throw new MatchError("maxWeight is expected to be defined."))(
w => w.edgeWeight(directionEdges(n)(neighbor) withFilter edgeFilter(cumWeight) min w.ordering)
final private[this] def filteredEdges(edges: AnySet[EdgeT], cumWeight: Double): FilterMonadic[EdgeT,AnySet[EdgeT]] =
if (doEdgeFilter) edges withFilter edgeFilter(cumWeight)
else edges
private[this] def filteredSuccessors(
node: NodeT,
isVisited: NodeFilter,
cumWeight: Double,
reverse: Boolean): Traversable[NodeT] = {
if (withEdgeFiltering)
filtered(node, isVisited, filteredEdges(node.outgoing, cumWeight), reverse)
else {
val succ = node.diSuccessors
filtered(succ, succ.size, isVisited, reverse)
private[this] def filteredPredecessors(
node: NodeT,
isVisited: NodeFilter,
cumWeight: Double,
reverse: Boolean): Traversable[NodeT] = {
if (withEdgeFiltering)
filtered(node, isVisited, filteredEdges(node.incoming, cumWeight), reverse)
filtered(node.diPredecessors, - estimatedNrOfNodes(node), isVisited, reverse)
private[this] def filteredNeighbors(
node: NodeT,
isVisited: NodeFilter,
cumWeight: Double,
reverse: Boolean): Traversable[NodeT] = {
if (withEdgeFiltering)
filtered(node, isVisited, filteredEdges(node.edges, cumWeight), reverse)
filtered(node.neighbors, - estimatedNrOfNodes(node), isVisited, reverse)
protected[collection] def shortestPathTo[T:Numeric](
potentialSuccessor: NodeT,
weight : EdgeT => T): Option[Path] = {
withHandle() { implicit visitedHandle =>
val num = implicitly[Numeric[T]]
import num._
@inline def visited(n: NodeT) = n.visited
type NodeWeight = (NodeT,T)
val weightOrdering = Edge.weightOrdering(weight)
val dest = MMap[NodeT,T](root -> zero)
val mapToPred = MMap[NodeT,NodeT]()
// not implicit due to issues #4405 and #4407
object ordNodeWeight extends Ordering[NodeWeight] {
def compare(x: NodeWeight,
y: NodeWeight) =, x._2)
val qNodes = new PriorityQueue[NodeWeight]()(ordNodeWeight) += ((root -> zero))
def sortedAdjacentNodes(node: NodeT): PriorityQueue[NodeWeight] =
filteredSuccessors(node, visited, Double.NaN, false).foldLeft(
new PriorityQueue[NodeWeight]()(ordNodeWeight))(
(q,n) => q += ((n, dest(node) +
def relax(pred: NodeT, succ: NodeT) {
val cost = dest(pred) + weight(pred.outgoingTo(succ).withFilter(subgraphEdges(_)).
if(! dest.isDefinedAt(succ) || cost < dest(succ)) {
dest += (succ->cost)
mapToPred += (succ->pred)
var nodeCnt = 0
@tailrec def rec(pq: PriorityQueue[NodeWeight]) {
if(pq.nonEmpty && (pq.head._1 ne potentialSuccessor)) {
val nodeWeight = pq.dequeue
val node = nodeWeight._1
if (! node.visited) {
val ordNodes = sortedAdjacentNodes(node)
pq ++= ordNodes
@tailrec def loop(pq2: PriorityQueue[NodeWeight]) {
if (pq2.nonEmpty) {
relax(node, pq2.dequeue._1)
node.visited = true
if (doNodeVisitor)
if (isDefined(nodeVisitor)) nodeVisitor(node)
else {
nodeCnt += 1
extNodeVisitor(node, nodeCnt, 0,
new DijkstraInformer[NodeT,T] {
def queueIterator = qNodes.iterator
def costsIterator = dest.iterator
def traverseMapNodes(map: MMap[NodeT,NodeT]): Option[Path] = {
map.get(potentialSuccessor).map ( _ =>
new MinWeightEdgeLazyPath(
new MapPathTraversable[NodeT](map, potentialSuccessor, root),
) orElse (
if(root eq potentialSuccessor) Some( else None
protected[collection] def bfs(maybeHandle: Option[Handle] = None): Option[NodeT] = {
withHandle(maybeHandle) { implicit visitedHandle =>
val untilDepth: Int = maxDepth
var depth = 0
var nodeCnt = 0
import BfsInformer.Element
val q = Queue[Element[NodeT]](Element(root, depth))
@inline def visited(n: NodeT) = n.visited
def visit(n: NodeT): Unit = {
n.visited = true
if (doNodeVisitor)
if (isDefined(nodeVisitor)) nodeVisitor(n)
else {
nodeCnt += 1
extNodeVisitor(n, nodeCnt, depth,
new BfsInformer[NodeT] {
def queueIterator = q.iterator
while (q.nonEmpty) {
val Element(prevNode, prevDepth, cumWeight) = q.dequeue
if (prevDepth < untilDepth) {
depth = prevDepth + 1
for (n <- filteredNodes(prevNode, visited, cumWeight, false)) {
if (stopAt(n)) return Some(n)
q enqueue Element(
maxWeight.fold(ifEmpty = 0d)(w => cumWeight + minWeight(prevNode, n, cumWeight))
@inline protected[collection]
def dfs[U](maybeHandle: Option[Handle] = None): Option[NodeT] = dfsStack(empty, maybeHandle)._1
/** @return (node stopped at, stack of ...) */
def dfsStack[U](nodeUpVisitor: (NodeT) => U = empty,
maybeHandle: Option[Handle] = None): (Option[NodeT], Stack[DfsInformer.Element[NodeT]]) =
withHandle(maybeHandle) { implicit visitedHandle =>
val untilDepth: Int = maxDepth
val doNodeUpVisitor = isDefined(nodeUpVisitor)
@inline def isVisited(n: NodeT): Boolean = n.visited
import DfsInformer.Element
val stack: Stack[Element[NodeT]] = Stack(Element(root, 0))
val path: Stack[Element[NodeT]] = Stack()
var res: Option[NodeT] = None
var nodeCnt = 0
root.visited = true
@tailrec def loop {
if(stack.nonEmpty) {
val Element(current, depth, cumWeight) = {
val popped = stack.pop
val depth = popped.depth
if (depth > 0)
while (path.head.depth >= depth) {
if (doNodeUpVisitor) nodeUpVisitor(path.head.node)
if (doNodeVisitor)
if (isDefined(nodeVisitor)) nodeVisitor(current)
else {
nodeCnt += 1
extNodeVisitor(current, nodeCnt, depth,
new DfsInformer[NodeT] {
def stackIterator = stack.iterator
def pathIterator = path .iterator
if (stopAt(current) && (current ne root)) {
res = Some(current)
} else {
if (depth < untilDepth)
for (n <- filteredNodes(current, isVisited, cumWeight, true)) {
stack push Element(
depth + 1,
maxWeight.fold(ifEmpty = 0d)(w => cumWeight + minWeight(current, n, cumWeight))
n.visited = true
if (doNodeUpVisitor) path foreach (e => nodeUpVisitor(e.node))
(res, path)
/** Tail-recursive white-gray-black DFS implementation for cycle detection.
def dfsWGB(globalState: Array[Handle] = Array.empty[Handle]): (Option[NodeT], Stack[CycleStackElem]) = {
withHandles(2, globalState) { handles =>
implicit val visitedHandle = handles(0)
val blackHandle = handles(1)
import WgbInformer.Element
val stack: Stack[Element[NodeT,EdgeT]] = Stack(Element(root, root, false, Nil))
val path = Stack.empty[CycleStackElem] // (node, connecting with prev)
val isDiGraph = thisGraph.isDirected
def isWhite (node: NodeT) = nonVisited(node)
def isGray (node: NodeT) = isVisited(node) && ! (node bit(blackHandle))
def isBlack (node: NodeT) = node bit(blackHandle)
def setGray (node: NodeT) { node.visited = true }
def setBlack(node: NodeT) { node.bit_=(true)(blackHandle) }
def onNodeDown(node: NodeT) { setGray (node) }
def onNodeUp (node: NodeT) { setBlack(node) }
def isVisited (node: NodeT) = node.visited
def nonVisited(node: NodeT) = ! isVisited(node)
var res: Option[NodeT] = None
var nodeCnt = 0
@tailrec def loop(pushed: Boolean) {
if (res.isEmpty)
if (stack.isEmpty)
path foreach (t => setBlack(t._1))
else {
val Element(poppedNode, poppedPredecessor, poppedExclude, poppedMultiEdges, cumWeight) = stack.pop
if (! pushed)
while ( path.nonEmpty &&
(path.head._1 ne root) &&
(path.head._1 ne poppedPredecessor)) {
val p = path.pop._1
if (! isBlack(p))
val exclude: Option[NodeT] = if (poppedExclude) Some(poppedPredecessor) else None
val current = poppedNode
path.push((current, poppedMultiEdges))
if (nonVisited(current)) onNodeDown(current)
if (doNodeVisitor)
if (isDefined(nodeVisitor)) nodeVisitor(current)
else {
nodeCnt += 1
extNodeVisitor(current, nodeCnt, 0,
new WgbInformer[NodeT, EdgeT] {
def stackIterator = stack.iterator
def pathIterator = path .iterator
if (stopAt(current) && (current ne root))
res = Some(current)
else {
var pushed = false
for (n <- filteredNodes(current, isBlack(_), cumWeight, true)
withFilter (! isBlack(_))) {
if (isGray(n)) {
if (exclude.fold(ifEmpty = true)(_ ne n))
res = Some(n)
} else {
val newCumWeight = maxWeight.fold(ifEmpty = 0d)(w => cumWeight + minWeight(current, n, cumWeight))
if (isDiGraph)
stack.push(Element(n, current, false, Nil, newCumWeight))
else {
val (excl, multi): (Boolean, Iterable[EdgeT]) = {
val conn = current connectionsWith n
(conn.size: @switch) match {
case 0 => throw new NoSuchElementException
case 1 => (true, conn)
case _ => (false, conn)
stack.push(Element(n, current, excl, multi, newCumWeight))
pushed = true
(res, path)
protected[collection] def topologicalSort(
layer_0: Traversable[NodeT],
inDegrees: MMap[NodeT,Int],
maybeHandle: Option[Handle] = None): CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder =
withHandle(maybeHandle) { implicit handle =>
val untilDepth: Int = maxDepth
val estimatedLayers: Int = expectedMaxNodes(4)
val estimatedNodesPerLayer: Int = order / estimatedLayers
val layers = new ArrayBuffer[Layer](estimatedLayers)
def emptyBuffer: ArrayBuffer[NodeT] = new ArrayBuffer[NodeT](estimatedNodesPerLayer)
@tailrec def loop(layer: Int, layerNodes: ArrayBuffer[NodeT]): CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder = {
layers += Layer(layer, layerNodes)
val currentLayerNodes = if (doNodeSort) layerNodes.sorted(nodeOrdering) else layerNodes
val nextLayerNodes = emptyBuffer
var maybeCycleNode: Option[NodeT] = None
val nrEnqueued = (0 /: currentLayerNodes) { (i, node) =>
if (doNodeVisitor) nodeVisitor(node)
node.visited = true
(0 /: filteredSuccessors(node, _.visited, Double.NaN, true)) { (nrZeroInDegree, n) =>
val newInDegree = inDegrees(n) - 1
inDegrees.update (n, newInDegree)
if (newInDegree == 0) {
nextLayerNodes += n
nrZeroInDegree + 1
} else {
maybeCycleNode = maybeCycleNode orElse Some(n)
} + i
def resultOnSuccess: CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder = Right(new TopologicalOrder(layers, identity))
if (nrEnqueued == 0)
maybeCycleNode.fold(ifEmpty = resultOnSuccess)(cycleNode => Left(cycleNode))
else if (layers.size == untilDepth)
loop(layer + 1, nextLayerNodes)
val startBuffer = layer_0 match {
case b: ArrayBuffer[NodeT] => b
case t => emptyBuffer ++ t
loop(0, startBuffer)
protected[collection] object Runner {
@inline final def apply[U](stopAt: NodeFilter,
visitor: A => U): Runner[U] = new Runner[U](stopAt, visitor)