scalax.collection.mutable.ArraySet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
package mutable
import collection.SortedSet
import collection.mutable.{SetLike => MutableSetLike}
import collection.generic.{CanBuildFrom, FilterMonadic, GenericCompanion,
GenericSetTemplate, MutableSetFactory}
import interfaces.ExtSetMethods
/** A growable and compactable `mutable.Set` implementation based on `Array` and `mutable.Set`.
* It switches to the latter representation as soon as a given threshold for the number of
* elements is reached. Thus this implementation is a kind of mixture of
* scala.collection.mutable{ResizableArray, Set, HashSet} aimed at increasing the performance
* of sets having up to 200 to 250 elements.
* @define COLL `ArraySet`
trait ArraySet[A]
extends MSet[A]
with GenericSetTemplate[A, ArraySet]
with MutableSetLike[A, ArraySet[A]]
with ExtSetMethods[A]
override def companion: GenericCompanion[ArraySet] = ArraySet
/** Compacts the current representation depending on [[ArraySet.Hints.compactUpToUsed]]. */
def compact: Unit
def find(elem: A): Option[A]
/** The hints valid for this [[ArraySet!]]. */
def hints: ArraySet.Hints
/** For `isArray == true`, the current capacity of the internal array else 0. */
def capacity: Int
/** Whether the internal representation is currently based on `Array`. */
def isArray: Boolean
protected[collection] def array: Array[A]
protected[collection] def set: MSet[A]
/** Adds `elem` without checking for duplicates. */
protected[collection] def +=!(elem: A): this.type
/** Updates or inserts `elem`.
* @return `true` if an insert took place. */
protected[collection] def upsert(elem: A with AnyRef): Boolean
/** Sorts this $COLL according to a comparison function in place.
* @see scala.collection.SeqLike */
def sortWith(lt: (A, A) => Boolean): SortedSet[A] = sorted(Ordering fromLessThan lt)
/** Sorts this $COLL according to the Ordering which results from transforming
* an implicitly given Ordering with a transformation function in place.
* @see scala.collection.SeqLike */
def sortBy(f: A => A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): SortedSet[A] = sorted(ord on f)
/** Sorts this $COLL according to an Ordering in place.
* @see scala.collection.SeqLike */
def sorted(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): SortedSet[A]
object ArraySet extends MutableSetFactory[ArraySet] {
/** Returns an empty set with default hints that can grow as expected. */
override def empty[A]: ArraySet[A] = SimpleArraySet.empty[A]
/** Returns an empty set with custom hints that can grow as expected. */
def emptyWithHints[A](implicit hints: Hints): ArraySet[A] = SimpleArraySet.emptyWithHints[A](hints)
/** Returns an empty set with built-in hints constructed from `size`. */
def empty[A](size: Int): ArraySet[A] = SimpleArraySet.emptyWithHints[A]{
val newSize = math.min(size, 200)
Hints(initialCapacity = newSize, hashTableThreshold = newSize)
def apply[A](elem: A)(implicit hints: Hints): ArraySet[A] = emptyWithHints[A](hints) += elem
def apply[A](elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*)(implicit hints: Hints): ArraySet[A] =
emptyWithHints[A](hints) += elem1 += elem2 ++= elems
implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, ArraySet[A]] = setCanBuildFrom[A]
* Enables tuning of the internal representation of adjacency lists. Basically, an `Array`
* representation is preferable over a hash table up to a node degree of about 200.
* @param initialCapacity The initial length of the internal `Array` representation. It
* should be chosen such that it's greater than the final `size` in a significant
* percentage of cases. The less heap space is a concern, the higher `initialCapacity`
* may be set.
* @param capacityIncrement The size of free space to add to the `initialCapacity` whenever
* the size of this `Set` becomes greater than the `initialCapacity`.
* It should be chosen such that incrementing need not take place too often.
* @param hashTableThreshold The internal representation of the adjacency list switches
* to a hash table when the number of edges at a given node exceeds this value.
* If both `initialCapacity` and `capacityIncrement` and this value are set to `0`
* a solely hash table representation will be used irrespective of the set `size`.
* This value should be close to the `size` limit an `Array` representation is more
* efficient on the JVM with regard to looking up a given element based on `==`
* as opposite to `hashCode`. Varying with JVM implementations/configurations this
* limit may come in somewhere between 10 and 30.
* @param compactUpToUsed Compact the underlying `Array` only if it has at most used
* space of this percentage. Compression takes place only user-triggered by a call to
* `compact`. The higher this value the more often `compact` leads to a compression.
* `0` means never, `100` means always compact.
sealed trait Hints {
def initialCapacity: Int
def capacityIncrement: Int
def hashTableThreshold: Int
def compactUpToUsed: Int
/** Returns a positive number > currentCapacity for an array or 0 for a hash table.
final def nextCapacity(currentCapacity: Int): Int = currentCapacity match {
case c if c > 0 => if (capacityIncrement > 0) {
val n = c + capacityIncrement
if (n > hashTableThreshold) 0 else n
} else 0
case _ if initialCapacity > 0 => initialCapacity
case _ if capacityIncrement > 0 => capacityIncrement
case _ => 0
def propagate(fromSize: Int): Hints =
if (fromSize > hashTableThreshold)
else this match {
case c: CheckedHints => c.copy(initialCapacity = fromSize)
case d: Hints.Default.type => Hints (initialCapacity = fromSize)
case h => h
case class CheckedHints private[ArraySet] (
override val initialCapacity: Int,
override val capacityIncrement: Int,
override val hashTableThreshold: Int,
override val compactUpToUsed: Int) extends Hints
object Hints {
/** Returns an instance of Hints with possibly corrected argument values.
* If no argument is supplied same as `Default`. */
def apply(initialCapacity: Int = 16,
capacityIncrement: Int = 32,
hashTableThreshold: Int = 48,
compactUpToUsed: Int = 80): Hints = {
require(initialCapacity >= 0 &&
capacityIncrement >= 0 &&
hashTableThreshold >= initialCapacity &&
hashTableThreshold >= 0 &&
compactUpToUsed >= 0 && compactUpToUsed <= 100 )
val corr_HashTableThreshold = {
val afterFirstIncr = initialCapacity + capacityIncrement
if ( afterFirstIncr > hashTableThreshold) afterFirstIncr
else hashTableThreshold
/** Default hints equaling to Hints(16, 32, 48, 80) */
case object Default extends Hints {
val initialCapacity = 16
val capacityIncrement = 32
val hashTableThreshold = 48
val compactUpToUsed = 80
/** A special hint telling that the internal representation should always be
* hash-based as opposite to `Array`. This is meaningful if the average `size` of the
* `ArraySet` is above the limit an `Array` representation is more efficient. */
case object HashOnly extends Hints {
val initialCapacity = 0
val capacityIncrement = 0
val hashTableThreshold = 0
val compactUpToUsed = 0