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// Generated by delombok at Thu Oct 10 18:56:33 UTC 2024
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Atlan Pte. Ltd. */
import com.atlan.AtlanClient;
import com.atlan.exception.AtlanException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Captures the response from a search against Atlan's activity log.
public class AuditSearchResponse extends ApiResource implements Iterable {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuditSearchResponse.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
private static final int CHARACTERISTICS = Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED;
* Connectivity to the Atlan tenant where the search was run.
AtlanClient client;
* Request used to produce this audit search response.
AuditSearchRequest request;
* List of results from the search.
List entityAudits;
* Map of results for the requested aggregations.
Map aggregations;
* Number of results returned in this response.
Long count;
* Total number of results.
Long totalCount;
* Retrieve the next page of results from this response.
* @return next page of results from this response
* @throws AtlanException on any API interaction problem
public AuditSearchResponse getNextPage() throws AtlanException {
IndexSearchDSL dsl = getRequest().getDsl();
int from = dsl.getFrom() == null ? 0 : dsl.getFrom();
int page = dsl.getSize() == null ? 10 : dsl.getSize();
dsl = dsl.toBuilder().from(from + page).build();
AuditSearchRequest.AuditSearchRequestBuilder, ?> next = AuditSearchRequest.builder().dsl(dsl);
if (getRequest().getAttributes() != null) {
next = next.attributes(getRequest().getAttributes());
* Retrieve a specific page of results using the same query used to produce this response.
* @param offset starting point for the specific page
* @param pageSize maximum number of results beyond the starting point to retrieve
* @return specific page of results from this response
* @throws AtlanException on any API interaction problem
public List getSpecificPage(int offset, int pageSize) throws AtlanException {
IndexSearchDSL dsl = getRequest().getDsl().toBuilder().from(offset).size(pageSize).build();
AuditSearchRequest.AuditSearchRequestBuilder, ?> next = AuditSearchRequest.builder().dsl(dsl);
if (getRequest().getAttributes() != null) {
next = next.attributes(getRequest().getAttributes());
AuditSearchResponse response =;
if (response != null && response.getEntityAudits() != null) {
return response.getEntityAudits();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator iterator() {
return new AuditSearchResponse.AuditSearchResponseIterator(this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Spliterator spliterator() {
long pageSize = getRequest().getDsl().getSize();
AuditSearchResponse.AuditSearchResponseSpliterator spliterator = new AuditSearchResponse.AuditSearchResponseSpliterator(this, 0, this.getTotalCount(), pageSize);
List audits = getEntityAudits() == null ? Collections.emptyList() : getEntityAudits();
spliterator.firstPage = audits.spliterator();
return spliterator;
* Stream the results (lazily) for processing without needing to manually manage paging.
* @return a lazily-loaded stream of results from the search
public Stream stream() {
return, totalCount, CHARACTERISTICS), false);
* Stream the results in parallel across all pages (may do more than limited to in a request).
* @return a lazily-loaded stream of results from the search
public Stream parallelStream() {
return, CHARACTERISTICS, true);
* Allow results to be iterated through in parallel without managing paging retrievals.
* With inspiration from:
private static class AuditSearchResponseSpliterator implements Spliterator {
private final AuditSearchResponse response;
private long start;
private final long end;
private final long pageSize;
private Spliterator firstPage;
private Spliterator currentPage;
AuditSearchResponseSpliterator(AuditSearchResponse response, long start, long end, long pageSize) {
this.response = response;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer super EntityAudit> action) {
while (true) {
if (ensurePage().tryAdvance(action)) {
// If we're able to advance the page we're on, go for it
return true;
} else if (start >= end) {
// Alternatively, if we're at the end, we can stop now
return false;
} else {
// Otherwise, reset the current page to empty and try
// to advance again
currentPage = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer super EntityAudit> action) {
do {
currentPage = null;
} while (start < end);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Spliterator trySplit() {
if (firstPage != null) {
// If we have a first page already fetched, use it
Spliterator fp = firstPage;
firstPage = null; // clear it once we've used it
start = fp.getExactSizeIfKnown();
return fp;
} else if (currentPage != null) {
// Otherwise, if we have a current page already fetched, use that
return currentPage.trySplit();
} else if (end - start > pageSize) {
// Otherwise, if we know there are remaining elements that we have not yet fetched...
// Calculate a new split-point midway between them (shift rather than divide, to avoid overflow)
long mid = (start + end) >>> 1;
// Round the mid-point to a multiple of the pageSize
mid = mid / pageSize * pageSize;
if (mid == start) {
mid += pageSize;
// Create a new spliterator with the new mid-point, while resetting this existing
// spliterator's end-point to the midpoint
return new AuditSearchResponse.AuditSearchResponseSpliterator(response, start, start = mid, pageSize);
return ensurePage().trySplit();
* Only fetch data immediately before traversing or sub-page splitting.
private Spliterator ensurePage() {
if (firstPage != null) {
// If we already have a first page fetched, use it
Spliterator fp = firstPage;
firstPage = null; // clear it once we've used it
currentPage = fp;
start = fp.getExactSizeIfKnown();
return fp;
} else {
// Otherwise, try to use the current page (if any)
Spliterator sp = currentPage;
if (sp == null) {
// ... and if there is no current page...
if (start >= end) {
// Return an empty spliterator if we're at the end
return Spliterators.emptySpliterator();
} else {
// Otherwise (only NOW), go fetch the next specific page of results needed
List audits;
try {
audits = response.getSpecificPage((int) start, (int) Math.min(end - start, pageSize));
} catch (AtlanException e) {
log.warn("Unable to fetch the specific page from {} to {}", start, Math.min(end - start, pageSize), e);
audits = Collections.emptyList();
// And update this spliterator's starting point accordingly
sp = audits.spliterator();
if (sp.getExactSizeIfKnown() > 0) {
// If there are any results in the page, increment the start by the size
start += sp.getExactSizeIfKnown();
} else {
// Otherwise, increment the start by the page size (so we skip over this "page"
// entirely rather than attempting to re-retrieve it endlessly)
start += pageSize;
currentPage = sp;
return sp;
* {@inheritDoc}
public long estimateSize() {
if (currentPage != null) {
return currentPage.estimateSize();
return end - start;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int characteristics() {
* Allow results to be iterated through without managing paging retrievals.
private static class AuditSearchResponseIterator implements Iterator {
private AuditSearchResponse response;
private int i;
public AuditSearchResponseIterator(AuditSearchResponse response) {
this.response = response;
this.i = 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean hasNext() {
if (response.getEntityAudits() != null && response.getEntityAudits().size() > i) {
return true;
} else {
try {
response = response.getNextPage();
i = 0;
return response.getEntityAudits() != null && response.getEntityAudits().size() > i;
} catch (AtlanException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to iterate through all pages of search results.", e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public EntityAudit next() {
return response.getEntityAudits().get(i++);
* Connectivity to the Atlan tenant where the search was run.
public AtlanClient getClient() {
return this.client;
* Request used to produce this audit search response.
public AuditSearchRequest getRequest() {
return this.request;
* List of results from the search.
public List getEntityAudits() {
return this.entityAudits;
* Map of results for the requested aggregations.
public Map getAggregations() {
return this.aggregations;
* Number of results returned in this response.
public Long getCount() {
return this.count;
* Total number of results.
public Long getTotalCount() {
return this.totalCount;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof AuditSearchResponse)) return false;
final AuditSearchResponse other = (AuditSearchResponse) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$count = this.getCount();
final java.lang.Object other$count = other.getCount();
if (this$count == null ? other$count != null : !this$count.equals(other$count)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$totalCount = this.getTotalCount();
final java.lang.Object other$totalCount = other.getTotalCount();
if (this$totalCount == null ? other$totalCount != null : !this$totalCount.equals(other$totalCount)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$client = this.getClient();
final java.lang.Object other$client = other.getClient();
if (this$client == null ? other$client != null : !this$client.equals(other$client)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$request = this.getRequest();
final java.lang.Object other$request = other.getRequest();
if (this$request == null ? other$request != null : !this$request.equals(other$request)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$entityAudits = this.getEntityAudits();
final java.lang.Object other$entityAudits = other.getEntityAudits();
if (this$entityAudits == null ? other$entityAudits != null : !this$entityAudits.equals(other$entityAudits)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$aggregations = this.getAggregations();
final java.lang.Object other$aggregations = other.getAggregations();
if (this$aggregations == null ? other$aggregations != null : !this$aggregations.equals(other$aggregations)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof AuditSearchResponse;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $count = this.getCount();
result = result * PRIME + ($count == null ? 43 : $count.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $totalCount = this.getTotalCount();
result = result * PRIME + ($totalCount == null ? 43 : $totalCount.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $client = this.getClient();
result = result * PRIME + ($client == null ? 43 : $client.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $request = this.getRequest();
result = result * PRIME + ($request == null ? 43 : $request.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $entityAudits = this.getEntityAudits();
result = result * PRIME + ($entityAudits == null ? 43 : $entityAudits.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $aggregations = this.getAggregations();
result = result * PRIME + ($aggregations == null ? 43 : $aggregations.hashCode());
return result;
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "AuditSearchResponse(super=" + super.toString() + ", client=" + this.getClient() + ", request=" + this.getRequest() + ", entityAudits=" + this.getEntityAudits() + ", aggregations=" + this.getAggregations() + ", count=" + this.getCount() + ", totalCount=" + this.getTotalCount() + ")";
* Connectivity to the Atlan tenant where the search was run.
public void setClient(final AtlanClient client) {
this.client = client;
* Request used to produce this audit search response.
public void setRequest(final AuditSearchRequest request) {
this.request = request;