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com.atlan.model.contracts.DataContractSpec Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by delombok at Wed Oct 16 22:16:03 UTC 2024
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2024 Atlan Pte. Ltd. */
package com.atlan.model.contracts;
import com.atlan.model.core.AtlanObject;
import com.atlan.model.core.CustomMetadataAttributes;
import com.atlan.model.enums.AtlanAnnouncementType;
import com.atlan.model.enums.CertificateStatus;
import com.atlan.serde.ReadableCustomMetadataDeserializer;
import com.atlan.serde.ReadableCustomMetadataSerializer;
import com.atlan.serde.Serde;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Capture the detailed specification of a data contract for an asset.
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "template_version")
@JsonSubTypes({@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = DCS_V_0_0_2.class, name = "0.0.2")})
public class DataContractSpec extends AtlanObject {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataContractSpec.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* Controls the specification as one for a data contract.
String kind;
* State of the contract.
DataContractStatus status;
* Version of the template for the data contract.
String templateVersion;
* Name of the asset as it exists inside Atlan.
String dataset;
* Type of the dataset in Atlan.
String type;
* Description of this dataset.
String description;
* Name that must match a data source defined in your config file.
String datasource;
* Owners of the dataset, which can include users (by username) and / or groups (by internal Atlan alias).
Owners owners;
* Certification to apply to the dataset.
Certification certification;
* Announcement to apply to the dataset.
Announcement announcement;
* Glossary terms to assign to the dataset.
List terms;
* Atlan tags for the dataset.
List tags;
* Custom metadata for the dataset.
@JsonSerialize(using = ReadableCustomMetadataSerializer.class)
@JsonDeserialize(using = ReadableCustomMetadataDeserializer.class)
Map customMetadataSets;
* Details of each column in the dataset to be governed.
List columns;
* List of checks to run to verify data quality of the dataset.
List checks;
* Any extra properties provided in the specification (but unknown to this version of the template).
Map extraProperties;
public Map getExtraProperties() {
return extraProperties;
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(builder = DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilderImpl.class)
public static final class Owners {
* Individual users who own the dataset.
List users;
* Groups that own the dataset.
List groups;
public static abstract class OwnersBuilder> {
private java.util.ArrayList users;
private java.util.ArrayList groups;
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final DataContractSpec.Owners instance, final DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder, ?> b) {
b.users(instance.users == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.users);
b.groups(instance.groups == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.groups);
public B user(final String user) {
if (this.users == null) this.users = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B users(final java.util.Collection extends String> users) {
if (users == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("users cannot be null");
if (this.users == null) this.users = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearUsers() {
if (this.users != null) this.users.clear();
return self();
public B group(final String group) {
if (this.groups == null) this.groups = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B groups(final java.util.Collection extends String> groups) {
if (groups == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("groups cannot be null");
if (this.groups == null) this.groups = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearGroups() {
if (this.groups != null) this.groups.clear();
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder(users=" + this.users + ", groups=" + this.groups + ")";
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "", buildMethodName = "build")
static final class OwnersBuilderImpl extends DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder {
private OwnersBuilderImpl() {
protected DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public DataContractSpec.Owners build() {
return new DataContractSpec.Owners(this);
protected Owners(final DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder, ?> b) {
java.util.List users;
switch (b.users == null ? 0 : b.users.size()) {
case 0:
users = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
users = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.users.get(0));
users = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.users));
this.users = users;
java.util.List groups;
switch (b.groups == null ? 0 : b.groups.size()) {
case 0:
groups = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
groups = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.groups.get(0));
groups = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.groups));
this.groups = groups;
public static DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder, ?> builder() {
return new DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilderImpl();
public DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new DataContractSpec.Owners.OwnersBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* Individual users who own the dataset.
public List getUsers() {
return this.users;
* Groups that own the dataset.
public List getGroups() {
return this.groups;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof DataContractSpec.Owners)) return false;
final DataContractSpec.Owners other = (DataContractSpec.Owners) o;
final java.lang.Object this$users = this.getUsers();
final java.lang.Object other$users = other.getUsers();
if (this$users == null ? other$users != null : !this$users.equals(other$users)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$groups = this.getGroups();
final java.lang.Object other$groups = other.getGroups();
if (this$groups == null ? other$groups != null : !this$groups.equals(other$groups)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $users = this.getUsers();
result = result * PRIME + ($users == null ? 43 : $users.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $groups = this.getGroups();
result = result * PRIME + ($groups == null ? 43 : $groups.hashCode());
return result;
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(builder = DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilderImpl.class)
public static final class Certification {
* State of the certification.
CertificateStatus status;
* Message to accompany the certification.
String message;
public static abstract class CertificationBuilder> {
private CertificateStatus status;
private String message;
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final DataContractSpec.Certification instance, final DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder, ?> b) {
* State of the certification.
* @return {@code this}.
public B status(final CertificateStatus status) {
this.status = status;
return self();
* Message to accompany the certification.
* @return {@code this}.
public B message(final String message) {
this.message = message;
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder(status=" + this.status + ", message=" + this.message + ")";
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "", buildMethodName = "build")
static final class CertificationBuilderImpl extends DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder {
private CertificationBuilderImpl() {
protected DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public DataContractSpec.Certification build() {
return new DataContractSpec.Certification(this);
protected Certification(final DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder, ?> b) {
this.status = b.status;
this.message = b.message;
public static DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder, ?> builder() {
return new DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilderImpl();
public DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new DataContractSpec.Certification.CertificationBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* State of the certification.
public CertificateStatus getStatus() {
return this.status;
* Message to accompany the certification.
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof DataContractSpec.Certification)) return false;
final DataContractSpec.Certification other = (DataContractSpec.Certification) o;
final java.lang.Object this$status = this.getStatus();
final java.lang.Object other$status = other.getStatus();
if (this$status == null ? other$status != null : !this$status.equals(other$status)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$message = this.getMessage();
final java.lang.Object other$message = other.getMessage();
if (this$message == null ? other$message != null : !this$message.equals(other$message)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $status = this.getStatus();
result = result * PRIME + ($status == null ? 43 : $status.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $message = this.getMessage();
result = result * PRIME + ($message == null ? 43 : $message.hashCode());
return result;
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(builder = DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilderImpl.class)
public static final class Announcement {
* Type of announcement.
AtlanAnnouncementType type;
* Title to use for the announcement.
String title;
* Message to accompany the announcement.
String description;
public static abstract class AnnouncementBuilder> {
private AtlanAnnouncementType type;
private String title;
private String description;
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final DataContractSpec.Announcement instance, final DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder, ?> b) {
* Type of announcement.
* @return {@code this}.
public B type(final AtlanAnnouncementType type) {
this.type = type;
return self();
* Title to use for the announcement.
* @return {@code this}.
public B title(final String title) {
this.title = title;
return self();
* Message to accompany the announcement.
* @return {@code this}.
public B description(final String description) {
this.description = description;
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder(type=" + this.type + ", title=" + this.title + ", description=" + this.description + ")";
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "", buildMethodName = "build")
static final class AnnouncementBuilderImpl extends DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder {
private AnnouncementBuilderImpl() {
protected DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public DataContractSpec.Announcement build() {
return new DataContractSpec.Announcement(this);
protected Announcement(final DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder, ?> b) {
this.type = b.type;
this.title = b.title;
this.description = b.description;
public static DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder, ?> builder() {
return new DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilderImpl();
public DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new DataContractSpec.Announcement.AnnouncementBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* Type of announcement.
public AtlanAnnouncementType getType() {
return this.type;
* Title to use for the announcement.
public String getTitle() {
return this.title;
* Message to accompany the announcement.
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof DataContractSpec.Announcement)) return false;
final DataContractSpec.Announcement other = (DataContractSpec.Announcement) o;
final java.lang.Object this$type = this.getType();
final java.lang.Object other$type = other.getType();
if (this$type == null ? other$type != null : !this$type.equals(other$type)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$title = this.getTitle();
final java.lang.Object other$title = other.getTitle();
if (this$title == null ? other$title != null : !this$title.equals(other$title)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$description = this.getDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$description = other.getDescription();
if (this$description == null ? other$description != null : !this$description.equals(other$description)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $type = this.getType();
result = result * PRIME + ($type == null ? 43 : $type.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $title = this.getTitle();
result = result * PRIME + ($title == null ? 43 : $title.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $description = this.getDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($description == null ? 43 : $description.hashCode());
return result;
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(builder = DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilderImpl.class)
public static final class DCTag {
* Human-readable name of the Atlan tag.
String name;
* Whether to propagate the tag at all (true) or not (false).
Boolean propagate;
* Whether to propagate the tag through lineage (true) or not (false).
Boolean propagateThroughLineage;
* Whether to propagate the tag through asset's containment hierarchy (true) or not (false).
Boolean propagateThroughHierarchy;
public static abstract class DCTagBuilder> {
private String name;
private Boolean propagate;
private Boolean propagateThroughLineage;
private Boolean propagateThroughHierarchy;
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final DataContractSpec.DCTag instance, final DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder, ?> b) {;
* Human-readable name of the Atlan tag.
* @return {@code this}.
public B name(final String name) { = name;
return self();
* Whether to propagate the tag at all (true) or not (false).
* @return {@code this}.
public B propagate(final Boolean propagate) {
this.propagate = propagate;
return self();
* Whether to propagate the tag through lineage (true) or not (false).
* @return {@code this}.
public B propagateThroughLineage(final Boolean propagateThroughLineage) {
this.propagateThroughLineage = propagateThroughLineage;
return self();
* Whether to propagate the tag through asset's containment hierarchy (true) or not (false).
* @return {@code this}.
public B propagateThroughHierarchy(final Boolean propagateThroughHierarchy) {
this.propagateThroughHierarchy = propagateThroughHierarchy;
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder(name=" + + ", propagate=" + this.propagate + ", propagateThroughLineage=" + this.propagateThroughLineage + ", propagateThroughHierarchy=" + this.propagateThroughHierarchy + ")";
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "", buildMethodName = "build")
static final class DCTagBuilderImpl extends DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder {
private DCTagBuilderImpl() {
protected DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public DataContractSpec.DCTag build() {
return new DataContractSpec.DCTag(this);
protected DCTag(final DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder, ?> b) { =;
this.propagate = b.propagate;
this.propagateThroughLineage = b.propagateThroughLineage;
this.propagateThroughHierarchy = b.propagateThroughHierarchy;
public static DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder, ?> builder() {
return new DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilderImpl();
public DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new DataContractSpec.DCTag.DCTagBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* Human-readable name of the Atlan tag.
public String getName() {
* Whether to propagate the tag at all (true) or not (false).
public Boolean getPropagate() {
return this.propagate;
* Whether to propagate the tag through lineage (true) or not (false).
public Boolean getPropagateThroughLineage() {
return this.propagateThroughLineage;
* Whether to propagate the tag through asset's containment hierarchy (true) or not (false).
public Boolean getPropagateThroughHierarchy() {
return this.propagateThroughHierarchy;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof DataContractSpec.DCTag)) return false;
final DataContractSpec.DCTag other = (DataContractSpec.DCTag) o;
final java.lang.Object this$propagate = this.getPropagate();
final java.lang.Object other$propagate = other.getPropagate();
if (this$propagate == null ? other$propagate != null : !this$propagate.equals(other$propagate)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$propagateThroughLineage = this.getPropagateThroughLineage();
final java.lang.Object other$propagateThroughLineage = other.getPropagateThroughLineage();
if (this$propagateThroughLineage == null ? other$propagateThroughLineage != null : !this$propagateThroughLineage.equals(other$propagateThroughLineage)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$propagateThroughHierarchy = this.getPropagateThroughHierarchy();
final java.lang.Object other$propagateThroughHierarchy = other.getPropagateThroughHierarchy();
if (this$propagateThroughHierarchy == null ? other$propagateThroughHierarchy != null : !this$propagateThroughHierarchy.equals(other$propagateThroughHierarchy)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$name = this.getName();
final java.lang.Object other$name = other.getName();
if (this$name == null ? other$name != null : !this$name.equals(other$name)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $propagate = this.getPropagate();
result = result * PRIME + ($propagate == null ? 43 : $propagate.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $propagateThroughLineage = this.getPropagateThroughLineage();
result = result * PRIME + ($propagateThroughLineage == null ? 43 : $propagateThroughLineage.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $propagateThroughHierarchy = this.getPropagateThroughHierarchy();
result = result * PRIME + ($propagateThroughHierarchy == null ? 43 : $propagateThroughHierarchy.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $name = this.getName();
result = result * PRIME + ($name == null ? 43 : $name.hashCode());
return result;
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(builder = DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilderImpl.class)
public static final class DCColumn {
* Name of the column as it is defined in the source system (often technical).
String name;
* Alias for the column, to make its name more readable.
String displayName;
* Description of this column, for documentation purposes.
String description;
* When true, this column is the primary key for the table.
Boolean isPrimary;
* Physical data type of values in this column (e.g. {@code varchar(20)}).
String dataType;
* Logical data type of values in this column (e.g. {@code string}).
String logicalType;
* Format of data to consider invalid.
String invalidFormat;
* Format of data to consider valid.
String validFormat;
* Regular expression to match invalid values.
String invalidRegex;
* Regular expression to match valid values.
String validRegex;
* Regular expression to match missing values.
String missingRegex;
* Enumeration of values that should be considered invalid.
List invalidValues;
* Enumeration of values that should be considered valid.
List validValues;
* Enumeration of values that should be considered missing.
List missingValues;
* When true, this column cannot be empty (without values).
Boolean notNull;
* Fixed length for a string to be considered valid.
Long validLength;
* Maximum length for a string to be considered valid.
Long validMaxLength;
* Minimum numeric value considered valid.
Double validMin;
* Maximum numeric value considered valid.
Double validMax;
* Minimum length for a string to be considered valid.
Long validMinLength;
* When true, this column must have unique values.
Boolean unique;
public static abstract class DCColumnBuilder> {
private String name;
private String displayName;
private String description;
private Boolean isPrimary;
private String dataType;
private String logicalType;
private String invalidFormat;
private String validFormat;
private String invalidRegex;
private String validRegex;
private String missingRegex;
private java.util.ArrayList invalidValues;
private java.util.ArrayList validValues;
private java.util.ArrayList missingValues;
private Boolean notNull;
private Long validLength;
private Long validMaxLength;
private Double validMin;
private Double validMax;
private Long validMinLength;
private Boolean unique;
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final DataContractSpec.DCColumn instance, final DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder, ?> b) {;
b.invalidValues(instance.invalidValues == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.invalidValues);
b.validValues(instance.validValues == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.validValues);
b.missingValues(instance.missingValues == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.missingValues);
* Name of the column as it is defined in the source system (often technical).
* @return {@code this}.
public B name(final String name) { = name;
return self();
* Alias for the column, to make its name more readable.
* @return {@code this}.
public B displayName(final String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
return self();
* Description of this column, for documentation purposes.
* @return {@code this}.
public B description(final String description) {
this.description = description;
return self();
* When true, this column is the primary key for the table.
* @return {@code this}.
public B isPrimary(final Boolean isPrimary) {
this.isPrimary = isPrimary;
return self();
* Physical data type of values in this column (e.g. {@code varchar(20)}).
* @return {@code this}.
public B dataType(final String dataType) {
this.dataType = dataType;
return self();
* Logical data type of values in this column (e.g. {@code string}).
* @return {@code this}.
public B logicalType(final String logicalType) {
this.logicalType = logicalType;
return self();
* Format of data to consider invalid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B invalidFormat(final String invalidFormat) {
this.invalidFormat = invalidFormat;
return self();
* Format of data to consider valid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validFormat(final String validFormat) {
this.validFormat = validFormat;
return self();
* Regular expression to match invalid values.
* @return {@code this}.
public B invalidRegex(final String invalidRegex) {
this.invalidRegex = invalidRegex;
return self();
* Regular expression to match valid values.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validRegex(final String validRegex) {
this.validRegex = validRegex;
return self();
* Regular expression to match missing values.
* @return {@code this}.
public B missingRegex(final String missingRegex) {
this.missingRegex = missingRegex;
return self();
public B invalidValue(final String invalidValue) {
if (this.invalidValues == null) this.invalidValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B invalidValues(final java.util.Collection extends String> invalidValues) {
if (invalidValues == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("invalidValues cannot be null");
if (this.invalidValues == null) this.invalidValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearInvalidValues() {
if (this.invalidValues != null) this.invalidValues.clear();
return self();
public B validValue(final String validValue) {
if (this.validValues == null) this.validValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B validValues(final java.util.Collection extends String> validValues) {
if (validValues == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("validValues cannot be null");
if (this.validValues == null) this.validValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearValidValues() {
if (this.validValues != null) this.validValues.clear();
return self();
public B missingValue(final String missingValue) {
if (this.missingValues == null) this.missingValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B missingValues(final java.util.Collection extends String> missingValues) {
if (missingValues == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("missingValues cannot be null");
if (this.missingValues == null) this.missingValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearMissingValues() {
if (this.missingValues != null) this.missingValues.clear();
return self();
* When true, this column cannot be empty (without values).
* @return {@code this}.
public B notNull(final Boolean notNull) {
this.notNull = notNull;
return self();
* Fixed length for a string to be considered valid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validLength(final Long validLength) {
this.validLength = validLength;
return self();
* Maximum length for a string to be considered valid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validMaxLength(final Long validMaxLength) {
this.validMaxLength = validMaxLength;
return self();
* Minimum numeric value considered valid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validMin(final Double validMin) {
this.validMin = validMin;
return self();
* Maximum numeric value considered valid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validMax(final Double validMax) {
this.validMax = validMax;
return self();
* Minimum length for a string to be considered valid.
* @return {@code this}.
public B validMinLength(final Long validMinLength) {
this.validMinLength = validMinLength;
return self();
* When true, this column must have unique values.
* @return {@code this}.
public B unique(final Boolean unique) {
this.unique = unique;
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder(name=" + + ", displayName=" + this.displayName + ", description=" + this.description + ", isPrimary=" + this.isPrimary + ", dataType=" + this.dataType + ", logicalType=" + this.logicalType + ", invalidFormat=" + this.invalidFormat + ", validFormat=" + this.validFormat + ", invalidRegex=" + this.invalidRegex + ", validRegex=" + this.validRegex + ", missingRegex=" + this.missingRegex + ", invalidValues=" + this.invalidValues + ", validValues=" + this.validValues + ", missingValues=" + this.missingValues + ", notNull=" + this.notNull + ", validLength=" + this.validLength + ", validMaxLength=" + this.validMaxLength + ", validMin=" + this.validMin + ", validMax=" + this.validMax + ", validMinLength=" + this.validMinLength + ", unique=" + this.unique + ")";
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "", buildMethodName = "build")
static final class DCColumnBuilderImpl extends DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder {
private DCColumnBuilderImpl() {
protected DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public DataContractSpec.DCColumn build() {
return new DataContractSpec.DCColumn(this);
protected DCColumn(final DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder, ?> b) { =;
this.displayName = b.displayName;
this.description = b.description;
this.isPrimary = b.isPrimary;
this.dataType = b.dataType;
this.logicalType = b.logicalType;
this.invalidFormat = b.invalidFormat;
this.validFormat = b.validFormat;
this.invalidRegex = b.invalidRegex;
this.validRegex = b.validRegex;
this.missingRegex = b.missingRegex;
java.util.List invalidValues;
switch (b.invalidValues == null ? 0 : b.invalidValues.size()) {
case 0:
invalidValues = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
invalidValues = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.invalidValues.get(0));
invalidValues = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.invalidValues));
this.invalidValues = invalidValues;
java.util.List validValues;
switch (b.validValues == null ? 0 : b.validValues.size()) {
case 0:
validValues = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
validValues = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.validValues.get(0));
validValues = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.validValues));
this.validValues = validValues;
java.util.List missingValues;
switch (b.missingValues == null ? 0 : b.missingValues.size()) {
case 0:
missingValues = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
missingValues = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.missingValues.get(0));
missingValues = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.missingValues));
this.missingValues = missingValues;
this.notNull = b.notNull;
this.validLength = b.validLength;
this.validMaxLength = b.validMaxLength;
this.validMin = b.validMin;
this.validMax = b.validMax;
this.validMinLength = b.validMinLength;
this.unique = b.unique;
public static DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder, ?> builder() {
return new DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilderImpl();
public DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new DataContractSpec.DCColumn.DCColumnBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* Name of the column as it is defined in the source system (often technical).
public String getName() {
* Alias for the column, to make its name more readable.
public String getDisplayName() {
return this.displayName;
* Description of this column, for documentation purposes.
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* When true, this column is the primary key for the table.
public Boolean getIsPrimary() {
return this.isPrimary;
* Physical data type of values in this column (e.g. {@code varchar(20)}).
public String getDataType() {
return this.dataType;
* Logical data type of values in this column (e.g. {@code string}).
public String getLogicalType() {
return this.logicalType;
* Format of data to consider invalid.
public String getInvalidFormat() {
return this.invalidFormat;
* Format of data to consider valid.
public String getValidFormat() {
return this.validFormat;
* Regular expression to match invalid values.
public String getInvalidRegex() {
return this.invalidRegex;
* Regular expression to match valid values.
public String getValidRegex() {
return this.validRegex;
* Regular expression to match missing values.
public String getMissingRegex() {
return this.missingRegex;
* Enumeration of values that should be considered invalid.
public List getInvalidValues() {
return this.invalidValues;
* Enumeration of values that should be considered valid.
public List getValidValues() {
return this.validValues;
* Enumeration of values that should be considered missing.
public List getMissingValues() {
return this.missingValues;
* When true, this column cannot be empty (without values).
public Boolean getNotNull() {
return this.notNull;
* Fixed length for a string to be considered valid.
public Long getValidLength() {
return this.validLength;
* Maximum length for a string to be considered valid.
public Long getValidMaxLength() {
return this.validMaxLength;
* Minimum numeric value considered valid.
public Double getValidMin() {
return this.validMin;
* Maximum numeric value considered valid.
public Double getValidMax() {
return this.validMax;
* Minimum length for a string to be considered valid.
public Long getValidMinLength() {
return this.validMinLength;
* When true, this column must have unique values.
public Boolean getUnique() {
return this.unique;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof DataContractSpec.DCColumn)) return false;
final DataContractSpec.DCColumn other = (DataContractSpec.DCColumn) o;
final java.lang.Object this$isPrimary = this.getIsPrimary();
final java.lang.Object other$isPrimary = other.getIsPrimary();
if (this$isPrimary == null ? other$isPrimary != null : !this$isPrimary.equals(other$isPrimary)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$notNull = this.getNotNull();
final java.lang.Object other$notNull = other.getNotNull();
if (this$notNull == null ? other$notNull != null : !this$notNull.equals(other$notNull)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validLength = this.getValidLength();
final java.lang.Object other$validLength = other.getValidLength();
if (this$validLength == null ? other$validLength != null : !this$validLength.equals(other$validLength)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validMaxLength = this.getValidMaxLength();
final java.lang.Object other$validMaxLength = other.getValidMaxLength();
if (this$validMaxLength == null ? other$validMaxLength != null : !this$validMaxLength.equals(other$validMaxLength)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validMin = this.getValidMin();
final java.lang.Object other$validMin = other.getValidMin();
if (this$validMin == null ? other$validMin != null : !this$validMin.equals(other$validMin)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validMax = this.getValidMax();
final java.lang.Object other$validMax = other.getValidMax();
if (this$validMax == null ? other$validMax != null : !this$validMax.equals(other$validMax)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validMinLength = this.getValidMinLength();
final java.lang.Object other$validMinLength = other.getValidMinLength();
if (this$validMinLength == null ? other$validMinLength != null : !this$validMinLength.equals(other$validMinLength)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$unique = this.getUnique();
final java.lang.Object other$unique = other.getUnique();
if (this$unique == null ? other$unique != null : !this$unique.equals(other$unique)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$name = this.getName();
final java.lang.Object other$name = other.getName();
if (this$name == null ? other$name != null : !this$name.equals(other$name)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$displayName = this.getDisplayName();
final java.lang.Object other$displayName = other.getDisplayName();
if (this$displayName == null ? other$displayName != null : !this$displayName.equals(other$displayName)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$description = this.getDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$description = other.getDescription();
if (this$description == null ? other$description != null : !this$description.equals(other$description)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$dataType = this.getDataType();
final java.lang.Object other$dataType = other.getDataType();
if (this$dataType == null ? other$dataType != null : !this$dataType.equals(other$dataType)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$logicalType = this.getLogicalType();
final java.lang.Object other$logicalType = other.getLogicalType();
if (this$logicalType == null ? other$logicalType != null : !this$logicalType.equals(other$logicalType)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$invalidFormat = this.getInvalidFormat();
final java.lang.Object other$invalidFormat = other.getInvalidFormat();
if (this$invalidFormat == null ? other$invalidFormat != null : !this$invalidFormat.equals(other$invalidFormat)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validFormat = this.getValidFormat();
final java.lang.Object other$validFormat = other.getValidFormat();
if (this$validFormat == null ? other$validFormat != null : !this$validFormat.equals(other$validFormat)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$invalidRegex = this.getInvalidRegex();
final java.lang.Object other$invalidRegex = other.getInvalidRegex();
if (this$invalidRegex == null ? other$invalidRegex != null : !this$invalidRegex.equals(other$invalidRegex)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validRegex = this.getValidRegex();
final java.lang.Object other$validRegex = other.getValidRegex();
if (this$validRegex == null ? other$validRegex != null : !this$validRegex.equals(other$validRegex)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$missingRegex = this.getMissingRegex();
final java.lang.Object other$missingRegex = other.getMissingRegex();
if (this$missingRegex == null ? other$missingRegex != null : !this$missingRegex.equals(other$missingRegex)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$invalidValues = this.getInvalidValues();
final java.lang.Object other$invalidValues = other.getInvalidValues();
if (this$invalidValues == null ? other$invalidValues != null : !this$invalidValues.equals(other$invalidValues)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$validValues = this.getValidValues();
final java.lang.Object other$validValues = other.getValidValues();
if (this$validValues == null ? other$validValues != null : !this$validValues.equals(other$validValues)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$missingValues = this.getMissingValues();
final java.lang.Object other$missingValues = other.getMissingValues();
if (this$missingValues == null ? other$missingValues != null : !this$missingValues.equals(other$missingValues)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $isPrimary = this.getIsPrimary();
result = result * PRIME + ($isPrimary == null ? 43 : $isPrimary.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $notNull = this.getNotNull();
result = result * PRIME + ($notNull == null ? 43 : $notNull.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validLength = this.getValidLength();
result = result * PRIME + ($validLength == null ? 43 : $validLength.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validMaxLength = this.getValidMaxLength();
result = result * PRIME + ($validMaxLength == null ? 43 : $validMaxLength.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validMin = this.getValidMin();
result = result * PRIME + ($validMin == null ? 43 : $validMin.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validMax = this.getValidMax();
result = result * PRIME + ($validMax == null ? 43 : $validMax.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validMinLength = this.getValidMinLength();
result = result * PRIME + ($validMinLength == null ? 43 : $validMinLength.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $unique = this.getUnique();
result = result * PRIME + ($unique == null ? 43 : $unique.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $name = this.getName();
result = result * PRIME + ($name == null ? 43 : $name.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $displayName = this.getDisplayName();
result = result * PRIME + ($displayName == null ? 43 : $displayName.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $description = this.getDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($description == null ? 43 : $description.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $dataType = this.getDataType();
result = result * PRIME + ($dataType == null ? 43 : $dataType.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $logicalType = this.getLogicalType();
result = result * PRIME + ($logicalType == null ? 43 : $logicalType.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $invalidFormat = this.getInvalidFormat();
result = result * PRIME + ($invalidFormat == null ? 43 : $invalidFormat.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validFormat = this.getValidFormat();
result = result * PRIME + ($validFormat == null ? 43 : $validFormat.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $invalidRegex = this.getInvalidRegex();
result = result * PRIME + ($invalidRegex == null ? 43 : $invalidRegex.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validRegex = this.getValidRegex();
result = result * PRIME + ($validRegex == null ? 43 : $validRegex.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $missingRegex = this.getMissingRegex();
result = result * PRIME + ($missingRegex == null ? 43 : $missingRegex.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $invalidValues = this.getInvalidValues();
result = result * PRIME + ($invalidValues == null ? 43 : $invalidValues.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $validValues = this.getValidValues();
result = result * PRIME + ($validValues == null ? 43 : $validValues.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $missingValues = this.getMissingValues();
result = result * PRIME + ($missingValues == null ? 43 : $missingValues.hashCode());
return result;
* Parse a DataContractSpec object from the provided string form of the specification.
* Note: all comments and empty fields will be lost during conversion to an object.
* @param spec YAML string form of the data contract specification
* @return object representing the data contract
* @throws IOException on any errors parsing the provided string as a data contract specification
public static DataContractSpec fromString(String spec) throws IOException {
return Serde.yamlMapper.readValue(spec, DataContractSpec.class);
* Translate this DataContractSpec object into a YAML string representation.
* Note: will not contain any comments or empty fields.
* @return YAML string representation of the data contract specification
public String toString() {
try {
return Serde.yamlMapper.writeValueAsString(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
log.error("Error translating DataContractSpec into string.", e);
return "";
private static String $default$kind() {
return "DataContract";
public static abstract class DataContractSpecBuilder> extends AtlanObject.AtlanObjectBuilder {
private boolean kind$set;
private String kind$value;
private DataContractStatus status;
private String templateVersion;
private String dataset;
private String type;
private String description;
private String datasource;
private Owners owners;
private Certification certification;
private Announcement announcement;
private java.util.ArrayList terms;
private java.util.ArrayList tags;
private java.util.ArrayList customMetadataSets$key;
private java.util.ArrayList customMetadataSets$value;
private java.util.ArrayList columns;
private java.util.ArrayList checks;
private java.util.ArrayList extraProperties$key;
private java.util.ArrayList extraProperties$value;
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final DataContractSpec instance, final DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder, ?> b) {
b.terms(instance.terms == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.terms);
b.tags(instance.tags == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.tags);
b.customMetadataSets(instance.customMetadataSets == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyMap() : instance.customMetadataSets);
b.columns(instance.columns == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.columns);
b.checks(instance.checks == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyList() : instance.checks);
b.extraProperties(instance.extraProperties == null ? java.util.Collections.emptyMap() : instance.extraProperties);
* Controls the specification as one for a data contract.
* @return {@code this}.
public B kind(final String kind) {
this.kind$value = kind;
kind$set = true;
return self();
* State of the contract.
* @return {@code this}.
public B status(final DataContractStatus status) {
this.status = status;
return self();
* Version of the template for the data contract.
* @return {@code this}.
public B templateVersion(final String templateVersion) {
this.templateVersion = templateVersion;
return self();
* Name of the asset as it exists inside Atlan.
* @return {@code this}.
public B dataset(final String dataset) {
this.dataset = dataset;
return self();
* Type of the dataset in Atlan.
* @return {@code this}.
public B type(final String type) {
this.type = type;
return self();
* Description of this dataset.
* @return {@code this}.
public B description(final String description) {
this.description = description;
return self();
* Name that must match a data source defined in your config file.
* @return {@code this}.
public B datasource(final String datasource) {
this.datasource = datasource;
return self();
* Owners of the dataset, which can include users (by username) and / or groups (by internal Atlan alias).
* @return {@code this}.
public B owners(final Owners owners) {
this.owners = owners;
return self();
* Certification to apply to the dataset.
* @return {@code this}.
public B certification(final Certification certification) {
this.certification = certification;
return self();
* Announcement to apply to the dataset.
* @return {@code this}.
public B announcement(final Announcement announcement) {
this.announcement = announcement;
return self();
public B term(final String term) {
if (this.terms == null) this.terms = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B terms(final java.util.Collection extends String> terms) {
if (terms == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("terms cannot be null");
if (this.terms == null) this.terms = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearTerms() {
if (this.terms != null) this.terms.clear();
return self();
public B tag(final DCTag tag) {
if (this.tags == null) this.tags = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B tags(final java.util.Collection extends DCTag> tags) {
if (tags == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("tags cannot be null");
if (this.tags == null) this.tags = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearTags() {
if (this.tags != null) this.tags.clear();
return self();
public B customMetadataSet(final String customMetadataSetKey, final CustomMetadataAttributes customMetadataSetValue) {
if (this.customMetadataSets$key == null) {
this.customMetadataSets$key = new java.util.ArrayList();
this.customMetadataSets$value = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
@JsonDeserialize(using = ReadableCustomMetadataDeserializer.class)
public B customMetadataSets(final java.util.Map extends String, ? extends CustomMetadataAttributes> customMetadataSets) {
if (customMetadataSets == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("customMetadataSets cannot be null");
if (this.customMetadataSets$key == null) {
this.customMetadataSets$key = new java.util.ArrayList();
this.customMetadataSets$value = new java.util.ArrayList();
for (final java.util.Map.Entry extends String, ? extends CustomMetadataAttributes> $lombokEntry : customMetadataSets.entrySet()) {
return self();
public B clearCustomMetadataSets() {
if (this.customMetadataSets$key != null) {
return self();
public B column(final DCColumn column) {
if (this.columns == null) this.columns = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B columns(final java.util.Collection extends DCColumn> columns) {
if (columns == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("columns cannot be null");
if (this.columns == null) this.columns = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearColumns() {
if (this.columns != null) this.columns.clear();
return self();
public B check(final String check) {
if (this.checks == null) this.checks = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B checks(final java.util.Collection extends String> checks) {
if (checks == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("checks cannot be null");
if (this.checks == null) this.checks = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B clearChecks() {
if (this.checks != null) this.checks.clear();
return self();
public B extraProperty(final String extraPropertyKey, final Object extraPropertyValue) {
if (this.extraProperties$key == null) {
this.extraProperties$key = new java.util.ArrayList();
this.extraProperties$value = new java.util.ArrayList();
return self();
public B extraProperties(final java.util.Map extends String, ? extends Object> extraProperties) {
if (extraProperties == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("extraProperties cannot be null");
if (this.extraProperties$key == null) {
this.extraProperties$key = new java.util.ArrayList();
this.extraProperties$value = new java.util.ArrayList();
for (final java.util.Map.Entry extends String, ? extends Object> $lombokEntry : extraProperties.entrySet()) {
return self();
public B clearExtraProperties() {
if (this.extraProperties$key != null) {
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder(super=" + super.toString() + ", kind$value=" + this.kind$value + ", status=" + this.status + ", templateVersion=" + this.templateVersion + ", dataset=" + this.dataset + ", type=" + this.type + ", description=" + this.description + ", datasource=" + this.datasource + ", owners=" + this.owners + ", certification=" + this.certification + ", announcement=" + this.announcement + ", terms=" + this.terms + ", tags=" + this.tags + ", customMetadataSets$key=" + this.customMetadataSets$key + ", customMetadataSets$value=" + this.customMetadataSets$value + ", columns=" + this.columns + ", checks=" + this.checks + ", extraProperties$key=" + this.extraProperties$key + ", extraProperties$value=" + this.extraProperties$value + ")";
private static final class DataContractSpecBuilderImpl extends DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder {
private DataContractSpecBuilderImpl() {
protected DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public DataContractSpec build() {
return new DataContractSpec(this);
protected DataContractSpec(final DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder, ?> b) {
if (b.kind$set) this.kind = b.kind$value;
else this.kind = DataContractSpec.$default$kind();
this.status = b.status;
this.templateVersion = b.templateVersion;
this.dataset = b.dataset;
this.type = b.type;
this.description = b.description;
this.datasource = b.datasource;
this.owners = b.owners;
this.certification = b.certification;
this.announcement = b.announcement;
java.util.List terms;
switch (b.terms == null ? 0 : b.terms.size()) {
case 0:
terms = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
terms = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.terms.get(0));
terms = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.terms));
this.terms = terms;
java.util.List tags;
switch (b.tags == null ? 0 : b.tags.size()) {
case 0:
tags = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
tags = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.tags.get(0));
tags = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.tags));
this.tags = tags;
java.util.Map customMetadataSets;
switch (b.customMetadataSets$key == null ? 0 : b.customMetadataSets$key.size()) {
case 0:
customMetadataSets = java.util.Collections.emptyMap();
case 1:
customMetadataSets = java.util.Collections.singletonMap(b.customMetadataSets$key.get(0), b.customMetadataSets$value.get(0));
customMetadataSets = new java.util.LinkedHashMap(b.customMetadataSets$key.size() < 1073741824 ? 1 + b.customMetadataSets$key.size() + (b.customMetadataSets$key.size() - 3) / 3 : java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for (int $i = 0; $i < b.customMetadataSets$key.size(); $i++) customMetadataSets.put(b.customMetadataSets$key.get($i), (CustomMetadataAttributes) b.customMetadataSets$value.get($i));
customMetadataSets = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(customMetadataSets);
this.customMetadataSets = customMetadataSets;
java.util.List columns;
switch (b.columns == null ? 0 : b.columns.size()) {
case 0:
columns = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
columns = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.columns.get(0));
columns = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.columns));
this.columns = columns;
java.util.List checks;
switch (b.checks == null ? 0 : b.checks.size()) {
case 0:
checks = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
case 1:
checks = java.util.Collections.singletonList(b.checks.get(0));
checks = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList(b.checks));
this.checks = checks;
java.util.Map extraProperties;
switch (b.extraProperties$key == null ? 0 : b.extraProperties$key.size()) {
case 0:
extraProperties = java.util.Collections.emptyMap();
case 1:
extraProperties = java.util.Collections.singletonMap(b.extraProperties$key.get(0), b.extraProperties$value.get(0));
extraProperties = new java.util.LinkedHashMap(b.extraProperties$key.size() < 1073741824 ? 1 + b.extraProperties$key.size() + (b.extraProperties$key.size() - 3) / 3 : java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for (int $i = 0; $i < b.extraProperties$key.size(); $i++) extraProperties.put(b.extraProperties$key.get($i), (Object) b.extraProperties$value.get($i));
extraProperties = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(extraProperties);
this.extraProperties = extraProperties;
public static DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder, ?> _internal() {
return new DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilderImpl();
public DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new DataContractSpec.DataContractSpecBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* Controls the specification as one for a data contract.
public String getKind() {
return this.kind;
* State of the contract.
public DataContractStatus getStatus() {
return this.status;
* Version of the template for the data contract.
public String getTemplateVersion() {
return this.templateVersion;
* Name of the asset as it exists inside Atlan.
public String getDataset() {
return this.dataset;
* Type of the dataset in Atlan.
public String getType() {
return this.type;
* Description of this dataset.
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* Name that must match a data source defined in your config file.
public String getDatasource() {
return this.datasource;
* Owners of the dataset, which can include users (by username) and / or groups (by internal Atlan alias).
public Owners getOwners() {
return this.owners;
* Certification to apply to the dataset.
public Certification getCertification() {
return this.certification;
* Announcement to apply to the dataset.
public Announcement getAnnouncement() {
return this.announcement;
* Glossary terms to assign to the dataset.
public List getTerms() {
return this.terms;
* Atlan tags for the dataset.
public List getTags() {
return this.tags;
* Custom metadata for the dataset.
public Map getCustomMetadataSets() {
return this.customMetadataSets;
* Details of each column in the dataset to be governed.
public List getColumns() {
return this.columns;
* List of checks to run to verify data quality of the dataset.
public List getChecks() {
return this.checks;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof DataContractSpec)) return false;
final DataContractSpec other = (DataContractSpec) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$kind = this.getKind();
final java.lang.Object other$kind = other.getKind();
if (this$kind == null ? other$kind != null : !this$kind.equals(other$kind)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$status = this.getStatus();
final java.lang.Object other$status = other.getStatus();
if (this$status == null ? other$status != null : !this$status.equals(other$status)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$templateVersion = this.getTemplateVersion();
final java.lang.Object other$templateVersion = other.getTemplateVersion();
if (this$templateVersion == null ? other$templateVersion != null : !this$templateVersion.equals(other$templateVersion)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$dataset = this.getDataset();
final java.lang.Object other$dataset = other.getDataset();
if (this$dataset == null ? other$dataset != null : !this$dataset.equals(other$dataset)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$type = this.getType();
final java.lang.Object other$type = other.getType();
if (this$type == null ? other$type != null : !this$type.equals(other$type)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$description = this.getDescription();
final java.lang.Object other$description = other.getDescription();
if (this$description == null ? other$description != null : !this$description.equals(other$description)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$datasource = this.getDatasource();
final java.lang.Object other$datasource = other.getDatasource();
if (this$datasource == null ? other$datasource != null : !this$datasource.equals(other$datasource)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$owners = this.getOwners();
final java.lang.Object other$owners = other.getOwners();
if (this$owners == null ? other$owners != null : !this$owners.equals(other$owners)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$certification = this.getCertification();
final java.lang.Object other$certification = other.getCertification();
if (this$certification == null ? other$certification != null : !this$certification.equals(other$certification)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$announcement = this.getAnnouncement();
final java.lang.Object other$announcement = other.getAnnouncement();
if (this$announcement == null ? other$announcement != null : !this$announcement.equals(other$announcement)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$terms = this.getTerms();
final java.lang.Object other$terms = other.getTerms();
if (this$terms == null ? other$terms != null : !this$terms.equals(other$terms)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$tags = this.getTags();
final java.lang.Object other$tags = other.getTags();
if (this$tags == null ? other$tags != null : !this$tags.equals(other$tags)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$customMetadataSets = this.getCustomMetadataSets();
final java.lang.Object other$customMetadataSets = other.getCustomMetadataSets();
if (this$customMetadataSets == null ? other$customMetadataSets != null : !this$customMetadataSets.equals(other$customMetadataSets)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$columns = this.getColumns();
final java.lang.Object other$columns = other.getColumns();
if (this$columns == null ? other$columns != null : !this$columns.equals(other$columns)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$checks = this.getChecks();
final java.lang.Object other$checks = other.getChecks();
if (this$checks == null ? other$checks != null : !this$checks.equals(other$checks)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$extraProperties = this.getExtraProperties();
final java.lang.Object other$extraProperties = other.getExtraProperties();
if (this$extraProperties == null ? other$extraProperties != null : !this$extraProperties.equals(other$extraProperties)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof DataContractSpec;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = 1;
final java.lang.Object $kind = this.getKind();
result = result * PRIME + ($kind == null ? 43 : $kind.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $status = this.getStatus();
result = result * PRIME + ($status == null ? 43 : $status.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $templateVersion = this.getTemplateVersion();
result = result * PRIME + ($templateVersion == null ? 43 : $templateVersion.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $dataset = this.getDataset();
result = result * PRIME + ($dataset == null ? 43 : $dataset.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $type = this.getType();
result = result * PRIME + ($type == null ? 43 : $type.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $description = this.getDescription();
result = result * PRIME + ($description == null ? 43 : $description.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $datasource = this.getDatasource();
result = result * PRIME + ($datasource == null ? 43 : $datasource.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $owners = this.getOwners();
result = result * PRIME + ($owners == null ? 43 : $owners.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $certification = this.getCertification();
result = result * PRIME + ($certification == null ? 43 : $certification.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $announcement = this.getAnnouncement();
result = result * PRIME + ($announcement == null ? 43 : $announcement.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $terms = this.getTerms();
result = result * PRIME + ($terms == null ? 43 : $terms.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $tags = this.getTags();
result = result * PRIME + ($tags == null ? 43 : $tags.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $customMetadataSets = this.getCustomMetadataSets();
result = result * PRIME + ($customMetadataSets == null ? 43 : $customMetadataSets.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $columns = this.getColumns();
result = result * PRIME + ($columns == null ? 43 : $columns.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $checks = this.getChecks();
result = result * PRIME + ($checks == null ? 43 : $checks.hashCode());
final java.lang.Object $extraProperties = this.getExtraProperties();
result = result * PRIME + ($extraProperties == null ? 43 : $extraProperties.hashCode());
return result;