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// Generated by delombok at Wed Oct 16 22:16:04 UTC 2024
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Atlan Pte. Ltd. */
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.SortOptions;
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.SortOrder;
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.aggregations.Aggregation;
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query;
import co.elastic.clients.util.NamedValue;
import com.atlan.Atlan;
import com.atlan.AtlanClient;
import com.atlan.exception.AtlanException;
import com.atlan.exception.ErrorCode;
import com.atlan.exception.InvalidRequestException;
import com.atlan.model.core.AtlanObject;
import com.atlan.model.enums.UTMTags;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.*;
* Class from which to configure and run a search against Atlan's log of past searches.
* For a list of the attributes that can be searched, aggregated, sorted, etc see the
* static constants in {@link SearchLogEntry}.
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(builder = SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilderImpl.class)
public class SearchLogRequest extends AtlanObject {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
public static final List EXCLUDE_USERS = List.of("support", "atlansupport");
public static final Query VIEWED = FluentSearch._internal().whereSome(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.UI_PROFILE)).whereSome(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.UI_SIDEBAR)).minSomes(1).build().toQuery();
public static final Query SEARCHED = FluentSearch._internal().whereSome(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.UI_MAIN_LIST)).whereSome(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.UI_SEARCHBAR)).minSomes(1).build().toQuery();
* Build a search using the provided query and default options.
* @param query the query to use for the search
* @return the search request, with default options
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> builder(Query query) {
return builder(IndexSearchDSL.of(query));
* Build a search using the provided DSL and default options.
* @param dsl the query details to use for the search
* @return the search request, with default options
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> builder(IndexSearchDSL dsl) {
return SearchLogRequest._internal().dsl(dsl);
* Parameters for the search itself.
IndexSearchDSL dsl;
* Start building a search log request for the views of assets.
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> views() {
return views(null);
* Start building a search log request for the views of assets.
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> views(List excludeUsers) {
return views(-1, -1, excludeUsers);
* Start building a search log request for the views of assets.
* @param from timestamp after which to look for any asset view activity (inclusive)
* @param to timestamp up through which to look for any asset view activity (inclusive)
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> views(long from, long to) {
return views(from, to, null);
* Start building a search log request for the views of assets.
* @param from timestamp after which to look for any asset view activity (inclusive)
* @param to timestamp up through which to look for any asset view activity (inclusive)
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> views(long from, long to, List excludeUsers) {
List exclusion = new ArrayList<>(EXCLUDE_USERS);
if (excludeUsers != null) {
FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder, ?> builder = FluentSearch._internal().where(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.ACTION_ASSET_VIEWED)).where(VIEWED).whereNot("service-account-"));
if (from > 0 && to > 0) {
builder.where(FluentSearch._internal().whereSome(SearchLogEntry.LOGGED_AT.between(from, to)).whereSome(SearchLogEntry.SEARCHED_AT.between(from, to)).minSomes(1).build().toQuery());
} else if (from > 0) {
} else if (to > 0) {
return SearchLogRequest.builder(;
* Start building a search log request for searches run against assets.
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> searches() {
return searches(null);
* Start building a search log request for searches run against assets.
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> searches(List excludeUsers) {
return searches(-1, -1, excludeUsers);
* Start building a search log request for searches run against assets.
* @param from timestamp after which to look for any search activity (inclusive)
* @param to timestamp up through which to look for any search activity (inclusive)
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> searches(long from, long to) {
return searches(from, to, null);
* Start building a search log request for searches run against assets.
* @param from timestamp after which to look for any search activity (inclusive)
* @param to timestamp up through which to look for any search activity (inclusive)
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> searches(long from, long to, List excludeUsers) {
List exclusion = new ArrayList<>(EXCLUDE_USERS);
if (excludeUsers != null) {
FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder, ?> builder = FluentSearch._internal().where(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.ACTION_SEARCHED)).where(SEARCHED).whereNot("service-account-"));
if (from > 0 && to > 0) {
builder.where(FluentSearch._internal().whereSome(SearchLogEntry.LOGGED_AT.between(from, to)).whereSome(SearchLogEntry.SEARCHED_AT.between(from, to)).minSomes(1).build().toQuery());
} else if (from > 0) {
} else if (to > 0) {
return SearchLogRequest.builder(;
* Start building a search log request for the views of an asset, by its GUID.
* @param guid unique identifier of the asset for which to retrieve the view history
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> viewsByGuid(String guid) {
return viewsByGuid(guid, null);
* Start building a search log request for the views of an asset, by its GUID.
* @param guid unique identifier of the asset for which to retrieve the view history
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return a request builder pre-configured with these criteria
public static SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> viewsByGuid(String guid, List excludeUsers) {
List exclusion = new ArrayList<>(EXCLUDE_USERS);
if (excludeUsers != null) {
Query viewedByGuid = FluentSearch._internal().where(SearchLogEntry.UTM_TAGS.eq(UTMTags.ACTION_ASSET_VIEWED)).where(SearchLogEntry.ENTITY_ID.eq(guid)).where(VIEWED).whereNot(;
return SearchLogRequest.builder(viewedByGuid);
* Find the most recent viewers of the asset in Atlan.
* @param guid of the asset
* @param maxUsers maximum number of recent users to consider
* @return the list of users that most-recently viewed the asset, in descending order (most-recently viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostRecentViewers(String guid, int maxUsers) throws AtlanException {
return mostRecentViewers(guid, maxUsers, null);
* Find the most recent viewers of the asset in Atlan.
* @param guid of the asset
* @param maxUsers maximum number of recent users to consider
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return the list of users that most-recently viewed the asset, in descending order (most-recently viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostRecentViewers(String guid, int maxUsers, List excludeUsers) throws AtlanException {
return mostRecentViewers(Atlan.getDefaultClient(), guid, maxUsers, excludeUsers);
* Find the most recent viewers of the asset in Atlan.
* @param client connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to run the search
* @param guid of the asset
* @param maxUsers maximum number of recent users to consider
* @return the list of users that most-recently viewed the asset, in descending order (most-recently viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostRecentViewers(AtlanClient client, String guid, int maxUsers) throws AtlanException {
return mostRecentViewers(client, guid, maxUsers, null);
* Find the most recent viewers of the asset in Atlan.
* @param client connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to run the search
* @param guid of the asset
* @param maxUsers maximum number of recent users to consider
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return the list of users that most-recently viewed the asset, in descending order (most-recently viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostRecentViewers(AtlanClient client, String guid, int maxUsers, List excludeUsers) throws AtlanException {
List list = new ArrayList<>();
Aggregation byUser = SearchLogEntry.USER.bucketBy(maxUsers, Map.of("latestTimestamp", SearchLogEntry.SEARCHED_AT.max()), List.of(NamedValue.of("latestTimestamp", SortOrder.Desc)));
SearchLogRequest request = // Do not need the detailed results, only the aggregates
viewsByGuid(guid, excludeUsers).aggregation("uniqueUsers", byUser).aggregation("totalDistinctUsers", SearchLogEntry.USER.distinct(1000)).pageSize(0).build();
SearchLogResponse response =;
AggregationBucketResult uniqueUsers = (AggregationBucketResult) response.getAggregations().get("uniqueUsers");
for (AggregationBucketDetails details : uniqueUsers.getBuckets()) {
return list;
* Find the most-viewed assets in Atlan.
* @param maxAssets maximum number of assets to consider
* @param byDifferentUsers when true, will consider assets viewed by more users as more important than total view count, otherwise will consider total view count most important
* @return the list of assets that are most-viewed, in descending order (most-viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostViewedAssets(int maxAssets, boolean byDifferentUsers) throws AtlanException {
return mostViewedAssets(maxAssets, byDifferentUsers, null);
* Find the most-viewed assets in Atlan.
* @param maxAssets maximum number of assets to consider
* @param byDifferentUsers when true, will consider assets viewed by more users as more important than total view count, otherwise will consider total view count most important
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return the list of assets that are most-viewed, in descending order (most-viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostViewedAssets(int maxAssets, boolean byDifferentUsers, List excludeUsers) throws AtlanException {
return mostViewedAssets(Atlan.getDefaultClient(), maxAssets, byDifferentUsers, excludeUsers);
* Find the most-viewed assets in Atlan.
* @param client connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to run the search
* @param maxAssets maximum number of assets to consider
* @param byDifferentUsers when true, will consider assets viewed by more users as more important than total view count, otherwise will consider total view count most important
* @return the list of assets that are most-viewed, in descending order (most-viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostViewedAssets(AtlanClient client, int maxAssets, boolean byDifferentUsers) throws AtlanException {
return mostViewedAssets(client, maxAssets, byDifferentUsers, null);
* Find the most-viewed assets in Atlan.
* @param client connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to run the search
* @param maxAssets maximum number of assets to consider
* @param byDifferentUsers when true, will consider assets viewed by more users as more important than total view count, otherwise will consider total view count most important
* @param excludeUsers list of usernames to exclude from the results
* @return the list of assets that are most-viewed, in descending order (most-viewed first)
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public static List mostViewedAssets(AtlanClient client, int maxAssets, boolean byDifferentUsers, List excludeUsers) throws AtlanException {
List list = new ArrayList<>();
List> sort = null;
if (byDifferentUsers) {
sort = List.of(NamedValue.of("uniqueUsers", SortOrder.Desc));
Aggregation byGuid = SearchLogEntry.ENTITY_ID.bucketBy(maxAssets, Map.of("uniqueUsers", SearchLogEntry.USER.distinct(1000)), sort);
SearchLogRequest request = // Do not need the detailed results, only the aggregates
views(excludeUsers).aggregation("uniqueAssets", byGuid).aggregation("totalDistinctUsers", SearchLogEntry.USER.distinct(1000)).pageSize(1).build();
SearchLogResponse response =;
AggregationBucketResult uniqueAssets = (AggregationBucketResult) response.getAggregations().get("uniqueAssets");
for (AggregationBucketDetails details : uniqueAssets.getBuckets()) {
return list;
* Run the search.
* @return the matching assets
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public SearchLogResponse search() throws AtlanException {
return search(Atlan.getDefaultClient());
* Run the search.
* @param client connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to run the search
* @return the matching assets
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public SearchLogResponse search(AtlanClient client) throws AtlanException {
* Return the total number of search log entries that will match the supplied criteria,
* using the most minimal query possible (retrieves minimal data).
* @return the count of search log entries that will match the supplied criteria
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public long count() throws AtlanException {
return count(Atlan.getDefaultClient());
* Return the total number of search log entries that will match the supplied criteria,
* using the most minimal query possible (retrieves minimal data).
* @param client through which to run the request
* @return the count of search log entries that will match the supplied criteria
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public long count(AtlanClient client) throws AtlanException {
if (client == null) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(ErrorCode.NO_ATLAN_CLIENT);
// As long as there is a client, build the search request for just a single result (with count)
// and then just return the count
SearchLogRequest request = SearchLogRequest.builder(getDsl().toBuilder().size(1).clearAggregations().build()).build();
* Run the search to retrieve entries that match the supplied criteria.
* @return a stream of search log entries that match the specified criteria, lazily-fetched
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public Stream stream() throws AtlanException {
return stream(Atlan.getDefaultClient());
* Run the search to retrieve entries that match the supplied criteria.
* @param client through which to run the request
* @return a stream of search log entries that match the specified criteria, lazily-fetched
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public Stream stream(AtlanClient client) throws AtlanException {
return stream(client, false);
* Run the search to retrieve entries that match the supplied criteria.
* @param parallel if true, returns a parallel stream
* @return a stream of search log entries that match the specified criteria, lazily-fetched
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public Stream stream(boolean parallel) throws AtlanException {
return stream(Atlan.getDefaultClient(), parallel);
* Run the search to retrieve entries that match the supplied criteria.
* @param client through which to run the request
* @param parallel if true, returns a parallel stream
* @return a stream of search log entries that match the specified criteria, lazily-fetched
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public Stream stream(AtlanClient client, boolean parallel) throws AtlanException {
if (parallel) {
return search(client).parallelStream();
} else {
return search(client).stream();
public static abstract class SearchLogRequestBuilder> extends AtlanObject.AtlanObjectBuilder {
private IndexSearchDSL dsl;
* Set the maximum number of results to retrieve per page of log entries.
* @param size number of results to retrieve per page
* @return this search log request builder, with the updated size
public B pageSize(int size) {
return this.dsl(dsl.toBuilder().size(size).build());
* Add a sort option to sort the resulting search log entries.
* @param option by which to sort the resulting entries
* @return this search log request builder, with the updated sorting option(s)
public B sortBy(SortOptions option) {
return this.dsl(dsl.toBuilder().sortOption(option).build());
* Add multiple sort options to sort the resulting search log entries.
* @param options by which to sort the resulting entries, in order from first sort to final sort
* @return this search log request builder, with the updated sorting option(s)
public B sorts(List options) {
return this.dsl(dsl.toBuilder().sort(options).build());
* Add an aggregation on the search log entries.
* @param key arbitrary identifier for the aggregation results
* @param aggregation the aggregation to add on top of the results
* @return this search log request builder, with the additional aggregation(s)
public B aggregation(String key, Aggregation aggregation) {
return this.dsl(dsl.toBuilder().aggregation(key, aggregation).build());
* Add multiple aggregations on the search log entries.
* @param aggregations the aggregations to add on top of the results
* @return this search log request builder, with the additional aggregation(s)
public B aggregations(Map aggregations) {
return this.dsl(dsl.toBuilder().aggregations(aggregations).build());
* Remove all aggregations of the search log entries.
* @return this search log request builder, without any aggregations
public B clearAggregations() {
return this.dsl(dsl.toBuilder().clearAggregations().build());
* Return the total number of assets that will match the supplied criteria,
* using the most minimal query possible (retrieves minimal data).
* @return the count of assets that will match the supplied criteria
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public long count() throws AtlanException {
return build().count();
* Run the search to retrieve entries that match the supplied criteria.
* @return a stream of search log entries that match the specified criteria, lazily-fetched
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public Stream stream() throws AtlanException {
return build().stream();
* Run the search to retrieve entries that match the supplied criteria.
* @param parallel if true, returns a parallel stream
* @return a stream of search log entries that match the specified criteria, lazily-fetched
* @throws AtlanException on any issues interacting with the Atlan APIs
public Stream stream(boolean parallel) throws AtlanException {
return build().stream(parallel);
protected B $fillValuesFrom(final C instance) {
SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder.$fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(instance, this);
return self();
private static void $fillValuesFromInstanceIntoBuilder(final SearchLogRequest instance, final SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> b) {
* Parameters for the search itself.
* @return {@code this}.
public B dsl(final IndexSearchDSL dsl) {
this.dsl = dsl;
return self();
protected abstract B self();
public abstract C build();
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder(super=" + super.toString() + ", dsl=" + this.dsl + ")";
@com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "", buildMethodName = "build")
static final class SearchLogRequestBuilderImpl extends SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder {
private SearchLogRequestBuilderImpl() {
protected SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilderImpl self() {
return this;
public SearchLogRequest build() {
return new SearchLogRequest(this);
protected SearchLogRequest(final SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> b) {
this.dsl = b.dsl;
public static SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> _internal() {
return new SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilderImpl();
public SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilder, ?> toBuilder() {
return new SearchLogRequest.SearchLogRequestBuilderImpl().$fillValuesFrom(this);
* Parameters for the search itself.
public IndexSearchDSL getDsl() {
return this.dsl;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (!(o instanceof SearchLogRequest)) return false;
final SearchLogRequest other = (SearchLogRequest) o;
if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
final java.lang.Object this$dsl = this.getDsl();
final java.lang.Object other$dsl = other.getDsl();
if (this$dsl == null ? other$dsl != null : !this$dsl.equals(other$dsl)) return false;
return true;
protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) {
return other instanceof SearchLogRequest;
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME = 59;
int result = super.hashCode();
final java.lang.Object $dsl = this.getDsl();
result = result * PRIME + ($dsl == null ? 43 : $dsl.hashCode());
return result;
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "SearchLogRequest(super=" + super.toString() + ", dsl=" + this.getDsl() + ")";