com.atlan.model.assets.IBadge Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2023 Atlan Pte. Ltd. */
package com.atlan.model.assets;
import com.atlan.model.enums.AtlanAnnouncementType;
import com.atlan.model.enums.AtlanConnectorType;
import com.atlan.model.enums.AtlanIcon;
import com.atlan.model.enums.AtlanStatus;
import com.atlan.model.enums.CertificateStatus;
import com.atlan.model.enums.SourceCostUnitType;
import com.atlan.model.fields.KeywordField;
import com.atlan.model.relations.RelationshipAttributes;
import com.atlan.model.relations.UniqueAttributes;
import com.atlan.model.structs.BadgeCondition;
import com.atlan.model.structs.PopularityInsights;
import com.atlan.model.structs.StarredDetails;
import com.atlan.serde.AssetDeserializer;
import com.atlan.serde.AssetSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;
* Instance of a badge in Atlan. Badges visually highlight key information about an asset, surfaced from custom metadata.
@Generated(value = "com.atlan.generators.ModelGeneratorV2")
@JsonSerialize(using = AssetSerializer.class)
@JsonDeserialize(using = AssetDeserializer.class)
public interface IBadge {
public static final String TYPE_NAME = "Badge";
/** List of conditions that determine the colors to diplay for various values. */
KeywordField BADGE_CONDITIONS = new KeywordField("badgeConditions", "badgeConditions");
/** Custom metadata attribute for which to show the badge. */
KeywordField BADGE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE = new KeywordField("badgeMetadataAttribute", "badgeMetadataAttribute");
/** List of groups who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.) */
SortedSet getAdminGroups();
/** List of roles who administer this asset. (This is only used for Connection assets.) */
SortedSet getAdminRoles();
/** List of users who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.) */
SortedSet getAdminUsers();
/** Detailed message to include in the announcement on this asset. */
String getAnnouncementMessage();
/** Brief title for the announcement on this asset. Required when announcementType is specified. */
String getAnnouncementTitle();
/** Type of announcement on this asset. */
AtlanAnnouncementType getAnnouncementType();
/** Time (epoch) at which the announcement was last updated, in milliseconds. */
Long getAnnouncementUpdatedAt();
/** Name of the user who last updated the announcement. */
String getAnnouncementUpdatedBy();
/** Checks that run on this asset. */
SortedSet getAnomaloChecks();
/** Application asset containing this Asset. */
IApplication getApplication();
/** Qualified name of the Application that contains this asset. */
String getApplicationQualifiedName();
/** All associated Anomalo check types. */
SortedSet getAssetAnomaloAppliedCheckTypes();
/** Total number of checks present in Anomalo for this asset. */
Long getAssetAnomaloCheckCount();
/** Stringified JSON object containing status of all Anomalo checks associated to this asset. */
String getAssetAnomaloCheckStatuses();
/** Status of data quality from Anomalo. */
String getAssetAnomaloDQStatus();
/** Total number of checks failed in Anomalo for this asset. */
Long getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckCount();
/** All associated Anomalo failed check types. */
SortedSet getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckTypes();
/** Time (epoch) at which the last check was run via Anomalo. */
Long getAssetAnomaloLastCheckRunAt();
/** URL of the source in Anomalo. */
String getAssetAnomaloSourceUrl();
/** TBC */
String getAssetCoverImage();
/** Name of the account in which this asset exists in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtAccountName();
/** Alias of this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtAlias();
/** Version of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtEnvironmentDbtVersion();
/** Name of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtEnvironmentName();
/** Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt last ran, in milliseconds. */
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRun();
/** Path in S3 to the artifacts saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactS3Path();
/** Whether artifacts were saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactsSaved();
/** Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last created, in milliseconds. */
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunCreatedAt();
/** Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was dequeued, in milliseconds. */
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunDequedAt();
/** Thread ID of the user who executed the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunExecutedByThreadId();
/** Branch in git from which the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt ran. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitBranch();
/** SHA hash in git for the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitSha();
/** Whether docs were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasDocsGenerated();
/** Whether sources were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasSourcesGenerated();
/** Whether notifications were sent from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunNotificationsSent();
/** Thread ID of the owner of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunOwnerThreadId();
/** Total duration the job that materialized this asset in dbt spent being queued. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDuration();
/** Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt spend being queued. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDurationHumanized();
/** Run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDuration();
/** Human-readable run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDurationHumanized();
/** Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was started running, in milliseconds. */
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunStartedAt();
/** Status message of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunStatusMessage();
/** Total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDuration();
/** Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDurationHumanized();
/** Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last updated, in milliseconds. */
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunUpdatedAt();
/** URL of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunUrl();
/** Name of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobName();
/** Time (epoch) when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled. */
Long getAssetDbtJobNextRun();
/** Human-readable time when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled. */
String getAssetDbtJobNextRunHumanized();
/** Schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobSchedule();
/** Human-readable cron schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobScheduleCronHumanized();
/** Status of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtJobStatus();
/** Metadata for this asset in dbt, specifically everything under the 'meta' key in the dbt object. */
String getAssetDbtMeta();
/** Name of the package in which this asset exists in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtPackageName();
/** Name of the project in which this asset exists in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtProjectName();
/** URL of the semantic layer proxy for this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtSemanticLayerProxyUrl();
/** Freshness criteria for the source of this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtSourceFreshnessCriteria();
/** List of tags attached to this asset in dbt. */
SortedSet getAssetDbtTags();
/** All associated dbt test statuses. */
String getAssetDbtTestStatus();
/** Unique identifier of this asset in dbt. */
String getAssetDbtUniqueId();
/** Name of the DBT workflow in Atlan that last updated the asset. */
String getAssetDbtWorkflowLastUpdated();
/** Name of the icon to use for this asset. (Only applies to glossaries, currently.) */
AtlanIcon getAssetIcon();
/** List of unique Monte Carlo alert names attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcAlertQualifiedNames();
/** List of Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentNames();
/** List of Monte Carlo incident priorities associated with this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentPriorities();
/** List of unique Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentQualifiedNames();
/** List of Monte Carlo incident severities associated with this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentSeverities();
/** List of Monte Carlo incident states associated with this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentStates();
/** List of Monte Carlo incident sub-types associated with this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentSubTypes();
/** List of Monte Carlo incident types associated with this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcIncidentTypes();
/** Tracks whether this asset is monitored by MC or not */
Boolean getAssetMcIsMonitored();
/** Time (epoch) at which this asset was last synced from Monte Carlo. */
Long getAssetMcLastSyncRunAt();
/** List of Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcMonitorNames();
/** List of unique Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetMcMonitorQualifiedNames();
/** Schedules of all associated Monte Carlo monitors. */
SortedSet getAssetMcMonitorScheduleTypes();
/** Statuses of all associated Monte Carlo monitors. */
SortedSet getAssetMcMonitorStatuses();
/** Types of all associated Monte Carlo monitors. */
SortedSet getAssetMcMonitorTypes();
/** Count of policies inside the asset */
Long getAssetPoliciesCount();
/** Array of policy ids governing this asset */
SortedSet getAssetPolicyGUIDs();
/** Number of checks done via Soda. */
Long getAssetSodaCheckCount();
/** All associated Soda check statuses. */
String getAssetSodaCheckStatuses();
/** Status of data quality from Soda. */
String getAssetSodaDQStatus();
/** TBC */
Long getAssetSodaLastScanAt();
/** TBC */
Long getAssetSodaLastSyncRunAt();
/** TBC */
String getAssetSodaSourceURL();
/** List of tags attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssetTags();
/** Color (in hexadecimal RGB) to use to represent this asset. */
String getAssetThemeHex();
/** Glossary terms that are linked to this asset. */
SortedSet getAssignedTerms();
/** List of conditions that determine the colors to diplay for various values. */
List getBadgeConditions();
/** Custom metadata attribute for which to show the badge. */
String getBadgeMetadataAttribute();
/** Status of this asset's certification. */
CertificateStatus getCertificateStatus();
/** Human-readable descriptive message used to provide further detail to certificateStatus. */
String getCertificateStatusMessage();
/** Time (epoch) at which the certification was last updated, in milliseconds. */
Long getCertificateUpdatedAt();
/** Name of the user who last updated the certification of this asset. */
String getCertificateUpdatedBy();
/** Simple name of the connection through which this asset is accessible. */
String getConnectionName();
/** Unique name of the connection through which this asset is accessible. */
String getConnectionQualifiedName();
/** Type of the connector through which this asset is accessible. */
AtlanConnectorType getConnectorType();
/** Latest version of the data contract (in any status) for this asset. */
IDataContract getDataContractLatest();
/** Latest certified version of the data contract for this asset. */
IDataContract getDataContractLatestCertified();
/** Unique name of this asset in dbt. */
String getDbtQualifiedName();
/** Description of this asset, for example as crawled from a source. Fallback for display purposes, if userDescription is empty. */
String getDescription();
/** Human-readable name of this asset used for display purposes (in user interface). */
String getDisplayName();
/** Array of domain guids linked to this asset */
SortedSet getDomainGUIDs();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getFiles();
/** Whether this asset has contract (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getHasContract();
/** Whether this asset has lineage (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getHasLineage();
/** Data products for which this asset is an input port. */
SortedSet getInputPortDataProducts();
/** TBC */
Boolean getIsAIGenerated();
/** Whether this asset is discoverable through the UI (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getIsDiscoverable();
/** Whether this asset can be edited in the UI (true) or not (false). */
Boolean getIsEditable();
/** TBC */
Boolean getIsPartial();
/** Time (epoch) of the last operation that inserted, updated, or deleted rows, in milliseconds. */
Long getLastRowChangedAt();
/** Name of the last run of the crawler that last synchronized this asset. */
String getLastSyncRun();
/** Time (epoch) at which this asset was last crawled, in milliseconds. */
Long getLastSyncRunAt();
/** Name of the crawler that last synchronized this asset. */
String getLastSyncWorkflowName();
/** Custom order for sorting purpose, managed by client */
String getLexicographicalSortOrder();
/** Links that are attached to this asset. */
SortedSet getLinks();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getMcIncidents();
/** Monitors that observe this asset. */
SortedSet getMcMonitors();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getMetrics();
/** Name of this asset. Fallback for display purposes, if displayName is empty. */
String getName();
/** Array of policy ids non-compliant to this asset */
SortedSet getNonCompliantAssetPolicyGUIDs();
/** Data products for which this asset is an output port. */
SortedSet getOutputPortDataProducts();
/** List of groups who own this asset. */
SortedSet getOwnerGroups();
/** List of users who own this asset. */
SortedSet getOwnerUsers();
/** Popularity score for this asset. */
Double getPopularityScore();
/** Unique name for this asset. This is typically a concatenation of the asset's name onto its parent's qualifiedName. This must be unique across all assets of the same type. */
String getQualifiedName();
/** README that is linked to this asset. */
IReadme getReadme();
/** URL for sample data for this asset. */
String getSampleDataUrl();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getSchemaRegistrySubjects();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getSodaChecks();
/** The unit of measure for sourceTotalCost. */
SourceCostUnitType getSourceCostUnit();
/** Time (epoch) at which this asset was created in the source system, in milliseconds. */
Long getSourceCreatedAt();
/** Name of the user who created this asset, in the source system. */
String getSourceCreatedBy();
/** URL to create an embed for a resource (for example, an image of a dashboard) within Atlan. */
String getSourceEmbedURL();
/** Timestamp of most recent read operation. */
Long getSourceLastReadAt();
/** List of owners of this asset, in the source system. */
String getSourceOwners();
/** List of most expensive warehouses with extra insights. */
List getSourceQueryComputeCostRecords();
/** List of most expensive warehouse names. */
SortedSet getSourceQueryComputeCosts();
/** Total count of all read operations at source. */
Long getSourceReadCount();
/** List of the most expensive queries that accessed this asset. */
List getSourceReadExpensiveQueryRecords();
/** List of the most popular queries that accessed this asset. */
List getSourceReadPopularQueryRecords();
/** Total cost of read queries at source. */
Double getSourceReadQueryCost();
/** List of usernames with extra insights for the most recent users who read this asset. */
List getSourceReadRecentUserRecords();
/** List of usernames of the most recent users who read this asset. */
SortedSet getSourceReadRecentUsers();
/** List of the slowest queries that accessed this asset. */
List getSourceReadSlowQueryRecords();
/** List of usernames with extra insights for the users who read this asset the most. */
List getSourceReadTopUserRecords();
/** List of usernames of the users who read this asset the most. */
SortedSet getSourceReadTopUsers();
/** Total number of unique users that read data from asset. */
Long getSourceReadUserCount();
/** Total cost of all operations at source. */
Double getSourceTotalCost();
/** URL to the resource within the source application, used to create a button to view this asset in the source application. */
String getSourceURL();
/** Time (epoch) at which this asset was last updated in the source system, in milliseconds. */
Long getSourceUpdatedAt();
/** Name of the user who last updated this asset, in the source system. */
String getSourceUpdatedBy();
/** Users who have starred this asset. */
SortedSet getStarredBy();
/** Number of users who have starred this asset. */
Integer getStarredCount();
/** List of usernames with extra information of the users who have starred an asset. */
List getStarredDetails();
/** Subtype of this asset. */
String getSubType();
/** Name of the Atlan workspace in which this asset exists. */
String getTenantId();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getUserDefRelationshipFroms();
/** TBC */
SortedSet getUserDefRelationshipTos();
/** Description of this asset, as provided by a user. If present, this will be used for the description in user interface. */
String getUserDescription();
/** View score for this asset. */
Double getViewScore();
/** List of groups who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.) */
SortedSet getViewerGroups();
/** List of users who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.) */
SortedSet getViewerUsers();
/** Name of the type that defines the asset. */
String getTypeName();
/** Globally-unique identifier for the asset. */
String getGuid();
/** Human-readable name of the asset. */
String getDisplayText();
/** Status of the asset (if this is a related asset). */
String getEntityStatus();
/** Type of the relationship (if this is a related asset). */
String getRelationshipType();
/** Unique identifier of the relationship (when this is a related asset). */
String getRelationshipGuid();
/** Status of the relationship (when this is a related asset). */
AtlanStatus getRelationshipStatus();
/** Attributes specific to the relationship (unused). */
RelationshipAttributes getRelationshipAttributes();
* Attribute(s) that uniquely identify the asset (when this is a related asset).
* If the guid is not provided, these must be provided.
UniqueAttributes getUniqueAttributes();
* When true, indicates that this object represents a complete view of the entity.
* When false, this object is only a reference or some partial view of the entity.
boolean isComplete();
* Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by GUID.
* @return true if it is a valid GUID reference, false otherwise
boolean isValidReferenceByGuid();
* Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by qualifiedName.
* @return true if it is a valid qualifiedName reference, false otherwise
boolean isValidReferenceByQualifiedName();
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