geotrellis.RasterExtent.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis
import scala.math.{min, max, round, ceil, floor}
case class GeoAttrsError(msg:String) extends Exception(msg)
* Represents grid coordinates of a subsection of a RasterExtent.
* These coordinates are inclusive.
case class GridBounds(colMin:Int,rowMin:Int,colMax:Int,rowMax:Int) {
val width = colMax - colMin + 1
val height = rowMax - rowMin + 1
object GridBounds {
def apply(r:Raster):GridBounds =
* RasterExtent objects represent the geographic extent (envelope) of a raster.
* The Raster extent has two coordinate concepts involved: map coordinates and grid
* coordinates. Map coordinates are what the [[Extent]] class uses, and specifies points
* using an X coordinate and a Y coordinate. The X coordinate is oriented along west to east
* such that the larger the X coordinate, the more eastern the point. The Y coordinate is
* along south to north such that the larger the Y coordinate, the more Northern the point.
* This contrasts with the grid coordinate system. The grid coordinate system does not
* actually reference points on the map, but instead a cell of the raster that represents
* values for some square area of the map. The column axis is similar in that the number
* gets larger as one goes from west to east; however, the row axis is inverted from map coordinates:
* as the row number increases, the cell is heading south. The top row is labeled as 0, and the next
* 1, so that the highest indexed row is the southern most row of the raster.
* A cell has a height and a width that is in terms of map units. You can think of it as each cell
* is itself an extent, with width cellwidth and height cellheight. When a cell needs
* to be represented or thought of as a point, the center of the cell will be used.
* So when gridToMap is called, what is returned is the center point, in map coordinates.
* Map points are considered to be 'inside' the cell based on these rules:
* - If the point is inside the area of the cell, it is included in the cell.
* - If the point lies on the north or west border of the cell, it is included in the cell.
* - If the point lies on the south or east border of the cell, it is not included in the cell,
* it is included in the next southern or eastern cell, respectively.
* Note that based on these rules, the eastern and southern borders of an Extent are not actually
* considered to be part of the RasterExtent.
case class RasterExtent(extent:Extent, cellwidth:Double, cellheight:Double, cols:Int, rows:Int) {
if (cellwidth <= 0.0) throw GeoAttrsError("invalid cell-width")
if (cellheight <= 0.0) throw GeoAttrsError("invalid cell-height")
if (cols <= 0) throw GeoAttrsError("invalid cols")
if (rows <= 0) throw GeoAttrsError("invalid rows")
val width = extent.width
val height = extent.height
* The size of the extent, e.g. cols * rows.
def size = cols * rows
* Compare this object with another GeoAttrs object, as per the comparison
* rules in Extent#compare.
def compare(other:RasterExtent) =
* Determine if the underlying extent contains the given point.
def containsPoint(x:Double, y:Double) = extent.containsPoint(x, y)
* Convert map coordinates (x,y) to grid coordinates (col,row).
final def mapToGrid(x:Double, y:Double) = {
val col = ((x - extent.xmin) / cellwidth).toInt
val row = ((extent.ymax - y) / cellheight).toInt
(col, row)
* Convert map coordinate x to grid coordinate column.
final def mapXToGrid(x:Double) = mapXToGridDouble(x).toInt
final def mapXToGridDouble(x:Double) = (x - extent.xmin) / cellwidth
* Convert map coordinate y to grid coordinate row.
final def mapYToGrid(y:Double) = mapYToGridDouble(y).toInt
final def mapYToGridDouble(y:Double) = (extent.ymax - y ) / cellheight
* Convert map coordinate tuple (x,y) to grid coordinates (col,row).
final def mapToGrid(mapCoord:(Double,Double)):(Int,Int) = {
val (x,y) = mapCoord;
* The map coordinate of a grid cell is the center point.
final def gridToMap(col:Int, row:Int) = {
val x = max(min(col * cellwidth + extent.xmin + (cellwidth / 2), extent.xmax), extent.xmin)
val y = min(max(extent.ymax - (row * cellheight) - (cellheight / 2), extent.ymin), extent.ymax)
(x, y)
final def gridColToMap(col:Int) = {
max(min(col * cellwidth + extent.xmin + (cellwidth / 2), extent.xmax), extent.xmin)
final def gridRowToMap(row:Int) = {
min(max(extent.ymax - (row * cellheight) - (cellheight / 2), extent.ymin), extent.ymax)
* Gets the GridBounds for this RasterExtent that is the smallest subgrid
* containing all points within the extent. The extent is considered inclusive
* on it's north and west borders, exclusive on it's east and south borders.
* See [[RasterExtent]] for a discussion of grid and extent boundary concepts.
def gridBoundsFor(subExtent:Extent):GridBounds = {
// West and North boundarys are a simple mapToGrid call.
val (colMin,rowMin) = mapToGrid(subExtent.xmin, subExtent.ymax)
// If South East corner is on grid border lines, we want to still only include
// what is to the West and\or North of the point. However if the border point
// is not directly on a grid division, include the whole row and/or column that
// contains the point.
val colMax = ceil((subExtent.xmax - extent.xmin) / cellwidth).toInt - 1
val rowMax = ceil((extent.ymax - subExtent.ymin) / cellheight).toInt - 1
* Combine two different RasterExtents (which must have the same cellsizes).
* The result is a new extent at the same resolution.
def combine (that:RasterExtent):RasterExtent = {
if (cellwidth != that.cellwidth)
throw GeoAttrsError("illegal cellwidths: %s and %s".format(cellwidth, that.cellwidth))
if (cellheight != that.cellheight)
throw GeoAttrsError("illegal cellheights: %s and %s".format(cellheight, that.cellheight))
val newExtent = extent.combine(that.extent)
val newRows = ceil(newExtent.height / cellheight).toInt
val newCols = ceil(newExtent.width / cellwidth).toInt
RasterExtent(newExtent, cellwidth, cellheight, newCols, newRows)
* Returns a RasterExtent with the same extent,
* but a modified number of columns and rows based
* on the given cell height and width.
def withResolution(targetCellWidth:Double,targetCellHeight:Double):RasterExtent = {
val newCols = math.ceil((extent.xmax - extent.xmin) / targetCellWidth).toInt
val newRows = math.ceil((extent.ymax - extent.ymin) / targetCellHeight).toInt
* Returns a RasterExtent that lines up with this RasterExtent's resolution,
* and grid layout.
* i.e., the resulting RasterExtent will not have the given extent,
* but will have the smallest extent such that the whole of
* the given extent is covered, that lines up with the grid.
def createAligned(targetExtent:Extent):RasterExtent = {
val xmin = extent.xmin + (math.floor((targetExtent.xmin - extent.xmin) / cellwidth) * cellwidth)
val xmax = extent.xmax - (math.floor((extent.xmax - targetExtent.xmax) / cellwidth) * cellwidth)
val ymin = extent.ymin + (math.floor((targetExtent.ymin - extent.ymin) / cellheight) * cellheight)
val ymax = extent.ymax - (math.floor((extent.ymax - targetExtent.ymax) / cellheight) * cellheight)
val targetCols = math.round((xmax - xmin) / cellwidth).toInt
val targetRows = math.round((ymax - ymin) / cellheight).toInt
def extentFor(gridBounds:GridBounds):Extent = {
val xmin = max(min(gridBounds.colMin * cellwidth + extent.xmin, extent.xmax) , extent.xmin)
val ymax = min(max(extent.ymax - (gridBounds.rowMin * cellheight), extent.ymin), extent.ymax)
val xmax = xmin + (gridBounds.width * cellwidth)
val ymin = ymax - (gridBounds.height * cellheight)
/** Adjusts a raster extent so that in can encompass the tile layout.
* Will warp the extent, but keep the resolution, and preserve nort and
* west borders
def adjustTo(tileLayout:raster.TileLayout) = {
val totalCols = tileLayout.pixelCols * tileLayout.tileCols
val totalRows = tileLayout.pixelRows * tileLayout.tileRows
val warpedExtent = Extent(extent.xmin,extent.ymax - (cellheight*totalRows),
extent.xmin + (cellwidth*totalCols), extent.ymax)
RasterExtent(warpedExtent, cellwidth, cellheight, totalCols, totalRows)
object RasterExtent {
def apply(extent:Extent, cols:Int, rows:Int):RasterExtent = {
val cw = (extent.xmax - extent.xmin) / cols
val ch = (extent.ymax - extent.ymin) / rows
RasterExtent(extent, cw, ch, cols, rows)
def apply(extent:Extent, cellwidth:Double, cellheight:Double):RasterExtent = {
val cols = ((extent.ymax - extent.ymin) / cellheight).toInt
val rows = ((extent.xmax - extent.xmin) / cellwidth).toInt
RasterExtent(extent, cellwidth, cellheight, cols, rows)