geotrellis.TileRaster.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis
import geotrellis.raster._
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import scala.collection.mutable
object TileRaster {
def apply(r:Raster,tileLayout:TileLayout):TileRaster =
r match {
case tr:TileRaster =>
if(tileLayout != tr.tileLayout) {
throw new GeoAttrsError("This raster is a tile raster with a different layout than" +
" the argument tile layout." +
s" $tileLayout does not match ${tr.tileLayout}")
case _ =>
wrap(r, tileLayout)
/** Converts a raster into a TileRaster with the given tileLayout.
* @param r Raster to wrap.
* @param tileLayout TileLayout of the resulting
* TileRaster.
* @param cropped Set this flag to false if you
* want the tiles to be ArrayRasters,
* otherwise they will be CroppedRasters
* with the raster 'r' as the backing raster.
def wrap(r:Raster,tileLayout:TileLayout, cropped:Boolean = true):TileRaster = {
TileRaster(split(r,tileLayout, cropped),r.rasterExtent.adjustTo(tileLayout),tileLayout)
/** Splits a raster into a TileRaster into tiles.
* @param r Raster to split.
* @param tileLayout TileLayout defining the tiles to be
* generated.
* @param cropped Set this flag to false if you
* want the tiles to be ArrayRasters,
* otherwise they will be CroppedRasters
* with the raster 'r' as the backing raster.
def split(r:Raster,tileLayout:TileLayout, cropped:Boolean = true):Seq[Raster] = {
val pCols = tileLayout.pixelCols
val pRows = tileLayout.pixelRows
val tiles = mutable.ListBuffer[Raster]()
cfor(0)(_ < tileLayout.tileRows, _ + 1) { trow =>
cfor(0)(_ < tileLayout.tileCols, _ + 1) { tcol =>
val firstCol = tcol * pCols
val lastCol = firstCol + pCols - 1
val firstRow = trow * pRows
val lastRow = firstRow + pRows - 1
val gb = GridBounds(firstCol,firstRow,lastCol,lastRow)
tiles += {
if(cropped) CroppedRaster(r,gb)
else CroppedRaster(r,gb).toArrayRaster
return tiles
case class TileRaster(tiles:Seq[Raster],
tileLayout:TileLayout) extends Raster {
private val tileList = tiles.toList
private val tileCols = tileLayout.tileCols
private def getTile(tcol:Int,trow:Int) = tileList(trow*tileCols+tcol)
val rasterType = tiles(0).rasterType
def warp(target:RasterExtent) = toArrayRaster.warp(target)
def toArrayRaster():ArrayRaster = {
if (cols.toLong*rows.toLong > Int.MaxValue.toLong) {
sys.error("This tiled raster is too big to convert into an array.")
} else {
val data = RasterData.allocByType(rasterType,cols,rows)
val len = cols*rows
val tileCols = tileLayout.tileCols
val tileRows = tileLayout.tileRows
val pixelCols = tileLayout.pixelCols
val pixelRows = tileLayout.pixelRows
if(!isFloat) {
cfor(0)(_ < tileCols, _ + 1) { tcol =>
cfor(0)(_ < tileRows, _ + 1) { trow =>
val tile = getTile(tcol,trow)
cfor(0)(_ < pixelRows, _ + 1) { prow =>
cfor(0)(_ < pixelCols, _ + 1) { pcol =>
val acol = (pixelCols * tcol) + pcol
val arow = (pixelRows * trow) + prow
} else {
cfor(0)(_ < tileCols, _ + 1) { tcol =>
cfor(0)(_ < tileRows, _ + 1) { trow =>
val tile = getTile(tcol,trow)
cfor(0)(_ < pixelRows, _ + 1) { prow =>
cfor(0)(_ < pixelCols, _ + 1) { pcol =>
val acol = (pixelCols * tcol) + pcol
val arow = (pixelRows * trow) + prow
def toArray():Array[Int] = {
if (cols.toLong*rows.toLong > Int.MaxValue.toLong) {
sys.error("This tiled raster is too big to convert into an array.")
} else {
val arr = Array.ofDim[Int](cols*rows)
val len = cols*rows
val tileCols = tileLayout.tileCols
val tileRows = tileLayout.tileRows
val pixelCols = tileLayout.pixelCols
val pixelRows = tileLayout.pixelRows
val totalCols = tileCols*pixelCols
cfor(0)(_ < tileCols, _ + 1) { tcol =>
cfor(0)(_ < tileRows, _ + 1) { trow =>
val tile = getTile(tcol,trow)
cfor(0)(_ < pixelRows, _ + 1) { prow =>
cfor(0)(_ < pixelCols, _ + 1) { pcol =>
val acol = (pixelCols * tcol) + pcol
val arow = (pixelRows * trow) + prow
arr(arow*totalCols + acol) = tile.get(pcol,prow)
def toArrayDouble():Array[Double] = {
if (cols.toLong*rows.toLong > Int.MaxValue.toLong) {
sys.error("This tiled raster is too big to convert into an array.")
} else {
val arr = Array.ofDim[Double](cols*rows)
val len = cols*rows
val tileCols = tileLayout.tileCols
val tileRows = tileLayout.tileRows
val pixelCols = tileLayout.pixelCols
val pixelRows = tileLayout.pixelRows
val totalCols = tileCols*pixelCols
cfor(0)(_ < tileCols, _ + 1) { tcol =>
cfor(0)(_ < tileRows, _ + 1) { trow =>
val tile = getTile(tcol,trow)
cfor(0)(_ < pixelRows, _ + 1) { prow =>
cfor(0)(_ < pixelCols, _ + 1) { pcol =>
val acol = (pixelCols * tcol) + pcol
val arow = (pixelRows * trow) + prow
arr(arow*totalCols + acol) = tile.getDouble(pcol,prow)
def toArrayByte():Array[Byte] = toArrayRaster.toArrayByte
def get(col:Int, row:Int):Int = {
val tcol = col / tileLayout.pixelCols
val trow = row / tileLayout.pixelRows
val pcol = col % tileLayout.pixelCols
val prow = row % tileLayout.pixelRows
getTile(tcol, trow).get(pcol, prow)
def getDouble(col:Int, row:Int) = {
val tcol = col / tileLayout.pixelCols
val trow = row / tileLayout.pixelRows
val pcol = col % tileLayout.pixelCols
val prow = row % tileLayout.pixelRows
getTile(tcol, trow).getDouble(pcol, prow)
def convert(rasterType:RasterType):Raster =
def map(f: Int => Int): Raster = {
val data = RasterData.allocByType(rasterType,cols,rows)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
data.set(col,row, get(col,row))
def combine(r2:Raster)(f:(Int, Int) => Int):Raster = {
if(this.rasterExtent != r2.rasterExtent) {
throw new GeoAttrsError("Cannot combine rasters with different raster extents." +
s"$rasterExtent does not match ${r2.rasterExtent}")
val data = RasterData.allocByType(rasterType,cols,rows)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
data.set(col,row, f(get(col,row),r2.get(col,row)))
def mapDouble(f:Double =>Double):Raster = {
val data = RasterData.allocByType(rasterType,cols,rows)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
data.setDouble(col,row, getDouble(col,row))
def combineDouble(r2:Raster)(f:(Double, Double) => Double):Raster = {
if(this.rasterExtent != r2.rasterExtent) {
throw new GeoAttrsError("Cannot combine rasters with different raster extents." +
s"$rasterExtent does not match ${r2.rasterExtent}")
val data = RasterData.allocByType(rasterType,cols,rows)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
data.setDouble(col,row, f(getDouble(col,row),r2.getDouble(col,row)))
def asciiDraw():String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
for(tileRow <- 0 until tileLayout.tileRows) {
for(row <- 0 until tileLayout.pixelRows) {
for(tileCol <- 0 until tileLayout.tileCols) {
val tile = getTile(tileCol,tileRow)
for(col <- 0 until tileLayout.pixelCols) {
val v = tile.get(col,row)
val s = if(isNoData(v)) {
} else {
val pad = " " * math.max(6 - s.length,0)
if(tileCol != tileLayout.tileCols - 1) {
val pad = " " * 5
sb.append(s"$pad| ")
if(tileRow != tileLayout.tileRows - 1) {
val rowDiv = "-" * (6 * tileLayout.pixelCols * tileLayout.tileCols - 2) +
"-" * (6 * tileLayout.tileCols)
sb.append(s" $rowDiv\n")