Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import scala.math.{min, max}
import{File, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, PrintWriter}
import Console.printf
import geotrellis._
import geotrellis.raster._
import geotrellis.process._
import geotrellis.util._
import geotrellis.util.Filesystem
final class AsciiReadState(path:String,
val rasterExtent:RasterExtent,
val target:RasterExtent,
val noDataValue:Int) extends IntReadState {
private var ints:IntArrayRasterData = null
def getType = TypeInt
def getNoDataValue = noDataValue
val intRe = """^(-?[0-9]+)$""".r
val floatRe = """^(-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$""".r
def getBufferedReader() = {
val fh = new File(path)
if (!fh.canRead) throw new Exception("you can't read '%s' so how can i?".format(path))
val fr = new
new BufferedReader(fr)
def initSource(pos:Int, size:Int) {
assert (pos == 0)
assert (size == rasterExtent.cols * rasterExtent.rows)
ints = IntArrayRasterData.ofDim(rasterExtent.cols, rasterExtent.rows)
val br = getBufferedReader()
try {
var done = false
var i = 0
var n = 0
while (!done) {
val line = br.readLine()
if (line == null) throw new Exception("premature end of file: %s".format(path))
if (line.length == 0) throw new Exception("illegal empty line: %s".format(path))
val toks = line.trim().split(" ")
if (toks(0).charAt(0).isDigit) {
if (toks.length != rasterExtent.cols) {
throw new Exception("saw %d cols, expected %d: %s".format(toks.length, rasterExtent.cols, path))
var i = 0
while (i < rasterExtent.cols) {
ints(n) = toks(i).toInt
i += 1
n += 1
if (n >= size) done = true
if (n != size) throw new Exception("saw %d rows, expected %d: %s".format(n, size, path))
} finally {
def assignFromSource(sourceIndex:Int, dest:MutableRasterData, destIndex:Int) {
dest(destIndex) = ints(sourceIndex)
class AsciiReader(path:String, noDataValue:Int) extends FileReader(path) {
def readStateFromPath(rasterType:RasterType,
targetExtent:RasterExtent):ReadState = {
new AsciiReadState(path, rasterExtent, targetExtent, noDataValue)
def readStateFromCache(b:Array[Byte],
targetExtent:RasterExtent) =
sys.error("caching ascii grid is not supported")
object AsciiWriter extends Writer {
def rasterType = "ascii"
def dataType = ""
def write(path:String, raster:Raster, name:String) {
write(path, raster, name, NODATA)
def write(path:String, raster:Raster, name:String, noData:Int) {
val g = raster.rasterExtent
val e = raster.rasterExtent.extent
if (g.cellwidth != g.cellheight) throw new Exception("raster cannot be written as ASCII")
val pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(path)))
pw.write("nrows %d\n".format(g.rows))
pw.write("ncols %d\n".format(g.cols))
pw.write("xllcorner %.12f\n".format(e.xmin))
pw.write("yllcorner %.12f\n".format(e.ymin))
pw.write("cellsize %.12f\n".format(g.cellwidth))
pw.write("nodata_value %d\n".format(noData))
val data = raster.toArray
var y = 0
while (y < g.rows) {
val span = y * g.cols
var x = 0
while (x < g.cols) {
pw.print(" ")
pw.print(data(span + x))
x += 1
y += 1