geotrellis.feature.Semivariogram.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis.feature
import geotrellis._
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression
abstract sealed class ModelType
case object Linear extends ModelType
case object Gaussian extends ModelType
case object Circular extends ModelType
case object Spherical extends ModelType
case object Exponential extends ModelType
Empirical semivariogram
object Semivariogram {
case class Bucket(start:Double,end:Double) {
private val points = mutable.Set[(Point[Int],Point[Int])]()
def add(x:Point[Int],y:Point[Int]) = points += ((x,y))
def contains(x:Double) =
if(start==end) x == start
else (start <= x) && (x < end)
def midpoint = (start + end) / 2.0
def isEmpty = points.isEmpty
def semivariance = {
val sumOfSquares =
points.foldLeft(0.0){ case(acc,(x,y)) =>
acc + math.pow((,2)
(sumOfSquares / points.size) / 2
/** Produces unique pairs of points */
def makePairs[T](elements:List[T]):List[(T,T)] = {
def f(elements:List[T],acc:List[(T,T)]):List[(T,T)] =
elements match {
case head :: List() =>
case head :: tail =>
f(tail,,_)) ++ acc)
case _ => acc
def apply(pts:Seq[Point[Int]],radius:Option[Int]=None,lag:Int=0,model:ModelType):Function1[Double,Double] = {
// ignore points without a value
val validPts = pts.filter(pt => != NODATA)
// every pair of points and their distance from each other
val distancePairs:Seq[(Double,(Point[Int],Point[Int]))] =
radius match {
case Some(dmax) =>
.map{ case(a,b) => (math.abs(a - b), (a,b)) }
.filter { case (distance,_) => distance <= dmax }
case None =>
.map{ case(a,b) => (math.abs(a - b), (a,b)) }
val buckets:Seq[Bucket] =
if(lag == 0) {
.map{ case(d,_) => d }
.map { d => Bucket(d,d) }
} else {
// the maximum distance between two points in the field
val dmax ={ case(d,_) => d }.max
// the lower limit of the largest bucket
val lowerLimit = (Math.floor(dmax/lag).toInt * lag) + 1
.map{ case(start,end) => Bucket(start,end) }
// populate the buckets
for( (d,(x,y)) <- distancePairs ) {
buckets.find(b => b.contains(d)) match {
case Some(b) => b.add(x,y)
case None => sys.error(s"Points $x and $y don't fit any bucket")
// use midpoint of buckets for distance
val regressionPoints:Seq[(Double,Double)] =
// empty buckets are first removed
buckets.filter ( b => !b.isEmpty)
.map { b => (b.midpoint,b.semivariance) }
model match {
case Linear =>
// Construct slope and intercept
val regression = new SimpleRegression
for((x,y) <- regressionPoints) { regression.addData(x,y) }
val slope = regression.getSlope
val intercept = regression.getIntercept
x => slope*x + intercept
case Gaussian => ???
case Exponential => ???
case Circular => ???
case Spherical => ???