geotrellis.feature.op.geometry.GetSymDifference.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis.feature.op.geometry
import geotrellis._
import geotrellis.feature._
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom
* Returns a geometry defined by the points that are in one of the two geometries
* but not the other.
* @param g first geometry to intersect, whose data is preserved
* @param other other geometry to intersect
* @tparam A type of feature data
* @see [[ "JTS documentation"]]
case class GetSymDifference[A](g:Op[Geometry[A]], other:Op[Geometry[_]]) extends Op2(g,other) ({
(g,other) => Result(g.mapGeom(_.symDifference(other.geom)))