geotrellis.raster.BitArrayRasterData.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis.raster
import geotrellis._
import spire.syntax.cfor._
* RasterData based on an Array[Byte] as a bitmask; values are 0 and 1.
* Thus, there are 8 boolean (0/1) values per byte in the array. For example,
* Array(11, 9) corresponds to (0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1), (0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1) which
* means that we have 5 cells set to 1 and 11 cells set to 0.
* Note that unlike the other array-based raster data objects we need to be
* explicitly told our size, since length=7 and length=8 will both need to
* allocate an Array[Byte] with length=1.
final case class BitArrayRasterData(array: Array[Byte], cols: Int, rows: Int)
extends MutableRasterData with IntBasedArray {
val size = cols * rows
// i >> 3 is the same as i / 8 but faster
// i & 7 is the same as i % 8 but faster
// i & 1 is the same as i % 2 but faster
// ~3 -> -4, that is 00000011 -> 11111100
// 3 | 9 -> 11, that is 00000011 | 00001001 -> 00001011
// 3 & 9 -> 1, that is 00000011 & 00001001 -> 00000001
// 3 ^ 9 -> 10, that is 00000011 ^ 00001001 -> 00001010
if (array.length != (size + 7) / 8) {
sys.error(s"BitArrayRasterData array length must be ${(size + 7) / 8}, was ${array.length}")
def getType = TypeBit
def alloc(cols: Int, rows: Int) = BitArrayRasterData.ofDim(cols, rows)
def length = size
def apply(i: Int) = ((array(i >> 3) >> (i & 7)) & 1).asInstanceOf[Int]
def update(i: Int, z: Int): Unit = {
val div = i >> 3
if ((z & 1) == 0) {
// unset the nth bit
array(div) = (array(div) & ~(1 << (i & 7))).toByte
} else {
// set the nth bit
array(div) = (array(div) | (1 << (i & 7))).toByte
def copy = BitArrayRasterData(array.clone, cols, rows)
override def map(f: Int => Int) = {
val f0 = f(0) & 1
val f1 = f(1) & 1
if (f0 == 0 && f1 == 0) {
BitConstant(false, cols, rows)
} else if (f0 == 1 && f1 == 1) {
BitConstant(true, cols, rows)
} else if (f0 == 0 && f1 == 1) {
// same data as we have now
} else {
// inverse (complement) of what we have now
val clone = array.clone
var i = 0
val len = array.length
while(i < len) { clone(i) = (array(i) ^ -1).toByte ; i += 1 }
BitArrayRasterData(clone, cols, rows)
override def mapDouble(f: Double => Double) = map(z => d2i(f(i2d(z))))
def toArrayByte: Array[Byte] = array
def warp(current:RasterExtent,target:RasterExtent):RasterData = {
val warped = Array.ofDim[Byte]((target.cols*target.rows+7)/8).fill(byteNODATA)
Warp(current,target,new BitWarpAssign(array,warped))
BitArrayRasterData(warped, target.cols, target.rows)
object BitArrayRasterData {
def ofDim(cols: Int, rows: Int) = new BitArrayRasterData(Array.ofDim[Byte](((cols * rows) + 7) / 8), cols, rows)
def empty(cols: Int, rows: Int) = ofDim(cols, rows)
def fromArrayByte(bytes: Array[Byte], cols: Int, rows: Int) = BitArrayRasterData(bytes, cols, rows)