geotrellis.raster.op.focal.SurfacePointCalculation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis.raster.op.focal
import geotrellis._
import scala.math._
import Angles._
/** A representation of the approximated partial derivatives of a raster cell,
* and the slope and aspect that can be calculated from those values.
* Trigonometric values of aspect and slope, computed using the partial derivatives
* instead of library trigonometric functions, are also exposed for performance.
class SurfacePoint() {
/** True if the partial derivatives at this point don't exist */
var isNaN = false
/** Partial derivative of z with respect to x */
var `dz/dx` = Double.NaN
/** Partial derivative of z with respect to y */
var `dz/dy` = Double.NaN
def aspect() = {
var a = atan2(`dz/dy`, -`dz/dx`)
if (`dz/dx` == 0 && `dz/dy` == 0)
/* Flat area */
a = Double.NaN
if (a < 0) { a += 2*Pi }
if (a == 2*Pi) { a = 0.0 }
def slope(zFactor:Double):Double = atan(zFactor * sqrt(`dz/dx` * `dz/dx` + `dz/dy` * `dz/dy`))
def slope():Double = slope(1.0)
// Trig functions for slope and aspect.
// Use these if you want to get the sine or cosine of the aspect or slope,
// since they are a lot more performant than calling scala.math.sin or
// scala.math.cos
/** Cosine of the slope, computed using partial derivatives */
def cosSlope = {
val denom = sqrt(`dz/dx` * `dz/dx` + `dz/dy` * `dz/dy` + 1)
if(denom == 0) Double.NaN else {
/** Sine of the slope, computed using partial derivatives */
def sinSlope = {
val denom = sqrt(`dz/dx` * `dz/dx` + `dz/dy` * `dz/dy` + 1)
if(denom == 0) Double.NaN else {
sqrt(`dz/dx` * `dz/dx` + `dz/dy` * `dz/dy`) / denom
/** Cosine of the aspect, computed using partial derivatives */
def cosAspect = {
if(`dz/dx` == 0) { if(`dz/dy` == 0) -1 else 0 } else {
if(`dz/dy` == 0) {
if(`dz/dx` < 0) 1 else -1
} else {
-`dz/dx` / sqrt(`dz/dy`*`dz/dy` + `dz/dx`*`dz/dx`)
/** Sine of the aspect, computed using partial derivatives */
def sinAspect = {
if(`dz/dy` == 0) 0 else {
if(`dz/dx` == 0) {
if(`dz/dy` < 0) -1 else if(`dz/dy` > 0) 1 else 0
} else {
`dz/dy` / sqrt(`dz/dy`*`dz/dy` + `dz/dx`*`dz/dx`)
/** Calculation used for surface point calculations such as Slope, Aspect, and Hillshade
* Uses a specific traversal strategy for performance benefits.
* @note
* For edge cells, the neighborhood points that lie outside the extent of the raster
* will be counted as having the same value as the focal point.
trait SurfacePointCalculation[T] extends FocalCalculation[T] {
var lastY = -1
var cellWidth = 0.0
var cellHeight = 0.0
var west = new Array[Double](3)
var base = new Array[Double](3)
var east = new Array[Double](3)
val s = new SurfacePoint
/** Sets a result at (x,y) from a [[SurfacePoint]]
* Implementors need to provide this function to store the
* results of the surface point calculation.
* @see For an example, see [[Aspect]]
def setValue(x:Int,y:Int,s:SurfacePoint):Unit
def setValue(x:Int,y:Int):Unit = {
def moveRight() = {
val tmp = west
west = base
base = east
east = tmp
protected def calcSurface():Unit = {
if(isNoData(base(1))) {
s.`dz/dx` = Double.NaN
s.`dz/dy` = Double.NaN
s.`dz/dx` = (east(0) + 2*east(1) + east(2) - west(0) - 2*west(1) - west(2)) / (8 * cellWidth)
s.`dz/dy` = (west(2) + 2*base(2) + east(2) - west(0) - 2*base(0) - east(0)) / (8 * cellHeight)
* Executes a specific traversal strategy for SurfacePointCalculation.
* The difference between this and ScanLine for CellwiseCalculation is that for edge cases,
* the value at the focus is added in place of out-of-border neighborhood
* values.
* @param raster Raster to execute against.
* @param n Neighborhood used (must be [[Square]] with dimension 1)
* @param neighbors Neighboring tiles
* @note Assumes a [[Square]](1) neighborhood.
* @note All values in the neighborhood that are outside the raster grid
* are counted as having the focal value. Note that in the case
* the cell is outside the analysis area, but still inside the raster,
* the raster value will still be used.
def execute(raster:Raster,n:Neighborhood,neighbors:Seq[Option[Raster]]):Unit = {
val (r,analysisArea) = TileWithNeighbors(raster,neighbors)
// println(r.asciiDraw)
val colMin = analysisArea.colMin
val colMax = analysisArea.colMax
val rowMin = analysisArea.rowMin
val rowMax = analysisArea.rowMax
val colBorderMax = r.cols - 1
val rowBorderMax = r.rows - 1
cellWidth = r.rasterExtent.cellwidth
cellHeight = r.rasterExtent.cellheight
if(colBorderMax < 3 || rowBorderMax < 3) {
sys.error(s"Raster is too small to get surface values. ($colBorderMax,$rowBorderMax)")
def getValSafe(col:Int,row:Int,focalVal:Double) = {
if(col < 0 || colBorderMax < col || row < 0 || rowBorderMax < row) {
} else {
var focalValue = r.getDouble(colMin,rowMin)
// Handle top row
/// Top Left
west(0) = getValSafe(colMin-1,rowMin-1,focalValue)
west(1) = getValSafe(colMin-1,rowMin ,focalValue)
west(2) = getValSafe(colMin-1,rowMin+1,focalValue)
base(0) = getValSafe(colMin ,rowMin-1,focalValue)
base(1) = focalValue
base(2) = r.getDouble(colMin,rowMin + 1)
east(0) = getValSafe(colMin+1,rowMin-1,focalValue)
east(1) = r.getDouble(colMin + 1,rowMin)
east(2) = r.getDouble(colMin + 1,rowMin + 1)
var col = colMin + 1
/// Top Middle
while (col < colMax) {
focalValue = r.getDouble(col,rowMin)
west(0) = getValSafe(col-1,rowMin-1,focalValue)
base(0) = getValSafe(col ,rowMin-1,focalValue)
east(0) = getValSafe(col+1,rowMin-1,focalValue)
east(1) = r.getDouble(col+1,rowMin)
east(2) = r.getDouble(col+1,rowMin + 1)
setValue(col-colMin, 0)
col += 1
/// Top Right
focalValue = r.getDouble(col,rowMin)
west(0) = getValSafe(col-1,rowMin-1,focalValue)
base(0) = getValSafe(col ,rowMin-1,focalValue)
east(0) = getValSafe(col+1,rowMin-1,focalValue)
east(1) = getValSafe(col+1,rowMin ,focalValue)
east(2) = getValSafe(col+1,rowMin+1,focalValue)
var row = rowMin + 1
// Handle middle rows
while (row < rowMax) {
focalValue = r.getDouble(colMin,row)
// Middle Left
west(0) = getValSafe(colMin-1,row-1,focalValue)
west(1) = getValSafe(colMin-1,row,focalValue)
west(2) = getValSafe(colMin-1,row+1,focalValue)
base(0) = r.getDouble(colMin,row-1)
base(1) = focalValue
base(2) = r.getDouble(colMin,row+1)
east(0) = r.getDouble(colMin+1,row-1)
east(1) = r.getDouble(colMin+1,row)
east(2) = r.getDouble(colMin+1,row+1)
/// Middle Middle
col = colMin + 1
while (col < colMax) {
east(0) = r.getDouble(col+1,row-1)
east(1) = r.getDouble(col+1,row)
east(2) = r.getDouble(col+1,row+1)
setValue(col-colMin, row-rowMin)
col += 1
/// Middle Right
focalValue = r.getDouble(col,row)
east(0) = getValSafe(col+1,row-1,focalValue)
east(1) = getValSafe(col+1,row ,focalValue)
east(2) = getValSafe(col+1,row+1,focalValue)
row += 1
// Handle bottom row
/// Bottom Left
focalValue = r.getDouble(colMin,row)
west(0) = getValSafe(colMin-1,row-1,focalValue)
west(1) = getValSafe(colMin-1,row ,focalValue)
west(2) = getValSafe(colMin-1,row+1,focalValue)
base(0) = r.getDouble(colMin,row-1)
base(1) = focalValue
base(2) = getValSafe(colMin ,row+1,focalValue)
east(0) = r.getDouble(colMin+1,row-1)
east(1) = r.getDouble(colMin+1,row)
east(2) = getValSafe(colMin+1,row+1,focalValue)
/// Bottom Middle
col = colMin + 1
while (col < colMax) {
focalValue = r.getDouble(col,row)
west(2) = getValSafe(col-1,row+1,focalValue)
base(2) = getValSafe(col ,row+1,focalValue)
east(0) = r.getDouble(col+1,row-1)
east(1) = r.getDouble(col+1,row)
east(2) = getValSafe(col+1,row+1,focalValue)
setValue(col-colMin, row-rowMin)
col += 1
/// Bottom Right
focalValue = r.getDouble(col,row)
west(2) = getValSafe(col-1,row+1,focalValue)
base(2) = getValSafe(col ,row+1,focalValue)
east(0) = getValSafe(col+1,row-1,focalValue)
east(1) = getValSafe(col+1,row ,focalValue)
east(2) = getValSafe(col+1,row+1,focalValue)