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com.caucho.quercus.lib.OutputModule Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved
 * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source
 * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this
 * notice unmodified.
 * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * of NON-INFRINGEMENT.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 *   59 Temple Place, Suite 330
 *   Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
 * @author Scott Ferguson

package com.caucho.quercus.lib;

import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Hide;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Optional;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.ArrayValue;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.ArrayValueImpl;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.BooleanValue;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.Callable;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.Env;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.LongValue;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.NullValue;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.OutputBuffer;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.StringBuilderOutputStream;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.StringValue;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.Value;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.AbstractQuercusModule;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.ModuleStartupListener;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.IniDefinitions;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.IniDefinition;
import com.caucho.util.L10N;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * PHP output routines.
public class OutputModule extends AbstractQuercusModule
  implements ModuleStartupListener {
  private static final L10N L = new L10N(OutputModule.class);
  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(

  private static final IniDefinitions _iniDefinitions = new IniDefinitions();

  // ob_gzhandler related variables/types
  private enum Encoding { NONE, GZIP, DEFLATE };

  private static class GZOutputPair {
    public StringBuilderOutputStream _tempStream;
    public OutputStream _outputStream;

  public static final int PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START = 1;
  public static final int PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CONT = 2;
  public static final int PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END = 4;

   * Returns the default php.ini values.
  public IniDefinitions getIniDefinitions()
    return _iniDefinitions;

  public void startup(Env env)
    boolean isOutputBuffering = INI_OUTPUT_BUFFERING.getAsBoolean(env);
    StringValue handlerName = INI_OUTPUT_HANDLER.getAsStringValue(env);

    if (handlerName.length() > 0 && env.getFunction(handlerName) != null) {
      Callable callback = handlerName.toCallable(env, false);

      ob_start(env, callback, 0, true);
    else if (isOutputBuffering) {
      ob_start(env, null, 0, true);

    ob_implicit_flush(env, isOutputBuffering);

   * Flushes the original output buffer.
  public Value flush(Env env)
    try {
      // XXX: conflicts with dragonflycms install
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return NullValue.NULL;

   * Clears the output buffer.
  public static Value ob_clean(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null) {

      return BooleanValue.TRUE;
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;

   * Pops the output buffer, discarding the contents.
  public static boolean ob_end_clean(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null) {

      Callable callback = ob.getCallback();

      if (callback != null) {

    return env.popOutputBuffer();

   * Pops the output buffer.
  public static boolean ob_end_flush(Env env)
    return env.popOutputBuffer();

   * Returns the contents of the output buffer, emptying it afterwards.
   * From the PHP Docs:
   *  Gets the current buffer contents and delete current output buffer.
   *  ob_get_clean() essentially executes both ob_get_contents() and ob_end_clean()
  public static Value ob_get_clean(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null) {
      Value result = ob.getContents();


      return result;
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;

   * Returns the contents of the current output buffer.
  public static Value ob_get_contents(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null)
      return ob.getContents();
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;

   * Pops the output buffer and returns the contents.
  public static Value ob_get_flush(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    Value result = BooleanValue.FALSE;
    if (ob != null) {
      result = ob.getContents();


    return result;

   * Flushes this output buffer into the next one on the stack or
   * to the default "output buffer" if no next output buffer exists.
   * The callback associated with this buffer is also called with
   * appropriate parameters.
  public static Value ob_flush(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null) {

      return BooleanValue.TRUE;
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;

   * Pushes the output buffer
  public static Value ob_get_length(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null)
      return LongValue.create(ob.getLength());
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;

   * Gets the nesting level of the current output buffer
  public static Value ob_get_level(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

    if (ob != null)
      return LongValue.create(ob.getLevel());
      return LongValue.ZERO;

   * Helper recursive function that ensures the handlers are listed
   * in the correct order in the array.
  private static void listHandlers(Env env,
                                   OutputBuffer ob,
                                   ArrayValue handlers)
    if (ob == null)

    listHandlers(env, ob.getNext(), handlers);

    Callable callback = ob.getCallback();

    if (callback != null)
      handlers.put(env.createString("default output handler"));

   * Returns a list of all the output handlers in use.
  public static Value ob_list_handlers(Env env)
    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();
    ArrayValue handlers = new ArrayValueImpl();

    listHandlers(env, ob, handlers);

    return handlers;

   * Inserts the common values for ob_get_status into an array.  Used
   * by getFullStatus() and ob_get_status().
  private static void putCommonStatus(ArrayValue element, OutputBuffer ob,
                                      Env env, boolean fullStatus)
    LongValue type = LongValue.ONE;
    Callable callback = ob.getCallback();

    // XXX: need to replace logic because isInternal appears to be
    // specific to ob_, not general to Callback
    if (callback != null && callback.isInternal())
      type = LongValue.ZERO;

    String name;

    if (callback != null)
      name = callback.getCallbackName();
      name = "default output handler".intern();

    // XXX: there appears to be only one "internal" callback
    if (name.equals("URL-Rewriter"))
      type = LongValue.ZERO;

    element.put(env.createString("type"), type);

    // the rewriter is a special case where it includes a field
    // "buffer_size" right in the middle of the common elements,
    // but only when called with full status.  It appears always
    // to be 0 and there is no interface to change this buffer_size
    // and no indication of its meaning.
    if (fullStatus && callback != null
        && callback == UrlRewriterCallback.getInstance(env))
      element.put(env.createString("buffer_size"), LongValue.ZERO);

    // Technically, there are supposed to be three possible values
    // for status:
    //   0 if the stream has never been flushed (PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START)
    //   1 if the stream has been flushed (PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CONT)
    //   2 if the stream was flushed at the end (PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END)
    // However, there is no way to access the buffer after it has ended,
    // so the final case doesn't seem to be an issue!  (Even calling
    // ob_get_status() in the handler on a ob_end_flush() does not
    // invoke this state.)
    LongValue status = ob.haveFlushed() ? LongValue.ONE : LongValue.ZERO;
    element.put(env.createString("status"), status);

    StringValue nameV = env.createString(name);

    element.put(env.createString("name".intern()), nameV);

    Value del = ob.getEraseFlag() ? BooleanValue.TRUE
        : BooleanValue.FALSE;

    element.put(env.createString("del"), del);

   * Gets the status for all the output buffers on the stack.
   * Recursion ensures the results are ordered correctly in the array.
  private static void getFullStatus(OutputBuffer ob, Env env, ArrayValue result)
    if (ob == null)

    getFullStatus(ob.getNext(), env, result);

    ArrayValue element = new ArrayValueImpl();


    // XXX: Not sure why we even need to list a size -- PHP doesn't
    // even seem to respect it.  -1 => infinity?
    // (Note: "size" == "capacity")
    element.put(env.createString("size"), LongValue.create(-1));
    element.put(env.createString("block_size"), LongValue.create(-1));

    putCommonStatus(element, ob, env, true);


   * Gets the status of the current output buffer(s)
  public static Value ob_get_status(Env env, @Optional boolean full_status)
    if (full_status) {
      OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();
      ArrayValue result = new ArrayValueImpl();

      getFullStatus(ob, env, result);

      return result;

    OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();
    ArrayValue result = new ArrayValueImpl();

    if (ob != null) {

      putCommonStatus(result, ob, env, false);

    // returns an empty array when no output buffer exists
    return result;

   * Makes the original "output buffer" flush on every write.
  public static Value ob_implicit_flush(Env env, @Optional("true") boolean flag)
    if (env.getOriginalOut() != null)

    return NullValue.NULL;

   * Pushes the output buffer
  public static boolean ob_start(Env env,
                                 @Optional Callable callback,
                                 @Optional int chunkSize,
                                 @Optional("true") boolean erase)
    if (callback != null && ! callback.isValid(env)) {
      return false;

    if (callback != null && callback.getCallbackName().equals("ob_gzhandler")) {
      OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();

      for (; ob != null; ob = ob.getNext()) {
        Callable cb = ob.getCallback();

        if (cb.getCallbackName().equals("ob_gzhandler")) {
          env.warning(L.l("output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice"));
          return false;

    env.pushOutputBuffer(callback, chunkSize, erase);

    return true;

   * Pushes a new UrlRewriter callback onto the output buffer stack
   * if one does not already exist.
  public static UrlRewriterCallback pushUrlRewriter(Env env)
    UrlRewriterCallback rewriter = UrlRewriterCallback.getInstance(env);

    if (rewriter == null) {
      OutputBuffer ob = env.getOutputBuffer();
      rewriter = new UrlRewriterCallback(env);

      // PHP installs the URL rewriter into the top output buffer if
      // its callback is null
      if (ob != null && ob.getCallback() == null)
        ob_start(env, rewriter, 0, true);

    return rewriter;

   * Adds a variable to the list for rewritten URLs.
  public static boolean output_add_rewrite_var(Env env,
                                               String name, String value)
    UrlRewriterCallback rewriter = pushUrlRewriter(env);

    rewriter.addRewriterVar(name, value);

    return true;

   * Clears the list of variables for rewritten URLs.
  public static boolean output_reset_rewrite_vars(Env env)
    UrlRewriterCallback rewriter = UrlRewriterCallback.getInstance(env);


    return true;

   * Output buffering compatible callback that automatically compresses
   * the output.  The output of this function depends on the value of
   * state.  Specifically, if the PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START bit is on
   * in the state field, the function supplies a header with the output
   * and initializes a gzip/deflate stream which will be used for
   * subsequent calls.
  public static Value ob_gzhandler(Env env, StringValue buffer, int state)
    Encoding encoding = Encoding.NONE;
    Value _SERVER = env.getGlobalVar("_SERVER");

    String [] acceptedList
      = _SERVER.get(env.createString("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING")).toString().split(",");

    for (String accepted : acceptedList) {
      accepted = accepted.trim();

      if (accepted.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
        encoding = Encoding.GZIP;
      } else if (accepted.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) {
        encoding = Encoding.DEFLATE;

    if (encoding == Encoding.NONE)
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;

    GZOutputPair pair = null;

    StringValue result = env.createBinaryBuilder();

    if ((state & (PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START)) != 0) {
          env, env.createString("Vary: Accept-Encoding"), true, 0);

      int encodingFlag = 0;

      pair = new GZOutputPair();
      pair._tempStream = new StringBuilderOutputStream(result);

      try {
        if (encoding == Encoding.GZIP) {
              env, env.createString("Content-Encoding: gzip"), true, 0);

          pair._outputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(pair._tempStream);
        } else if (encoding == Encoding.DEFLATE) {
              env, env.createString("Content-Encoding: deflate"), true, 0);

          pair._outputStream = new DeflaterOutputStream(pair._tempStream);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        return BooleanValue.FALSE;

    } else {
      pair = (GZOutputPair) env.getGzStream();

      if (pair == null)
        return BooleanValue.FALSE;


    try {

      if ((state & (PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END)) != 0) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return BooleanValue.FALSE;


    return result;

  static final IniDefinition INI_OUTPUT_BUFFERING
    = _iniDefinitions.add("output_buffering", false, PHP_INI_PERDIR);
  static final IniDefinition INI_OUTPUT_HANDLER
    = _iniDefinitions.add("output_handler", "", PHP_INI_PERDIR);
  static final IniDefinition INI_IMPLICIT_FLUSH
    = _iniDefinitions.add("implicit_flush", false, PHP_INI_ALL);

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